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To: mojitojoe

In a larger sense it would be impossible to respond to your list of sources and interlinked people and companies, point by point. There are many shareholders of NALCO, and one would not be surprised at the major people you list, inasmuch as the company is number one in the business of water quality, municipal and industrial. NALCO has product lines that address manufacturing use of water (the re-use of water and its quality being prime concern to ensure there is water for everyone). Berkshire Hathaway is a major shareholder of many many companies, including Amtrak- not surprising. From a chemical action point of view, your statements about Corexit are simply wrong. Dispersants are highly active surfactants whose goal is to create a colloidal suspension of normally hydrophobic petrochemicals. The result of the creation of a colloid is to make these particles, while still in the ocean, accessible to proteolytic and oliophilic bacteria to digest the components of the petroleum into organic components that are not toxic. In short, a brilliant invention.
I’m the first to be concerned at the “government” partnership BP has enjoined as it is a major player in carbon trading and Goldman Sachs. Until the well flow can be contained, the sheer volume of crude cannot be dealt with by simply letting it float to the top— because it will not all float to the top. And it is not due to a dispersant. The real money is in a corporation trying to morph in place into a “green” company and its enormous payoff to obambi in the first place. Everyone in this situation appears to be at the trough, whether the government’s, the fascist obama’s illegal “tap” of an escrow account without benefit of a law from Congress, or BP trying to continue to pay its shareholders and pensioners. The real question is why did obambi delay until now when cleanup was his primary directive. Answer: he and his marxist pals want this to damage US citizens, want it to come ashore.

61 posted on 06/18/2010 11:01:12 AM PDT by John S Mosby (Sic Semper Tyrannis)
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To: John S Mosby
"a colloidal suspension of normally hydrophobic petrochemicals."

I think I caught that once while on shore leave. Thankfully, a dose of penicillin cleared it right up.

64 posted on 06/18/2010 11:05:22 AM PDT by OldDeckHand
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To: John S Mosby
"Answer: he and his marxist pals want this to damage US citizens, want it to come ashore."

Or, he's just a bumbling moron who doesn't know his ass from a whole in the ground, and because he's never been in charge of anything bigger than a college panty-raid team, he doesn't have a clue how to lead this, or any crisis that strikes America.

I think his political instincts, as well as the instincts of the people who manage him, drove him to make political hay with this at the very beginning. He didn't have the intellect or the foresight to think much past that initial news cycle, and once he got his digs in at "drill baby drill" and the Republicans at large, he didn't have a CLUE what to do next. Barack Obama knows how to campaign and score political points, but he's feckless at just about anything else.

68 posted on 06/18/2010 11:12:12 AM PDT by OldDeckHand
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To: John S Mosby; mojitojoe

When one mixes chemicals with oil, such as this dispersant, other chemical combinations are released.

One can take chemicals that are ordinary ‘household’ cleaners, and make Crystal Methamphetamine.

It’s not as important as to ‘what’ elements are used to make something, as their relative quantities, and how their elements ‘combine’.

So, when you take this much ‘dispersant’ and mix it with the oil, and leave it at the mercy of the chemicals in the ocean, and the Sun drawing the vapors produced into the atmosphere , what happens?

Why are crops in the Mid-South being damaged by an ‘unknown’ cause? One that resembles what would happen if you sprinkled Benzene on them?

Or are we to assume that ‘contrails’ caused it all?

Here is the fact sheet on COREXIT

89 posted on 06/18/2010 1:04:19 PM PDT by UCANSEE2 (The Last Boy Scout)
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