Hardly, Gonzales in his zeal to show Mexico his loyalty to that corrupt state has used used Federal Swat Teams to affect the arrest of Dog Chapman and those two Border Patrol guys.
If you knew anything about the criminal justice system, you would recognize just how outrageous this is.
While I totally support the President's right to hire and fire US Attorneys, Gonzales' departure is long overdue
Personally, I suspect the President is unaware of how these actions by Gonzales make him look like a stooge of the Mexican gub'erment.
But I for one will be tickled to see Gonzales being walked out the door by security, carrying all of his awards from La Raza and all the other racist groups.
Gonzales has shown where his heart is. He has brought embarrassment to his boss, now it's time to go.
If Bush is so slow on the uptake to recognize how Gonzales' actions have hurt him, then he too needs to find new employment.
You need another bong hit.