Posted on 03/04/2010 11:36:41 AM PST by Free ThinkerNY
Pelosi: "If you believe that there should be no federal funding of abortion. And if you believe that there should be no change in the policy. And if you believe that we need health care for all Americans, we will pass the bill. And we will pass the bill."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Is Bart Stupak listening, PELOSI JUST TOLD YOU, they will not and will not ask for any change to ANY abortion language in reconciliation, case closed Bart. So if you vote for it, you have an issue with your constituents and I can be sure our Lord will spit your lukewarm butt right out of his mouth. He really, really dislikes hypocrites and people who stand by and allow evil to be inflicted on most innocent all for personal gain. I know we are not to judge but I am pretty sure, this is up there with the rape and murder of a nun, you are going straight to hell
The funding will come from YOU and ME and anyone who buys an insurance policy.
That is what she does not mention.
It is my hope that the passing of this bill will lead to a complete and total shutdown of our country.
This dictatorship must be stopped and brought to it’s knees, regardless of the pain we may have to endure.
Never trust a Dem when they say: “Go ahead and vote for this bill and we’ll fix it in the House later.”
Lying scum!!!
If health care is controlled by the state and abortion
is legal, of course it will be paid for by everyone,
well, that is except for the “poor” who won’t have to
pay a dime.
Was it Three Dog Night that recorded that song “liar”?
We have a demonic led government, lies and decpetion..
God help us..
That’s a LIE NAN!!!
Hey Nancy,
Looks like I need to re-post my screed:
When this health care for all crap passes, right now the legislation states that it will be illegal to sell private policies over the date of passage. It also says that HSAs will no longer be allowed. That means that my current policy will no longer be allowed and neither I nor my employer will be allowed to privately purchase an alternative.
I will not accept the public option that I will be dictated to join. I will not give the government control over my physical body. I will not pay their fines, I will not surrender to the impending warrant for my arrest. When they knock on my door, I will not answer. When they kick it in, I will make the news.
Hows that for unification, libtards? You loons are currently legislating my death. I will chose the terms and I will bring as many of you along as possible!
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security
It was FIRE!
ALL dems lie.
Bambi doesn’t keep his buyer beware!
PLEASE ASK THEM TO REPEAL THE BIG NEW FEES in TRICARE for Life, the retired Military over 65 secondary health ins. which they passed in a DOD bill. They promised our Military these benefits, and our Military have earned them.
Sen Scott Brown’s number is 202-224-4543
Capitol Hill switchboard is 202-224-3121
Lots of local demwit phone numbers on this thread
Rename, repackage, rewrite it a tad smaller, and sell another pig in a poke. NO COLAs for granny, retired Military or retired fed employees. BIG NEW fees for Tricare for Life retired over 65 Military’s secondary health ins. (DOD bill already passed, delayed but goes into effect 2011 NEEDS TO BE REPEALED!
New Dem mantra: Woof, woof eat dog food granny....ala let them eat cake.
Obama says slight fix will extend Social Security,
Health Care Rationing for Seniors Another Problem in New Obama Plan
Medicare tax may apply to investment income (ObamaCare tax hike)
Obama: No reduced Medicare benefits in health care reform
Will healthcare reform mean cuts in Medicare for seniors?
Health Reforms Hidden Victims Young people and seniors would pay a high price for ObamaCare.
TRI CARE FOR LIFE This from a google search:
This option would help reduce the costs of TFL, as well as costs for Medicare, by introducing minimum out-of pocket requirements for beneficiaries. Under this option, TFL would not cover any of the first $525 of an enrollees cost-sharing liabilities for calendar year 2011 and would limit coverage to 50 percent of the next $4,725 in Medicare cost sharing that the beneficiary incurred. (Because all further cost sharing would be covered by TFL, enrollees could not pay more than $2,888 in cost sharing in that year.)
Bill Would Restrict Veterans Health Care Options 11/06/09
Buyer and McKeon Offer Amendments to Protect Veterans and TRICARE Beneficiaries
Congress plans to block Tricare fee increases
By Rick Maze - Staff writer, Oct 7, 2009
Tricare fee increases imposed last week by the Defense Department will be repealed by a provision of the compromise 2010 defense authorization bill unveiled Wednesday by House and Senate negotiators.
The fee increases were announced on Sept. 30 and took effect on Oct. 1, but the defense bill, HR 2647, includes a provision barring any fee increases until the start of fiscal 2011.
Retired Army Maj. Gen. Bill Matz, president of the National Association for Uniformed Services, said the announcement of fee increases was shocking considering that the Obama administration promised earlier this year to hold off on any new fee Tricare fee increases until fiscal 2011.
President Obama and DoD assured NAUS and the entire military family earlier this year that there would rightly be no increases in any Tricare fees in fiscal 2010, Matz said. We took them at their word, and I cant believe that a co-pay increase like this was allowed to go forward, he added.
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