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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers The Battle for Tarawa (11/20-23/1943) Jul. 8th, 2004 ^ | Professor Dirk A. Ballendorf

Posted on 07/08/2004 12:00:05 AM PDT by SAMWolf

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Marines who would not have their deeds recorded, or recognized by earning a medal went about the deadly business of survival and winning a battle. Here and there small groups of Marines, most led by brave privates, took tiny patches of ground. The extraordinary requirement to wade across 700 yards of coral reef, totally exposed to withering machine gun fire and accurately registered artillery salvos, was faced be almost every single Marine in the Division. That simple act required braver and fortitude to succeed. PFC. Bill Clear, 8th Marines, recalled the wade in, "Jeez, the fire was heavy as hell as we went in. I was scared to death." Lieutenant Commander Robert A. McPherson, a pilot flying over the atoll, described what he saw, "The water never seemed clear of tiny men, their rifles held over their heads, slowly wading beach wards. I wanted to cry." "Yet this reef was crossed by men wading the reef with the determination, courage and endurance to carry on to the end in order to secure the island of Betio," declared Lt. General Julian Smith. "In the chaos, the life of every Marine depended quite simply on his willingness to risk it." How or why did Marines in small groups or singularly, usually on their own or under the direction of a local leader, and all completely removed from the doctrine of amphibious warfare, move forward? Inside enough men, willing to risk their lives, were qualities not listed in the Tentative Man2walfor Landing Operations.

The qualities can best be identified by men who lead the marines into battle. Colonel T. A. Culhane, Jr., Operations Officer, 2nd Marines identified the intangible qualities, "More important than all the techniques [of amphibious assault], was the high state of training and discipline of the individual Marine, his morale, and his confidence and determination to continue the attack even though those about him became casualties." Lt. Colonel Howard J. Rice, Exec., 2/2 focused in on the morale factor, "Before we hit the beach we knew it would be grim business. But we intended and expected to win, even when we held only a narrow naked beach. But, I must admit this confidence was based on nothing more tangible than a faith, a faith shared by all Marines, that Marines always finished a job assigned." Lt. Colonel William T. Bray, C.O., Company All/2, was even more succinct, "The value of sound training and the spirit of comradeship, which comprises a fundamental pillar of Marine Corps life, still stand foremost in my mind as the primary reason for victory at Tarawa." Joseph Alexander believes that an important factor from training permitted the marines to sustain morale and operations longer than the Japanese in the intense battle. Alexander writes, "The Marines' intensive, preliminary field training and strenuous conditioning prior to combat gave them an edge as the battle entered into the third day." Edwin Hoyt saw the training in a different beneficial light, "here the hard training of the marines showed itself; men, from the remnants of several different companies, adjusted to complete change of command and operating procedure under heavy fire without a whimper, and moved on to fight as though it had all been planned this way." These were officers and leaders viewing from the topside of command down to the ranks. The men in the ranks may have reacted that way from training but self -motivation may have been more personal and human related.

The espirt de corps of the Marines was operating in the inferno of the battle. The esprit de corps was extremely high in the Second Marine Division. But how did that play out on a individual basis? Richard Wheeler, a marine veteran who fought on Iwo, explained, in his book, A Special Valor, how the esprit emerged on Tarawa, "They were all Marines, and they were in this thing together, and they would do the best they could to uphold the Corps' reputation and sustain one another. Few men talked in terms of 'death before dishonor," but the ancient code applied." Robert Sherrod who witnessed it up close and personal described it this way, "It was inconceivable to most Marines that they should let another Marine down, or that they could be responsible for dimming the bright reputation of their corps."

This was demonstrated by the feeling among the Marines who held the tiny strip of beach on the first night. "There was no sense of panic in the lines as the Marines set up for night defenses." No one dared to let the Corps down or to let down the Marine lying next to him. It even extended to unknown Marines. Marines fought and died for other Marines, unknown and even unseen. "In those first desperate hours there had been only one way to get at the Japanese, and that was to get in and kill them, which usually meant getting killed oneself in the process. But enough marines had given their lives to let the beachhead live." Even fifty years later marines recall why they carried on. Norman Moisie, an amtrak driver in Company A, 2nd Amtrac Battalion, wrote on the fiftieth anniversary, "Still, not a day passes without memories of Tarawa, the spirit of the Marine Corps, and of all the good men with whom I served.
1 posted on 07/08/2004 12:00:06 AM PDT by SAMWolf
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To: snippy_about_it; PhilDragoo; Johnny Gage; Victoria Delsoul; The Mayor; Darksheare; Valin; ...
Tarawa did turn out to be a "productive proving ground" for the amphibious doctrine. In fact every subsequent move in the drive across the central pacific was to be made with the mistakes of Tarawa in mind. The lessons learned and adjustments made to the doctrine helped take the Marshalls twice as fast with half the casualties. The practical lessons of amphibious warfare [at Tarawa] provided for adjustments and improvements in all six parts of the doctrine. But what must be recognized and remembered about Tarawa was that it was the individual marine, his courage, bravery and training which bought the victory and time for adjustment which sold the doctrine.

The doctrine may have been sound, and the correct method to seize an enemy base, island or hostile shore, but it was in disarray and failing on Tarawa. It took the Marines to catch and save it from failure; Marines who relied on traditional bedrock foundations of the Corps. Edwin Hoyt put it best, "without the heroism of the Marines at Tarawa, the entire course of the Central Pacific might have changed." Tarawa should not stand as the proof of amphibious doctrine, but as the symbol of raw courage and Marine tradition.

Additional Sources:

2 posted on 07/08/2004 12:00:43 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Sign here please:_______________________Thanks)
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To: All
'The 2nd Marine Division has been especially chosen by the High Command for the assault on Tarawa...what you do there will set a standard for all future operations in the central pacific area.'

Major General Julian C. Smith
Commander of the U.S. 2nd Marine Division - November 1943

'Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency; we are winning.'

Colonel David M. Shoup, USMC,
Tarawa, 21 November 1943.

'The Marines fought almost solely on esprit decorps, I was certain. It was inconceivable to most Marines that they should let another Marine down, or that they could be responsible for dimming the bright reputation of their Corps.
The Marines simply assumed that they were the world's best fighting men.'

Robert Sherrod,
1943, regarding the battle at Tarawa

3 posted on 07/08/2004 12:01:26 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Sign here please:_______________________Thanks)
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To: All

Veterans for Constitution Restoration is a non-profit, non-partisan educational and grassroots activist organization. The primary area of concern to all VetsCoR members is that our national and local educational systems fall short in teaching students and all American citizens the history and underlying principles on which our Constitutional republic-based system of self-government was founded. VetsCoR members are also very concerned that the Federal government long ago over-stepped its limited authority as clearly specified in the United States Constitution, as well as the Founding Fathers' supporting letters, essays, and other public documents.

Actively seeking volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families.

Iraq Homecoming Tips

~ Thanks to our Veterans still serving, at home and abroad. ~ Freepmail to Ragtime Cowgirl | 2/09/04 | FRiend in the USAF

PDN members and fans. We hope you will consider this simple act of patriotism worth passing on or taking up as a project in your own back yard. In summary:

Who They Are: Operation: Stitches Of Love was started by the Mothers of two United States Marines stationed in Iraq.

What They Are Doing: We are gathering 12.5"x12.5" quilt squares from across the country and assembling the largest quilt ever produced. When completed we will take the quilt from state to state and gather even more squares.

Why They Are Doing This: We are building this quilt to rally support for the Coalition Forces in Iraq and to show the service members that they are not forgotten. We want the world to know Nothing will ever break the stitches that bind us together as a country.

Ideas to start a local project:

Obtain enough Red, White and Blue material (cloth) for a 12.5 x 12.5 quilt square.
If you have someone in your family that sews, make it a weekend project and invite neighbors to join you.

Consider this tribute as a project for your civic group, scouts, church or townhall group.

Locate an elementary school with an after school program in your neighborhood or locate an after school program in your neighborhood not attached to a school and ask if you could volunteer one or two afternoons and create some squares with the kids.

Invite some VFW posts to share your project in honor of their post.

Send us for digital photos of in progress and finished project for various websites, and the media.

PDN is making this appeal in support of Operation: Stitches Of Love
Media Contact: Deborah Johns (916) 716-2749
Volunteers & Alternate Media: PDN (916) 448-1636

Your friends at PDN


The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul

Click on Hagar for
"The FReeper Foxhole Compiled List of Daily Threads"

4 posted on 07/08/2004 12:02:05 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Sign here please:_______________________Thanks)
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To: Diva Betsy Ross; Americanwolf; CarolinaScout; Tax-chick; Don W; Poundstone; Wumpus Hunter; ...

FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!

Good Thursday Morning Everyone

If you would like to be added to our ping list, let us know.

5 posted on 07/08/2004 12:03:22 AM PDT by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: bkwells

Special topic of interest ping. ;-)

6 posted on 07/08/2004 12:05:23 AM PDT by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: snippy_about_it

USS Tarawa (LHA 1)

The FReeper Foxhole hosts on the bridge of the USS Tarawa, San Diego - 9/04/03

The OA Division of the USS Tarawa thank Snippy for her support for during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

7 posted on 07/08/2004 12:14:27 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Sign here please:_______________________Thanks)
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To: snippy_about_it
Good morning Snippy.

8 posted on 07/08/2004 1:29:04 AM PDT by Aeronaut (I got a pound of C4, a chainsaw and an assault rifle, let's roll!)
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To: SAMWolf

A good book I read some time back.

Charles T Gregg
ISBN 0-8128-8119-2

An interesting thing from the book:

One of the reasons that is was so costly to take Tarawa. Was an raid a year earlier on Aug 17 1942 With a 2nd in command by the name of Maj. James Roosevelt on Makin Island.

Then President Franklin Roosevelt Was enchanted with the activities of British commandos. And in June 1940 had forced the Marine Corps to set up similar units. The Marinas said every Marine already has this type of training. So no special forces were needed.

For those of you who don't know your history well. This is the Carlson's Raiders. And Maj. Roosevelt is FDR's Son.

This raid drew the attention of the Imperial Headquarters in Japan to the Gilbert Islands.
With the Japanese commanders concluding that this presaged an invasion of the Gilberts.

So they decided to reinforce the area. And build a airfield on Betio Island.
They also scoured the other islands in the area. And captured coast watchers, missionary and some other white men. Tortured and killed them. Destroying the intelligence they provided.

But it could have been more costly. All the defenses on Betio were not fully finished

9 posted on 07/08/2004 1:43:43 AM PDT by quietolong
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To: SAMWolf

Lesser known losses at Tarawa:

Displacement: 7,800 t.
Length: 512’3”
Beam: 65’
Extreme Width: 108’1”
Draft: 22’6”
Speed: 19 k.
Complement: 860
Armament: 1 5”; 16 40mm
Aircraft: 28

LISCOME BAY (CVE-56) was laid down 9 December 1942 by Kaiser Shipbuilding Co., Vancouver, Wash., under a Maritime
Commission contract; launched 19 April 1943; sponsored by
Mrs. Ben Moreell; named LISCOME BAY 28 June 1943; redesignated CVE-56 15 July 1943; acquired by the Navy and commissioned 7 August 1943, Capt. I. D. Wiltsie in command.

After training operations along the west coast, LISCOME
BAY departed San Diego 21 October 1943 and arrived Pearl
Harbor, 1 week later. Having completed additional drills
and operational exercises, the escort carrier set forth upon
what was to be her first and last battle mission. As a unit
of CarDiv 24, she departed Pearl Harbor 10 November attached
to TF 52, Northern Attack Force, under Rear Adm. Richard K.
Turner, bound for the invasion of the Gilbert Islands.

The invasion bombardment announcing America's first
major thrust into the central Pacific began 20 November at
0500, and 76 battle-filled hours later, Tarawa and Makin
Islands were captured. LISCOME BAY’s aircraft played their
part well in the 2,278 action sorties provided by carrier
based planes which neutralized enemy airbases, supported
landings and ground operations in powerful bombing-strafing
missions, and intercepted enemy raids. With the islands
secured, the U.S. forces began a retirement.

On 23 November, the Japanese submarine I-175 arrived
off Makin. The temporary task group built around Rear Adm.
H. M. Mullinnix's three escorts, LISCOME BAY, CORAL SEA
(CVE-57) and CORREGIDOR (CVE-58) commanded by Rear Adm.
Robert M. Griffin in NEW MEXICO (BB-40) was steaming 20
miles southwest of Butaritari Island at 15 knots. At 0430,
24 November, reveille was made in LISCOME BAY. The ship
went to routine general quarters at 0505 as flight crews
prepared their planes for dawn launchings. There was no
warning of a submarine in the area until about 0510 when a
lookout shouted: " comes a torpedo!" The missile
struck abaft the after engineroom an instant later with a
shattering roar. A second major detonation closely followed
the first, the entire interior burst into flames. At 0533,
LISCOME BAY listed to starboard and sank, carrying Admiral
Mullinix, Captain Wiltsie, 53 other officers, and 591
enlisted men down with her; 272 of her crew were rescued.

Gallantly her men had served; gallantly they died in the
victorious campaign giving their lives for the Nation's future.

LISCOME BAY received one battle star for World War II

10 posted on 07/08/2004 3:07:30 AM PDT by GATOR NAVY
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To: snippy_about_it
Good morning, Snippy and everyone at the Freeper Foxhole.

Folks, I'm going to be in and out for a few days. My Dad isn't feeling well. He's been having stomach problems the last few days and may have to go to the hospital.

11 posted on 07/08/2004 3:08:51 AM PDT by E.G.C.
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf

Amphibious Foxhole Bump for Thursday

SAM, if you get a chance you should read RAH's speech to the members of the Naval Acadamey. It was around 1972 or so and I found it in one of Heinlein compilation (i think that is the word) books. It was either Requiem or Extended Visions.

And for a further bonus points did you know that Heinlein gets credit for the waterbed.

Off to work for twelve hours of fun and frivoliity


alfa6 ;>}

12 posted on 07/08/2004 3:12:38 AM PDT by alfa6 (Mrs. Murphy's Postulate on Murphy's Law: Murphy Was an Optimist)
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; All

July 8, 2004

Inner Strength

Read: Ephesians 3:14-21

[I pray] that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man. —Ephesians 3:16

Bible In One Year: Job 36-37; Acts 15:22-41

A large company uses suction to extract contaminating substances from steel drums. Powerful pumps draw the materials out of the barrels, but the workers must carefully regulate the force of these pumps. If they take out too much air, the drums will collapse like paper cups, because the outer pressure will exceed the inner pressure.

Likewise, when adversity and hardship come into our lives, God must empower us from within or we will be unable to withstand the pressures from without. True, we get solid support from loved ones and Christian friends, but it is our spiritual inner man,“strengthened with might through His Spirit”(Ephesians 3:16), that sustains us and keeps us from crumpling.

The Holy Spirit works to strengthen us and renew our minds as we read the Bible and pray. If we neglect the Scriptures, seldom talk with the Lord, and stop fellowshiping with other believers, we’ll grow weak and vulnerable. Then we will be unable to withstand the pressures of temptation or trouble.

Let’s ask the Lord to develop our inner strength so that when life’s blows and burdens press upon us we will not cave in. —Dave Egner

Help us, O Lord, when troubles come
To trust Your Word and not succumb,
And help us not to turn aside
But in Your strength and love abide. —D. De Haan

The power of Christ within you is greater than the pressure of troubles around you.

13 posted on 07/08/2004 5:45:37 AM PDT by The Mayor (The true measure of our wealth is the treasure we have in heaven)
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To: SAMWolf

On This Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on July 08:
1545 Don Carlos, son of Spanish king Philip II
1574 Giovanni Battista Stefanini, composer
1819 Alexander Hays, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1864
1819 Vatroslav Lisinski, composer
1821 William Harvey Lamb Wallace, Brig General (Union volunteers)
1824 Waldimir "Kriz" Krzyzanowski, Brig General (Union volunteers)
1826 Benjamin Henry Grierson, Major General (Union volunteers)
1826 Robert Kingston Scott, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
1838 Count Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin invented rigid dirigibles
1839 John D Rockefeller US capitalist; founded Standard Oil
1893 Fritz Perls father of Gestalt therapy
1898 Alec Waugh London, novelist (Island in the Sun); brother of Evelyn
1907 George W Romney (Gov-R-Mich)/US Secretary of HUD (1969-73)
1908 Louis Jordan Ark, alto saxman (Caldonia)
1908 Nelson A Rockefeller (Gov-R-NY) 41st VP (1974-77)
1914 Billy Eckstine jazz singer (Tenderly, A Fool in Love)
1915 Charles Hard Townes Greenville SC, physicist, developed lasers
1917 Glenn Langan Denver Colo, actor (Amazing Colossal Man, Margie)
1918 Craig Stevens Liberty Mo, actor (Craig-Dallas, Peter Gunn)
1918 Nelson Mandela Transkei South Africa, jailed political activist
1931 Jerry Vale singer (Arriverderci Roma)
1931 Roone Arledge TV executive (ABC)
1933 Marty Feldman London England, comedian (Young Frankenstein)
1935 Steve Lawrence Bkln, singer/actor (Go Away Little Girl, Lonely Guy)
1935 Vitaly I Sevastyanov USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 9 Soyuz 18B)
1942 Janice Pennington, Kansas, playmate (May 1971)/model (Price is Right)
1942 Phil Gramm, (Sen-R Texas, 1985- )
1944 Jaimoe "Johnny" Johanson drummer (Allman Brothers)
1948 Kim Darby N Hollywood, actr (True Grit, Enola Gay, Rich Man Poor Man)
1948 Raffi children's singer (Baby Beluga)
1951 Anjelica Huston actress (Prizzi's Honor, Ice Pirates)
1958 Kevin Bacon Phila Pa, actor (Diner, Footloose, Tremors)

Deaths which occurred on July 08:
0810 Pepin son of Charlemagne, king of Italy, dies (birth date unknown)
0975 Edgar, King of England (959-75), dies
1153 Eugene III, [Bernardo], Italian Pope (1145-53), dies
1249 Alexander II, king of Scotland (1215-49), dies at 51
1538 Diego de Almagro, Spanish conquistador (Chile/Peru), dies at about 63
1623 Gregory XV, [Alessandro Ludovisi], bishop of Bologna/Pope, dies at 69
1695 Christiaen Huygens, inventor/astronomer, dies at 66
1822 Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (Prometheus unbound), drowns at 29
1859 F J Oscar I, King of Sweden/Norway (1844-59), dies at 60
1943 Jean "Max" Moulin, French resistance fighter, executed
1957 William Cadbury chocolate maker, dies at 89

1959 Dale Buisand & Chester Ovnand 1st Americans killed in Vietnam War

1985 Phil Foster comedian (Frank De Fazio-Laverne & Shirley), dies at 72
1991 James Franciscus actor, dies at 57 of emphysema
1994 Dick Sargent, actor (Darren-Bewitched), dies of cancer at 64
1994 Kim Il Sung, president of North-Korea (1948-94), dies at 82
1997 Charles Drake, geologist, dies of heart attack at 92
1999 Pete Conrad, Astronaut (third man to walk on the moon) motorcycle accident


POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.

