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Romney is What's Wrong With the Republican Party ^ | June 17, 2011 | Floyd and Mary Beth Brown

Posted on 06/17/2011 9:44:47 AM PDT by Kaslin

Reading Al Gore's comments on Mitt Romney we were reminded of all of the reason's we don't trust the man: "Good for Mitt Romney though we've long passed the point where weak lip-service is enough on the Climate Crisis. While other Republicans are running from the truth, he is sticking to his guns in the face of the anti-science wing of the Republican Party.

The so-called science of global warming is more media hype and Wall Street attempts to profit on trading carbon credits than it is real science. The scientific community is split on the topic with some climatologist predicting a new mini ice age. Mitt Romney's gullibility on this issue helps us understand why he has been so wrong on most of the vital issue of the last decade.

Romney is often trumpeted by his supporters as having business experience and they love to site this record of taking Massachusetts from a three billion dollar deficit to a one billion dollar surplus. But the cost of his balanced budgets was tough on business. Peter Nicholas, founder of Boston Scientific Corporation, stated it this way: tax rates on many corporations almost doubled because of legislation supported by Romney. Romney's tax policies were not helpful for many small businesses, when Romney took many IRS subchapter S businesses in Massachusetts and almost doubled their tax rates; it was an important disincentive to investment, growth and job creation.

The Cato Institute reports as Governor, Romney opposed $140 million in business tax hikes through the closing of loopholes in the tax code. This led to Joseph Crosby of the Council on State Taxation to say, Romney went further than any other governor in trying to wring money out of corporations.

Romney raised taxes on business by a total of $309 million. He increased taxes on business property. He then tried to raise taxes on hotels, but was stopped by the Democrat legislature. Romney at the time joined a coalition lobbying congress to tax internet activity, and he even supported a tax on out of state commuters.

Romney refused to support the Bush tax cuts while governor, and when campaigning for Governor, refused to sign the â?ono new taxes pledge, calling it government by gimmickry.

Now he wants us to believe he is a born again tax fighter.

But it is on the social issues that we get real heart burn. As star conservative researcher Steve Baldwin has pointed out: Romney changed his position on over thirty key issues as he prepared to run for President four years ago. Many of his conversion experiences are on issues we believe to be vital to the wellbeing of America's families.

As Governor Romney did great damage by unilaterally ordering homosexual marriage be instituted in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Constitution clearly prohibits the judicial branch from specifically changing marriage statutes so when the court issued the Goodridge opinion favoring homosexual marriage, all Romney had to do was to declare the court had no jurisdiction and ignore it. Instead Romney asserted the opinion was now the law and ordered town clerks and Justices of the Peace to marry homosexuals, even though the legislature never acted to codify the ruling.

But the reason we will never support him for President is an action he took in 2005. Governor Romney personally issued special Governor's one-day marriage licenses to 189 same-sex couples, including to a homosexual activist state senator and others of his personal friends in the homosexual community.

We believe he can call a homosexual union whatever he wants, but it will never be a marriage. Marriage is the union of one man with one woman ordained by God for the purpose of creating a family. Even a President Romney can't trump God and God's nature. Let's hope Republican primary voters are smart enough to never let it come to that possibility.

TOPICS: Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: gaymarriage; homosexual; homosexualagenda; massachusetts; mittromney; republican; rino; rnc; romney
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The authors make excellent points. No to Mitt Romney
1 posted on 06/17/2011 9:44:50 AM PDT by Kaslin
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Isn’t that the truth!?! Just say NO to Romney!

2 posted on 06/17/2011 9:50:06 AM PDT by Jenny217
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To: Kaslin

Headline says it all.

3 posted on 06/17/2011 9:50:36 AM PDT by svcw (Non forgiveness is like holding a hot coal thinking the other person will be blistered)
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To: Kaslin
The republican party and RINOs in particular, better get a grip. I ain't voting for this guy. No one in my family likes this guy and will vote for him. Most have said if he is the one, then they might as well stay home. Like me, I am sick and tired of voting for the “lesser of two evils.” Evil is evil is evil. I am sick of having to pick the lesser of it. They better come up with someone that is actually “good” for a change. I ain't voting for this puke.
4 posted on 06/17/2011 9:50:49 AM PDT by RetiredArmy (1 Cor. 15: 1-4; THE gospel of grace spelled out for all the lost. This is the way to Heaven.)
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To: Kaslin

I refuse to vote for OvenMitt.

5 posted on 06/17/2011 9:52:04 AM PDT by arderkrag (Georgia is God's Country.----------In the same way Rush is balance, I am consensus.)
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To: Kaslin
Reading Al Gore's comments on Mitt Romney we were reminded of all of the reason's we don't trust the man

When you use Algore's disingenuous bile to formulate an opinion of anything, let alone a repugnican candidate for POTUS, you are hopelessly lost.

