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1 posted on 10/31/2001 6:41:35 PM PST by Mercuria
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To: AnnaZ
2 posted on 10/31/2001 6:42:32 PM PST by Mercuria
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To: rebuildus; Cortez; abigail2; HangFire; Lady Jenn; Outraged; Kithlyara; PRND21; Driver...
3 posted on 10/31/2001 6:43:36 PM PST by Mercuria
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To: Mercuria
Pleeeeeeeeeeease tell me you have a neat-o sidekick costume! (and pics) :)
5 posted on 10/31/2001 6:48:48 PM PST by CounterCounterCulture
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To: Mercuria; AnnaZ

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6 posted on 10/31/2001 6:53:17 PM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
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To: Mercuria
I'm thinking..BUMP
7 posted on 10/31/2001 6:56:56 PM PST by Native American Female Vet
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To: Mercuria
Sorry to be the one to do this...

"This is not awar against Islam."
President George W. Bush, daily

I know why he's saying it, I support him in saying it...

But it's still stupid and liberal.

8 posted on 10/31/2001 7:01:30 PM PST by Sabertooth
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To: Mercuria
Every bit of Cynthia McKinney's speech last night on the House floor that I saw on C-SPAN on how awful the U.S. is for doing what we're doing in Afghanistan.
9 posted on 10/31/2001 7:03:29 PM PST by anniegetyourgun
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To: Mercuria
Have you heard something so outrageously brainless from an ultra-leftie within the last seven-day period that you feel it merits the title of "Boneheaded Lie-beral Quote of the Week"?

Go surf They'll give you a treasure trove of such quotes in one day, never mind a whole week.

10 posted on 10/31/2001 7:19:05 PM PST by lowbridge
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To: Mercuria
Bill Clinton, speaking this past Tues. re "globalization"

"Global trade is not bad, but there's not enough," Clinton said. "We need to spread the benefits and reduce the burdens quickly to all the people."

More promises of goodies from The Lyin' King! This is the opening campaign speech in the Bill Clinton "King of the World" election campaign. He wants to became the next UN Secretary-General, and will campaign for it by promising the world an even greater share of America's wealth.

Only a megalomaniac like Bill Clinton could view the job of US President to be a stepping stone to something bigger.

12 posted on 10/31/2001 7:46:03 PM PST by jrewingjr
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To: Mercuria
Sure, Rep. Cynthia McKinney's Oct. 12 letter to Prince Talal. Everyone, including the press, has focused on the Israel issue in the letter. But no one has addressed the letter as a whole. It's absolutely looney. Read it on her web site:

Letter to His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed bin Talal

It's a classic, and it's a shame it hasn't been analyzed more. She begins with a direct insult to Rudy G., saying Robert Kennedy would have acted differently. Then she goes into her Palestine routine, acting if only "Jewish Groups" criticized her. (Actually, I never heard any such groups criticize her, but am sure they did--I don't think Sen. Zel Miller is a "Jewish Group.") She tears down this strawman to prove she's not an anti-semite--although she poses as if only Jews criticized her.

Then it gets weirder. She makes a plaintive plea about poor black people and ends with a bizarre statement about the COINTELPRO FBI program. How can a sane and competent person think this Prince of the House of Saud gives two hoots. She is deranged. Its a shame the actual content of the letter hasn't been give more coverage.

And there's more. Go to her "News Brief" index.

McKinney News Index

The briefs are full of shallow lefty posturing and pronouncements. Striking is the lack of many news briefs about issues that might actually effect her constituents. Take a look at her August 14, 2001 "News Brief":

Congresswoman McKinney decries war against Iraqi people

Here's my favorite statement

"In addition," she continued, "targeting civilians is against the laws of civilized nations. All the US has done with success is to increase the misery of the Iraqi people and obviously violate a few international laws and conventions in the process," she concluded.

Just one month before 911, a U.S. Congressman is "confirming" that the U.S. is "targeting civilians."

Not only do I think you should use this for the show, you should spread these facts around to other friends and news organizations as you see fit.

13 posted on 10/31/2001 7:49:51 PM PST by Shermy
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To: Mercuria
Sorry I can't help you, my ears turn off liberal talk, like most mothers can tune out a four year old asking, what, why, when, where, who, how.
14 posted on 10/31/2001 8:01:03 PM PST by MissAmericanPie
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To: Mercuria
Joe Bidet..I mean Biden..and his "mano a mano" quote from last week.Its just the worst thing in the world to accused of being a "high tech" bully.Terrible!
16 posted on 10/31/2001 8:18:46 PM PST by habs4ever
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To: Mercuria
Since you asked, I 'monitor' FreeDem regularly, heres one that caught my eye yesterday:

Robert Posey - 03:40pm Oct 30, 2001
Republican Definition of Freedom = Poland Rulers Golden Privedge

Is the RNC a Terrorist Organization.

The RNC paid for the Transportation of people in the employ of Republicans to Dave County Fla. for the purpose of using physical intimidation(shoving, and a few punches) and to threaten further violence by a Cuban Crowd sponsored by a group thought to have sponsored numerous terroristic Acts against desssenters. The NC also paid to bus in African Americans to disrupt with mild violence an event by Jessie Jackson. Both of these events were intended to influence political decisions, and to do so through physical violence and threats of violence. Under the New Terrorism Act, these actions are Act of Terror. Thus the RNC is a Terrorist Organization under the law just passed. Can a normal citizen sue to seize the RNC's assets if the administration refuses to enforce the law?

