Posted on 03/04/2010 3:18:06 PM PST by Free ThinkerNY
I dont even know where to start. Would it be too petty to note that he doesnt seem to understand what reverse psychology is?
If the GOP truly feared the electoral consequences of passage which, per every poll taken in the last six months, is simply insane to suggest then a reverse-psychology strategy would be to make Democrats suspicious of passing it by encouraging them to do so, no?
Thats where the reverse part comes from urging someone to act in the opposite way that you really want them to act.
If theres any reverse psychology actually being practiced these days, which I doubt, it would be that the GOP secretly wants the Dems to pass this boondoggle because doing so might deliver Congress into their hands.
Beyond that, how might we apply this strategic logic to bills the Democrats opposed when the GOP was in the majority?
Did they block Bushs stab at social security reform only because they feared it might work and would spur Republicans to new heights of popularity? Actually
that makes perfect sense.
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The GOP can’t stop the Dems from passing it. The Dems have all the votes they need.
The polls say different, Tom. But who listens to the people, eh?
The horses rear hasn’t read the polls, hasn’t watched the videos of the Town Meetings, and he’s off his meds.
Living in Iowa, we all know that Tommy Bahama(he has two homes there) spews the same thing from his mouth as he does his alimentary canal exit port.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find only things evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelogus
Shutup for Paul!
“I am not a Socialist”
“We can’t have an economic recovery without green jobs”
“We’ve got to burn this village to save it”
“Jumbo Shrimp”
Yes, the American people will do a dance for joy to find out that their healthcare problems have been solved by... being forced with threat of jail to PURCHASE health insurance.
The GOP should pass a battery-acid-enema bill because Tom Harkin would love it.
Yup,Americans are gonna love it.The most recent proof of that is that the voters of Massachusetts just sent a Republican who vowed to vote “nay” on HusseinCare to the US Senate.
The Dems have all the *members* they need.It's still by no means certain that they have all the *votes*.
Wonder which “America” Harkin is talking about?
What planet is he living on?
Tom Harkin was the kid in the classroom who would pass gas and start yelling, Ooooo, Who Did That? That’s how he got the nickname “Stinky Harkin.” Just my opinion.
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