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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers The BATTLE OF SUNDA STRAIT - 1942 - Jan 10th, 2003 ^ | Vincent P. O'Hara

Posted on 01/10/2003 5:16:43 AM PST by SAMWolf

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The Lonely Ships

This battle was not at all like the battles that had been fought in the previous month, when there were organized squadrons with a general objective facing the enemy. This battle consisted of several of the bigger warships that had survived the Battle of the Java Sea and now tried to escape the trap before it closed. Unfortunately, none of these ships would succeed and all went down, usually with heavy loss of life.

The Battle of the Java Sea marked the collapse of Allied seapower in the Dutch East Indies. After the two Dutch cruisers were torpedoed and sunk around midnight the American heavy cruiser Houston and the Australian light cruiser Perth, complying with Admiral Doorman's final order, broke off and fled east making for Tandjungpriok, the port of Batavia. The exhausted crews remained at battle (or action) stations all night, but contrary to expectations, the Java Sea was clear of enemy forces at dawn. Perth, followed by Houston (Captain Waller of the Australian cruiser being senior to Rooks, captain of Houston) made port about noon, but when they tied up at the main dock, the port authorities advised that only 1,000 tons of fuel oil remained and this was being reserved for Dutch ships. After being told that few Dutch ships remained afloat, the authorities permitted Perth to take on 300 tons, bringing her to about 50% of capacity. They determined that Houston had enough fuel to make Australia. The two cruisers were also short on ammunition. Houston had about 50 rounds each for her six operative 8" guns while Perth had only 20 rounds for each of her 6" guns. There was no replenishment available at Tankjungpriok for this critical need.

HMAS Perth

At about 1400 Admiral Helfrich, the Dutch admiral in command of Allied naval forces, ordered the two cruisers to proceed to Tjilatjap on the south coast of Java along with the Dutch destroyer Evertsen. There the Admiral unrealistically hoped to gather the remnants of the ABDA fleet (less the Royal Navy contingent of the Western Strike Force which had been permitted to withdraw to Columbo the day before) and continue the battle. Aerial reconnaissance made as late as 1500 hours on the 28th indicated the western route via the Sunda Strait was clear and that the Japanese invasion fleet was still ten hours steaming time away.

The Western Strike Force (light cruises Danae, Dragon, Hobart and destroyers Scout, Tenedos and Evertsen) had already navigated the Sunda Strait bound for Ceylon after an unsuccessful sweep of the waters north of Batavia on the night of February 27-28. Only Evertsen returned to Batavia after being separated from her British and Australian companions by a storm.

The two cruisers cast off at 1900 on the evening of February 28. Evertsen apparently failed to receive orders instructing her to accompany the cruisers; accordingly she was forced to follow about an hour behind. The cruisers cleared the channel and reached the open sea by 1930 and set course west for the straits and, hopefully, safety.

This was a realistic expectation but for one thing: the intelligence regarding Japanese movements received by Waller and Rooks was faulty. The invasion fleet of 56 transports and a powerful escort that was supposed to arrive off the Straits at approximately 0100 hours on the 1st, several hours after the Allied exit, was actually about four hours ahead of this schedule.

Japanese scout planes observed the Allied cruisers throughout the day on the 28th so their presence close to the invasion beaches should have come as no surprise; yet, the Japanese dispositions seemed to discount the possibility of opposition. The invasion fleet divided into three groups. Ten transports escorted by light cruiser Yura and the 22nd DD DIV (Satsuki, Minatsuki, Fumitsuki and Nagatsuki) sailed for Ajner Lor west of Sunda Strait. The second group, light cruiser Sendai and the 20th DD DIV (Amagiri, Asagiri and Yugiri) split off and made for Semarang, well east of Batavia in central Java. The main force arrived off St. Nicolaas Point, the extremity of Java marking the entrance to Sunda Strait, on the evening of the 28th. Six transports deployed at Merak on the western side of the Point while 27 transports landed the main body of the 2nd Infantry Division at Bantam Bay east of St. Nicolaas Point. Heavy cruisers Mikuma and Mogami,light cruiser Natori and destroyers Shiratsuyu, Shirakumo, Murakumo, Shirayuki, Hatsuyuki, Asakaze and Shikinami deployed at various points north and west of the landing zones, up to a half hour's steaming time away. Fubuki patrolled the eastern approaches while Harukaze and Hatakaze remained in the bay with the transports along with the 1st minesweeper DIV (W1, W2, W3 and W4). Further north and beyond the battle zone the light carrier Ryujo, the seaplane carrier Chiyoda, the heavy cruisers Kumano and Suzuya and the destroyers Isonami, Shikinami and Uranami provided distant cover.

