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(Vanity) My sisters response to an e-mail - God Bless her! - Long read.
E-mail | Alex

Posted on 10/27/2004 10:55:22 AM PDT by pfloyd95

This is a correspondance between myself a friend and my sister. I asked for her help because I basically couldn't think straight after I recieved the e-mail. Please read and let me know what you think.

Begin original e-mail:

You're entitled to believe what you want to believe. What it comes down to is that you trust Bush, and you believe in everything he has said with why he sent our troops in. You know that Saddam was playing chicken with Bush and you think Bush's quick-thinking actions are justified. I don't trust Bush. I think he and his whole family are not intelligent. I'd rather not have a president that is out playing sports, or watching them on tv, when our country is in the worst shape of my lifetime. I'd rather be in the worst debt ever to helping people in our own country that are less fortunate. There's just no control or priority set. I don't know a single person our age that feels confident about the condition our country is in now, or the hopes for our futures. The only thing that can help is change, with an intelligent leader that will stand up for what Americans want. Unfortunately I know that is not how a president gets elected, and there is so much corruption in our government, that I wouldn't doubt it if Bush was re-elected. I really wouldn't. I'm packing my bags and my cats and moving to Nova Scotia.

My sisters response:

What is the REAL issue for this election???

First of all-- let us not forget that fateful day in September 2001. We were horribly attacked on our own soil and we had no choice but to do something about it. On September 20th 2001, George Bush gave one of the best speeches in Presidential history (yes-- it has been noted as that by many political journalists, analysts and politicians-- right or left- not bad for a guy you deem to be so stupid). In this speech he said he would seek out anyone and everyone who had anything to do with what happened. He said he would smoke out those who were involved and justice would prevail. Everyone naturally turned their attention to Afghanistan-- where Osama bin Laden formed the Al Qaeda and carried out that horrific act. What people have not focussed on is the fact that the actual country of Afghanistan was not the primary conspirator behind this scheme. Osama lived/lives in Afghanistan and that is where he scared the crap out of so many people which allowed him to rule by way of the Al Qaeda. Cells had been (and still are) operating throughout the mid-east, Europe and the US plotting this for sometime. He had a network built up of followers all driven and brainwashed to destroy us and our liberties. As we all know-- 17 of the terrorists on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. Contrary to what most libs want to believe-- they were not supported by the Saudi government or royalty-- but were supported by Osama bin Laden who helped to fund their activities while they were living in Saudi Arabia. They were Al Qaeda cells working in Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia has since agreed and has followed through on helping to get rid of other cells working in their country. I am getting away from my point. When George Bush made that speech he said he would destroy anyone that had anything to do with terrorism and that he would not stop until all terrorists were brought down. Iraq comes into the picture because Saddam Hussein has been one of the biggest financial supporters of terrorism. For years he had been sending money to Palestinians coaxing them to blow themselves up in Israel in hopes of going to their great Allah. Since he has been captured-- suicide bombings have dropped by 80%. Coincidence? I don't think so. What George is doing is the "trickle down" effect. If you start at the top and get rid of the people who control the masses then eventually the pyramid crumbles. By getting rid of Saddam Hussein we have broken down the axis of evil so to speak. He was a great advocate for anything anti-American and anti-Israel (which we all know is the start of this whole thing ever since the US and England gave them that land 60 something years ago). He has helped to turn most of the middle east against us because of their jealousy and hatred and they have been supporting the demise of Israel for decades. Since we support Israel we are considered evil in their eyes and therefore must be destroyed too. Saddam has always been against us and his own people for his own gains. He was an evil, sick tyrant who needed to be taken down even at the cost of American lives. War is war and he and others from the middle east started it. Were we supposed to just close our eyes and walk away like Kerry wants us to do? Is it so hard to realize that millions of Iraqis have been liberated as a result of our efforts to cleanse the world of terrorism? And I am sure you are asking to yourself-- but what about Afghanistan? Why are we focusing so much time on Iraq when Osama is in Afghanistan? What the liberal papers and media fail to stress on (and if you look on the internet for about 4 minutes you will find many articles in defense of what I am about to say) is that when we first invaded Afghanistan we pretty much wiped out all of the insurgents in the first few weeks. There was very little uprising from the people because the people were happy about us being there and ridding their country of Al Qaeda and their evil regime. We have had very little retaliation as a result and the people of Afghanistan are now facing a future full of hope rather than fear. No-- we have not found Osama bin Laden (I personally think he is dead or living in France) but we have managed to crumble his domain and have left little support for him in his own country. There isn't much that a mad man can do without the support of his fellow tyrants when most of them are DEAD. So what has become of Afghanistan? There are still many US troops deployed there helping to train the people to run a democracy. They had their first elections in 50 years!!! Women are allowed to VOTE and go back to SCHOOL! They can shed their burkhas and show their faces!!! People are setting up businesses and with the help of the US Government they are building highways to link their cities which also helps in getting rid of the warlords (modern day pirates) who used to rob and kill people travelling from one city to the next. With these highways-- we are linking an entire country and getting rid of the fear and oppression they have been living with for generations. Do you think Osama would be able to come out of his cave and control things again? I don't think so!!! Just by freeing those people from oppression alone had beaten him. He means nothing to them anymore and he will not be able to rule as he once did because there is no one left to follow him. He is as good as dead because there is nothing left for him to destroy. The people have prevailed!

