Posted on 09/30/2009 1:47:12 PM PDT by Coleus
Her tears spilled from her cheeks as she told me the story of her abortion, some 11 years earlier. "Last fall, my husband put his arms around me from the back and whispered in my ear, 'Our baby would have been 10 years old today,' and we both cried," she said as more tears came. She was in for her first prenatal visit, excited about having her third child. As part of her obstetric history, I asked her about other pregnancies. She happily told of her two term pregnancies. But then I asked if she had experienced any miscarriages or abortions. I learned early in my career that woman generally don't mention abortions unless specifically asked. "Oh, yes, one abortion," she said. Then I asked an open-ended question, the question that generated all the tears, simply, "How do you feel about that?"
"Oh, terrible. It's the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life," she said. I've heard many other women use that exact phrase. "When did you know it was a mistake?" I asked.
"On the table," she said as tears welled up in her eyes. She related how she was in college and became pregnant. Convinced their parents would not understand, she and her boyfriend thought abortion to be the logical solution. "The abortion hurt so bad. I saw the canister with all the blood and I knew right then I had killed my baby," she said. She and her boyfriend later married, an unusual occurrence, as most boyfriends usually dump their no-longer-pregnant girlfriends like a hot rock. Two children came along later, then the event described abovetears and regret 11 years after the fact.
As women continue to be victimized by abortion, mainstream medicine ignores the long-term negative mental health risks it poses. The American Psychological Association (APA) reiterated its contention that abortion causes no mental health problems for women in an August 2008 report. Priscilla Coleman, Ph.D., an associate professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Bowling Green State University in Ohio and one of the leading researchers into the after-effects of abortion for women, especially related to potential mental health concerns, analyzed the data on which the APA based its conclusions and found the APA wanting.
As reported by, she determined that the APA conclusions did not follow from their presented data, that abortion advocates dominated the review committee, that abortionists or those sympathetic to abortion did the studies reviewed, that the APA ignored studies that found negative effects of abortion, and that the committee used shifting standards of evaluation. She found other problems as well. Published, peer-reviewed studies from New Zealand, Australia, and the United States show a link between abortion and alcoholism, substance abuse, depression, and anxiety, among other less common negative effects. Personally, I can attest to the despair, depression, what-ifs, and regrets women have after induced abortion. The example above is just one of many.
Since abortionists and pro-abortion researchers have access to abortion patients and therefore do most research on abortion complications, the results are predictable. My residency program in OB/GYN had a large abortion service. They would send out a questionnaire to women who underwent an abortion and the doctors doing their post-abortion visit, asking questions about complications. It came as no surprise to me that those wearing the "Keep Abortion Safe and Legal" buttonsthe ones who collated the dataalways found few complications.
When the fox guarding the hen house says all the hens are just fine, what do you think?
The politics of abortion advocacy has tainted medical research and medical researchers into claiming safety and no long-term adverse mental effects for a procedure that takes a pre-born human life. Excellent studies contradict their conclusions, conclusions that fundamentally lack the ring of truth. If you doubt that abortion causes long-term negative effects on women and think the APA is right, try asking a post-abortive woman, "How do you feel about your abortion?" Matt Anderson is a practicing OB/GYN in Minnesota and blogs regularly at
Years ago a 17 year old friend of my daughter’s was with child. She was visiting our house and talking about the pressure her parents were using to get her to abort “it”.
She asked me several times what she should do, all the time she refered to the baby as “it’.”
I told her to call “it” what it really is. WHen she did she started crying, and she has an 11 year old daughter.
They also claim that sex between an adult and a child is not necessarily bad for the child.