17 posted on 10/31/2001 8:26:23 PM PST by Balding_Eagle
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To: Mercuria
Black holes and liberal lies

By Bruce Walker
web posted January 17, 2000

That malformed species of powerlust which calls itself today "liberal" (a perverse inversion of its dictionary and historical definition) has reached a critical mass of mendacity, an addiction to Orwellian language and thinking, that is beyond the redemption of facts, morals, or even sentiment.

Physicists have the closest concrete analogy to the this accumulation of one force (lust for control) over all other forces in the universe: a singularity, more commonly known as a black hole. In this singularity, the other two physical forces -- electromagnetic weak nuclear, and the strong nuclear -- are overwhelmed, crushed out of existence, by the force of gravity.

Light does not escape from a black hole. Time and space have no conventional meaning within the event horizon of this singularity. Indeed, nothing much has meaning within a black hole. It absorbs all the disorder of the universe, most emphatically including all manner of life itself, and crushes all purpose, all differences, all light to a physical ending.

Black holes are made, not born. As more and more mass accumulates around a geometrical point, the pull of gravity grows progressively greater. Not all heavy objects are black holes. Planets, moons, stars, white dwarfs, and neutron stars are common cosmic examples of structures that withstand the gravitational tug of mass. Nature can withstand the inclination of things to clump together -- up to a point.

Political and social discourse are like that as well. Dishonesty tends to create more dishonesty, but we have an ability to tolerate and absorb fudging, misleading, and outright fibbing, up to a certain point.

Deceit tends towards to results over time. First, lies are met with counter-lies, and so dissipate its effect. In physics this balancing occurs constantly, and we take it for granted. Fluctuations can cause, theoretically, almost anything in nature, but the odds are strongly in favor of certain events.

Second, lies and other immoral conduct disrupts the smooth and mutually beneficial relationships that we have with one another. Who trusts a liar very long? Fools and lunatics do; sensible and effective people do not.

There is, however, a pervasive and passionate commitment to wrecking truth that has crushed thought, sensation, and conscience from liberalism. It took time. Our grandparents lived in times when men like Harry Truman and Adlai Stevenson could embrace and inherently corrupting philosophy like liberalism, and yet retain their personal sense of honor.

Then followed a transitional period with men like George McGovern and Jimmy Carter. These were men who took God, country, and family very seriously. McGovern flew in a B-17 over Germany, and began his education as a divinity student. Jimmy Carter took religion seriously, sought national service at the Naval Academy, and clearly adored his wife. Good men, by nature, but men who had however begun to sink too deeply in the quicksand of the Left.

So George McGovern, who risked his life many times fighting Nazis, lied quietly to himself about the vast evil of Communism. So Jimmy Carter, a good and loving husband because of his faith, justified in his own mind extending the power and influence of cultural bureaucrats who wrote the obituary for God and invented oppression hysteria out of whole cloth.

Clinton, who among our species most nearly resembles the abortionist's bloodless definition of "viable tissue mass", did not push the envelope of liberal veracity beyond redemption. It happened sometime before him, perhaps with Michael Dukakis, whose own wife had thought nothing of lying to him for decades about her life. Or perhaps when the valiant, brilliant voices of black conservatism -- giants like Thomas Sowell -- were not given the respect that liberals gave to William F. Buckley; the intellectual and moral enslavement of blacks became the silent whisper at cocktail parties.

The consequence, however, is clear. Liberals will create illogical legal defenses for rapists, then condone the notion that all men are rapists, then ignore the brutish rapes of their leaders. Liberals will pronounce God dead, then bemoan the death of moral values, then vainly search for a lifeless, pagan Gaea. Liberals will end Nixon, then try to end a noble man like Reagan, then defend Clinton as if they were French soldiers and he were Verdun.

And it seems that nothing can be done about it. As I write, Bill Bradley -- who has the makings of a decent man -- wages a battle for his party's nomination. His opponent embraces a man who lies to the American people sometimes casually and sometimes fiercely, who sells secrets to the thugs of Beijing, who treats women like human toilets, and who -- of course -- honors laws and constitutions like Hitler did treaties and non-aggression pacts. So what is Bradley campaigning against? The cesspool of immorality? The ocean of untruths? care!

When Clinton was impeached, a honorable Democrat in the House of Representatives might have said "No, this isn't impeachable, but this is wrong." How many abstention on the impeachment vote? How many Democrats willing to say, "I will defend neither of these two positions; I will abstain."?

There seems, in short, no mechanism for deflector. Liberals are ensnared in the same egocentric fantasies that doomed from the beginning Nazism and Communism. Gore, apparently, simply cannot remember what is real and what is not. Like a befuddled Rudolph Hess, stepping into the shoes of his beloved Fuhrer, Gore realizes that he has seen the dark magic of Belial, but he cannot comprehend its workings.

The end, for them, is near. Their lies today, built on the ruin of the lies of yesterday, have led them into a free fall towards the center of the lightless singularity. It has no form, no substance, and no escape. We wait for their demise, but we need not. It has already happened.

18 posted on 10/31/2001 8:29:35 PM PST by ATOMIC_PUNK
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To: Mercuria
The Robert Redford letter at presents a lot of sentimental material that implies that Freedom, now severely threatened by terrorists, is less important than the environment, health care and all the rest of Redford's liberal issues.
19 posted on 10/31/2001 8:42:12 PM PST by thinktwice
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To: Mercuria

21 posted on 10/31/2001 10:04:13 PM PST by lowbridge
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To: Mercuria
Bump to remember to listen!!


26 posted on 11/01/2001 9:45:44 AM PST by Eaker
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