Posted on 10/18/2001 7:25:25 AM PDT by Eala
Larry Ellison is promoting a new National ID Card based on Oracle software. He'll give the database engine away free to show his good spirit (but maintenance and upgrades will not be free.)
Sample of Larry Ellison's new National ID Card
Larry Ellison is promoting a new National ID Card based on Oracle software. He'll give the database engine away free to show his good spirit (but maintenance and upgrades will not be free.)
Here's a prototype of what his new card might look like. Of course, it would do nothing to combat terrorism, but it would help the government and corporations keep closer tabs on innocent people in the USA.
Turns out Jefferson may have gotten in backwards. The price of excessive vigilance is liberty.
More ironic than funny: Ellison's family took its name (not that long ago) from Ellis Island. He wants his card to be "optional" for citizens who don't mind being interrogated and searched when they travel, but mandatory for immigrants.
Has it been over a year since you last donated to the Electronic Frontier Foundation? We fight stuff like Larry's card.
This guy is a complete jerk, and his software sucks worse every day.
As a regular business traveler, I can see no better way to form two lines at the airport (citizens and non-citizens) thus giving the latter more scutiny.
It works in Europe, South America and other places around the world that have had to deal with terrorism on thier shores for a good number of years.
Are we to wait for the government to somehow make our pourous borders work?
Or to issue everyone passports instead - very illogical (besides, one of the terrorist got in on a phony passport from a non-existant country)
Or should we just continue to rely on our state issued drivers license that is easily forged (heck, there are 50 systems for them to pick from) - where states like Tennessee and others are already issuing to illegal immigrants ...
No, let's continue to make emotional "I don't want it" arguments with no basis on the real goal of getting this country moving again.
And if I never heard of Larry Ellison again, it would be great.
Why is it that the solution to every problem caused by uncivilized people is to put more restrictions and regulations on the civilized? The difficulty of obtaining a reasonable firearm for self-protection by an average, law-abiding citizen is just one example.
You forgot the optional "personalized matching inscription."
He's suggesting it be voluntary for citizens--hello? Is anybody reading the whole article before they start foaming at the mouth? He's also suggesting it be mandatory for non-citizens.
Are these people here who are suggesting that all we have to do is enforce our borders better and we can solve this problem the same ones who are in another thread screaming about how we should close our borders and stop letting Syrians come over here to flight school? Well, to you delusional folks out there who think that these people can't just 'sneak' in somewhere along the massive Canadian border (or even perhaps at one of the unmanned border stations), I hope your right not to have an ID card makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and safe at night.
It would make me feel better to know that anyone trying to wire money overseas, or check into a hotel, or get on a bus or a plane or a train, or rent an apartment would be randomly subject to showing their national ID card as a matter of proof of their right to be in our great nation. I would proudly display mine right next to my driver's license, and never ever feel like I was doing anything other than my patriotic duty to show my absolute right to be here as an American-born citizen. For everybody else, it's a privelege to be here, and with priveleges come responsibility and obligations.
Nonsense. Several people have made the excellent points that: 1)It simply can't work (no suicide bomber is going to give a flip whether or not his identity is known), 2)It starts a slippery slope of tax intrusions, gun-ownership intrusions, etc, and 3)This is just a way for Ellison to move his lips from Clintoon's @$$ to the taxpayer's teat.
Have national IDs in these places stopped terrorism? How about crime in general? The last I heard, other countries suffer both terrorism and crime, so why should we become more like them than we already are?
It is amazing how God's Word clearly predicted where the world is heading: The Mark of the Beast, 666.
Who would have ever thought that a terrorist attack upon America would be the catalyst for a "National smart ID Card." these events have conditioned the population towards accepting the idea of an ID card for safety, identification and cash less monetary transactions (harder for terrorists to conduct their business.) All under the guise of "it is for your own good and protection and "national security."
The National ID card will come up short for one very good reason. IT IS NOT FOOL PROOF, it can be LOST or STOLEN. Unless it is implanted or tattooed on one's hand or forehead. How convenient,... Interestingly enough, the world will be proclaiming "peace and safety."
It would make me feel better to know that anyone trying to wire money overseas, or check into a hotel, or get on a bus or a plane or a train, or rent an apartment would be randomly subject to showing their national ID card
[FADE IN to Bill Clinton sitting at a mahogany desk, in a setting somewhat similar to the Oval Office.]
Have you been caught in a lie because you just couldn't keep your stories internally consistent? I can help you! With just a few weeks' study at Clinton College, you, too, can be such an expert liar that you'll always be able to get away with it!
In case you haven't been paying attention, privacy advocates have decried these for years. So now you want to use previous losses of privacy to justify further losses of privacy. Later, when the next Big Brother scheme comes up, the same thing will be repeated - "Why not have biometric cameras in every public place, national ID's track your every move anyway". This is called the Slippery Slope, and WE DRAW THE LINE RIGHT HERE.
It would make me feel better to know that anyone trying to wire money overseas, or check into a hotel, or get on a bus or a plane or a train, or rent an apartment would be randomly subject to showing their national ID card as a matter of proof of their right to be in our great nation.
It would make me feel like a character in 1984, or a peon in some Iron Curtain Soviet Republic. It would make me ashamed to live in such a nation that no longer respects privacy or freedom.
It would make me feel better to know that anyone trying to wire money overseas, or check into a hotel, or get on a bus or a plane or a train, or rent an apartment would be randomly subject to showing their national ID card as a matter of proof of their right to be in our great nation.
I'm not interested in living in a police state so you can 'feel better'. Go right ahead and carry whatever ID you want, just don't think you can force it on others.
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