Teens Cope With Unwanted Pregnancies Better Than Abortions, Study Shows
Post-Abortion Counselor Confirms Abortions Cause Women Mental Health Issues
New Study: Top Reason for Women's Abortions is No Supportive Partner, Father
New Study: Direct Link Between Abortion and Mental Health Problems
Researcher: Johns Hopkins Paper Biased on Abortion-Mental Health Issues
Abortion Linked to Higher Rates of Child Abuse, Study Finds
Women Want to Know of Abortion Risks Beforehand, New Survey Shows
Recent Poll Reveals Most Americans Think Abortion Hurts Women
Planned Parenthood Misleads Women on Abortion's Mental Health Risks
Study: Abortions Cause Future Relationship Problems, More Domestic Violence
Women Who Regret Their Abortions Will Speak Out at Upcoming March for Life
One of my college friends had an abortion, and tortured herself for years afterwards—worked at a daycare, babysat every chance she got, brought the most amazing gifts to baby showers. She is now a member of the 1,000,000 Facebook Users for Life.
A very dear friend and lover of mine had a Federally funded abortion at a US Military Hospital before this became an exception rather than the rule. She had asked me for guidance and while she knew I was a Roman Catholic with abhorrence for the procedure, I told her I would be supportive of her in whatever decision she made, including, if she wanted providing a home for the baby (which was not mine) as if it was our own. She terminated the pregnancy, later telling me that she was not sure that I meant what I said.
Years later I was working as a consultant in NY and renting a room from a dear lady (Susie) some 50 years my senior. “I think our call girl’s in the family way.” She stated. “Our call girl?” I asked. “Oh yes; the one for this street. They have territories, you know...” She allowed as to how our local streetwalker was named Amber. I told Susie that the next time she saw Amber to please tell her i would pay $10K plus expenses and adopt her baby if she would agree not to abort it. “You’ll see Amber before I will,” said Susie. “Huh?” I asked - “How’s that?” “She’ll find you,” Susie said - “Just take your time parking your car - she’ll find you.” That night, I bounced the idea off my wife (we have 3 of our own), and she basically said “Do whatever you think is right; I’m OK with it.”
Sure enough, the next evening when I came home from work, I parked the car and took my time getting out of it, walking toward the trunk and the sidewalk. Amber walked up and asked “Wan’t some company?” (A standard NY opener) “Well, not exactly,” I explained. “I rent from Susie over in that house (I pointed our house out). “Oh, I know her, she’s a really nice lady,” Amber replied. “She mentioned that you might be expecting a baby” I remarked, as casually as I could. I continued “If that’s true, I’d like to offer you $10,000 plus medical expenses and my wife and I will adopt the baby if you will agree not to abort the baby.” Amber jumped back as she had been hit by something.
“Are you for real?” she asked me. “If you’re for real, buy me dinner,” she added. “Sure - anywhere you’d like,” was my reply (Westchester County has many fine restaurants) “KFC!” was her instant reply, and we dined on 4 piece dinners. She ate one piece and wrapped the other three up to take home “for later.”
She then went on to explain that the baby might belong to her and a bartender she was in love with and that he might marry her; that she had made up her mind about “keeping it.” I wished her luck and gave her my phone number in case things didn’t work out. I never heard from her, so I hope thing went well.
I have polished this offer and made it twelve more times to date. Once the ‘mom to be’ realizes that it is a BABY and that someone else wants it, their whole countenance changes.
Though I would be happy to, I have never had to close the deal.
Most recently I made the offer to the high-school niece of a dear friend and coworker, who’s thoughts had turned to abortion at the urging of the sperm donor and his father. She kept her baby too, though most of his love comes from a grandmother, a great-aunt, and great-grandparents. he just
Sometimes when people ask me how many children I have, I say sixteen...
God Bless All of You Who Help in ANY Way!
Wow what a great thing you do.
I wonder how many babies you have saved?
God knows.
Elderly Pro-life Activist Attacked, Injured in Flagstaff
Abortion Addict Confesses 15 Procedures in 16 Years
Warning: Obamacare may be hazardous to the unborn
Will Babies with Down Syndrome Just Disappear?
H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines Don't Rely on Cells From Babies Killed in Abortion
I Agree: Birth Control COULD Save the Planet
Bioethics Tough questions for us all to consider
GOP Antiabortion Provision in Health Bill Defeated .
