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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers The Seminole Wars (1812-1858) - June 24th, 2003 ^
Posted on 06/24/2003 12:00:03 AM PDT by SAMWolf
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Dade Massacre or Battle at Wahoo Swamp
The Start of the Second Seminole War
The first significant event, which would be considered the start of hostilities, was the defeat of the column commanded by Brevet Major (Captain) Francis Langhorne Dade. This column included a detachment of Company "B", 4th Infantry , Company "C" and detachments from Companies "B" and "H" of the Second Regiment of Artillery and Company "B" of the 3rd Regiment of Artillery, along with a guide, surgeon, and teamsters. the force totalling approximately 100 men and eight officers bound for Fort King from Fort Brooke, now known as Tampa. Dade's force was told upon leaving Fort Brooke to be ready for any hostilities. There had been reports of recent uprisings north of the reservation and their route would take them into the heart of Seminole country. The messages sent by General Clinch from Fort King were vague in the description of the current situation. In his dispatches he had just stated that he needed troops at Fort King immediately, never stating why.

During the Second Seminole War, Major Francis L. Dade and all but three soldiers of his 110-man detachment were killed on 28 December 1835 during an ambush near Ocala, Florida.
The commanding officer at Fort Brooke took this as the Fort was under seige and needed help immediately. He frantically mustered the force and sent them on their way hoping to send re-enforcements as soon as they arrived by ship at Fort Brooke, which was reported to him as any day. With the hope that they would be able to join up with the column and break the siege of Gen. Clinch's troops at Fort King. The real reason for the message was to state that due to the lack of provisions he was forced to relocate his force to his plantation near Micanopy, Fla. and wanted Fort Brooke to supply the men for the garrison of that fortification. In past engagements the Seminoles perferred the hammocks of Florida, due to their hiding capabilities. Once Dade made it to the pine barrens he believed that there would be little to no trouble on his way to Fort King. On December 28, 1835, near Wahoo Swamp, Chiefs Micanopy, Alligator and Jumper laid in ambush for the column heading to Fort King. This location was one of several sites picked in the pine barrens around the swamp, because the Seminoles knew that the U. S. Forces did not expect to be attacked there. This site was selected primarily because Osceola, who was expected to join in, was late and Micanopy decided to start the engagement there. With swamp land on Dade's flanks the column had only one choice, to fight.
The Seminole force had been covering the U. S. force for many days and knew that their guard was down. Due to normal proceedures the enlisted men had their muskets inside their greatcoats or on the wagons to keep moisture from the weapons. This would have devastating consequences for Dade's men. Hidden by pines and palmettos, 180 Seminoles waited. Their initial musket volley at point blank range killed or wounded half the command. Major Dade and Captain Upton S. Fraser were the first to be killed. Three of the six surviving officers were wounded. Captain George W. Gardiner rallied the men and returned fire with the six-pound cannon.
As the Seminoles withdrew a short distance, the soldiers hastily built a small breastwork made out of logs in a triangle. They then cared for the wounded and collected ammunition from the fallen. The Indians' second attack lasted until about 2 p.m., when all the firing from the breastwork ceased. Most of the command was dead. The Seminoles, followed by their black allies, closed in. Three wounded soldiers, Edwin DeCourcey, Joseph Sprague, and Ransom Clark made it to Fort Brooke alive. Dade's black interpreter, Louis Pacheco, was taken captive. The Seminoles, with only three warriors killed and five wounded, retired to Wahoo Swamp to celebrate.
The scene of the ambush remained deserted for seven weeks. On February 20, 1836, an expedition under General Edmund P. Gaines identified the bodies and gave them proper military burials. The officers' bodies were placed on the east side of the trail, the 98 enlisted men in two graves within the log breastwork. The cannon was retrieved from a nearby pond where the Seminoles had thrown it. They mounted it. Muzzle down, at the head of the officers' grave, as a monument to the dead. Six years later on August 14, 1842, Dade's silent command was laid to rest at the National Cemetery in St. Augustine. This was made possible by contributions from the officers and men of the army. This battle was one of the most terrible defeats ever suffered by the U. S. Army at the hands of the native peoples, second only to Custer's Last Stand.