At 2215 Fubuki was about 2,500 yards east of Babi Island (13 miles east and slightly north of St. Nicolaas Point) when she sighted strange ships rounding the island to the east. She shaped a course that took her north of the island and then turned to follow these suspected intruders. Conditions favored a battle. The sea was calm, visibility good and the moon full. As the Allied cruisers rounded Babi, Houston, the lead ship, spotted the lights of Point St. Nicolaas marking the path to safety, and then the dark shape of ships maneuvering dead ahead. Forewarned of the possible presence of Dutch patrol boats, Rooks concluded they were moving too quickly to be friendly and sounded the general alarm. Shortly after at 2244, Perth detected Fubuki which had been following behind for almost a half hour and challenged her by blinker. Fubuki replied with a series of green flashes that Perth correctly interpreted as unfriendly whereupon she opened fire. Fubuki turned, made smoke and launched nine type 90 torpedoes from a range of 3,000 yards. The time was 2245. The Allies realized they had unintentionally stumbled onto the main Japanese landing and opened fire on the ships in the bay.

IJN Mogami

The rest of the Japanese forces were scattered, mostly to the north and west. Once Fubuki fired her torpedo salvo and withdrew north, only Harukaze and Hatakaze were immediately available to shield the transports and their initial activities were passive in nature. Harukaze got under way at 2231 and covered the entrance to the bay with smoke.

Hatakaze plunged into this smoke heading north. The Allied cruisers sidestepped Fubuki's torpedoes by making a tight full circle and resumed their course toward the light that marked the entrance to Sunda Strait and, hopefully, escape, shooting at targets they could only imperfectly see. At 2252 Hatakaze began to return fire. For the first fifteen minutes after the first torpedoes were launched, Houston and Perth were the superior force, but at 2300 this position dramatically changed. Shiratsuyu arrived from the northwest and engaged from a position roughly 3,000 to 4,000 yards due north of St.Nichaalos Point. Light cruiser Natori, with Hatsuyuki and Shirayuki opened fire from about 5,000 yards north of the point, charging southwest and rapidly closing range. Asakaze had been cruising north of the point. She joined Hatakaze and Harukaze in a column about 5,000 yards northeast of the point. The heavy cruisers Mikuma, and Mogami followed by Shikinami were still on their way, sailing south were about 10,000 yards north and just east of the point. Finally Shirakumo and Murakumo were steaming hard from the west, but were still 7,000 yards west and north of the point. Houston and Perth were about 5,000 yards directly east of the point and only a few thousand yards northeast of the transports. They turned south, southeast at 2300 under pressure from the increased tempo of Japanese fire and sailed parallel to the transports for about eight minutes inflicting some damage and remaining undamaged themselves. This condition was to rapidly change.

Captain Hector Waller DSO
He was perhaps onr of the Royal Australian Navy's greatest fighting Captains. When the Perth sank, he tried to save as many lives as possible and was last seen in the glare of flames giving orders from the bridge.

At 2308 the Allied cruisers turned northeast as they neared Penang Island. The major portion of the Japanese light forces was heading southeast in three columns: Natori, Hatsuyuki and Shirayuki and finally Hatakaze, Asakaze and Harukaze. Between 2310 and 2319 they laced the waters around the cruisers with 28 torpedoes. The Allies replied with everything they had from 8" to .50 c machine guns and, in the case of Perth, even four torpedoes. The nature of the battle from both perspectives was close and confused. Gun flashes seemed to erupt from all quarters while the waters boiled with phosphorescent torpedo wakes. Houston suffered the first damage, a hit on her bridge that started a small fire. Perth remained unscathed despite the constant illumination and heavy fire. Finally, she took three light hits, but remained essentially undamaged. . She returned fire with 6"guns under independent control and the 4" pumping out star shell, damaging Harukaze on her rudder and Shirayuki on her bridge.