Now back to Iraq. With Afghanistan under control and much of the evil destroyed we have turned our attention to Iraq. Once again-- Saddam is an evil man who never gave a crap about any of his own people and he certainly has not given a crap about the US other than wanting to destroy us. No-- he had nothing to do with 9/11 ON THAT PARTICULAR DAY but he has been a HUGE financial supporter of terrorism and he needed to be taken from power. Once again-- simple economics-- its the trickle down theory. Bush and his administration had a plan and the plan was to get rid of those on top and then focus on fixing these countries from the bottom. Saddam is a much tougher cookie to deal with because of his brainwashed followers (many of which were forced to follow or else face having their wives and daughters raped and killed in front of them or their tongues cut off for being blasphemous) are so hateful towards the US. Were there weapons of mass destruction? Who the hell knows! Yes they have found many bunkers filled with bombs and guns and whatnot-- maybe not enough to destroy a country-- but enough to give us an idea as to what his future plans may have been. But the worst things we found by going in there (thanks UN-yeah right) were the mass graves filled with thousands of dead women and children. The horrifying torture camps where people were electrocuted, limbs cut off, thrown into wood chippers.. we all know the stories. The list of evil goes on and on and what were we to do? Simple-- get rid of the one i charge and help change the way of life for millions. And YES there are insurgents out there who do not want our help and are going around trying to destroy anything we have tried to fix. But they are small in number compared to how many troops we have there and not to mention the great number of Iraqi's who support our cause. It will take time to get everything under control. I don't think the Bush administration knew entirely what they were up against (they may have thought that since Afghanistan went so well-- Iraq wouldn't be so hard) but we have run into obstacles along the way. That is what happens in a WAR. Its never easy and there will be obstacles but more good is coming out of it than bad and down the road the country will be under control and the PEOPLE just like her in the good old USA) will be able to make decisions and will be able to prosper and live freely. And insurgents will not be able to rule because new police forces are being put into action and we are training Iraqi's to form their own army so that in the future they will be able to defend themselves against evil instead of living in fear of their own leader. Its just so crazy to think about!!!

No-- I am sorry to say George Bush is NOT stupid. Do you recall that Libya has decided to side with us as a result of seeing what happened to Iraq? They said UH OH WE'RE NEXT! BETTER TO JOIN EM THAN TRY TO BEAT EM! Meanwhile Libya had been one of our biggest enemies/threats! Remember Lockerbie? Remember? Now we have them coming to us with their tails between their legs. And Saudi Arabia! they see it too! After the bombings in Spain the vowed to help us find terror cells in their own country. WOW! That doesn't sound like an Oil deal to me. We don't need their oil! But we need their support even if we don't fully believe in how they run things over there. Its better to have them with us than against us though. Who is next? Perhaps when we are done with Iraq we then take care of Iran, or North Korea. We cant do everything at once but we are on our way and its going to be a long difficult trip. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and George Bush sees it. I believed him when he said he would get rid of terrorism and I believe he is doing just that.