Second Seminole War
Start of Hostilities
September 18, 1823 the Treaty of Camp Moultrie, for the Apalachicola clans, was signed. It stipulated that the Seminoles would be reimbursed for cattle, and property for a period of 20 years, all slaves that were taken, up to that time, were to be turned into the proper authorities so they may be return to their owners, and that the clans agreed to be relocated. The date for relocation was debatable. The U. S. believed that it was to be at the earliest convienence. The Seminoles believed that they could stay for 20 years, the period of time the payments were to be received. In order to clarify this the U. S. sought to establish a new treaty with the Seminole nation.

On the 9th of May, 1832 the Treaty of Payne's Landing was signed, for the southern clans, by fifteen chiefs of the Florida clans and the United States Government. Under this treaty the Seminole Nation agreed to relocate to Indian Territory. In 1836, this was Arkansas to the western border of Oklahoma. The United States promised to compensate the Seminole for a period of 20 years for cattle, property and/or any other goods owned by the tribe along with rations for a year after their relocation. It also stipulated that the tribe could designate several of their chiefs to go and inspect the land they were to move to, and upon their approval of this land relocation would commence. In 1835, many clans within Florida did not wish to leave as in accordance with the treaties, which they believed were signed under duress. The blacks that were affiliated with the Seminoles as free men were worried about their freedom if removal was to take place. The tribes and their black allies started to prepare for armed resistance against the pending relocation.
Several incidents took place during the later part of 1835 which would rapidly start hostilities between the United States and the tribes in Florida. The first incident in the Florida Territory happened near present day Gainesville, Florida at a settlement called Hog Town. In June a party of seven Seminoles had left the reservation boundary, which was just south of Paynes Prairie, to hunt and gather supplies. The party of Seminoles had five days earlier split up and agreed to regroup near Kanapha Hall, just west of Gainesville. On the 19th of June, five of the seven were camped and waiting for the rest of their group. A party of white men came up upon the group and an altercation soon ensued between them, about the Seminoles being off their reservation and/or the killing of a settler's cow. The white settlers commenced to flogging the Seminoles with their bull whips. At this time the other two Seminoles had just arrived at the predestined meeting place and seeing that their comrades were being battered, shot a volley of musketry at the assailants. An enlivened skirmish soon took place between the whites and Seminoles. In this action one Seminole was killed and another fatally wounded, while the settlers had experienced three men wounded.

The Second Seminole War (1835-42) was the most fierce and costly war in America's history up to that time. Two hundred thousand soldiers fought, at a cost of over $20 million. The war began when some Seminole Indians refused to leave Florida, defying th e Removal Act. They also gave refuge to runaway slaves from Georgia, and the slave owners and plantation framers demanded immediate retribution. The American army committed several atrocities, including hunting Indians with bloodhounds (depicted here), and the capture of the Seminole warrior Osceola while under a flag of truce. The war lasted for more than seven years without ever coming close to a victory on either side, and eventually American troops withdrew. No peace treaty was signed.
Private Dalton was the designated mail carrier for the army on Fort King Road. This road ran from Tampa Bay to Fort King, in present day Ocala. On the 6th of August, 1835 he was on his route when he happened upon six Mecasuky Indians near the Hillsborough Bridge. Dalton not expecting any hostilities rode up on the group. When he approached, one of the Mecasuky grabbed the bridle of his mule and another Indian shot him. The Mecasuky Indians proceeded to mutilate the body of the courier after stripping him of his clothes. They shot the mule and took the saddle and bridle, along with the mail before moving on. There is speculation that the Mecasuky Indians involved were from the tribe of Seminoles that were harrased near Hog Town and were looking for retribution for that incident.

