JANesvillie - is this not a nest of UAW types given the large production plant in town?
So, is Ryan a real-deal R or more like a slightly conservative D? Anyone local have a take?
I acknowledge the ACU’s turn to the anti-war/bircher movements as demonstrated in the recent CPAC conference. Still, their ratings are valid, Ryan’s was 96 for 2009, 84 for 2008 and 92.3 lifetime, 11 years.
Here is the deal the antitrust legislation would get in the way of real reform.
The best part of reform would be recoginze that monopolies exist in eaxh state with 1-3 real leaders of insurance if you look at them in total subscribers and sheer revenues.
The key to busting these guys up is in removing interstate restrictions, from competing providers, who would create real competition nationwide.
Think breaking up the phone companies in 1984, the 1996 telecom act and where we are now.
There are hundreds of competitors to the big three providers who are not innovating. These other providers provide real value to customers looking for ways to increase productivity and lower costs.
If the insurance industry were allowed to operate in the same manner you find providers of insurance that didn’t just deliver buffet sized products that carry high premiums.
As an example, think of the fellow who is not married nor has any children soon to be born. Why should his insurance include a premium or cost for expenses related to pre-natal care or even post natal care?
He is paying for something he is not going to use and is wasting money.
The same for the older couple who have had their children and now in their 60’s is not likely to bear more offspring. Why then are they paying for something they will not use?
That’s why he voted against it.
Paul Ryan is the real deal - a solid conservative with an encyclopedic grasp of fiscal issues, who does not take earmarks - and he took Obama to school during the health care debate: