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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers Capt. Chuck Yeager - 357th Ftr. Grp. - Aug. 27th, 2003 ^
Posted on 08/27/2003 12:00:44 AM PDT by SAMWolf
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Muroc Field
After WW2, Chuck Yeager was assigned to be a test pilot at Muroc Field in California.
Muroc was high up in the California desert, a barren place except for sagebrush and Joshua Trees. The main attraction of Muroc was Rogers Dry Lake, a flat expanse that was covered with a couple inches of water in the winter, and dried out hard and flat in the spring. A natural landing field, with miles of good surface in every direction. In 1946, the whole place was off-limits, a top secret Army base, developing jet and rocket planes. And there was almost nothing there - two simple hangars, some fuel pumps, one concrete runway, and a few shacks.

Yeager in the cockpit of a P-80A at Wright Field (note his headgear, the crown of a tank corpsmans helmet snapped onto his original leather flying cap).
In many ways, Muroc was fighter pilot Heaven in the late '40s: the run-down, Quonset-hut facilities didn't attract many visits from the Army Air Force top brass, and there wasn't much to do there but fly, and drink and drive fast cars. Pancho Barnes' "Fly Inn" was the pilots' favorite watering hole.
Breaking the Sound Barrier
One of the great unknowns of the time was the so-called "sound barrier." Planes like the British Meteor jets that approached the speed of sound (760MPH at sea level, 660 MPH at 40,000 feet) had encountered severe buffeting of the controls. At that time, no one knew for sure whether an airplane could exceed "Mach 1," the speed of sound. A British pilot, Geoffrey de Havilland, had died trying. The U.S. Army was determined to find out first.
The Army had developed a small, bullet-shaped aircraft, the Bell X-1, to challenge the sound barrier. A civilian pilot, Slick Goodlin, had taken the Bell X-1 to .7 Mach, when Yeager started to fly it. He pushed the small plane up to .8, .85, and then to .9 Mach. The date of Oct. 14, 1947 was set for the attempt to do Mach 1. Only a slight problem developed. Two nights before, after an evening at Pancho's, Chuck and Glennis went out horseback riding, Chuck was thrown, and broke two ribs on his right side. He couldn't have reported this to the Army doctors; they might have given the flight to someone else. So Yeager taped up his ribs and did his best to keep up appearances. On the day of the flight, it became apparent that, with his injured right side, he wouldn't be able to shut the door of the Bell X-1. In the plane's tiny cockpit; he could only use his (useless) right hand. He confessed his problem to Ridley, the flight engineer. In a stroke of genius, Ridley sawed off a short piece of broomstick handle; using it with his left hand, Yeager was able to get enough leverage to slam the door shut.

Yeager, standing on lift device that descended from the bomb bay of the B-29, just prior to entering the X-1s cockpit
And that day, Chuck Yeager became the first man to fly faster than the speed of sound. Tom Wolfe described the conclusion of the exhilarating flight in his splendid book, The Right Stuff:
The X-1 had gone through "the sonic wall" without so much as a bump. As the speed topped out at Mach 1.05, Yeager had the sensation of shooting straight through the top of the sky. The sky turned a deep purple and all at once the stars and the moon came out - the sun shone at the same time. ... He was simply looking out into space. ... He was master of the sky. His was a king's solitude, unique and inviolate, above the dome of the world. It would take him seven minutes to glide back down and land at Muroc. He spent the time doing victory rolls and wing-over-wing aerobatics while Roger Lake and the High Sierras spun around below.

An extremely rare photo of the X-1 just after release from the B-29 Launch aircraft
After the flight, the Army clamped tight security on the whole thing, and Yeager couldn't tell anyone. He celebrated with just a few other pilots at Pancho's. He flew a dozen more transonic flights in the X-1, but still under tight wraps. His accomplishment wasn't announced to the public until mid-1948. The Bell X-1 is now on display at the National Air and Space Museum
After the establishment of the Air Force as a separate branch of the military, Muroc became Edwards Air Force Base.
Flight Test in the 1950's - The X-Planes
Because of his consummate piloting skill, his coolness under pressure and ability to detect a problem, quickly analyze it and take appropriate action, Yeager was selected to probe some of the most challenging unknowns of flight in aircraft such as the X-1A, X-3, X-4, X-5 and XF-92A.

One of the most significant events in aviation history was was the breaking of the sound barrier. The Bell X-1 piloted by Chuck Yeager is seen just after being dropped from the mothership. In the background Dick Frost flies the P-51 chase plane.
Douglas D-558-II Skyrocket
The records of the X-1 were soon exceeded by the swept-wing Douglas D-558-II Skyrocket. First flown in February, 1948. Pilots such as Pete Everest, Bill Bridgeman, and Marion Carl pushed the envelope with it, achieving speeds of Mach 1.45 and 1.88. Carl took it as high as 83,000 feet. But its ultimate performance came in November, 1953, when Scott Crossfield reached Mach 2 in a shallow dive at 62,000 feet.
Crossfield's distinction as "the fastest man alive" was short-lived. Less than a month later, Yeager piloted the rocket-powered X-1A to a record 1,650 mph (Mach 2.44) on Dec. 12, 1953. During this flight, he became the first pilot to encounter inertia coupling. The aircraft literally tumbled about all three axes as it plummeted for more than 40,000 feet before he was able to recover it to level flight. Even his rival, Scott Crossfield, has since conceded that it was "probably fortunate" that Yeager was the pilot on that flight "so we had the airplane to fly another day." Later in 1953, Kit Murray flew the X-1A up to a new record height, 90,440 feet. Only one model of the Bell X-1A existed; it was destroyed in July, 1955
As flight researchers designed aircraft that could fly at Mach 3, they encountered more problems: severe heating, instability, and worse inertial coupling. The swept-wing Bell X-2, with a 15,000 pound thrust, dual chambered rocket engine, constructed of stainless steel, was the next in the series to meet these challenges. Pete Everest made the first powered flight in the X-2 in November, 1955 and later flew it to a new speed record of Mach 2.87. In 1956 pilots Mel Apt and Iven Kincheloe (a Korean War ace) were assigned to the X-2 project. "Kinch" set a new altitude record of 126,000 feet on Sept. 7. Three weeks later Mel Apt became the first man to reach Mach 3; he encountered the same inertial coupling and tumbling as Yeager had in the X-1A, but couldn't pull out of it. Both he and the aircraft were lost.
The Douglas X-3 looked like the hottest and faster airplane ever. It still does. But looks are deceiving. Westinghouse proposed J46 turbojet engines grew too large for the X-3. To get the plane airborne, a pair of J34's were installed, but could never power the plane as intended for sustained supersonic flight test. The X-3 could only exceed Mach 1 in a steep dive. Yeager flew the X-3.
Of course, the ultimate X-plane was the X-15, a true space plane, which pilots like Bob White, Joe Engle, and Neil Armstrong took to extraordinary new records in the 1960's. Joe Walker took the X-15 to a speed of Mach 5 in 1963.
By latter-day standards, it is remarkable that, while engaged in a wide range of such highly experimental flight research programs, Yeager was also involved in the evaluation of virtually all of the aircraft that were then being considered for the Air Force's operational inventory. Indeed, he averaged more than 100 flying hours per month from 1947-1954 and, at one point, actually flew 27 different types and models of aircraft within the span of a single month.
In 1953, Yeager tested the Russian MiG-15, serial #2057, that a North Korean pilot had defected with.
posted on
08/27/2003 12:00:45 AM PDT
To: AntiJen; snippy_about_it; Victoria Delsoul; bentfeather; radu; SpookBrat; bluesagewoman; HiJinx; ...
Through the 1950's and 60's, Yeager continued his successful career as an Air Force officer and test pilot.
In October 1954, he was assigned to command the 417th Fighter Squadron, first in Germany and then in France. Returning to the United States in September 1957, he served as commander of the 1st Fighter Squadron at George Air Force Base, Calif.