At 2319 the Japanese heavy cruisers finally entered the fray sailing west well off the bay. They fired six torpedoes each at Perth from an estimated distance of about 9,300 yards and then reversed course as they neared Babi Island. At about the same time the Allied cruisers turned back toward the St Nicholaas Point. They were both about out of main battery ammunition and, perhaps, held a final hope of forcing the straits to safety. But this hope grew even fainter at 2322: geysers began to erupt around Houston as the Japanese heavy cruisers opened fire from about 12,000 yards, assisted by the searchlights of their destroyers. Mikuma had to cease fire at 2325 due to a defect in her electric circuits, but was able to resume several minutes later.

Captain Albert H. Rooks, USN, commanding officer of U.S.S. Houston. For his valiant service at the head of his ship until he was slain at midnight on 1st March by shrapnel, Rooks was awarded the Medal of Honor

At 2326 the battle entered its decisive phase. Harukaze and Hatakaze fired five and six torpedoes respectively followed at 2330 by nine each from Shirakumo and Murakumo. Harukaze was probably the agent of the first torpedo to hit Perth. She was making 28 knots when it struck killing all but one of the forward engine crew. . By this time her main batteries were reduced to firing practice shells and her 4" guns star shells. Two more torpedoes, probably from Shirakumo and Murakumo followed at 2335. These hit the forward magazine and aft under X turret. At this point Waller ordered abandon ship, but a fourth torpedo found her before she sank at 2342. Waller went down with his ship. 351 other member of the complement of 686 were lost with their captain. Another 106 crew died as prisoners of war.

While Perth was engaged by the destroyers, Mogami fired six long lances at Houston at 2327. This was one of the most effective torpedo salvos of the entire war. They sped pass their intended target at 48 knots directly into Bantum Bay. At 2335 five explosions erupted almost simultaneously. The army transports Sakura Maru (7,149 tons gross), Horai Maru (9,162 tons) Tatsuno Maru (6,960 tons) and the special vessel Ryujo (Shinshu) Maru (8,160) tons all sank in shallow water, although the later two were subsequent raised. Mogami also sank minesweeper W2 (807 tons full load displacement) in this barrage, although her loss is also credited to action by Houston and a mine.

Houston continued the fight alone. Rooks gave up on the idea of escape and turned his ship back toward the transports. At 2340 Houston suffered her first major damage, a hit in her engine room which massacred the entire crew. Her first torpedo hit, again from the salvo fired by Shirakumo and Murakumo followed shortly after. Nonetheless, she fought on. The action was so close and furious a Houston sailor actually shot out a Japanese searchlight with a rifle. The Japanese appeared to have some trouble separating their target from their own ships. Houston benefited as Japanese ships illuminated each other and their own transports and she was able to damage three destroyers. Harukaze, Shirakumo and Shikinami. But the end was inevitable. At 2250 she was hit on her #2 turret, starting a fire; both magazine were flooded. Finally three torpedo hits followed in quick succession. At 2355 Rooks ordered abandon ship. Five minutes later a bursting shell killed the Captain. In all Houston took 4 to 6 torpedoes, three entire salvos, eleven individual hits and additional hits that may have been shells or torpedoes. Every source mentions her flag was flying as she sank, perhaps quoting an account by a crewman: " . . .a sudden breeze picked up the Stars and Stripes still firmly two blocked on the mainmast, and waved them in one last defiant gesture. Then with a tired shudder she vanished beneath the Java Sea." Only 368 of her crew of 1,061 survived.

On the Japanese side Harukaze was hit by both Houston and Perth suffering 3 KIA and 15 WIA as well as minor damage to her bridge, engine room and rudder . Houston hit Shirakumo. Perth landed a 6" shell on Shirayuki's bridge, inflicting 1 KIA and 11 WIA, Shikinami had minor damage to her prop due to a near miss that reduced her speed to 24 kts.

