YOU did very clearly!
As I read it, you decisively linked Pastor Manning to the Riverside Church!!:
The movement, btw, has begun anew this past May Day (again out of Riverside Church). I was at the rally in Times Square (May 2) and it was an international commie fest from beginning to end. I have tons of photos and video. Anyone helping Manning get this BS out is serving as an Useful Idiot for the communists.
I meant he is helping their radical and dangerous *mission*, whether he knows it or not. Obama was and obviously still is trying to help Russia and the ChiComs surpass us militarily. Dopey Manning is helping them cover his ties to the pro-Soviet "no nukes" movement of the 80s which the Soviets themselves helped launch from Riverside Church.
And, as I mentioned later, the Communist Party USA, ("Peace Action"/United for Peace and Justice--Judith LeBlanc, VP of CPUSA) Riverside Church "no nukes" movement has begun anew as of May 1 (May Day), 2010.