Andrew Jackson
Monday the 28th of December, 1835 General Wiley Thompson (Indian agent assigned to the Seminoles at Fort King) was dining at Mr. Erastus Rogers' (the sutler at Fort King) house with nine other individuals, just outside the gates to Fort King. The forts garrison had just left with General Clinch, for his plantation "Auld Lang Syne", due to the want of food and supplies. Before leaving, General Clinch sent a dispatch to Fort Brooke (present day Tampa) for troops to relieve the garrison. After the soldiers departed, Osceola and a band of supporters who were lying in wait till the column was gone came up on the cabin and fired a volley towards the front door of the house. The door was soon kicked open by the Seminoles and the members of the dinner party that were not killed in the first volley, scrambled for the windows. Several men made it out of the window and ran for the woods, only to be killed by their pursuers. Five of the dinner party survived the ambush and got away to tell their story. General Thompson was found with a total of fifteen musket balls in him. According to reports one of the rounds came from a silver plated rifle that he had given to Osceola in lieu of his help in keeping peace on the reservation. Osceola only a few days previous to this event was arrested by Gen. Thompson for losing his temper and was put in chains by the Indian Agent, this would be his retribution for what Thompson had done to him.
posted on
06/24/2003 12:00:04 AM PDT
To: AntiJen; snippy_about_it; Victoria Delsoul; SassyMom; bentfeather; MistyCA; GatorGirl; radu; ...
In 1841, when North Florida was booming with settlers, South Florida was still a war zone. Congress appropriated more than one million dollars to capture by bribe or bullet the surviving Indians. The Indian Council, headed by Holatta-Micco (Billy Bowlegs) was determined to defend the Biscayne holdings. The Third Artillery under Major Childs and Lt. John McLaughlin began to crisscross the swamps with the intent of destroying anything that would help the Seminoles. By 1842 230 Indians had been captured by this strategy.
There was great pressure in Congress among Northerners to curtail this expensive and bloody conflict, which could only result in the creation of another slave state. A truce was started when Billy Bowlegs agreed to stop hostilities. It did not last.
Inspired by the discovery of the rich muck lands of the Okeechobee area, Governor Thomas Brown encouraged cattlemen and farmers, protected by the Florida militia, to enter the region. Fort Myers was developed into a full sized village. In December of 1855, Lt. George Hardstuff, on a "survey" of Seminole facilities, ram survey lines across Billy Bowlegs prize banana garden. The Indians returned to the war.

Billy Bowlegs - 1858
Principal chief over the 300-400 remaining Indians in Florida at the close of the Second Seminole War.
Five hundred dollar rewards for braves, $250 for women, and $100 for children were offered to white bounty hunters. Indians could receive the same rewards for giving up. The Seminoles rejected the financial rewards and began their guerrilla warfare. A band of forty Oklahoma Seminole could not convince the Indians to surrender.
Billy Bowlegs rejected bribes of $5,000 plus $100 per surrendered Indian, but when his granddaughter was seized, he was forced to surrender. On May 4, 1858, the last of the famous Seminole warriors met the soldiers at Billy's Creek and was sent forever from Florida. A handful of Seminoles remained in the Everglades, but fighting ended.
The Seminoles had delayed Florida statehood for thirty years. They had never surrendered, each person allowed to decide whether to accept a treaty. Now the frontier was ready for settlement and only the Civil War would delay the potential growth of this last frontier.
Additional Sources:
posted on
06/24/2003 12:00:42 AM PDT
(There's plenty of room for all God's creatures..... right next to the mashed potatoes.)
To: All
The Seminoles of Florida, a tribe said to have been derived from Creek refugees, resisted the efforts made to remove them, and started a war which proved to be the longest and most costly Indian war to which the United States had ever been subjected. Instead of being concluded in one or two severe campaigns, as in ordinary cases, it dragged its slow length along for seven years, until the government almost despaired of subduing its adversaries.
