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October 8th Bush/Kerry Post-Debate LIVE Thread
Posted on 10/08/2004 5:43:50 PM PDT by andrew1957
October 8th Bush/Kerry Debate
TOPICS: Breaking News
KEYWORDS: acommunistkerryis; blahblahblah; bushkickbutt; bushwins; bushwon; commiekerry; comsymponparade; crispycritterkerry; debates; dontlabelmewaaah; eatmeinstlouis; grandslambush; hegeliandialectic; hillaryinthewings; hithimfasthithimhard; ihaveaplan; imalumberjackandimok; intothecamera; iownatimbercompany; johnalqerry; jonquerri; kerryliar; kerrylied; kerrylost; kerrylostkerrylost; kerrynoplan; kerrytinman; lurch; lurchlostit; moshpit; napalminthemorning; needsomewood; nonsqueiterkingkerry; plandrinkinggame; planplanplanplanplan; planshotsofscotch; seconddebate; takeanotherdrink; thebrain; thewoodshedforkerry; votebush2004; votegwb2004; w04; wanttobuywood
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To: jrcats
Kerry will NOT have a "Plan" ....Until he has a "Summit" where his friends tell him what to do....(our enemies.)
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:07 PM PDT
(PRAVDA Means "Truth" in Russian...kinda like NY TIMES Means "News" in English.)
To: dubyaismypresident
Did he just say we were safer before Bush came to office?
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:07 PM PDT
(What's the Font Spacing, Kenneth?)
To: Kylie_04
Kerry talks about N. Korea's yellow cake and forgets all about Sadaam's
To: ApesForEvolution
Kerry ain't got Sh*t tonight
Is it me, or is Kerry rambling and incomprehensible?
To: All
"Iraq, that wasn't a thhreat," Skerry. North Korean A-Bombs, crap, look at what Jimmuh Carter did. Ask Jimmuh about them. Uh oh, FrankenKerry is bring up the Frogs and the Gerry's. DRINK!
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:10 PM PDT
Nowhere Man
("Laws are the spider webs through which the big bugs fly past and the little ones get caught.")
To: L.N. Smithee
To: Gal.5:1
You wrote:
THE PLAN (to win the peace)
winning the peace!!
We win the war and peace will take care of itself. Never accept a lefty's premise at face value...
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:10 PM PDT
GW and Twins Pawpaw
(Sheepdog for Five [my grandkids are way more important than any liberal's feelings!])
To: L.N. Smithee
NK only wants 6 party talks now.. Kerry is so bogus
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:11 PM PDT
(One Day at A Time || Blue Angel in PJs)
To: billybudd
Last time around Bush hemmed and hawed at times, spoke too slowly, and people worried.
This time Bush speaks smoothly and with more animation and people worry.
On the whole I think he's doing much better so far tonight. JMHO.
To: tame
This is what I find unnerving. Bush is being way too defensive. He's not attacking enough. Kerry is all attack. Bush can't afford to defend and say "the generals told me so" and such.
Skerry is going to need another botox treatment before the election, it looks like.
The latest one is wearing off.
To: Otta B Sleepin
Astute observation. And she asked a very well-informed question.
To: andrew1957
Prez winked at someone. Is something up his sleeve?
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:20 PM PDT
doug from upland
(When the debate ended, Cheney gave Edwards a lollipop for being good)
To: kkindt
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:22 PM PDT
(Vote for Bush - It may save your life.)
To: meyer
Now Kerry's on the "were less safe" mode. Repeating debate #1 BS. I have a plan......
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:22 PM PDT
(Proud member of the Pajamarazzi!)
To: Wormwood
I agree...I thought it might have just been me that noticed that. He appeared quite shaken there for a second, IMO.
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:22 PM PDT
A Jovial Cad
("I had no shoes and I complained, until I saw a man who had no feet.")
To: areafiftyone
Kerry is getting desperate.
W should mention that Clinton's "diplomacy" is the reason North Korea has a nuclear anything!
To: Rumierules; All
Kerry. Does. Not. GET IT! Osama Bin Laden is NOT the main point of the war! It's a WAR ON TERROR. TERROR!!! THOSE WHO CAUSE TERROR! OBL isn't the only terrorist. Neither are the members of Al Queda. Saddam was a terrorist. Kerry just doesn't get it. Bush does.
To: andrew1957
Per Iran -- Doofus, thanks to President Bush we have a defeated Afghanistan on one side and a defeated Iraq on the other side.
posted on
10/08/2004 6:26:24 PM PDT
Dr. Eckleburg
(John Kerry is a GirlyManchurian Candidate.)
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