The Allied cruisers do not appear to have severely punished the transports, certainly not to the extent Mogami did, but it is hard to believe they didn't inflict some damage during their two relatively close range passes against the anchored transports. The Allied survivors of the battle in particular champion the point of view that the Japanese grossly understated their damage and that as many as 15 ships were sunk. The Ryujo Maru was the flag of the commander in chief of the 16th Army, General Imamura. He was directing the landing of the second wave when the explosion from the torpedo hit threw him into the water. He was three hours struggling ashore, but when his aide finally found him sitting on a pile of bamboo, face blacked with oil, he congratulated the general on his successful landing. Regardless of whether four or fourteen transports were sunk, of the disruption and delay caused by Houston and Perth the aide's congratulations were essentially deserved. Imamura accepted the surrender of Java just eight days after he swam ashore. Any landing that resulted in such a swift and decisive result must be considered successful.

In an aftermath to the battle the Dutch destroyer Evertsen, originally ordered to accompany Houston and Perth didn't clear Batavia until 2045. Well behind the Allied cruisers (and unsuccessful in her attempts to contact them) she saw the gun flashes from the battle and attempted to detour around it. She made it into the strait, but, at 0130 Murakumo and Shirakumo, vigilance no doubt enhanced by the events of the previous few hours, caught the Dutch ship in their searchlights. They opened fire and rapidly scored seven hits. The Dutch captain didn't appear to fight very enthusiastically, beaching his command on Sebuku Besar.

Evertsen had only been in commission since December, so her crew as not fully trained, for some reason had only two of her three boilers in operation and she certainly seemed - at best - an unlucky ship.

KEYWORDS: australia; freeperfoxhole; navy; sundastrait; wwii
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To: aomagrat
Thanks for your posts.
41 posted on 01/10/2003 10:58:24 AM PST by MistyCA (It's a state of mind.......)
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To: SAMWolf
I remember that too, Sam. It's very sad.
42 posted on 01/10/2003 10:59:03 AM PST by MistyCA (It's a state of mind.......)
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To: aomagrat
LMAO! That's a good one! LOL!
43 posted on 01/10/2003 11:00:11 AM PST by MistyCA (It's a state of mind.......)
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To: MistyCA; AntiJen; All
Saturday 28th February 1942, following the mauling of the previous night's Java Sea battle, Captain 'Hec' Waller, RAN, had no hesitation in withdrawing to the prearranged rendezvous at Tandjeong Priok (Indonesia).

He was now in command of the last remaining ships. He had one undamaged 6" cruiser and one 8" cruiser, USS HOUSTON, with no guns aft and its ammunition seriously depleted. Day and night they had been constantly shadowed by Jap aircraft. He could only guess at the opposing forces, but thought at least six cruisers and possibly twelve destroyers and also submarines. In fact there was to be considerably more.

Perth's Ship's Company new that there were large Japanese forces north of Java closing in on them as they sailed that afternoon from Tandjeong Priok in company with Houston.

Both ships were critically short ammunition for their main armament and also fuel oil. The Sunda Strait was deemed to be clear of enemy shipping therefore it looked to Captain 'Hec' Waller that he could force his way through to the Indian Ocean before the Japs closed the door.

The night sky was clear with a large moon and the sea like glass, visibility was 6 - 7 miles. At 2306 a vessel was sighted and challenged, it replied strangely and turned away making smoke, it was a Jap destroyer and unknown to Perth had launched nine torpedoes.

Perth opened fire immediately and altered course to bring all guns to bear. More destroyers were sighted northward, then one cruiser and five destroyers. Reports indicated that the first destroyer was sunk but the fight had only just begun.

Destroyers engaged from all directions and it was difficult to judge just how many enemy opposed them. It was soon evident that the odds were overwhelming. In fact they had run into the entire Japanese invasion fleet, consisting of at least two heavy cruisers, a light cruiser with ten destroyers. Also closing from the north were four heavy cruisers, an aircraft carrier and more destroyers. Perth's four 6" turrets went to independent control in a frantic attempt to engage as many of the enemy as possible that surrounded her. The 4" pounded out star shell in an effort to illuminate the enemy. The action was point blank.

The Jap destroyers pressed the attack and managed to illuminate Perth at close range with their searchlights. Shellfire was heavy, the sea around her seemed to be boiling. Houston was hit first and was set afire in the bridge area, her main (8") armament ceased to fire, perhaps her ammunition already expended. Her lighter guns continued to engage, the tracer spitting out horizontally telling all that it was at very close range.

Perth remained unscathed and she launched her torpedoes into the congested sea, multiple hits were observed, and she was taking a toll on the enemy. In an attempt to cover Houston's defenceless stern she started taking hits, by midnight the 6" ammo was all but gone.

