Posted on 10/11/2012 3:24:51 PM PDT by sunmars
Barack Obamas lackluster debate performance last week has dramatically altered the presidential race in Florida, with Mitt Romney opening up a decisive 7 percentage point lead.
Conducted this week found 51 percent of likely Florida voters supporting Romney, 44 percent backing Obama and 4 percent undecided. Thats a major shift from a month ago when the same poll showed Obama leading 48 percent to 47 percent and a direct result of what Obama himself called a bad night at the first debate.
The debate prompted 5 percent of previously undecided voters and 2 percent of Obama backers to move to Romney. Another 2 percent of Obama supporters said they are now undecided because of the debate.
Theres no question in my mind that debate made people stand up and pay attention, and it really wiped away any questions people had about Romney, whether they were undecided or soft for Obama, said Brad Coker of Mason-Dixon Polling & Research.
Across the board, from who is better suited to improve the economy, to who will protect Medicare, to looking out for the middle-class, to handling foreign policy, likely Florida voters now favor the former Massachusetts governor over the president.
Its a very big shift since the debate, and where the shifts are taking place are very, very interesting because they are the types of shifts you see in Florida when something starts to break one way or another, said Coker, likening it to when Ronald Reagan shot past Jimmy Carter in 1980.
Take Tampa Bay, the battleground region that invariably mirrors statewide results. A month ago, Obama had a 4 percentage point lead in Tampa Bay. This week, Romney led by 8 percent, 52 to 44. In Central Florida, Romney now leads by 6 points.
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Barack Obamas lackluster debate performance last week has dramatically altered the presidential race in Florida, with Mitt Romney opening up a decisive 7 percentage point lead.
if we take FL, VA NC then those on the fence in the midwest might want to vote for who looks to be the winner so come on OH, CO, NM, lets take this country back.
Thanks sunmars.
I knew that Martha would do this
My brother in law knows her and hates her.
He said she is a GOP hati g bit@@h
You know what, I don’t even think these morons get how biased they are. She may not have been trying to be neutral, but I’ll bet she was TRYING to be SEEN as neutral. FAIL
She really does look like a hag. Was this truly the best they could do?
They’re all GOP hating asses.
Don’t worry about it. Ohio will go for Romney. The Disaster has never really led there or in the nation as a whole. We are looking at a landslide, 2010 all over again.
I will be surprised if RR does not win Michigan and Pennsylvania as well.
The balloon has popped.
While the moderator clearly had received a serious whipping with the Ugly Stick, she was not that biased and even posed some tough questions to Crazy Joe. He only got about a minute more of time which is not bad since we want him talking. She did not try any “Gotcha” questions on Ryan, either.
Suppose, as seems to be the case, that Romney wins Florida AND Virginia. Are there any realistic paths to Romney winning the Presidency without taking Ohio?
More good news. Thanks for the ping.
That boy just wasn’t brought up right, can’t he sit anywhere without putting his feet on the furniture? And what’s with the surly face?
Something’s just not working out for him?
I just can’t wait for when his face isn’t plastered all over the TV every night. I want him to become anonymous and take his place in obscurity where he always should have been.
I have some areas of concern with regard to her.
You are correct in that she did ask some pointed questions of Biden, and she even followed up with some rather uncomfortable questions and comments as well.
She shouldn’t have allowed Biden to interrupt as he did. That was so ungentlemanly, that it hurt him. So even though she did allow it, it actually cost Biden, something I don’t think she intended.
As for her treatment of Ryan, it did seem to me that several times she interrupted him to change the subject, just as he was venturing into fertile ground.
At one point, she didn’t allow him to respond fully before making a statement, that he wasn’t answering her question. And then she more or less made a statement that he couldn’t provide the answer to her question, so lets move on.
In general terms, I do agree with you to a certain extent, but I think she gave Biden too much latitude, and I don’t really think she gave Ryan a fare shake at times.
Someone during the CNN after game show stated that she didn’t interrupt Biden as she had Ryan, to move on. It was true, and I hadn’t thought of it that way.
There are times when I try to be even handed as you are here, and then someone brings up an aspect that makes me think I probably should have been a bit more critical. Here, I think you probably have a bit more latitude to be more critical, but not to the point of me thinking you’re way off base.
Thanks for the response.
“the Is are going huge for Romney”
How do they know the absentees are going for Romney?
Now, I can only speak for my county and the one next to it (important swings counties), but if this is happening in all OH counties, the election is over.
Excellent news, thanks!!
I think that’s just the way he looks...maybe he read some recent the one in the TampaBayTimes today..
Somebody else also replied that he just looks that way .... the ‘walking corpse’ look probably appeals to Dems so I guess he’s got it ‘going on’. I hope Mack can prevail somehow.
Yes, but it probably means winning some other toss-ups like Colorado, Wisconsin and Iowa. Of the 11 states considered "in play" by most forecasters (CO, FL, IA, MO, NH, NV, NC, OH, PA, VA, WI) Romney is going to need to take 7 or 8 of them to win.
His chances are slimmest in PA and NV. His chances are best in NC and MO. So, of the rest, Romney is going to need to win most of them but FL is probably the only one that is essential.
My viewpoint is also that there in NOTHING or NO ONE who can take Romney or Ryan off their message. They can hit point after point no matter how often the subject changes or how often they are interrupted. Watching the debates in the primaries make me realize that no one will be able to leave a glove on Romney. Especially not The Disaster.
Hell, half of FR could beat that fraud in a debate even if they were woken up in the dead of night.
I think the moderator was a bit intimidated by the whole thing and I am happy she let Crazy Joe show his ass.
Saw a cartoon today depicting the mod as so much better than Lehrer. She let Biden get so far out of control, that it was a fricken disaster. There wasn’t much enlightenment here unless you consider watching Biden be pathological is enlightening.
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