Actually, Conley is more of a Libertarian Democrat than a Blue Dog Democrat as its currently difined.
While it’s important to elect as many Republican Senators as possible this year, this race is the exception to that rule.
I still think that we should be electing Republicans into both the House and Senate. Some people might feel that they should “punish” Republicans. That’s all good, but we have seen what the outcome of such a move has been, with the current Democrat-controlled House. Do we really want to give more power to that idiot Reid and Pelosi? We have to get conservatives in from the ground level, from the primaries. For all we say about “Blue Dog” democrats, its the liberals that rule that party. They will never give up their power.
If we want conservative in there, we get them in from the primaries.
And if he’s elected, you won’t be able to tell him from Chuck Schumer.
Don’t be fooled...
What flavor Kool-Aid are you drinking? He will do as he is told by Durbin, Leahy, Schmuckster, and Reid. No thanks.