He said that what the Left has done to society has progressed to the point that a return to the conservative values of past societies is no longer possible. We have gotten so far off the tracks that we will continue to follow the ruts we ended up in.
I happen to agree with him and a have a book that says he is right too. It's called the Bible and it pretty much describes what has been happening and also has a fix in the mill - one that men cannot and will not manage on their own.
I didn't misunderstand what Drew said at all, sunshine. I just happen to disagree with it, due to what I've personally observed over many years.
The proof that what Drew said is wrong, is in the numbers. The voters in this country wouldn't be poised to fire congressional Democrats in unprecedented numbers, if we were caving in to the left, as he claims.
The Tea Party wouldn't be driving the direction of politics in this country right now, if we were caving in to the left as he claims.
The new right-media wouldn't be on the ascendancy, and the old left-media on the decline, if we were caving in to the left as he claims.
The first American Revolution wouldn't have ever happened, if there weren't an innate desire to be free, burning in the hearts of all men. The "inalienable rights" expressed by the Framers are timeless, and everlasting. The reasoning put forth by those wise men is as true today, as it was in the 18th century, and people are as motivated now, to unshackle themselves from the yoke of tyranny, as they were when our people first risked everything to win their freedom.
Personally, I don't see how anyone can come to this website and read what's being reported and eloquently expressed here, day after day, and come to the conclusion that all is lost.