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The FReeper Foxhole - Military Related News in Review - August 18th, 2003
various news sources
Posted on 08/18/2003 3:27:52 AM PDT by snippy_about_it
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Officials: No intention of lowering pay for troops in Iraq, Afghanistan
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15, 2003 Pentagon officials have no intention of lowering total compensation for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Defense Department's top personnel officer said Aug. 14.
David S.C. Chu, defense undersecretary for personnel and readiness, took questions from the media on the topic in response to published media reports suggesting DoD would cut the pay of forces serving overseas in the war on terrorism.
At issue are temporary increases Congress approved in April for two forms of compensation: imminent danger pay and family separation allowance.
Imminent danger pay went from $150 per month to $225, while family separation pay increased from $100 to $250 per month. The two increases are set to expire Sept. 30, and defense officials have urged Congress not to extend them, saying they are unfunded.
But, Chu stressed, this doesn't mean troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will see a cut in take-home pay. "We are not going to reduce their compensation," Chu said. Another senior official called the notion that the Pentagon would cut pay to combat troops "absurd." Link to Chu press conference
Link to DoD Statement on Family Separation Allowance and Imminent Danger Pay
To: SAMWolf; All
To: PsyOp; Samwise; comitatus; copperheadmike; Monkey Face; WhiskeyPapa; New Zealander; Pukin Dog; ...
.......FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
.......Good Monday Morning Everyone!
If you would like added or removed from our ping list let me know.
To: snippy_about_it; All
Good morning, Snippy and everyone at the Foxhole.
It's hot here in Oklahoma. How are things where you are?:-D
posted on
08/18/2003 3:32:26 AM PDT
To: E.G.C.
Morning EGC. We actually have a cool morning here this morning. I'm in shock. LOL.
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; Darksheare
Good morning Snippy, Sam, Darksheare, everyone!
How be ya today?
Snippy, Sam, Darksheare, I really have had Starsbucks coffee now!!
To: bentfeather
Good Morning. Welcome back.
So what did you have at Starbucks and how was it?
To: snippy_about_it
Well, Snippy, first off I had my Starbucks coffee in our nations capital, Washington DC, in the Washington Hilton Towers, where I competed in a contest with thousands of poets.
The coffee was great.
Oh, I won a book publishing contract.
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf
Good morning, good morning!
Gonna be over 90 in the north woods today, which is like 120 anywhere else ;)
Hope you had a great weekend.
posted on
08/18/2003 5:22:14 AM PDT
("I like a man who grins when he fights." - Sir Winston Churchill)
To: bentfeather
Oh, I won a book publishing contract.Congratulations!
That's wonderful, you must be thrilled. We wondered where you were off to.
So when is this book by the poet bentfeather going to be coming out. Of course I expect a signed autographed copy. :)
To: Colonel_Flagg
It is finally cooler here than in the last two months. The weekend wasn't long enough of course.
Stay cool in the heat. Hope you are doing well. ;)
To: snippy_about_it
On This Day In History
Birthdates which occurred on August 18:
472 Flavius Ricimer general of the Western Roman Empire, kingmaker
1276 Adrianus V, [Ottobono Fieschi], Italian Pope (7/11-8/18/1276)
1503 Alexander VI, [Rodrigo the Borja], Spanish Pope (1492-1503)
1587 Virginia Dare 1st American born of English parents
1685 Brook Taylor England, mathematician, discoverer of Taylor's Theorem
1750 Antonio Salieri Italy, composer (Tatare)
1774 Meriwether Lewis, American explorer who led the Corps of Discovery with William Clark
1778 Fabian Gottlieb von Bellinghausen 1st to circumnavigate Antarctica
1792 John 1st Earl Russell, British Whig PM (1846-52, 1865-66)
1834 Marshall Field founded Chicago-based store chain
1873 Otto Harbach songwriter (Smoke Gets in Your Eyes)
1896 Alan Mowbray London England, actor (Dante, Colonel Flack)
1900 Walter O'Keefe Hartford Ct, songwriter/TV host (Mayor of Hollywood)
1904 Max Factor Jr CEO (Max Factor Cosmetics)
1904 Sterling W Cole (Rep-R-NY)
1906 Andre Van Gyseghem England, actor (Search for the Nile)
1907 Enoch Light Canton Ohio, orch leader (Gulf Road Show with Bob Smith)
1916 Elsa Morante Italy, writer (L'isola di Arturo)
1916 Moura Lympany Saltash England, pianist (OBE-1979)
1917 Casper Weinberger US Secretary of Defense (1981-87)
1919 Walter J Hickel (Gov-R-Alaska)/US Secretary of Interior (1969-71)
1922 Alain Robbe-Grillet France, novelist (Voyeur)
1922 Shelley Winters [Schrift], St Louis Mo, actress (Poisidon Adventure)
1924 Mohammad Zia Ul-Haq pres of Pakistan (1978-88)
1927 Rosalynn Carter Georgia, 1st lady, Pres Carter's main lust
1930 Grant Williams NYC, actor (Greg-Hawaiian Eye)
1930 Johnny Preston Port Arthur, Tx, rocker (Feel So Fine)
1933 Roman Polanski director (Knife in the Water, Repulsion)
1934 Rafer Lewis Johnson US, decathalete (Olympic-gold-1960)
1934 Roberto Clemente pro baseball player (Pittsburgh Pirates)
1935 Gail Fisher Orange NJ, actress (Peggy-Mannix)
1937 Robert Redford Calif, actor (Sting, Candidate, Natural, Great Gatsby)
1941 Christopher Jones Jackson TN, actor (Wild in the Streets)
1943 Martin Mull Chic Ill, actor/comedian (Bad Manners, Flick, Serial)
1945 Nona Hendryx Trenton NJ, rocker (LaBelle-Lady Marmalade)
1948 Rudy Hartono Kurniawan Indonesia, All-England tennis champ
1951 Candice Earley actress (Donna Tyler-All My Children)
1952 Patrick Swayze Houston Tx, actor/dancer (Dirty Dancing, Ghost)
1961 John Viscardi NYC, actor (Father Tony-One Life to Live)
1967 Blas Elias Gomez Kennedy TX, rock drummer (Slaughter-Stick it Live)
1967 Tracy Tracy rocker (Primitives-Lovely, Lump of Coal)
1968 Greta Lind actress (Katie Kennicott-All My Children)
1970 Malcolm Jamal Warner Jersey City NJ, actor (Theodore-Cosby Show)
1971 Trey Ames Canton Oh, actor (David-A Year in the Life)
Deaths which occurred on August 18:
1227 Genghis Khan Mongol conqueror, died
1952 Ralph Byrd actor (Dick Tracy TV Show), dies at 43
1959 Harvey Glatmin executed
1961 Learned Hand Chief judge of US court of Appeals, dies at 89
1968 Cy Walter pianist (3's Company), dies at 52
1982 Beverly Bayne actress, dies at 87
1988 Frederick Ashton choreographer (Cinderella), dies at 83
1990 B.F. Skinner psychologist (Skinner Box), dies from Leukemia at 86
POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.
On this day...
0410 King Alarik I's Visigoths occupy & plunders Rome
1587 1st English child born in the New World (Virginia Dare)
1590 - John White returns to Roanoke, VA & finds no trace of colonists he had left there 3 yrs earlier