Captain Waller made a bid to force a passage through Sunda Straight, two cruisers and two destroyer flotillas barred the way. With the ship making 28 knots the first torpedo struck. In one hour eighty seven torpedoes had been launched at Perth and Houston and now the first hit Perth.

Perth took a mighty blow below the water line, wiping out, apart from one, the entire forward engine room crew. Both the forward 4" mountings were wiped out to a man.

The remaining 4" guns, now out of H.E. ammunition, continued to engage with starshell and nonexplosive practice ammo. The few remaining 6" rounds were fired. Their luck had been incredible to last this long. Another torpedo hit the forward magazine, although empty, the damage spelt the end for her, it jammed the hatches shut trapping the men inside the magazine and causing considerable casualties. Then came the order to "Abandon Ship!" A great roar erupted as a third torpedo struck, from under 'X' turret a huge geyser of water erupted, the ship gave a violent, nervous twitch. Against the ice-white light a mass of figures shot into the air, spinning over like acrobats and rag dolls, some fell into the sea others back on board, some alive, some dead. The shock waves of the explosions killing all those immersed in the water within a certain radius, crushing their insides.

The glare of the searchlights was constant first from one ship then another, she was encircled now. From bow to quarter she was pulverized, with shells continuing to rain down upon her, causing great carnage. A fourth torpedo struck.

Captain Waller continued on at half speed in an effort to stop the ship taking more men with her when she finally went. Then her bows dipped gently down, her stern raised out out the water, only one of her four screws still turning. It was said she did not sink but 'steamed out'. Her much loved Captain last seen in the glare of the flames, on the bridge, giving orders.

Houston, after a similarly heroic performance also went down. Perth's total complement was 681. Of these 353 were lost in action, 4 died ashore and 324 were captured, of these 106 died whilst prisoners of war 53 of them on the infamous Burma-Siam railway.

In all the Japanese had lost fifteen ships and could not believe that a Battleship was not present. A report in the Syonan Times in Japan in 1942 read - In the terrific battle in Sunda Strait many ships on both sides were sunk. It must be remembered, however, that the lighter Nipponese ships were fighting a superior force which included a battleship".The Japan Times made a similar admission.

44 posted on 01/10/2003 11:02:15 AM PST by SAMWolf (To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your soul)
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To: MistyCA
Hi, Misty! :^)
45 posted on 01/10/2003 11:09:00 AM PST by Pippin ( ( world's tallest hobbit))
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To: SAMWolf
Allied Naval Forces (ABDA)

CA Houston* (USN) (696 killed, 368 saved)
Captain Albert H. Rooks
CL Perth* (RAN) (375 killed, 307 saved)
Captain Hec Waller

Note: After the sinking of the Houston and Perth, the Dutch Destroyer Evertsen was caught by the IJN Destroyers Murakumo & Shirakumo as it tried to avoid contact with the IJN forces in the Sunda Strait. The Evertsen was caught in searchlights just off the island of Dwars in de Weg in the Sunda Strait at 2:00 AM on March 1st, 1942. The IJN DD’s hit her seven times causing a fire in the after magazines which caused her Captain to order the Dutch DD beached.

46 posted on 01/10/2003 11:19:28 AM PST by MistyCA (It's a state of mind.......)
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To: SAMWolf
Imperial Japanese Naval Forces (IJN)

Sentai 7, Section 2—Captain Shakao Sukiyama
CA Mikuma—Captain Sukiyama
(6 killed, 11 injured)
Launched 6 torpedoes
CA Mogami
Launched 12 torpedoes
Desron 3, 1st Fleet—Rear Admiral Kenzaburo Hara (Escort Commander)
CL Natori (F)
Launched 4 torpedoes
Desdiv 12
DD Shirakumo—Commander Toyoji Hitomi
Launched 9 torpedoes
DD Murakumo—Commander Hideo Azuma
Launched 9 torpedoes
Desdiv 11
DD Fubuki—Commander Masao Yamashita
Launched 9 torpedoes
DD Shirayuki—Commander Rokorou Sugawara
1 killed, 11 injured
Launched 9 torpedoes
DD Hatsuyuki—Commander Junnari Kamiura
Launched 9 torpedoes
Desdiv 19
DD Shikinami—Commander Akifumi Kawahashi
Launched 1 torpedo
Desron 5, Desdiv 5, 3rd Fleet
DD Asakaze
Launched 6 torpedoes
DD Hatakaze
Launched 6 torpedoes
DD Harukaze
3 killed, 15 injured
Launched 5 torpedoes
Torpedo Boat Division 21
TB Hatsukari
TB Chidori
2nd Base Force
ML Shirataka
1st Minesweeper Div.
MS W2*