What will Kerry do? He wants to take everyone out of Iraq in the next 4 years. STUPID STUPID STUPID. So what he is saying is that we went in there- bombed the crap out of everything, liberated them and now we just walk away with no help to rebuild and fix their government and employment issues and schools and water supplies and utilities etc...Great plan there John! real swift! If we were to pull out now it would become a much bigger mess that you think it is now. The insurgents would take over and those people would be back to where they were when Saddam was ruling. Someone would step up and the whole disgusting process would start all over again!!! We would be the laughing stock of the WORLD if that should happen. Very scary!!!! Oh but if Kerry wins then we get Germany and France back on our side. WHO CARES? They don't have armies (or much of an army i should say) to begin with and they certainly don't have any money we can use or anything of major importance for that matter so WHO NEEDS THEM? They are more like a goiter stuck to our necks than anything else. Who needs them? But for some reason all dems/libs think we do. Tell me why and I will give you $10!!! I digress (there are just so many things to go off on tangents about). So Kerry the flip flopper wants the war, doesn't want the war blah blah. Which is it? Does he even have a CLUE as to what he is getting into? I only took economics 101 and I think i have a better understanding as to BIG picture of this whole ordeal. None of this can happen in 4 years. Its just not possible. We will be there for a long time after the last gunshot is fired helping to get them on their feet. Heck-- Halliburton is already there setting up new power plants and dams etc... and they will be there for ages to come. OOOOOOOh sorry for the touchy subject. If I recall Clinton hired them too to re-develop Kosovo but we aren't allowed to remember that! So what will Kerry do that is so much better??? He keeps saying he has a PLAN but I can't figure it out. I just listed above Bush's plan and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I could go on for pages about what he has done/will do. What will Kerry do? How will he work out a budget so that in 4 years we fix all of Iraq and then bring everyone home plus introduce government run healthcare and enlarge the education budget and take care of social security? Oh yeah-- raise taxes but only for people who make over 200,000! Great idea! DOESN'T MAKE SENSE THOUGH!! Anyway-- don't even get me started on Kerrys absurd domestic policies. OOOOOOh I have 18 kids and need financial help because none of the daddies are around to help. So lets tax the people who have worked hard all their lives so I can buy a new X BOX. Hallo???

What is Kerrys plan to fight terrorism, personally my number one concern? OHHH yeah he wants to sit around the UN and type memos and tell people like North Korea "please don't use your nukes!" Yeah that will go far. WHAT IS HIS PLAN??

Believe me i could go on and on but I am out of breath. So Bush is stupid, huh? No-- its the people who listen to the likes of Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon uneducated slobs like themselves who are stupid. George needs the support of our country and it has been horribly divided because people have been brainwashed to hate him. Anything that happens that isn't perfect (because we are all supposed to be perfect according to Dems) he gets blamed for. The world is laughing at us because we are so divided and its the people who are so anti-bush anti-American anti-freedom that are making it this way. John Kerry is the stupid one for thinking he can take over such a huge task but doesn't even have a plan for any of it. Just because he can windsurf and kick a soccer ball (you mentioned bush playing sports?? There is an entire website dedicated to Kerry and his stupid media pranks doing sports-- hello???) he can be president. WHAT IS HIS PLAN? PLEASE TELL ME BECAUSE I AM DYING TO KNOW.

And lastly--- how is it that YOU and your friends/peers are personally and negatively effected by George being president right now? You mentioned in your email that "I think he and his whole family are not intelligent. I'd rather not have a president that is out playing sports, or watching them on tv, when our country is in the worst shape of my lifetime". So please give me a personal experience describing how you, your peers, your family, friends etc.. have been effected? Please describe how this country is in the worst shape of your lifetime? Have you lost your job? Your apartment? Are you living on the streets? Paying too many taxes? Also please let me know who all of these people are that are suffering in the US. Did you know that poor people in the US would be considered middle class in most foreign countries? It sucks to be poor but sometimes you have to get off your ass and turn off Ricky Lake and do something about it. Are you one of those people? And if you want to help so much-- did you check off on your tax return that little box that says you want to donate more money to the government? No? didn't think so but if Kerry is President you wont even have to because he'll do it for you! Wow! Just one more thing he will do for us. Great! :)

And no one you know feels confidant about the country and its condition right now? Really? Who are these people? Are they homeless, jobless, suffering? Did they get the FLU and are now suffering? Are they starving for lack of food? Can't see a doctor? Hmmmm these people you know must be a miserable bunch. I would REALLY love to know how horrible their lives are. Really! And its all George Bush's fault? Right? If I recall I started working on Wall Street in 1993 when Clinton was President and it was one of the worst job markets in history. Wow! You know what I did? I sent out my resume and found a job! Oh my goodness the suffering I went through.

