Repeat after me:
Man-made Global WarmingTM is a MYTH!
Man-made Global WarmingTM is a MYTH!
Man-made Global WarmingTM is a MYTH!
What a terrible collection of junk...
McKintyre and McKittrick have been publicly proven wrong by several independent researchers. They have been unable to retreive their analysis - and the "Hockey Stick" has been confirmed several times over.
Soon and Ballunias' work has been discredited.
Fred Singer is simply not credible: he's taken too much oil and coal money.
Lomborg has been publically censured by the Danish Academy of Sciences for his poor methodology and misleading/deceptive use of science.
Refuse to believe it if you like but the science is only going one direction on this issue, despite the well-paid tools of the carbon industry. Anyone interested in the *real* science should visit for the answers.
The Earth IS warming. It's not as bad as the anti-car birkenstock bike fascists claim, but its still worse than your list of dubious sources would cause one to believe.