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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers The Monitor and The Merrimac - Mar. 9th, 2003 ^
| John V. Quarstein, director, Virginia War Museum
Posted on 03/09/2003 12:01:05 AM PST by SAMWolf
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Naval history was made on March 8, 1862, when the first Confederate ironclad steamed down the Elizabeth River into Hampton Roads to attack the woodensided U.S. blockading fleet anchored there. Built on the hull of the U.S.S. Merrimac (which had been scuttled and burned when the Federals abandoned the Gosport Navy Yard in April, 1861), the new warship had been christened C.S.S. Virginia, but in common usage retained its original name. After ramming and sinking the twenty-four-gun woodenhulled steam-sailing sloop Cumberland, the Merrimac headed for the fifty-gun frigate Congress. An awestruck Union officer watched the one-sided fight as the Merrimac fired "shot and shell into her with terrific effect, while the shot from the Congress glanced from her iron-plated sloping sides, without doing any apparent injury."
The results of the first day's fighting at Hampton Roads proved the superiority of iron over wood, but on the next day iron was pitted against iron as the U.S.S. Monitor arrived on the scene. It was just in time to challenge the Merrimac, which was returning to finish off the U.S. blockading squadron. The Confederate ironclad carried more guns than the Union Monitor, but it was slow, clumsy, and prone to engine trouble. The Union prototype, as designed by John Ericsson, was the faster and more maneuverable ironclad, but it lacked the Rebel vessel's brutish size and power. The Merrimac's officers had heard rumors about a Union ironclad, yet, according to Lieutenant Wood: "She could not possibly have made her appearance at a more inopportune time for us...... Lieutenant S. Dana Greene, an officer aboard the Monitor, described the first exchange of gunfire: "The turrets and other parts of the ship were heavily struck, but the shots did not penetrate; the tower was intact, and it continued to revolve. A look of confidence passed over the men's faces, and we believed the Merrimac would not repeat the work she had accomplished the day before." Neither ironclad seriously damaged the other in their one day of fighting, March 9, 1862 though the Merrimac was indeed prevented from attacking any more of the Union's wooden ships. A new age of naval warfare had dawned.
posted on
03/09/2003 12:01:06 AM PST
To: MistyCA; AntiJen; Victoria Delsoul; SassyMom; bentfeather; GatorGirl; radu; souris; SpookBrat; ...
Statistics Of The C.S.S. Virginia
Acquisition.--Seized by the Confederates in 1861 at Gosport Navy Yard and converted into an ironclad.
Description.--Screw ironclad ram.
Tonnage.--3,200 tons.
Dimensions.--Length 275'; beam, 38' 6"; depth, 27½'.
Draft.--Loaded, 22'; without coal or ballast, 19½'.
Speed.--About 9 knots
Engines.--Horizontal, back acting; two cylinders, 72" in diameter, 3' stroke.
Boilers.--4 Martin type boilers; average steam pressure, 18 lbs.
Battery.--March 11, 1862, 10 guns;
May, 1862, 2 7-inch rifle pivots, 2 6-inch rifles and 6 9-inch Dahlgrens in broadside, 2 12-pounder howitzers on deck.
Crew Size: According to the personnel roster of the Virginia, she was manned by 160 Navy, and 28 Marines.
Disposition.--Run on shore near Craney Island and set on fire after being abandoned; she blew up at 4.58 a.m., May 11, 1862.
Remarks.--Formerly she was the U. S. S. Merrimack. March 8, 1862, she engaged and sunk the U. S. S. Cumberland by ramming and destroyed the Congress by fire. March 9, 1862, engaged the U. S. vessels Monitor, Minnesota, and St. Lawrence.
Statistics Of The U.S.S. Monitor
Acquisition:--Built by contract with John Ericsson at Green Point, L. I. Launched January 30, 1862.
Cost:--$275,000 or $280,000.
Description.--screw steamer; iron and wood; single turret.
Class: Monitor
Rate, rig, etc.: Original type of turreted vessel.
Tonnage.--776 (987).
Dimensions.--Length, 172'; beam, 41' 6"; depth, 11' 4".
Draft.--Just after being launched; forward, 7' 8"; aft, 8' 1" (10' 6").
Engines.--Double trunk, cylinders (2 in 1 casting); 36" diameter, 27" stroke.
Boilers.--Two; return tube "box" boilers.
Battery.--2 XI-inch guns in turret.
Disposition.--Foundered off Hatteras, December 31, 1862, Commander J.P. Bankhead in command.
Remarks.--Cost of articles furnished to her was $560.35. Had famous engagement with C. S. S. Merrimack in Hampton Roads, March 9, 1862. First engagement of ironclads.
Crew Size:
Report of Lieutenant Worden, U. S. Navy, regarding the complement of officers and crew for the U. S. S. Monitor.
NAVY YARD, NEW YORK, January 27, 1862.
Secretary of the Navy.
SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 24th instant, in relation to the complement of officers and crew for Ericsson's ironclad battery.
In estimating the number of her crew, I allowed 15 men and a quarter gunner for the two guns, 11 men for the powder division, and 1 for the wheel, which I deem ample for the efficient working of her guns in action. That would leave 12 men (including those available in the engineer's department) to supply deficiencies at the guns, caused by sickness or casualties. I propose to use a portion of the petty officers at the guns, and in naming the number of that class I thought I would be enabled to obtain a better class of men for that purpose.
