Posted on 02/28/2008 9:35:05 PM PST by Jmouse007
In light of the fact that we are being told/scolded by the Republican Party, the Democrat Party, by Barack Hussein Obama, and by the PC drive-by media that we are no longer allowed to mention the fact that "Osama, Obama's" (to quote Teddy Kennedy) name is and has always been "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" (named after the sadistic dead former Muslum ruler of Iraq), because it is now a big "no, no" and we are "racists", politically incorrect and committing slander and "slurs" if we do.
They want us to abide by their rules: "HUSSEIN", which IS his middle name is supposedly off limits for those who have drunk the Obama Jonestown "Koolaid". Ok, in light of these restrictions I have therefore come up with a contest for members of Free Republic and the public at large, the first of its kind. This contest is the:
"Pin the Middle Name on the Obama" contest.
The rules are simple; 1) come up with a "new and improved middle name for "Barack _______ Obama", that best communicates who and/or what he is, what he stands for and/or what he wants to "accomplish" should he win the brass presidential ring. Remember, Barack _____ Obama has told us all that "Words ARE Important" (even if they are plagiarized). So it is important that his "new and improved" middle name is a good one and appropriate and descriptive.
You may be asking So, what do I get if I come up with the best middle name and win?
Here is The Grand Prize: Maybe, just maybe your entry will win the "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama" contest and YOUR new and improved middle name, when added to "Barack _______ Obama", will become the "Sore Loserman" bumper sticker slogan for "Barack _______ Obamas" 2008 presidential campaign and be picked up by The Drudge Report, the drive-by media and by conservative stalwarts like Rush, Hannity, Howie Carr, et. al. You could go down in history as the man, women boy or girl who gave "Barack _______ Obama" his memorable "new and improved" middle name. The name that will be on everyones lips because we have been told we can not use his real one.
If anyone has a problem with the "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama" contest I have one simple comment; "You brought this on yourself by refuseing to accept reality by calling Obama by his real name and by telling us we could not do so either, so we are just obeying what you told us and trying to help "Barack _______ Obama" come up with a "new and improved" middle name that fits who and what he is/what he wants to do to America.
Enjoy the contest, have fun and YES you are allowed more than one entry per person. You are invited to play and submit new middle names for "Barack _______ Obama" as often as you like. Visuals; bumper stickers, political posters and Photoshop images of your new and improved name for "Barack _______ Obama" are welcome and encouraged.
X, Saul, Che...all excellent alternative middle names.
Barack PassTheDutchie Obama
Barack Boutros-Boutros Obama
Barack “I can’t believe he’s Not Muslim” Obama.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
We have a winner !
Great one!
Barack AnyOfYouHomosCallMeFrances,I’llKillYa Obama
Barack “Don’t call me dat” Obama.
Barack, grab those huge ears, Osama Obama
If Hillary can flannelmouth when she speaks in black churches, he can use this name when he speaks in synagogues.
All Ears Obama
Hush Hush/On the QT Obama
I Hear Ya Obama
I Don’t Know Jack Obama
Barak Insane Obama
Barack Huseannadanna Obama
Barack Ackackackack Obama
Barack "Sweet Home Allah" Obama
Barack The-artist-formerly-known-as-Hussein Obama
The (Scam) Artist Formerly Known as Hussein
Barack NMI* Obama (*pronounced "enemy")
Barack My World Obama
Barack Of Ages Obama
Barack To The Future Obama
Barack Is Beautiful Obama
Barack Lash Obama
Barack In The U.S.S.R. Obama
Barack Mobile Al Obama
Barack B-1 Obama
Barack Paper Scissors Obama
Barack That Dare Not Speak Its Name Obama
Barack Chamberlain Obama
Barack Odinga Obama
Barack The Pope Of Hope Obama
Barack A Doodle Do Obama
Barack Papa Was a Rollin Stone Obama
Barack "Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name" Obama
Bad Day at Barack Obama
Barack A-Bye-Baby Obama
Pet Rock Hussein Obama
Barak ThekindergentlerStalin Hussein
Barack NoName Obama
Barack "Im not the Anti-Christ, but I play one on TV" Obama
Barack "Eliminate White Guilt" Obama
Barack "Excuse Me While I Whip This Out" Obama
Barack Dreams From My Mother The Muslim-Marrying Atheist Obama
Barrack Ctrl/Alt/Delete OBama
Barack O'Lamb Obama
Barak "The Magic Dragon" Obama
Barack Kocaine Obama
Barack N. Rollisheretostay Obama
Barack Androll Obama
Barry "White" Obama
Barack Clymer Obama
Barack Shadrak Magicnego Obama
Barack Star Obama
Barak U Al-Nitelong Obama
I. M. Barack Inyubaby Obama
Barack Atah Adonai Obama
Barack O'Bomber
Barack "I can't believe he's Not Muslim" Obama
I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.
Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.
Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.
Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.
” I was told today that Obama .....”
Sounds like desperation grasping at increasingly flimsy straws....
Has the Conservative Philosophy and Message become so diluted and fuzzy that we must resort to trash like this, instead of the obvious superiority of our ideals and vision, to “win” an increasingly meaningless election?
So many of us have succumbed to the devil’s temptation, and have become that which we hate....
Sad — and tragic in its consequences for our once-great Nation....
I don’t know about the Hawai’i stuff, hopefully someone can clear that up. I am certain that he did not swear in on a Qur’an. As I recall, there was/is some confusion between Obama & the Congressman Keith Ellison, who was the one sworn in on a Qur’an.
1) Barack In The U.S.S.R. Obama - Clever - LOL! (then again, that's where he'll take us.)
2) Barack The-artist-formerly-known-as-Hussein Obama - heh!
3) Barack The Pope Of Hope Obama (marketing future here)
I’m still thinking of Muslims.
Those who commit evil acts,
Those who support and condone evil acts,
And those who sit quietly and do or say nothing at all, which qualifies them somehow as the “good” Muslims.
I’ll take “none of the above” for however much it costs, Alex.
It wasn’t Obama who did that. It was the Muslim Congressman from Minneapolis who did that.
Barack Cantsay Obama
Barack CrackCar Obama
Barack Home-In-Indiana Obama
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