Famous photo shot by Bob Hoover from his FP-80 chase plane as Yeager and the X-1 accelerated past him on 14 October 1947
While he did not enter the astronaut program with John Glenn and the other Mercury Seven, he was appointed director of the Aerospace Research Pilot School (ARPS) at Edwards Air Force Base.
One of the planes he tested in 1963 was the NF-104, an F-104 with a rocket over the tailpipe, an airplane which theoretically could climb to over 120,000 feet. Yeager made the first three flights of the NF-104. On the fourth, he planned to exceed the magic 100,000 foot level. He cut in the rocket boosters at 60,000 feet and it roared upwards. He gets up to 104,000 feet before trouble set in. The NF-104's nose wouldn't go down. It went into a flat spin and tumbled down uncontrollably. At 21,000 feet, Yeager desperately popped the tail parachute rig, which briefly righted the attitude of the plane. But the nose promptly rose back up and the NF-104 began spinning again. It was hopeless. At 7,000 feet Yeager ejected. He got tangled up with his seat and leftover rocket fuel, which burnt him horribly. He hit the ground in great pain and his face blackened and burned, but standing upright with his chute rolled up and his helmet in his arm when the rescue helicopter arrived.
This scene was dramatically presented toward the end of the movie, The Right Stuff, and some have conflated this scene with Yeger breaking the sound barrier in the X-1.

Brig. Gen. "Chuck" Yeager pushes his F-15D fighter through the sound barrier high above Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave desert. The date is 14th. October 1997, 50 years to the day since Yeager became the first man to fly faster than the speed of sound, in the Bell X-1. The 'ghost' of the X-1 sits on Yeager's wing for his last military flight.
He went to Vietnam as commander of the 405th Fighter Wing in 1966 and flew 127 combat missions, and eventually rose to the rank of Brigadier General.
In February 1968, he took command of the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C., and in February 1968, led its deployment to Korea during the Pueblo crisis. In July 1969, he became vice commander of the 17th Air Force, at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, and then, in January 1971, he was assigned as U.S. defense representative to Pakistan. On June 1, 1973, he commenced his final active duty assignment as director of the AF Safety and Inspection Center at Norton Air Force Base, Calif. After a 34-year military career, he retired on March 1, 1975. At the time of his retirement, he had flown more than 10,000 hours in more than 330 different types and models of aircraft.
In 1986, Yeager was appointed to the Presidential Commission investigating the Challenger accident.
Additional Sources:
posted on
08/27/2003 12:01:47 AM PDT
("Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." -Paul Rodriguez)
To: All
'It didn't make any difference to me whether the airplane would go faster than sound. I was assigned as a test pilot on it, and it was my duty to fly it.' -- Chuck Yeager 'I'm still wearing my ears and nothing else fell off neither.' -- Yeagers first words after the flight in which he broke the sound barrier. An example of Yeager's unique attitude toward combat took place in the skies over East Germany and Poland. His squadron was mistaken for a group of unescorted bombers and the Germans scrambled every plane on the ground for an attack.
"God Almighty!" squadron leader Bud Anderson exclaimed. "There must be a hundred and fifty of them."
Yeager's reaction? "We couldn't believe our luck. We plowed right into the rear of this enormous gaggle of German fighters. There were sixteen of us and over two hundred of them, but then more Mustangs from group caught up and joined in. Christ, there were airplanes going every which way. A dogfight runs by its own clock and I have no idea how long I was spinning and looping in the sky. I wound up 2,000 feet from the deck with four kills...the ground was littered with burning wreckage. It was an awesome sight. That day was a fighter pilot's dream. In the midst of a wild sky, I knew that dogfighting was what I was born to do." |
posted on
08/27/2003 12:02:12 AM PDT
("Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." -Paul Rodriguez)
To: All
posted on
08/27/2003 12:02:34 AM PDT
("Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." -Paul Rodriguez)
To: Prof Engineer; PsyOp; Samwise; comitatus; copperheadmike; Monkey Face; WhiskeyPapa; ...
.......FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
.......Good Wednesday Morning Everyone!
If you would like added or removed from our ping list let me know.
To: snippy_about_it
Good morning, Snippy and everyone here at the foxhole.
Folks, be sure to update your anti-virus software and get the laterst critical updates for your computer.:-D
posted on
08/27/2003 3:03:59 AM PDT
To: snippy_about_it
I had the pleasure of meeting Gen. Yeager in the late 80's in Santa Maria, CA. He gave us all some words to live by:
"Never let a day go by without trying to have a little fun."
I got him to sign my logbook, so in a way, I can take him flying with me ;-)
posted on
08/27/2003 3:32:24 AM PDT
(Our research showed that good grammar is now used only half as much as it was 10 years ago.)
To: E.G.C.
Morning EGC. Thanks for the reminder.
To: snopercod
"Never let a day go by without trying to have a little fun."Those are good words to live by. That's so cool that you got him to sign your log book.
Now he is someone I'd feel safe flying with. LOL.
To: snopercod
Good Morning all!
I met up with Bud Anderson last month at the EAA Airventure in Oshkosh, WI. A gentleman through and through.
He still talks with great pride of his days as a fighter pilot in England.
He said the ones who wins most battles are not those who have the best strategy, but are the ones who make the fewest mistakes.
Saw both Yeager and Anderson fly in mustangs last year. It was quite a thrill, and one I'll not forget.
posted on
08/27/2003 5:20:50 AM PDT
Northern Yankee
(Freedom.... needs a soldier !)
To: Northern Yankee
Morning Northern Yankee.
Thanks for stopping into the Foxhole and sharing. I'll bet it was a thrill meeting those two and seeing the Mustangs!
To: snippy_about_it
Watching "Old Crow" and "Glamorous Glennis" was an unexpected thrill. They weren't even scheduled to fly, but did so to the surprise of those of us there.
Brought tears to our eyes. Seeing those tremendous pilots fly was it for me.
It's funny... for the past 3 years I've been lugging Yeager and Anderson's books around the EAA Airventure to get them signed. Gen. Yeager's is the only one left I have to get signed. (I even had Bob Hoover sign Chuck's book.)
So now my quest will get Gen. Yeager's book signed next year.
posted on
08/27/2003 6:05:27 AM PDT
Northern Yankee
(Freedom.... needs a soldier !)
To: Northern Yankee
So now my quest will get Gen. Yeager's book signed next year.Good luck and don't forget to let us know when you accomplish your quest!
To: msdrby
USAF ping
posted on
08/27/2003 6:58:04 AM PDT
Prof Engineer
(HHD - Blast it Jim. I'm and Engineer, not a walking dictionary.)
To: snippy_about_it
Good Morning Snippy.
(Diligently preparing for the Secret Project")
posted on
08/27/2003 7:18:55 AM PDT
("Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." -Paul Rodriguez)
To: E.G.C.
Morning E.G.C. We're still getting threats of rain but no real water falling yet.
posted on
08/27/2003 7:19:36 AM PDT
("Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." -Paul Rodriguez)
To: snippy_about_it
posted on
08/27/2003 7:21:10 AM PDT
To: snopercod
I'll bet that was an honor meeting him. Plus getting his signature!!
When they talk about "Best of the Best" Chuck Yeager is one of those they're talking about.
posted on
08/27/2003 7:22:22 AM PDT
("Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." -Paul Rodriguez)
To: Northern Yankee
I've been to the airshows in OshKosh, even had flight line passes one year (What a difference that makes to enjoying an airshow). Never met any famous pilots, but meeting WWII vets who flew with the 8th was thrilling enough.
posted on
08/27/2003 7:25:32 AM PDT
("Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." -Paul Rodriguez)
To: Northern Yankee
So now my quest will get Gen. Yeager's book signed next year.I wish you the best of luck and success in your quest. Let us know if you get Gen. Yeager's signature.
posted on
08/27/2003 7:27:13 AM PDT
("Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." -Paul Rodriguez)
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