Posted on 07/02/2008 7:02:59 PM PDT by nwctwx
South Korean kidnap victims freed in Mexico
South Korean officials say five South Koreans who were kidnapped while driving in a Mexican border city have been set free. Lee Jeong-gwan, a Foreign Ministry official in Seoul, South Korea, told reporters that the South Koreans were in custody of Mexican police and would be handed over to the South Korean Embassy there. The five South Koreans were kidnapped on July 14 while driving in a Mexican border city, and their captors had demanded $30,000.
Temecula group starts website as Muslim alternative to YouTube aims to educate non-Muslims about Islam and provide an Internet site for Muslims to view videos without worrying about anti-Islamic tirades or sexually explicit content, said Tarek Ayoub, a volunteer for the site and for the site's nonprofit founder, Islam The Answer Corp.
Philippine troops disarm motorcycle bomb in south, accuse Muslim militants of plotting attack
The motorbike was recovered late Tuesday on a road to the main southern city of Davao but the driver escaped, said Maj. Armand Rico, regional military spokesman.
He said TNT explosives were hidden in the engine and connected to a cell phone that was to serve as a trigger. The bomb was later defused. Rico said soldiers were warned that Muslim militants with links to the regional terror network Jemaah Islamiyah were plotting to hit targets in Davao using a motorcycle bomb, and had set up checkpoints to intercept the vehicle.
Weapons and contraband tunnels found in Egypt's Sinai
Egyptian authorities discovered a weapons cache on Friday, a day after two tunnels used by smugglers were found in the Sinai desert close to the border with the Gaza Strip, a security officer said.
Papua New Guinea angry with Canada
Snippets: The incident began July 4, when the dancers arrived in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the invitation of the Little Shushwap Indian band, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., reported Tuesday. After four hours of questioning by border agents, the group was denied entry, as officials said they suspected the dancers intended to overstay their monthlong visit despite their return tickets, the report said.
"We will refuse to let Canadian companies come in here or meet with the appropriate people and I know there are a lot of oil licenses pending on that, so it'll cost Canadian companies a lot of money," Smith-Kela said.
Major security flaw discovered - internet privacy compromised at all levels
Yesterday, details were leaked of possibly the single largest threat to Internet security. Earlier this year, Dan Kaminsky, director of penetration testing for IOactive, discovered a major flaw in how Internet addresses function. The issue is in the design of the Domain Name System (DNS) and is not limited to any single product. An attacker could easily take over portions of the Internet and redirect users to arbitrary and malicious locations to engage in identity theft. For example, an attacker could target an Internet Service Provider (ISP) replacing search engines, social networks, banks, and other sites with their own malicious content. Against corporate or government environments, an attacker could disrupt or monitor operations by rerouting network traffic, capturing emails and other sensitive data.
Kaminsky immediately reported the issue to major authorities, including the United States Computer Emergency Response Team (part of the Department of Homeland Security), and began working on a coordinated fix; a patch was released July 8th, 2008. Chris Davis, CEO of Ottawa-based Defence Intelligence, has been working in coordination with Kaminsky to brief key agencies in the Canadian government. Details of the vulnerability were to remain a closely held secret until Kaminsky's public presentation on August 6th, 2008 in order to provide organizations with enough time to protect themselves. However, this window was drastically reduced due to the accidental posting of the details by an uninvolved party.
Papua New Guinea angry with Canada
Snippets: The incident began July 4, when the dancers arrived in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the invitation of the Little Shushwap Indian band, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., reported Tuesday. After four hours of questioning by border agents, the group was denied entry, as officials said they suspected the dancers intended to overstay their monthlong visit despite their return tickets, the report said.
"We will refuse to let Canadian companies come in here or meet with the appropriate people and I know there are a lot of oil licenses pending on that, so it'll cost Canadian companies a lot of money," Smith-Kela said.
Major security flaw discovered - internet privacy compromised at all levels
Yesterday, details were leaked of possibly the single largest threat to Internet security. Earlier this year, Dan Kaminsky, director of penetration testing for IOactive, discovered a major flaw in how Internet addresses function. The issue is in the design of the Domain Name System (DNS) and is not limited to any single product. An attacker could easily take over portions of the Internet and redirect users to arbitrary and malicious locations to engage in identity theft. For example, an attacker could target an Internet Service Provider (ISP) replacing search engines, social networks, banks, and other sites with their own malicious content. Against corporate or government environments, an attacker could disrupt or monitor operations by rerouting network traffic, capturing emails and other sensitive data.
Kaminsky immediately reported the issue to major authorities, including the United States Computer Emergency Response Team (part of the Department of Homeland Security), and began working on a coordinated fix; a patch was released July 8th, 2008. Chris Davis, CEO of Ottawa-based Defence Intelligence, has been working in coordination with Kaminsky to brief key agencies in the Canadian government. Details of the vulnerability were to remain a closely held secret until Kaminsky's public presentation on August 6th, 2008 in order to provide organizations with enough time to protect themselves. However, this window was drastically reduced due to the accidental posting of the details by an uninvolved party. first I thought it was bad translations, but God as my witness — that’s the truth. Spy squirrels.
Love that photo.
Temecula — I understand that is a pretty area.
UPDATING Post no. 777:
Hmmm... is it true — unemployed now?
UPDATING Post no. 777:
Oh, answered my own question.
“Radical Website Blogger, Samir Khan, Responds to WBTV”
Added: July 22, 2008 (Less info)
Radical Website Blogger, Samir Khan, Responds to WBTV Charlotte NC
Category: News & Politics
Tags: Radical Website Blogger Samir Khan Responds to WBTV Charlotte NC
Art Break.
Let’s see this photo.