1686 Cassini reports seeing a satellite orbiting Venus
1759 The French fleet is destroyed by the British under "Old Dreadnought" Boscawen at the battle of Lagos Bay.
1769 Gunpowder in Brescia Italy church explodes, killing 3,000
1817 Gloucester, Mass, newspapers tells of wild sea serpent seen offshore
1834 Mt Vesuvius erupts
1835 Last Pottawatomie Indians leave Chicago
1838 1st US marine expedition
1846 Gen Stephen W Kearney's US forces captures Santa Fe, NM
1862 - Sioux Indians begin uprising in Minnesota
1864 Petersburg Campaign-Battle of Weldon Railroad day 1 of 3 days
1868 Pierre Janssan discovers helium in solar spectrum during eclipse
1873 1st ascent of Mount Whitney, Calif (14,494')
1894 Congress creates Bureau of Immigration
1914 Pres Wilson issues Proclamation of Neutrality
1920 Tennessee ratifies 19th Amendment, guarantees women voting right
1930 Eastern Airlines begins passenger service
1936 106.5ø F-Hottest afternoon ever in Iowa
1938 FDR dedicates Thousand Islands Bridge connecting US & Canada
1941 Phillies commit 8 errors in a game
1943 Final convoy of Jews from Salonika Greece arrive at Auschwitz
1943 Otto Skorzeny's Heinkel-111 shot down at Sardinia
1946 Golf Writers Associaton of America formed
1947 Naval torpedo & mine factory explodes at Cadiz, Spain killing 300
1954 Asst Sec of Labor James Wilkins became 1st black to attend cabinet
1956 Cincinnati Reds (8) & Cubs (2) combine to hit 10 HRs in a 9 inning game
1956 - Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog/Don't Be Cruel" reaches #1
1957 Amelia Wershoven sets record of female throwing a baseball (252'4«")
1957 Juan-Manuel Fangio, wins his last auto World Championship at 46
1958 Betsy Palmer joins the Today Show panel
1958 Fidel Castro makes a speech on Cuban pirate radio Rebelde
1958 Great Britain issues regional stamps (N Ireland, Scotland & Wales)
1958 Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov, published
1958 TV game show scandal investigation starts
1960 1st photograph bounced off a satellite, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
1961 Construction on Berlin Wall completed
1962 Peter, Paul & Mary release their 1st hit "If I Had a Hammer"
1963 James Meredith became 1st black graduate from U of Mississippi
1965 Hank Aaron loses a HR, because he hit it out of the batter's box
1965 Operation Starlite marks the beginning of major U.S. ground combat operations in Vietnam.
1966 Australian troops repulse a Viet Cong attack at Long Tan.
1967 Rolling Stones release "We Love You"
1972 Police fine Paul & Linda McCartney $800 in Sweden cannabis possession
1973 Hank Aaron's record 1,378 extra base hit surpasses Stan Musial record
1976 USSR's Luna 24 soft-lands on Moon
1978 Memphis, Tenn, settles with striking police officers & firefighters
1979 Iran Ayatollah Khomeini demands Saintly War against Kurds
1981 Jerry Lewis appears on "Donahue" to defend Telethons
1982 1st time NYSE tops 100 M figure, 132.69 M shares traded
1982 LA Dodgers beat Chicago Cubs, 6-5, in 21 innings (game started 8/17)
1982 Pete Rose sets record with his 13,941st plate appearance
1983 Hurricane Alicia battered Houston & Galveston, Texas
1983 Royals defeat Yanks, 5-4, completing "pine-tar" game (12 minutes)
1983 Samantha Druce, age 12y 119d is youngest woman to swim English Channel
1984 Triangle Oil Corp, above-ground storage tank at Jacksonville Fla, spills 2.5 m gallons of oil burned after lightning sparked a fire
1986 Crockett's Tavern opens in Fort Wilderness
1986 WYSP-FM Philadelphia begins simulcasting Howard Stern Show
1987 Philip Rush of NZ, set record for triple crossing English Channel. His time 28:21, 10 hours faster than the 1st man to do it
1988 FDA approves Minoxidil as a hair loss treatment
1988 Largest house (130 rooms) on Long Island sold for $22 million
1988 Republican Convention in New Orleans select Bush-Quayle ticket
1989 Arturo Barrios of Mexico sets the 10K record (27:08.23) in Berlin
1991 Pan Am games closes in Havana
1991 On the eve of the planned signing of a new Union treaty for the U.S.S.R., eight senior officials of the Soviet government and military launched the August Coup against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
Hawaii : Admission Day (1959) ( Friday )
Mich : Montrose-Blueberry Festival ( Friday )
Bad Poetry Day
Religious Observances
RC : Commemoration of St Agapitus, martyr
RC : Comm of St Helena, empress, mother of Constantine the Great
Ang : Commemoration of William Porcher DuBose, priest
Religious History
1688 Puritan clergyman John Bunyan, 69, preached his last sermon, before dying 13 days later. In 1678 he had authored Pilgrim's Progress, an allegory describing the difficulties encountered in the Christian life, while journeying through this world.
