Several of my families doctors have already blown off medicare (I'm not there quite yet) as well as private insurance. In favor of a fee system. The storm will come when others follow suit. For all the whining about the "uninsured" and "underinsured", what will likely develop if the government gets it's talons deep into the system is a two tier market, those who can pay what it takes over an above reimbursement, and those who can't.
Of course the Feds could make that illegal too, why should a doctor be able to choose his patients.
“Several of my families doctors have already blown off medicare (I’m not there quite yet) as well as private insurance. In favor of a fee system.”
That’s what a great number of pscyhiatrists are doing. They’re being reimbursed to see a patient for 10-minutes, which is an absurdly small amount of time to see someone over something as complex as a psychiatric illness.
So goodbye insurance. Goodbye medicare. Hello cash only. The patient gets the time they deserve, the doctor keeps his sanity and professional fulfilment.
First congress has to quietly break health care.
Then they can get voters to demand that they “fix” it.
And they’ll “fix” it alright. The fix is in.