To: jazusamo
A right thinking black president would be attacked by all liberals as an Uncle Tom. Imagine Clarence Thomas or Alan Keyes in the Oval Office. The media and the leftists kooks would declare war.
5 posted on
07/27/2009 8:00:52 PM PDT by
(Bob Taft has soiled the family name for the next century. I AM JIM THOMPSON!)
To: buccaneer81
Yep, imagine Thomas Sowell as president, same thing.
13 posted on
07/27/2009 8:06:45 PM PDT by
(But there really is no free lunch, except in the world of political rhetoric,.: Thomas Sowell)
To: buccaneer81
I’d rather imagine Sowell in the Oval Office.
17 posted on
07/27/2009 8:09:51 PM PDT by
Richard Kimball
(We're all criminals. They just haven't figured out what some of us have done yet.)
To: buccaneer81
Imagine Clarence Thomas or Alan Keyes in the Oval Office.
I do. Frequently. It’s like a breath of fresh air. And then it’s back to the sewer aka reality.
To: buccaneer81
Imagine Clarence Thomas or Alan Keyes in the Oval Office.
No need to imagine, we all see how leftists treat Mr. Thomas as a member of the US Supreme Court.
26 posted on
07/27/2009 8:23:29 PM PDT by
To: buccaneer81
And that would include blacks en masse.
Which would totally expose the true nature of these Dems - they’re gimme-gimme all-for-nothing communists.
28 posted on
07/27/2009 8:24:56 PM PDT by
the OlLine Rebel
(Common sense is an uncommon virtue./Technological progress cannot be legislated.)
To: buccaneer81
>"A right thinking black president would be attacked by all liberals as an Uncle Tom."Not if he was a good UT.
A good UT can get the "folks" to follow him, no matter what. Hmmm............
55 posted on
07/28/2009 1:25:46 AM PDT by
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