Neither Washington ,NOR Adams supported a War against the
Barbary Pirates. They opted for payment of reparations/Ransom. Jefferson wrote to John Adams from Paris
July 11,1786 giving his opine concerning War on Barbary.
President Jefferson's First Annual Message ,Dec.8,1804 spoke of "I sent a small squadron of frigates into the
Mediteranian... with orders to protect our commerce against the threatened attack." Are we to believe the historic
record left by Jefferson - or the speculation that those who
disagree with you are "revisionist"?
You post has already been refuted. Jefferson changed after coming back to this country and rarely backed up high minded talk with action in any case. Having war officially declared against the US by the Muslims made it impossible for him to avoid acting.
Washington and Adams considered the Corsairs puppets of Great Britain as I already said and concentrated their efforts on building a navy capable of contesting the seas with the Royal Navy the REAL power. Jefferson FOUGHT the naval buildup NO MATTER what he said in 1786.
Hamilton nailed Jefferson's personality perfectly when he called him "temporizing". He never showed a consistent, well thought out foreign policy and was a disaster in military policy.