Posted on 03/04/2010 12:14:53 PM PST by Free ThinkerNY
Democrats plan "pain" for Republicans who seek to slow or block passage of healthcare legislation, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said Wednesday night.
Brown said that if Republicans try to offer amendments and use parliamentary maneuvers to grind out the legislative process, Democrats would retaliate with all-night sessions and other methods of fighting back.
"I think they're going to try to do amendments, as many as they can get away with," Brown said Wednesday evening during an appearance on MSNBC. "I think we keep them here all night -- tonight, the next night, the next night, the next night."
"If they're going to try to filibuster in the traditional sense or the more modern sense that they do, they're going to have pain, too," Brown added.
Democrats are hoping to move forward soon with healthcare legislation, though Republicans like Sen. John Thune (S.D.) have said the GOP is drawing up a number of plays to try to slow down or halt passage of the healthcare bill.
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lol. Sounds like the Democrats are going to filibuster.
Ooooooohhhh, the threat of all-night sessions... postponed vacations.... real scorched-earth there.
Dem ba$tard&. They pass healthcare and they are going to feel the pain - great pain because they can kiss their cush jobs bye-bye.
Bing it!
Although I doubt the repubs will do more then provide lip service.
Boo-frickin’ hoo.
The real hurt is gonna be when you a-holes lose in November, Dems.
Bring it on....
Bring it!
Although I doubt the repubs will do more then provide lip service.
Pain? What are they going to do? Make them sit through campaign speeches by Obama?
“”I think we keep them here all night — tonight, the next night, the next night, the next night.””
Yawn.....Oh, I’m so scared. (s
LOL.......what a dope. Well, ole sherrod buddy, you go right ahead.
heh, heh...heh...libs talking tough...heh, heh, heh...that always strikes me as very funny...
Damn right.
Pelosi’s idea of ‘bipartisanship’.
The Dems don’t know pain yet. Just wait until the Mid-Terms. If they want to stay all be it. They will be there also.
The democrat bastards are going to fear showing their faces in public when this os over.
Isn’t this the same bunch who didn’t want to cause Khalid Sheikh Muhammed any unnecessary discomfort?
Bring it! We’ll pay it back 10 fold!
Chicago “thug” politics. Need to introduce Texas justice.
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