Transport Force
Trans. Sakura Maru* (7167 tons)
Trans. Ryujo Maru* (8370 tons) also known as Shinshu Maru (later refloated)
General Imamura (Commander in Chief, 16th Army)
Trans. Horai Maru* (9192 tons)
Trans. Tatsuno Maru* (6960 tons) (later refloated)
Another (23) transports were also anchored in the same area (Landing Area C) carrying units of the 2nd Infantry Division, 16th Army, No. 3 Sentai. Another (29) Transports make up the rest of the Western Java Invasion Force. Of these another (6) are located further southwest of St. Nicolaas Pt. (Landing Area B) just out of sight of the ABDA Cruisers. These (6) transports are carrying units of the 2nd Infantry Division, 16th Army, No. 2 Sentai.

*sunk in this action

1. The Battle of the Java Sea by F. C. Van Oosten
2. Chronology of the War at Sea 1939-1945 by J. Rohwer & G. Hummelchen
3. A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy (1941-1945) by P. Dull
4. Nihon Kaigun website at:
see Allyn Nevitt’s ‘Long Lancers’ page.
5. Sea Battles in Close-Up, WWII, Vol. 2, Java Sea by E. Grove
6. Japanese Cruisers of the Pacific War by E. LaCroix & L. Wells III.
47 posted on 01/10/2003 11:21:54 AM PST by MistyCA (It's a state of mind.......)
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To: Pippin
Hi there!
48 posted on 01/10/2003 11:23:31 AM PST by MistyCA (It's a state of mind.......)
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To: MistyCA
How are things in Minnesota?
49 posted on 01/10/2003 11:25:10 AM PST by Pippin ( Of all the things I lost, it's my mind I miss the most!)
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To: Pippin

Australian Decimal Silver Coins

50 posted on 01/10/2003 12:46:07 PM PST by SAMWolf (To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your soul)
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To: SAMWolf
51 posted on 01/10/2003 12:48:09 PM PST by Pippin ( GWB's My President)
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To: Pippin
Hey, aren't you supposed to be working like I'm supposed to be? LOL!
52 posted on 01/10/2003 12:49:44 PM PST by SAMWolf (To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your soul)
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To: SAMWolf
Getting ready to get off and go home! LOL! :^)
53 posted on 01/10/2003 12:50:52 PM PST by Pippin ( Das Fuchs)
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To: Pippin
Have a nice weekend. I have 2 1/2 hours to go.
54 posted on 01/10/2003 12:58:45 PM PST by SAMWolf (To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your soul)
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Comment #55 Removed by Moderator

To: MistyCA; AntiJen; All
<5 Minute Windows Media player Interview with USS Houston survivors
56 posted on 01/10/2003 4:49:10 PM PST by SAMWolf (To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your soul)
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To: SAMWolf
Sam,I've mentioned this before, but definitely read "Prisoners of the Japanese" by Gavan Dawes, the crew of the Houston is featured prominently. Also, I seem to have been dropped from the ping list. Thanks.
57 posted on 01/10/2003 5:11:01 PM PST by 4.1O dana super trac pak
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To: SAMWolf
Sam, thanks for posting the story about Justin. I took the time to send his mother an email. How sad that her son was taken so early in life.
58 posted on 01/10/2003 5:11:42 PM PST by The Real Deal
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To: 4.1O dana super trac pak; AntiJen
I seem to have been dropped from the ping list.

Sorry about that, I'll let antiJen know to check the ping list.

59 posted on 01/10/2003 5:49:01 PM PST by SAMWolf (To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your soul)
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To: The Real Deal
Thanks Real Deal.

The original story of Justin's day in the Army was posted a while back, it's such a sad ending to post this story.
60 posted on 01/10/2003 5:50:26 PM PST by SAMWolf (To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your soul)
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