Calling Out Fellow Pro-Lifer Doug Kmiec
California Planned Parenthood Allegedly Injures Women in Botched Abortions
Hidden pain: Politics suppresses the problems of many post-abortive women
Holdren: Seize babies born to unwed women
Richard Dawkins's Jewish Problem
Senate Panel Defeats Amendment to Protect Pro-Life Medical Workers on Abortion
Congressman Defends Saying Obama the "Enemy of Humanity" Due to Abortion
GOP Rep (Franks)-President Obama is An Enemy of Humanity (Lib Nutroots Going Ballistic!)
Americas evolutionists: Hitlers inspiration? (These guys could be Zero's public health advisors!)
Gang Kills Black Teen in Chicago - Over 159 Black Children Killed Weekly in Cook County
Man Accused of Killing Girlfriend and Unborn Baby Over Pregnancy in Arlington
Brodhead urges Michael Steele to reconsider his pro-abortion views
Abortion Fight Complicates Debate on Health Care (letter delivered Mon.)
Baby Saved on First Day of 40 Days for Life Campaign
38 Babies Saved Since Beginning of 40 Days for Life Campaign
Judge in Case of Arrested Notre Dame Pro-Lifers is Married to Pro-Abortion ND Professor
"New push to define 'person' and outlaw abortion in the process"
Planned Parenthood Is Anti-Women
Planned Parenthood Deserves the ACORN Treatment
Poll Shows Support for Pro-Abortion Health Care Reform Bill Hits New Low
The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877:Lecture 5 Yale (Evangelicals lead fight on slavery)
Local Abortion Clinic's Troubled History Raises Questions
VA Society for Human Life releases statewide candidate comparison
GOP Chairman welcomes Pro-Abortion Candidates
Signs of Evil: Northern Illinois Womens Center. House of Horrors. Hatred of Christians
Dominican Republic Gives Final Approval to Pro-Life Constitutional Amendment
Awesome story. It’s amazing how powerful words can be.
great story, praise God, you helped save a life, thanks for sharing. I bet she was glad she had her daughter, how are they doing today?
I’ve been able to stay connected to 4 of these children through the years, those whose mothers chose to keep their babies rather than abort them or accept $10,000 plus medical expenses for adoption. This is not including my surprise granddaughter who’s Mom became pregnant when antibiotics were prescribed and she was using contraception. Though surprised, my son and his new wife are very happy. This angel came to us on April 15, more than a year ago, reminding us that something good can happen on TAX DAY. All this has reminded me that I had almost forgotten the first “SAVE” I was ever involved in. I was a sophomore in High School when a friend became pregnant from her One True Love. He and his father, an Air Force Major, encouraged her to terminate. So did a cacophony of voices from within our Catholic High School. Her sister, a single mom with a delightful young son, and I were the only voices encouraging her otherwise. She managed to convince her parents to send her to a High School for expectant Moms (something that was becoming very rare in the ‘70’s). I was the only one who routinely called her and wrote letters at least every week until she gave birth to a son and placed him in a loving home.
When she transferred back in and arrived at our High School, our cover story was that she had tried public High School and decided to come back. But it was truly and enlightenment for her, she really knew who her friends were.
The youngest of these will soon turn one year old on October 14. He likes to CLIMB on everything. Some day soon, I hope to meet him and experience his joie de vivre, which I’m sure stands in stark opposition to what the Doctor has mentioned here. I’m always impressed by things that move the choice of life forward in the world. No girl stays awake at night DREAMING of finally getting the opportunity to Choose Abortion. If we can get them to hesitate, we all win. There is a positive pro-life in Madonna’s song “Keeping My Baby”. The entire abortion message found in the movie “Dirty Dancing” is unmistakable. Abortion causes pain and suffering. We are impressed by the good doctor’s abhorrence for the entire situation.
God is at work here in all of this. If we can help motivate Moms To Be to think about what decision they will make, the results will amaze even us. That is why the NARAL contingent and anyone else who disagrees with the regimen with Planned Parenthood infanticide fights us tooth and nail.
May God bless the efforts of each and every one of you when it comes time to witness this truth to worried women.
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