Posted on 03/03/2010 10:04:06 PM PST by onemiddleamerican
Democrats on Wednesday sharply criticized a Republican National Committee fundraising document that caricatured President Obama as the Joker, while Chairman Michael S. Steele sought to distance himself from it.
Also depicted were House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.), presented as Cruella de Vil and Scooby-Doo, respectively. The three Democratic leaders were gathered under the heading "The Evil Empire."
The cartoonish images were part of a 72-page PowerPoint presentation assembled for potential campaign donors and fundraisers. The document was obtained by Politico after being left at a Florida hotel where the Republicans had gathered Feb. 18.
Said Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse: "If you had any doubt, any doubt whatsoever, that the Republican Party has been taken over by the fear-mongering lunatic fringe, those doubts were erased today." He added, "Republicans across the country have cheered on crowds where these very images appeared."
Raynard Jackson, a GOP activist who has worked to attract blacks and other minority members to the party, was outraged by word of the presentation.
"This is just beyond the pale," he said. "And the best we can get is Michael Steele issuing a statement through a spokesman? And they wonder why they can't get minorities, especially black people, involved in the party?"
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
It’s about time........
I hate to be nitpicky but it’s the democrat party not the democratic party.
So they think they've gotta "gotcha"--when nobody really reads the Post anymore?
I think Scooby Doo should be offended!!
If this is the worst the Post could come up with from that presentation, the Republicans need to work harder. Here it is:
Go to DU and post that. LOL
Ya? And?
I'm an equal opportunity critical when deserved. :)
What an understatement.
I hate to be nitpicky but its the democrat party not the democratic party.
You’re right!
“democratic” irks the hell out of me.
Is WaPo, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NYT, Newsweek, etc. added in that list of being portrayed as being perpetuators of evil, as well?
Am I the only one who has family ties (subtly) torn asunder by about 80% of them being democrats?
Sounds like something that FReepers would put together. I can’t see the Grand Old Rinos doing anything this gutsy.
"Fundraising documents are often controversial. Obviously, the chairman disagrees with the language and finds the use of such imagery to be unacceptable. It will not be used by the Republican National Committee -- in any capacity -- in the future."
We need leaders with balls, not ornaments.
Steele can’t face the truth...
True. A lot more like DeMint. I really like Palin's politics and belief in America, but she has to do something with her presentation in not sounding like an enthusiastic school girl.
(flame suit on) :)
I so agree .. and it is about time.
Any group of people who would scheme and bribe and break all the rules in order to perpetrate upon the American people a plan as “evil” as Obamacare .. can only be called EVIL to the core.
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