Stop blaming the government for all of your personal whoas and switch Republican. We have nothing to ever complain about except for whiny complainers like yourselves.


TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Government; Miscellaneous; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: afganastan; bush; election; iraq; kerry
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To: mollynme

"Sisters writing long rebuttal letters" PING!

21 posted on 10/27/2004 11:57:16 AM PDT by CardCarryingMember.VastRightWC (The heart of the wise man inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. - Eccl. 10:2)
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To: pfloyd95
If I were 40 years younger, I would be asking if your sister is married - and if not, make a real play for her, sight unseen?

You could be joshing us, but assuming you are not, then simply listen to your sister, and grow up!

22 posted on 10/27/2004 11:58:53 AM PDT by RAY (They that do right are all heroes!)
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To: sdpatriot
[ i can say that with the assuredness of a past Dem, who once upon a day saw a great man on the boob tube and was won over right then and there - Ronald Wilson Reagan. ]

I said its hard not impossible for a dem to come over to the light/bright side (and leave the dark side). Its rare for a dem to become a Jedi-Knight though.. Reagan was a working Jedi Knight for a few years but reverted to being a democrat at the end.. Its a terrible disease I think being a democrat..

23 posted on 10/27/2004 12:03:21 PM PDT by hosepipe (This Propaganda has been edited to include not a small amount of Hyperbole..)
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To: pfloyd95
Great letter your sister wrote!!

I had an otherwise intelligent woman tell me yesterday that she's worse off now than she was four years ago, implying that it's President Bush's fault. Neeeeeverrr mind besides supporting herself, she's trying to support her less than ambitious (lazy) 30-year-old daughter who rarely works and her three children. This woman is from the mindset that the democratic party is "for the working class." Uh huh, sure, right. I came from a family of democrats who tried to instill that crap into my head, too. Fortunately, I started figuring things out for myself.

24 posted on 10/27/2004 12:11:14 PM PDT by TejasRose
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To: pfloyd95

Wow! Great response. Your sister really got worked up, and rightly so.

25 posted on 10/27/2004 1:31:41 PM PDT by mewper
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To: pfloyd95
"I'd rather not have a president that is out playing sports, or watching them on tv, when our country is in the worst shape of my lifetime." :-)
26 posted on 10/27/2004 1:44:03 PM PDT by mumzie (
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To: pfloyd95
"I'd rather not have a president that is out playing sports, or watching them on tv, when our country is in the worst shape of my lifetime." :-)
27 posted on 10/27/2004 1:45:12 PM PDT by mumzie (
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To: pfloyd95
YEAH! That's the way to talk to a liberal (if you must!)
28 posted on 10/27/2004 1:48:11 PM PDT by I'm ALL Right! (ABC: Where communists are more credible than American war heroes.)
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To: pfloyd95
You really need to have a talk with your sister. She's much too withdrawn. If she could just learn to let her hair down and say what she really means...

Good on her!!

29 posted on 10/27/2004 2:03:13 PM PDT by oldfart ("All governments and all civilizations fall... eventually. Our government is not immune.)
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To: pfloyd95

Well now. I am as proud as punch. Pfloyd95 is my son and the email writer is my daughter. That was one amazing reply to the liberal crowed. My daughter has always been a great writer and has a very good grasp of the current situation. Now if I can just get her to finish writing that play and group of short stories.

30 posted on 10/27/2004 3:04:07 PM PDT by wheels
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To: wheels; pfloyd95
It sucks to be poor but sometimes you have to get off your ass and turn off Ricky Lake and do something about it.

B I N G O!

(of course, they don't want to hear that, do they?)

great letter!

31 posted on 10/27/2004 3:08:42 PM PDT by ZinGirl
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32 posted on 10/27/2004 3:32:20 PM PDT by Core_Conservative (The Democratic Party is the Fraternal Order of Excretory Sphincters.)
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To: pfloyd95

As the original e-mailer has demonstrated; we have another non thinker who has also shown a lack of intellegence.

As for your sister, she is a thinker and shows a profound intellegence. May I congratulate her. Well done.

33 posted on 10/27/2004 4:06:44 PM PDT by freekitty
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