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Open letter to President Bush, Rush, Hannity, Congress, Freepers re military requirments.
Oct 20, 2004
| tame
Posted on 10/20/2004 6:53:06 AM PDT by tame
click here to read article
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To: tame
Sorry - gotta have proof when you walk in the place... ;)
posted on
10/20/2004 7:45:04 AM PDT
Old Sarge
(From the stupidity of the American People, O Lord, deliver us.)
To: lilmsdangrus
Thanks. I am serious. I have driven local recruiters crazy since 9/12/01. I offered to do anything to carry my weight again. I may fire off an Email to the White House.
May nothing gonna send W an Email now. Back in a jiffy.
posted on
10/20/2004 7:48:14 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance, bigotry, envy, and gluttony are floor joists in the democratic platform.)
To: Avalon66
It's a neat idea, but CONgress would have to do its usual thing before the regs change. Now, the service branches might do something earlier,and THAT is DoD or even Presidential directive.
Only the CONgress can do the draft, but the Commander-in-Chief can always tweak the recruitment criteria...
posted on
10/20/2004 7:48:20 AM PDT
Old Sarge
(From the stupidity of the American People, O Lord, deliver us.)
To: tame
I'm about to email W. I gave up on recruiters.
posted on
10/20/2004 7:49:04 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance, bigotry, envy, and gluttony are floor joists in the democratic platform.)
To: Avalon66
thanks for that link!
sincerely, the tamest tame :o)
posted on
10/20/2004 7:49:16 AM PDT
(Are you willing to do for the truth what leftists are willing to do for a lie?)
To: Edison
I've had those discussions several times, and they always go like this:
"Son, you've got five seconds to rebut me and explain why charging in the front door is a stupidass thing to do. Ready, go.."
posted on
10/20/2004 7:50:40 AM PDT
Old Sarge
(From the stupidity of the American People, O Lord, deliver us.)
To: tame
The hope of the YOUTH Springs ETERNAL
posted on
10/20/2004 7:50:51 AM PDT
( President Bush, You are being prayed for along with our country daily, by millions of us.)
To: Old Sarge
I was in communications but I know my way around military and civilian flight lines. I'll pump gas, tow planes, wash windshields. I don't care.
posted on
10/20/2004 7:50:53 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance, bigotry, envy, and gluttony are floor joists in the democratic platform.)
To: Conspiracy Guy
posted on
10/20/2004 7:51:16 AM PDT
Old Sarge
(From the stupidity of the American People, O Lord, deliver us.)
To: tame
Good luck Tame... one of the biggest mistakes I ever made was leaving the military (to get married). I should have made a career...
posted on
10/20/2004 7:51:38 AM PDT
(Polls, polls, polls.. Please stop this bashing of our good allies!)
To: Americanwolf
I am the picture of health. 6'2" 190. BP is fine. I work out regularly. And I'll do anything to help.
posted on
10/20/2004 7:52:04 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance, bigotry, envy, and gluttony are floor joists in the democratic platform.)
To: Old Sarge
but the Commander-in-Chief can always tweak the recruitment criteria...Even re a federal law? well i guess there's a way he could do it. that's a great idea. if we could acheive something without having to pass a bill...just go to the president, and have him relax some age restrictions during war time. Hmmmmm.
posted on
10/20/2004 7:52:10 AM PDT
(Are you willing to do for the truth what leftists are willing to do for a lie?)
To: afnamvet
I have two good eyes (Praise the Lord) with my 9mm or 45ACP can do the same (moth) with left or right hand. With my scoped 270 I can group 1 inch at 500 yards all day.
posted on
10/20/2004 7:54:14 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance, bigotry, envy, and gluttony are floor joists in the democratic platform.)
To: wallcrawlr
I'm gonna try one more time!
posted on
10/20/2004 7:54:54 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance, bigotry, envy, and gluttony are floor joists in the democratic platform.)
To: Conspiracy Guy
I have driven local recruiters crazy since 9/12/ and i should make this a top priority freeper project. ya never know. it could happen!
posted on
10/20/2004 7:54:57 AM PDT
(Are you willing to do for the truth what leftists are willing to do for a lie?)
To: beckysueb
posted on
10/20/2004 7:55:37 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance, bigotry, envy, and gluttony are floor joists in the democratic platform.)
To: tame
Recently, it was announced that nationwide, the Guard enlistments were down, but regionally, we raised the bar in places. Kentucky was one such place.
I see Armed Services Committee meetings on this subject...
posted on
10/20/2004 7:56:27 AM PDT
Old Sarge
(From the stupidity of the American People, O Lord, deliver us.)
To: Old Sarge
posted on
10/20/2004 7:56:41 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance, bigotry, envy, and gluttony are floor joists in the democratic platform.)
To: tame
posted on
10/20/2004 7:57:52 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Ignorance, bigotry, envy, and gluttony are floor joists in the democratic platform.)
To: Conspiracy Guy
I'm about to email W. I gave up on recruiters. That "Oh"... ;]
posted on
10/20/2004 8:00:44 AM PDT
Old Sarge
(From the stupidity of the American People, O Lord, deliver us.)
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