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To: Ichneumon

I think your style of debate is called "elephant hurling."
Besides the magical alchemy of "evolution"...where do we see matter organizing to HIGHER forms?

174 posted on 01/29/2005 7:45:58 AM PST by metacognative (follow the gravy...)
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To: metacognative
...where do we see matter organizing to HIGHER forms?

I think we have a disconnect here. Evolution makes no judgement on whether a life form is "higher" or "lower." The only criteria considered is adaptation to the environment.

177 posted on 01/29/2005 8:04:50 AM PST by Junior (FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC)
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To: metacognative

Loxodontal placemarker.

179 posted on 01/29/2005 8:10:31 AM PST by Fester Chugabrew
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To: metacognative; PatrickHenry
I think your style of debate is called "elephant hurling."

In a sense, maybe, but in this case I was responding to a specific allegation with an appropriate, to-the-point response.

In case it has somehow escaped your attention, the anti-evolutionists on these threads do an awful lot of claiming that there is "no evidence for evolution", that evolution is "not a science", that evolution is "empty" or a "house of cards" or "a theory in crisis" and is about to come crashing down any day now, that it's "only a theory" (in the sense of "guess"), that it "can't be tested", "can't be falsified", "doesn't make predictions", "can't be replicated", "can't be observed", "denies reality", blah blah blah blah blah.

In short, one of the anti-evolutionists' favorite mantra is to repeat the creationist *LIE* that there's really "nothing to" evolutionary biology, that it's just an empty suit masquerading as "real" science and there's actually "no" evidence for it. (How many hundred examples would you like me to repost here?)

The recent "even my nine-year-old can see that it's nonsense" post was just more of the same -- the implication is that evolutionary biology is such a ridiculous, empty shell that even little children can see through it.

In reply to that sort of allegation it is ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE to respond with "elephant hurling". The point is, "since you say this topic is so unsupported and insubstantial, perhaps you'll realize what an idiot you're being when I stampede this herd of elephants in your direction -- does *THAT* feel 'insubstantial'? And that was just a tiny, tiny fraction. There's plenty more where that came from, if you feel like persisting in your ignorant proclamations."

In short, as long as anti-evolutionists persist in pretending that there's "nothing to see" in evolutionary biology, it's entirely appropriate to show them that even a *sliver* of the field is actually overwhelmingly huge, and beyond their level of knowledge.

Look, I've made endless posts responding to "evolution is empty" accusations with "no it isn't, it's supported by overwhelming evidence and endless studies", but somehow that just bounces off the anti-evolutionists' foreheads with a sharp "ping". So fine -- if I have to hit them with a sledgehammer, if I have to stampede them with all the elephants in Africa just to get through to them for a change, so be it. Maybe *then* they'll stop saying these stupid things ad infinitum.

And if even just one anti-evolutionist says, even to himself, "ummm, it seems there's more to this subject than I was led to believe", and tones down the outright LIE of the "evolution is empty" mantra so that those of us who *do* know something about this topic don't have to keep responding to the same old dishonest horsecrap fifty times a day, then I've accomplished something worthwhile.

The questions remains, though (and my past experience does not lead me to be optimistic) -- is even a single one of you folks that smart?

444 posted on 01/29/2005 8:05:05 PM PST by Ichneumon
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To: metacognative; PatrickHenry; Fester Chugabrew
I think your style of debate is called "elephant hurling."

Anti-evolutionists often feel outmatched on these debates by the amount of research and evidence on the "pro-evolution" side, but they don't seem to really grasp why. Here's an essay which says it better than I could, and it's 100% relevant to our current exchange (I've added the red fonting for emphasis):

The Mirage

Post of the Month: July 2003

by Louann Miller

Subject:    Re: Suggestion to Judges regarding Nowhere Man
Date:       29 July 2003

On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 12:36:30 +0000 (UTC), Seamus Ma' Cleriec wrote:

>> This is not fair. Your tactict is to drown me in messages so I can't
>> respond. Then when there's no time for me to write a responce you try
>> to end the debate. Instead of wanting an honest and fair debate you
>> just abuse the spirit of the rules and try to call everything. If you
>> do then you can be ashured that you did not really win. You can only
>> win the debate by addressing the real arguements. Now your making me
>> respond to post after post filled with filler. It's not fair and I'm
>> doing my best to respond. I am a busy person and this is the best I
>> can do. Just remember if you call off the debate you did not really
>> win.
>"Drown you in messages" ??? What messages has Lilith posted vis-a-vis
>the debate since late *MAY* are you having trouble with? There has
>been much commentary from the peanut gallery, but considering that you
>really [I think he meant to add the word 'only' here] have to respond
>to Lilith there is no excuse for not responding, other than not being
>able to respond.
>If you really *can't* respond in whole, respond in part - show
>everyone you are making an effort or do the honorable thing and give
>it up.

He's got a good idea there. Take, for example, Lilith's last message that was part of the formal debate thread. Divide it into ten parts, or five, or fifteen, whatever you're comfortable with. Then address one part at a time. While you're at it, you might indicate which parts of the message you believe to be filler.

(The risk there, of course, is that Lilith would very likely reply by explaining why those parts are not filler but an integral part of her argument. She might then re-explain what she said and how it relates to the argument as a whole. This is necessarily going to involve more words, which people will expect you to absorb and reply to in some way. Because that's what you do with the opponent's arguments when you're in a debate.)