6 posted on 06/17/2011 9:52:46 AM PDT by kbennkc (For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.)
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To: Kaslin

That Romney can even call himself a Republican is scandalous.

7 posted on 06/17/2011 9:53:00 AM PDT by livius
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To: Kaslin

romney, the rino annointed, reminds me of the bush clan—prescott, george 1 and george 2.

i regret voting for the latter two.

8 posted on 06/17/2011 9:53:52 AM PDT by ken21 (liberal + rino progressive media hate palin, bachman, cain...)
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To: Kaslin

Don’t by this 33% poll nonsense that it makes him the “winner”

67% picked someone else.

And since almost everyone else is more conservative then 2/3 of those polled are not happy with mitt-for-brains


9 posted on 06/17/2011 9:56:34 AM PDT by Mr. K (CAPSLOCK! -Unleash the fury! [Palin/Bachman 2012- unbeatable ticket])
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To: Kaslin
10 posted on 06/17/2011 9:57:14 AM PDT by FrankR (A people that values its privileges above its principles will soon lose both.)
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To: RetiredArmy

Oh come on now, tell us how you really feel. ;-)

11 posted on 06/17/2011 9:57:24 AM PDT by KansasGirl
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To: Kaslin
Ever wonder if some of these blue blood Republicans at the top, who are trying to force people like romney on us, are dem infiltrators. They gave us mccain who conservatives never wanted and knew would lose. Who in there right mind, knowing the tea party is such a strong force, would put romney out there? You can see their influence on some of the conservative media; fox (certain people) Laura Ingraham.
I still think the tea party is bigger and stronger than anyone realizes. I have friends who have never gone to a tea party event or signed up for anything & agree with the tea party.
12 posted on 06/17/2011 9:58:22 AM PDT by Linda Frances
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To: Kaslin
Another chameleon politician that changes his views to suit his audience.


13 posted on 06/17/2011 9:59:18 AM PDT by ryan71 (Dear spell check - No, I will not capitalize the "m" in moslem!)
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To: RetiredArmy

Neither will I

14 posted on 06/17/2011 10:00:34 AM PDT by Kaslin (Acronym for OBAMA: One Big Ass Mistake America)
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To: Kaslin
Romney is What's Wrong With the Republican Party

And the two party system is what is destroying America.

These two political parties own the political process. They offer almost identical candidates with just a few relatively minor differences so they have something to sell the consumer - like two competing laundry soaps. Romney is a glowing example of that condition.

Candidates from both parties are members of the same entrenched political system.

Our choices are:

Sure, they prance and posture during the campaign season but what do they do once they are elected?

Look at the outrageous, piggish spending during the Bush years from the so-called conservative republicans.

Look how the republicans got rolled by democrats during the lame-duck session after last November's election.

Neither party wants real change.
Neither party wants to do anything to upset the good deals they have legislated for themselves and their pals.

They just want to be the majority so they can get the lion's share of the loot.

15 posted on 06/17/2011 10:03:39 AM PDT by Iron Munro (Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster - Sun Tzu)
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To: arderkrag

I have determined that, should he win, I would likely cast a vote for him. At a young age, I voted for Perot and learned an important life lesson. I will not donate or work for him, though, and I suspect we’d see impact from a lot of the base sitting it out.

One caveat, if he runs as anything like McCain, I might decline to vote. He needs to have a good platform and have the right solutions in his proposal. McCain was in agreement with Obama on about 40% of the issues. No more of that. Never again.

16 posted on 06/17/2011 10:05:37 AM PDT by ilgipper ( political rhetoric is no substitute for competence (Thomas Sowell))
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To: Kaslin
He couldn't win 4 years ago and there is no way in hell he will win now... this is all a repubicrat Goebbels styled propaganda push... and it will not work.


17 posted on 06/17/2011 10:06:16 AM PDT by LibLieSlayer (WOLVERINES... a Conservative subsidiary of Reagan's party)
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To: ilgipper

I won’t vote for him even if the Dems run Satan incarnate against him. I don’t vote for the lesser of two evils - I only vote for people I agree with.

18 posted on 06/17/2011 10:07:42 AM PDT by arderkrag (Georgia is God's Country.----------In the same way Rush is balance, I am consensus.)
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To: Kaslin

And yet conservative Sean Hannity plays patty cake with the guy.

19 posted on 06/17/2011 10:09:47 AM PDT by Sybeck1 (It's in the cards ------- Romney/Bachmann 2012 sadly will be it)
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To: Kaslin
While other Republicans are running from the truth, he is sticking to his guns in the face of the anti-science dogma wing of the Republican Party.
20 posted on 06/17/2011 10:12:07 AM PDT by Lexinom
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