Photo from Reuters Pictures
4 hours ago: Palestinian artist Walid Ayyoub poses with a drawing of U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama in his studio in the West Bank city of Ramallah July 22, 2008. Obama pledged on Tuesday to work to reach a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians from his first day in office but said it would be difficult.
Yep, there’s the artist and look at his work.
Let’s see if we can identify those faces in
the drawings.
I see Obama, Che and yep, there’s Arafat.
/End of Art Break.
July 22, 2008
“”You will not meet a young Muslim man in the world who is not angry about something””
July 22, 2008
“Former fiancee of convicted jihadist could have sworn that he was only interested in the ‘greater jihad’ against one’s daily struggles”
June 24, 2008
“Canadian jihadist: The kuffar [infidels] are treacherous and understand only death and destruction”
“Israels Growing Internal Threat”
By P. David Hornik | Wednesday, July 23, 2008
“U.S. General Warns of Cuban Bomber Crisis”
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 10:15 PM
ARTICLE SNIPPET: “Russia would cross “a red line for the United States of America” if it were to base nuclear capable bombers in Cuba, a top US air force officer warned on Tuesday.
“If they did I think we should stand strong and indicate that is something that crosses a threshold, crosses a red line for the United States of America,” said General Norton Schwartz, nominated to be the air force’s chief of staff.”
Note: The following blog entry is a quote:
Hamas Ambassador: We Will Stand With Iran If It’s Attacked; Iranian Daily: Iran Has Given Hamas $300 Million In Aid In Past Three Years
Hamas Ambassador to Iran Abu Osama said in an interview with the Iranian daily Etemad that if Iran is attacked by the U.S. or Israel, Hamas will stand alongside it, in accordance with its capabilities, as all Arabs and Muslims in the world are expected to.
He said that Hamas was in an unlimited war with Israel, and that the ceasefire applied only to the Gaza Strip.
He added that in the event of an attack on Iran, Hamas would significantly step up its activity in the West Bank.
The paper said that Iran has given Hamas $300 million in aid over past three years.
Source: Etemad, Iran, July 20, 2008
Posted at: 2008-07-22
Note: The following text is a quote:
RELEASE No. 20080722-05
July 22, 2008
Iraqi Police find surveillance camera under bridge Multi-National Division Baghdad PAO
BAGHDAD Acting on a citizen tip, Iraq Police officials found a surveillance camera underneath a bridge in the Karadah security district of eastern Baghdad July 19.
The tip led Iraqi Policemen from Baghdad Al Jadida to a video surveillance camera encased in foam underneath a bridge near Burma Road. Iraqi Security Force explosive experts destroyed the camera with an explosives charge.
Once again, Baghdad citizens have joined with Iraqi Security Forces to thwart criminal activity and possibly save innocent Iraqi lives, said Maj. Joey Sullinger, spokesperson for 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division.
When the proud people of Iraq take an active role in reporting suspicious activity and criminals responsible for militant attacks, lawbreakers stand little or no chance of successfully breaching the security and stability security forces provide, Sullinger said.
Note: The following text is a quote:
Press Release A080723a - 258
July 23, 2008
Al-Qaeda financial infrastructure pressured (Baghdad)
BAGHDAD Coalition forces captured two wanted men and detained two additional suspects during operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraqs financial infrastructure around Baghdad Tuesday and Wednesday.
An alleged AQI financier was detained with one additional suspect during an operation Tuesday near Samarra, 110 kilometers north of Baghdad. The man is assessed to be involved with known terrorists, including one killed during an operation May 6.
Wednesday, Coalition forces captured a suspected member of a kidnapping cell during a precision operation in Baghdad. Another man was detained in the city for his alleged ties to AQI leaders in Iraq and other countries.
By targeting these networks, Iraqi and Coalition forces are continuing to chip away at AQIs ability to conduct acts of indiscriminate violence or to impose an extremist ideology upon the people of Iraq, said Cmdr. Scott Rye, MNF-I spokesman.
Thanks for the ping Cindy.
You’re welcome fanfan.
Have a good day.
You too.
Note: Photos included.
“From MEMRI TV: Released Lebanese Terrorist Samir Al-Quantar Vows to Fight under Hizbullah: Allah Willing, I Will Kill More Israelis; Al-Jazeera TV Throws a Birthday Party for Released Lebanese Terrorist Samir Al-Quantar”
(Posted July 23, 2008)
“Title of Video: Al-Jazeera TV Throws a Birthday Party for Released Lebanese Terrorist Samir Al-Quntar”
“Clip #1818 Broadcast: July 19, 2008”
Published: 07/21/08, 5:09 PM
“Israel: Painful Price Must Be Paid on Shalit Deal”
by Ze’ev Ben-Yechiel
ARTICLE SNIPPET: “( Days after Arab leaders and terrorists proclaimed victory in last week’s deal with Hizbullah, the Israeli government is preparing to promote a deal to release more terrorists for kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. A committee headed by Vice Premier Chaim Ramon is set to deliberate on the status of the terrorists Hamas wants freed, including those with “blood on their hands.” Israel so far has refused but may follow through with more concessions.”
ARTICLE SNIPPET: “Meanwhile, former American President Jimmy Carter has urged Israel to release Hamas politicians in efforts to expedite the prisoner deal. Robert Pastor, a senior adviser to Carter, came to Israel last week in a regional tour that included meetings with Hamas, Syria and Egypt.
In his Israeli visit, Pastor met Eli Yishai, head of the Shas party and a minister in Olmerts cabinet. Pastor conveyed Carters wish to preside over a tripartite meeting with a senior Hamas figure, in order to discuss the Carters initiative.
Carter met with Hamas leaders in Syria in April to discuss the terms of Shalits release.”
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