I do have some sympathy for the mess you're in, NM. It's a self-inflicted mess, but I can appreciate that it's uncomfortable. I also understand that you were acting in good faith. Here's how it looks to me from the outside:

When you posted your challenge you had the idea that "evolutionism" and "creationism" were roughly parallel ideas about how the biological world works. Especially, that they were about equal in the size and detail of the body of information that they're based on.

That is the part I don't blame you for. Creationist leaders work very hard to give exactly this impression. Since they (creationist leaders) mostly quote each other's works rather than reading the "evolutionist" scientific literature, most of them probably believe this part themselves.

Problem is, when they said that they lied to you. They lied massively.

The totality of what might be called "the creationist literature" is very small and doesn't go into, by scientific standards, much detail at all. "Creation scientists" don't actually do the work of science. They don't spend, for example, six months repeating the Miller-Urey experiments five or six times to see if they really work or not and writing up the results in such great detail that anyone who reads their paper can duplicate the experiment themselves exactly. Instead they just write something for popular consumption saying "The Miller-Urey experiments were awful and bogus and nobody should believe a word of them."

In the short run, this saves them time. They've spent one sentence saying "don't believe Miller-Urey, because I say so" instead of 50 pages providing proof and support. But in the long run, it means someone like you who's at least trying to debate honestly is completely screwed.

Keeping with our same example: You might say "The Miller-Urey experiments are awful and bogus and nobody should believe them." Quoting your creationist sources in good faith. It's the information you've got for your side of the debate, so you use it.

The problem is, at that point Lilith is vastly better armed than you are. She has millions of volumes of published papers which are collectively called "the scientific literature." She can go back to the original Miller-Urey paper and see in detail what they did. She can also read dozens of other papers written since which redo the Miller-Urey experiments with some variation or talk about how they relate to a new experiment, again in huge amounts of detail.

So she naturally replies "What exactly is awful and bogus about the Miller-Urey experiment? Because it looks pretty good when you study it. You see, (fifteen paragraphs of details.)"

At that point, you're stuck. Because "awful, bogus, don't believe them" is all you were given by your creationist sources. You can't look up an equal mass of research to support the creationist view because they didn't do any research. They just asserted "awful, bogus, don't believe it -- take our word for this" and expected you to buy it. You did buy it, and it's you not them who's paying the price in embarrassment.

Worse, it's natural for you (in imitation of your creationist sources) not to just make one assertion like "Miller-Urey -- bogus" at a time but five or ten or more in a single post. It's easy and it doesn't take up much space. But Lilith can go look up details on every single one of those assertions just like she did on the first one. So you post a ten-sentence message, get a 150-paragraph reply, and feel like she's piling on. It's not filler and it's not a personal attack, it's just that treating each assertion honestly involves going into detail.

A metaphor I like to use: creationism is a mirage. From a distance, where you can't see details, a mirage of, say, a hill looks perfectly solid and real. But as you get closer, instead of being able to see more and more detail as you would with a real hill, it just melts away. Actual biology ("evolutionism") is a real hill in the same environment. From a distance, it may look no more solid than the mirage of creationism. But as you get closer, you can see individual rocks and shrubs and animal burrows and so forth -- detail, in short. If you ask someone "describe this hill as it looks from 10 feet away" you're going to get that detail in any honest answer. It's not Lilith's fault that your own hill melts away into a vague heat shimmer at the same distance.

Not your fault either, you didn't start creationism. But it would be more adult to admit "hey, my hill seems to have melted away like a mirage" instead of complaining that having a lot of facts on one side rather than the other makes it an unfair debate. This is what we were trying to warn you about, even if the tone of the warnings wasn't always kind, when you insisted on having this debate in the first place.

Louann Miller

494 posted on 01/29/2005 11:01:04 PM PST by Ichneumon
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To: metacognative; PatrickHenry
Besides the magical alchemy of "evolution"...

There's nothing "magical" about the way evolution works -- as you would know if you bothered to *LEARN* something about the subject before you spout off AGAIN about it... You just have no shame whatsoever, do you?

Nor is it in any way comparable to "alchemy" -- again, as any school student is capable of knowing if they just bother to read some books. It's not that hard. So what's your excuse?

where do we see matter organizing to HIGHER forms?

Many places, actually. Hell, plant an acorn and wait a few years. An oak tree is far more "organized matter" than the original acorn itself, and/or any of the liquid water, carbon-dioxide gas, or nitrogen gas which got turned into "tree matter". I hate to disappoint you, but matter organizing itself is *not* against the laws of nature, it happens all around us.

For matter organizing without even a "seed", see for example:

Self-Organizing Systems (SOS) FAQ

Self-Organizing Systems: A Tutorial in Complexity


Spontaneous Order, Self-Organizing Systems, and Autocatakinetics

Self-Organization & Entropy - The Terrible Twins

Self-Organizing Systems Resources


Wikipedia: Self-organization

Self-organization, Emergence and the Architecture of Complexity

Emergence of Constraint in Self-organizing Systems

Principia Cybernetica Web: Self-organization

Evolution of Complex Systems - Self Organization

Links on Complexity, Self-organization and Artificial Life

Any other questions?
510 posted on 01/30/2005 3:39:36 AM PST by Ichneumon
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