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The FReeper Foxhole - Military Related News in Review - and Oregon Vacation Rpt - July 28th, 2003
Posted on 07/28/2003 3:20:06 AM PDT by snippy_about_it
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"How I Spent My Summer Vacation"

Snippy's Vacation with SAMWolf in Oregon, Part One.
An overview;
When we weren't out touring Oregon we would sit and relax on SAM's deck and drink coffee. Run down to post on the thread in SAM's computer den now and then and take long strolls around the hill his house sits on. Generally we just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company.

What there was of a daily routine consisted of SAM giving me a wake up call and then picking me up at the hotel. I think he only actually woke me up twice. I was almost always ready to go. LOL. Our first stop together was Starbucks (I admit I'm hooked on their coffee). We sat outside sipping our morning coffee and waking up. Next we'd go wherever the day took us.

In the evenings as far as routine went, dinner with the family was the rule when we were home on time. SAM has a wonderful family. After dinner we would hang around the house, post at the thread, mess around on the computer, and take evening walks together.
Daily treks:
Friday July 11
I left Ohio a little after 7 a.m. EST, with a stop-over in Minneapolis then on to Portland, Oregon. I arrived shortly after 11 a.m. PST. After the hotel, the first place we went was to the "End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center". They have a very nice presentation they put on about Oregon's history. Then it was home to meet the family and have dinner. After dinner we headed for the computer to update the Foxhole.

Saturday July 12
Early morning trip to the store. Sam lost me at the supermarket while we shopped, but he found me and then we used a self scanner and accidently rang up 60 dollars in donuts. Good morning laugh. lol.
We drove to an overlook near his house where you can see all the mountains hills and valleys. We would visit here a few times during my vacation. It was a nice quiet place with a good view for visiting.

 Views of SAM's neighborhood from the computer den.
We also went to the falls along the river below SAM's house.
 This picture is of the Falls below SAM's house from across the other side of the river.
 The Falls below SAM's house on his side of the river.
 Oregon History Marker below the hills from SAM's place.
After the local Falls, SAM took me to downtown Portland, we drove onto a ferry to cross the river on our way. We walked all over downtown Portland and then walked along the riverfront.


 See the statue of the Elk?
More vacation pics on the way, throughout the day.

To: All

Come on out of there!
Have a cup a joe -

Read some Recent News - 
Stretch your legs a while and welcome to Monday at The FReeper Foxhole!
Have a Good Monday and enjoy your day.
To: SAMWolf; All
To: comitatus; copperheadmike; Monkey Face; WhiskeyPapa; New Zealander; Pukin Dog; Coleus; ...
.......FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
.......Good Monday Morning Everyone!
If you would like added or removed from our ping list let me know.
To: snippy_about_it
Good morning, Snippy. How's it going?
posted on
07/28/2003 3:49:26 AM PDT
To: E.G.C.
Morning EGC. Running off to work. See you later.
To: snippy_about_it
I have an idea knocking about concerning getting messages to our troops through families. This would entail creating a printable guest book that families could print out from the internet to pass along to our troops. We all mail care packages and a stack of support notes would go a long way to conteract a lot of the liberal garbage that some outsiders seem to want to shove in thier face.
To: armymarinemom
That's a good idea. I've often printed out FR threads to include in care packages so troops could get an idea for the support they have.
Freepmail, incoming.
To: snippy_about_it
posted on
07/28/2003 5:41:55 AM PDT
(Millington Rally for America after action
To: GailA
Thanks Gail, he's adorable.
To: snippy_about_it
Great pix. Thanks.
To: snopercod
Your welcome, I would add that the weather was really nice the entire time I was there.
To: snippy_about_it
Good morning all! Hope your Monday is starting better than mine. Sinus headache and car troubles! ( At least I can lurk and post today while at home!)

posted on
07/28/2003 6:01:41 AM PDT
("Tyranny is yielding to the lust of the governing." - Lord Moulton)
To: texson66
Good morning texson66,
Any excuse to stay home and lurk is a good one, except for a headache like the billboard portrays. LOL.
Hope you're feeling better soon and car troubles get fixed.
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; Darksheare; All
Good morning everyone!
Snippy, I just saw the news about flooding in your state, are you high and dry???
To: snippy_about_it
Good morning, snippy. Nice pix.
posted on
07/28/2003 6:15:51 AM PDT
(White Devils for Sharpton. We're baaaaad. We're Nationwide)
To: bentfeather
Morning feather.
I'm fine thank you.
Around here you learn where not to put your house. The rivers are up but I'm on high enough ground not to worry.
I do wish it would cool down and stop raining!
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf
Wow, love the vacation pictures. Very pretty!!
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf
Bob Hope has died.
To: bentfeather
There's more to come, lots more.
SAM is going to post them during the day today since I have some meetings to attend at work and might not be here long enough.
We broke them down into groupings so everyone could see them without their computers locking up. LOL
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