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Airmen dispose of enemy ordnance [good job, troops!]
Air Force Print News ^
| Oct. 29, 2003
| Master Sgt. Scott Elliott
Posted on 11/01/2003 8:30:23 AM PST by Ragtime Cowgirl
Airmen dispose of enemy ordnance
-- Senior Airman Bryan Rodriquez (left) and Airman 1st Class Eric Schmedicke raise a toast to a successful detonation of more than 48,000 pounds of recovered Iraqi munitions at a remote explosive ordnance disposal range near here. Both airmen are assigned to the 506th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron's explosive ordnance disposal flight here. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Keith Reed)
by Master Sgt. Scott Elliott
Air Force Print News
10/29/2003 - KIRKUK AIR BASE, Iraq -- Crawling over more than a ton of explosives the way a child would go over a jungle gym requires a little something special, but it is just another day for explosive ordnance disposal airmen here.
The 506th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadrons EOD flight airmen have recovered and blown up about 1.5 million pounds of Iraqi ordnance in the past four months, said Tech. Sgt. Timothy Wilson, EOD team member. The unit regularly disposes of about 10,000 pounds twice a week, besides the unscheduled shots at remote areas off base.
Each disposal shot takes two days to prepare, said Tech Sgt. Richard Toporek, EOD team chief. Preparation includes coordinating with transportation officials to carry the ordnance to the range, soldiers for security and base firefighters.
Then, of course, there is the actual shot to prepare.
Loading the holes in the most time-consuming, Toporek said.
Airmen use forklifts to move massive boxes filled with mortars, rockets, antiaircraft artillery shells, grenades and other types of ordnance into predug holes where EOD troops await.
After positioning the boxes and, if available, 500-pound bombs, the pile is primed with PE-4A plastic explosives and about 24 land mines. When all is ready, the EOD team strings detonation cords tipped with detonation caps to vital spots in the pile. Then it is a matter of setting the timer and getting out of Dodge.
Most munitions, if handled properly, are fairly safe, said Staff Sgt. Doug Baker, EOD team member.
For the most part, munitions arent all that sensitive -- its the fuses that are the most sensitive, he said.
EOD airmen travel off base to collect unexploded munitions and improvised explosive devices at least twice each day, said Staff Sgt. Joshua LaRoe, EOD team member.
Soldiers are responsible for the majority of EOD action in most areas of responsibility, LaRoe said. But not here.
LaRoe said his unit is responsible for about 38,000 square miles, an area bordered by Tikrit to the south, Mozul to the north, and the Iranian border to the east.
Its an unprecedented amount of space for an Air Force EOD team to cover in an area of operations, LaRoe said.
While other EOD teams continue to train and wait their turns to deploy, Kirkuks team works daily to validate that training.
All the training weve done over the years is paying off flawlessly, Wilson said. Weve had no injuries and not a minute of down time.
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: goodnews; iraq
To: MJY1288; Calpernia; Grampa Dave; anniegetyourgun; Ernest_at_the_Beach; BOBTHENAILER; ...
The 506th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadrons EOD flight airmen have recovered and blown up about 1.5 million pounds of Iraqi ordnance in the past four months, said Tech. Sgt. Timothy Wilson, EOD team member. The unit regularly disposes of about 10,000 pounds twice a week, besides the unscheduled shots at remote areas off base.~~~
Our troops saving lives daily in Iraq.

If you want on or off my Pro-Coalition ping list, please Freepmail me. Warning: it is a high volume ping list on good days. (Most days are good days).
posted on
11/01/2003 8:32:13 AM PST
Ragtime Cowgirl
("Saddam Hussein is not running Iraq. He is not butchering tens of thousands of people." Rummy,10/27)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
I would have preferred a different headline ---
Airmen dispose of enemy ordnance in Berkeley, Santa Cruz, NY TIMES newsroom, Michael Moore's belly [good job, troops!]
posted on
11/01/2003 8:35:10 AM PST
doug from upland
(Why aren't the Clintons living out their remaining years on Alcatraz?)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
The picture is hilarious! What could be better than to raise your glass to 24 tons of explosives going off. The little boy in every guy wants to make things go bang!
posted on
11/01/2003 8:37:24 AM PST
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Great pic!
To: Spruce; EODGUY; Squantos; gatorbait; U S Army EOD
Spruce, they added words. *g*
EOD heroes, ping!
posted on
11/01/2003 8:46:05 AM PST
Ragtime Cowgirl
("Saddam Hussein is not running Iraq. He is not butchering tens of thousands of people." Rummy,10/27)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
I love the photo!
posted on
11/01/2003 8:51:12 AM PST
To: doug from upland; Ragtime Cowgirl; All
I would have preferred a different headline ---
Airmen dispose of enemy ordnance in Berkeley, Santa Cruz, NY TIMES newsroom, Michael Moore's belly [good job, troops!]
Okay, on this last one, guys.. Linear shaped charges or use a 25 Lb craterng charge and be done with it?
posted on
11/01/2003 8:53:24 AM PST
(Yesterday, today and tomorrow.....The United States Army)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Then it is a matter of setting the timer and getting out of Dodge. Indeed.
posted on
11/01/2003 9:14:20 AM PST
(We OWE our fighting men everything that we have.)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Our troops saving lives daily in Iraq ~ Bump!
posted on
11/01/2003 11:12:44 AM PST
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
The unit regularly disposes of about 10,000 pounds twice a week Ted Kennedy and Jay Rockefeller need to be brought to witness this pathetic lack of weapons.
Preferably positioned close enough to singe some arrogance.
posted on
11/01/2003 4:33:47 PM PST
(Hitlery: das Butch von Buchenvald)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Saddam had to have wasted billions on all that ordinance. What was he planning on doing with it all, blowing up the world?
To: PhilDragoo
Well done, Air Force!
posted on
11/01/2003 7:40:30 PM PST
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
All the training weve done over the years is paying off flawlessly, Wilson said. Weve had no injuries and not a minute of down time.
It is amazing (and a tribute to our troops professionalism) that our casualties aren't higher, considering the quantity of dangerous material they're transporting and destroying.
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Air Force
You thought they only fly planes !
posted on
11/01/2003 11:30:49 PM PST
(I'm one proud American right now !)
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