Posted on 04/04/2009 10:51:32 AM PDT by Nathan Zachary
It is with out a doubt that a majority of Americans believe In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1:1. Unfortunately, most who believe these words cannot answer the questions raised by the thousands of fossils that archeologist's have dug up and claim are millions of years old. ...
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Because it is. He's correct, you're not.
So we have you stating a mathematical formula as being a theory, and a theory as being science.
And you call me blind?
Well, when the shoe fits... On the one hand, we have freedumb2003, whose definition of theory in a scientific context matches the one used by the scientific community, who would probably be in a position to know it and get it right, on the other hand we have you and your own personal definition of it, which is at odds with how science actually uses the term, not to mention that you're the guy who can't even get it right when you try to make an objective, verifiable claim like the degree of DNA similarity between snakes/monkeys/humans...
Yeah, I'd say that freedom2003 has you pegged.
And since you're so far being oddly silent on my challenge that you support or retract your snakes/monkeys/human DNA claim, indications are that there are greater obstacles between you and accuracy than merely being blind to it.
Can someone please explain to my why the folks who most claim to be the righteous ones on this topic have are so fond of false witness?
Well done good and faithful servants.
I really doubt that the Lord would say such a thing to someone who was in the habit of posting blatant falsehoods and then fell silent when challenged on them.
Or do you really have such a low standard yourself, and expect the Lord to applaud falsehoods as well?
No, He’s not correct, and your validation is as about as worlthless as his.
F= M whatever is a freakin’ formula, not a theory.. TTOE is a theory, not science.
And, I am also right in the degree of DNA simularity between humans and other animals being greater than of apes.
Been through that argument before as well.
Posting biased crap will not help you there either.
Now you have me curious. Is it your belief that every animal and bird species that now exist were on the ark with Noah?
Is.28:10-13 I don’t find in scripture what you state...Is.28 Is prophesy against Judah. Is.28 1-6 Is The fate of Samaria. I do speak english, is english your second language and therefore only part of your answer is in english?
I agree with you on that one. But it seems there are posters here that have all the answers about God and Judgement for all. They have in inside track with God.He tells them who is good and who is bad, much like Santa Clause. I doubt that a hard nose attitude leads anyone to the love of Christ..
IOW, no reputable biological research proceeded the introduction of the ToE? All that biology that occurred before and during Darwins time is for naught?
Evolution is not foundational to biology. There's plenty of biology that can be studied without ever addressing how one species allegedly changed into another.
And in public high schools, it covers 1-3 days tops, according to every high school sophomore that I've ever asked.
Geez, fd, you know better than to equate Christianity and creationism with islam.
You slipped.
Whatever happened to mr. niceguy?
1. These are all life scientists?
2. You are about 9,987 short.
I can get 10 scientists to say that astrology is how they should live their lives. It is a numbers game.
You need a significant sample.
Chesterton put it quite nicely in his essay The Error of Impartiality.
First he challenged me to find a black swan, and then he ruled out all my swans because they were black. The fact that all these great intellects had come to the Christian view was somehow or other a proof either that they were not great intellects or that they had not really come to that view. The argument thus stood in a charmingly convenient form: All men that count have come to my conclusion; for if they come to your conclusion they do not count.
If science doesn't prove things, then how do you know how long anything has been anywhere? Why should I believe you then?
” also point that statement to anyone who says they believe in God but do not think he has the capability to create everything from nothing without using an illogical messy method such as evolution.”
I stated very clearly that God is capable of doing anything that he wants. I never said that he was incapable of using anything but evolution. Unlike you, I don’t claim to understand how God thinks.
I don’t understand how he can let a small child suffer from cancer for several years before dying at age 7. I don’t understand why miracles cure some people and not others. Do I trust that he has a reason? absolutely. Do I understand it? not at all. Do I still love and trust him above all else? Sure, but it goes way beyond my capacity for understanding. That is faith. It can’t be tested as science because no matter how much we learn, we will never understand why God does things the way that he does.
At least that is my belief.
I guess in your faith, you have an understand what God would and wouldn’t do. You know what he believes is messy and what he doesn’t Maybe you feel comfortable putting yourself in the place of God. I was taught that wasn’t a good idea.
When Cain slew Abel, he was banished from the soil and had a mark put on him so that no one would kill him...Now we have Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel...Abel is dead yet Cain left to live in the land of Nod and had relations with his wife...Where did she come from...Poop magic or were there other humans on earth at that time? Cains wife bore Enoch.
You might want to reread your posts. People denigrate themselves with promoting evil and trying to “educate” others - lead others - into deception. Satan is the Father of Deception. Now who are you emulating? Surely, you can figure that out. Since ‘It Is Written’ you can look it up - an open book test.
Since Satan is the father of deception (I will not put caps on Satan's works) Perhaps your the one that is being decepted.
Science isn't about truth. Haven't you got the memo?
Truth. This is a word best avoided entirely in physics except when placed in quotes, or with careful qualification. Its colloquial use has so many shades of meaning from it seems to be correct to the absolute truths claimed by religion, that its use causes nothing but misunderstanding. Someone once said "Science seeks proximate (approximate) truths." Others speak of provisional or tentative truths. Certainly science claims no final or absolute truths.
If you don't have truth, you can't have a lie. There's nothing to base that judgment on. All that's left is a quagmire of opinion with the most dogmatic being filtered out by peer review and used to establish *consensus*.
IOW, if you don't tow the party line, you can kiss your career good-bye.
” doubt that a hard nose attitude leads anyone to the love of Christ..”
Probably not. Let’s just hope they don’t turn others away. I don’t believe that they know any more about God, than most people. They, like us, are limited by what God has chosen to reveal about himself. God has revealed much, but there is much that is still a mystery.
I find science to be fascinating, and the more I learn about science, the stronger my faith in God becomes. The planet of Earth has been so carefully created, that there are many ways that the climate and currents, are kept in balance. When the oceans get too hot, there are hurricanes to transfer the warmer water into cooler areas. Talk about messy.
The immune system of the human body is another incredibly designed system. Fevers, sneezing, coughing, vomiting are all part of this incredible security system, that protects each and every one of us, with a success rate that is unmatched by most man made systems. That is all pretty messy too. Science and research is what helps us to understand the truly incredible nature of what God has given us.
Science is what taught us about infection, and what teaches us how to prevent it and to cure it. Science is what teaches us about geology and why we have earthquakes and volcanoes. It allows us to better protect ourselves from danger. God gave us the Bible to show us his power, and to teach us right from wrong. He told us of his Son through scripture. I believe that science is just another way of God revealing Himself and His creation to us.
Very well put....You and I could get along and talk of many things including God. I worked in a hospital for many years as a nurse and believe me you can find lots of things that happen in a hospital that can increase faith and also doubt God. But you just keep on trucking one foot at a time..
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