1856 Birth of Charles Gabriel, American sacred music artist. He edited a great number of hymnbooks, and wrote several hymns, including "More Like the Master," "I Stand Amazed in the Presence" and "Send the Light."
1927 At age 20, Christian radio pioneer Theodore Epp was converted to a living faith. In 1939 he founded Back to the Bible Broadcast, an evangelistic radio program with outlets today on over 600 stations around the world.
1930 English apologist C. S. Lewis wrote in a letter: 'One creeps home, tired and bruised, into a state of mind that is really restful, when all ambitions have been given up. Then one can really for the first time say, "Thy Kingdom come."
1963 Swiss Reformed theologian Karl Barth wrote in a letter: 'Even if there is cause for great dissatisfaction with one's church, one should stay in it in the hope that new movements will come.... Only in this way could I continue to be a member of the Evangelical Reformed Church.'
Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.
Thought for the day :
"If rabbits feet are so lucky, what happened to the rabbit?"
You might be a dog lover if...
you decide you might have kids so the dog will have playmates
Murphy's Law of the Day...
"Far-away talent always seems better than home-developed talent."
Cliff Clavin say's it's a little known fact that...
The Chinese were using aluminum to make things as early as 300 AD Western civilization didn't rediscover aluminum until 1827.
posted on
08/18/2003 6:13:50 AM PDT
(America is a vast conspiracy to make you happy.)
To: Valin
Thought for the day : "If rabbits feet are so lucky, what happened to the rabbit?" oooh. I hadn't thought of that. lol.
To: snippy_about_it

Today's classic warship, USS Astoria (CL-90)
Cleveland class light cruiser
Displacement 10,000 t.
Lenght 610'1"
Beam 66'4"
Draft 25'
Speed 32.5 k.
Complement 1255
Armament 12 6", 12 5" 28 40mm, 10 20mm, 4 Aircraft
USS Astoria, a 10,000-ton Cleveland class light cruiser, was built at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Commissioned in mid-May 1944, she made a shakedown cruise in the Western Atlantic and, late in September, transited the Panama Canal en route to join the war against Japan. The new cruiser's first combat operation took place in December 1944, when she screened Task Force 38 aircraft carriers during the Mindoro invasion. Astoria continued her carrier escort duties for the next five months, as the fleet raided targets on the Asian mainland, Formosa and in Japan and supported amphibious campaigns against Luzon, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. During March-May 1945 she helped fight off intense enemy air attacks, claiming to have shot down eleven hostile aircraft. Following repairs in the Philippines during June, Astoria rejoined the carriers during their Japan raids of July and August. She also took part in surface anti-shipping sweeps off the enemy coast.
Immediately after Japan's early September surrender Astoria steamed across the Pacific to California. She operated in the West Coast and Hawaiian areas for the next three years and made a cruise in the Central Pacific between October 1946 and February 1947. Her final active service was a Far Eastern cruise that lasted from October 1948 until March 1949. Preparations for inactivation followed, with the ship decommissioning at the beginning of July 1949.
She was part of the Pacific Reserve Fleet for the next two decades, initially at San Francisco and, after 1958, at San Diego. USS Astoria was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register in November 1969 and sold for scrapping in January 1971.
posted on
08/18/2003 7:02:56 AM PDT
To: aomagrat
Thank you aomagrat. Nice looking warship.
To: snippy_about_it
I wish I had one.
posted on
08/18/2003 7:17:42 AM PDT
To: aomagrat
I wish I had one. I bet you do! The tough decision would be who to fire those big guns on first. lol.
To: bentfeather
Oh, I won a book publishing contract. Congratulations Bentfeather!
Soon to be a "published" poet!
posted on
08/18/2003 7:28:40 AM PDT
Johnny Gage
(We will not tire, We will not falter, We will not fail. - George W. Bush)
To: snippy_about_it
Good morning, ma'am. What the hell's going on in Iraq? You reported three deaths that were FDIB's (Found Dead in Bed) That just doesn't happen when there's no alcohol or drugs available. I'll be watching to see what develops.
posted on
08/18/2003 7:38:24 AM PDT
(If Rudy Bakhtiar had no teeth, could she still lie through her gums?)
To: Johnny Gage
Thanks so much Johnny!!
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