It is believed that 17 men and 2 officers in the turret would be as many as could work there with advantage; a greater number would be in each other's way and cause embarrassment.
The limited accommodations of the battery and the insufficiency of ventilation renders it important that as few as is consistent with her efficiency in action should be put in her.
In relation to masters mates, one might be ordered; more would overcrowd her accommodations and seems to be unnecessary.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant, Commanding.
posted on
03/09/2003 12:01:38 AM PST
(We do not bargain with terrorists, we stalk them, corner them , take aim and kill them)
To: SAMWolf
'It will be remembered that the Virginia was a novelty in naval architecture, wholly unlike any ship that ever floated; that her heaviest guns were equal novelties in ordnance; that her motive power and her obedience to her helm were untried, and her officers and crew strangers comparatively to the ship and to each other, and yet, under all these disadvantages, the dashing courage and consummate professional ability of Flag-Officer Buchanan and his associates achieved the most remarkable victory which naval annals record.' -- S. R. MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy(Confederate)
'The fierce conflict between these two ironclads lasted for several hours. It was in appearance an unequal conflict, for the Merrimac was a large and noble structure, and the Monitor was in comparison almost diminutive. But the Monitor was strong in her armor, in the ingenious novelty of her construction, in the large caliber of her two guns, and the valor and skill with which she was handled. After several hours' fighting the Merrimac found herself overmatched, and, leaving the Monitor, sought to renew the attack on the Minnesota; but the Monitor again placed herself between the two vessels and reopened her fire upon her adversary. At noon the Merrimac, seriously damaged, abandoned the contest and, with her companions, retreated toward Norfolk.' -- Gideon Welles Secretary of the Navy (Union) |
posted on
03/09/2003 12:02:11 AM PST
(We do not bargain with terrorists, we stalk them, corner them , take aim and kill them)
To: All
The State of the Union is Strong!
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posted on
03/09/2003 12:02:45 AM PST
(We do not bargain with terrorists, we stalk them, corner them , take aim and kill them)
To: All

Thanks, Doughty!
posted on
03/09/2003 12:03:14 AM PST
(We do not bargain with terrorists, we stalk them, corner them , take aim and kill them)
To: All
Good Morning Everybody.
Chow time!
NG's and ER's to the front of the line.
posted on
03/09/2003 12:03:37 AM PST
(We do not bargain with terrorists, we stalk them, corner them , take aim and kill them)
To: SAMWolf
Great thread, great job!
posted on
03/09/2003 5:10:01 AM PST
To: SAMWolf; All
Good Morning Sam and everyone!!
To: bentfeather
Good morning bentfeather. Sam really puts up some great threads here on the FReeper Foxhole. You sure do add alot also. Thanks.
posted on
03/09/2003 6:01:57 AM PST
The Real Deal
(The United States of America Armed Forces are the finest in the world. Bar none!)
To: SAMWolf; AntiJen; MistyCA; Victoria Delsoul; DoughtyOne; Scuttlebutt; larryjohnson; jwfiv; All

posted on
03/09/2003 6:05:07 AM PST
(God bless and Protect President Bush!)
To: Kudsman; kilowhskey; Wavyhill; BADKARMA; waRNmother.armyboots; USMC_tangocharlie; Pern; ...
FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
To be removed from this list, please send me a blank private reply with "REMOVE" in the subject line! Thanks! Jen
posted on
03/09/2003 6:05:08 AM PST
(The FReeper Foxhole - Can you dig it?)
To: The Real Deal
Good Morning!!
Thank you so much for the lovely words, they are appreciated.
To: AntiJen
Good Morning, Jen
You have mail.
Just kidding!!
How are you doing?
Don't get much of a chance to post over here, but I do enjoy this thread!
posted on
03/09/2003 6:08:19 AM PST
(God bless and Protect President Bush!)
To: AntiJen
posted on
03/09/2003 6:10:06 AM PST
To: SAMWolf
Good morning, Mr. SAM...thank you for an excellent and beautiful thread...I keep finding gems whenever I jump into the FReeper Foxhole..)
Wishing you a fine day.
posted on
03/09/2003 6:13:49 AM PST
To: Pippin
Hi Pippin! Good to hear from you. I'm doing OK, but think I'm coming down with a cold. Ick! I'm glad you enjoy the Foxhole threads - Sam does such a wonderful job with each one! Visit us more often!
posted on
03/09/2003 6:17:19 AM PST
(The FReeper Foxhole - Can you dig it?)
To: E.G.C.
Good morning!!!!!!
posted on
03/09/2003 6:17:57 AM PST
(The FReeper Foxhole - Can you dig it?)
To: AntiJen
Thanks, You take care and get rid of that cold!
posted on
03/09/2003 6:19:14 AM PST
(God bless and Protect President Bush!)
To: Pippin
I love the flag with the Pledge of Allegiance graphic. Thanks Pip!
posted on
03/09/2003 6:19:29 AM PST
(The FReeper Foxhole - Can you dig it?)
To: SAMWolf
Here's my favorite picture of C.S.S. Virginia.
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