The Florida War may be said to have commenced with the massacre of Major Dade's command, on the 28th of December, 1835, and closed, by official proclamation, on the 14th of August, 1842. It was generally said to have cost the United States forty millions of dollars. The number of deaths among the regular troops during the war amounted to an aggregate of fourteen hundred and sixty-six, of whom the very large number of two hundred and fifteen were officers. |
posted on
06/24/2003 12:01:14 AM PDT
(There's plenty of room for all God's creatures..... right next to the mashed potatoes.)
To: All
posted on
06/24/2003 12:01:56 AM PDT
(COBOL programmers are down in the dumps.)
To: WhiskeyPapa; New Zealander; Pukin Dog; Coleus; Colonel_Flagg; w_over_w; hardhead; ...
.......FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
.......Good Morning Everyone!
If you would like added or removed from our ping list let me know.
To: snippy_about_it
Good Morning, Snippy. How's it going?:-D
posted on
06/24/2003 3:39:41 AM PDT
To: E.G.C.
Good Morning, going great.
Sun is out, temps near or at 90 degrees yesterday and for the next three days. Hot!
To: SAMWolf; snippy_about_it; *all
Good morning SAM, snippy, everyone. Have a great day!
To: bentfeather
Good morning feather. You have a great day, too.
To: SAMWolf
posted on
06/24/2003 5:47:51 AM PDT
('Column righhhhhtttt, HUUUUUHHHHH!')
To: SAMWolf
G'Morning Sam - Great post today. I'll bring some friends!
To: HELLRAISER II; RedBloodedAmerican; Joe Brower; wardaddy
Come along for some FLA History
To: stainlessbanner
Thank you for pinging me to this thread!! Great reading!
To: Amore; razorbak; Luis Gonzalez
To: yall
A few more links for everyone
The Seminoles of Florida call themselves the "Unconquered People," descendants of just 300 Native Americans who managed to elude capture by the U.S. army in the 19th century. Today, more than 2,000 live on six reservations in the state – located in Hollywood, Big Cypress, Brighton, Immokalee, Ft. Pierce, and Tampa.
This site is dedicated to the rich history and culture of the Florida Seminole Tribe.
A short biography
For nearly twenty years, the Seminoles refused to live with and under the Muscogee Creek government, in 1856, a treaty was made with the Muscogee Creeks and the Federal government establishing the first Seminole Nation in Oklahoma. This nation, recognized as an independent nation within the United States and under its protection, consisted of the land between the South Canadian River and North Canadian River bounded on the East by a line where the present city of Tecumseh OK now exists, and on the west by the western boundary of the United States (in 1856), which was the 100th meridian.
In the early days of its existence, the fledgling United States government carried out a policy of displacement and extermination against the American Indians in the eastern US, systematically removing them from the path of "white" settlement.
In 1830 the Congress of the United States passed the "Indian Removal Act." Although many Americans were against the act, most notably Tennessee Congressman Davy Crockett, it passed anyway. President Jackson quickly signed the bill into law.
To: SAMWolf

My gr-gr-grandaddy often traveled to south FLA on sales trips in the 20's and 30's. He remembers sleeping in his car and hearing the Indians off in the distance and seeing their campfires in the swamps as he bedded down for the night. One morning he awoke with a bunch of natives around his car and hovering over him. He was a little scared at first, but relived that they were friendly and brought him some whiskey as an offering of friendship.
To: snippy_about_it
posted on
06/24/2003 6:10:59 AM PDT
To: snippy_about_it
Good Morning Snippy
posted on
06/24/2003 6:15:35 AM PDT
(COBOL programmers are down in the dumps.)
To: bentfeather
Good Morning, Feather
posted on
06/24/2003 6:16:15 AM PDT
(COBOL programmers are down in the dumps.)
To: hardhead
Some interesting stuff there. Sure sounds like the owner has it in for the Top Brass in some of those stories.
posted on
06/24/2003 6:19:15 AM PDT
(COBOL programmers are down in the dumps.)
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