On this day...
0951 Paris is founded
1497 Vasco da Gama departs for trip to India
1654 1st Jewish colonist arrive in US (Jacob Barsimson in Manhattan)
1663 King Charles II of England granted a charter to Rhode Island
1693 NYC authorizes 1st police uniforms in American colonies
1709 Battle of Poltava; Russians defeat Swedes
1758 English and Colonial assault on France at Ticonderoga, NY

1776 Col John Nixon gave 1st public reading of Dec of Independence

1777 Vt becomes 1st state abolishing slavery, adopts male sufferage
1796 US State Dept issues 1st American passport
1797 1st US senator (William Blount of Tennessee) expelled by impeachment
1816 Frost in Waltham, MA
1835 Liberty Bell cracks (again)
1853 Commodore Matthew Perry sails his frigate Susquehanna into Tokyo Bay
1861 CS Gen Sibley is given command of rebel troops in NM territory
1862 Odore R Timby patents revolving gun turret
1870 Congress authorizes registration of trademarks
1870 Gov Holden of NC declares Casswell County in a state of insurrection
1876 White terrorists attack Black Republicans in Hamburg SC, killing 5
1889 John L Sullivan wins by KO in 75 rounds in last bare-knuckle bout
1889 Wall Street Journal begins publishing
1891 61ø F, the highest temp for July 1891, in Baltimore & Phila

1896 William Jennings Bryan "cross of gold" speech at Dem convention

1900 1st night baseball, league game (Zanesville at Grand Rapids)
1905 Part of Angel Island allocated for Immigration Detention Center
1907 Florenz Ziegfeld staged 1st `Follies' on NY Theater roof
1912 Pitcher Rube Marquard loses after winning 19 straight games
1919 Pres Wilson returns to NYC from Versailles Peace Conference
1923 Harding becomes 1st sitting president to visit Alaska (Metlakahtla)
1932 Depression low point of Dow Jones Industrial Average, 41.22
1932 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #1255 Schilowa
1933 Public Works Administration becomes effective
1943 4th day of battle at Kursk: Gen Model uses last tank reserve
1947 Demolition begins in NYC for UN HQ in NYC
1948 500th anniversary Russian orthodox church celebrated in Moscow
1950 Gen Douglas MacArthur named commander-in-chief, UN forces in Korea

1950 Leroy Deans awarded 1st Order of Purple Heart in Korea

1957 CDC incorporates
1957 Irish premier Eamon de Valera arrests Sinn-Fein leaders
1961 Portuguese steamer "Save" breaks up off Mozambique, 227 die
1963 US bans all monetary transactions with Cuba
1967 Billie Jean King concludes Wimbeldon sweep (singles, doubles & mix)
1969 Thor Heyerdahl & reed raft Ra II land in Barbados 57 days from Morocco
1969 US troop withdrawal begins in Vietnam
1975 Pres Ford announced he'll seek Republican nomination for pres
1975 Quake damages over 2,000 temples in Pagan, Burma. 20-foot-high seated Buddha of Thandawgya decapitated
1977 Sabra Starr finishes longest recorded belly dance (100 hrs)
1979 Voyager 2 takes 1st ever photo of Jupiter's satellite Adrastea (J14)
1981 Senate confirms Sandra Day O'Conner to Supreme Court (99-0)
1982 Billy Martin records his 1,000th career win as a manager
1982 Porn star John Homes convicted of receiving stolen property
1984 John McEnroe beats Jimmy Connors for Wimbeldon singles
1986 Farthest thrown object-an "Aerobie" flying ring, 383 m (1,257')
1986 NASA establishes Safety, Reliability Maintain & Quality Assurance
1987 Kitty Dukakis, revealed addiction to amphetamines for 26 years
1988 Stevie Wonder announces he will run for mayor of Detroit in 1992

1990 12:34:56 on 7/8/90 (1234567890)

1997 NATO invites Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic to join

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

US : Liberty Bell Day [1835]
South Africa : Family Day (Monday)
Swaziland : Reed Dance Day (Monday)
Be Nice to New Jersey Week (Day 5)
Nude Recreation Week (Day 4)
National Canned Luncheon Meat Week (Day 5)
Baked Beans Month

Religious Observances
Old Catholic : Feast of St Elizabeth (St Isabella) of Portugal, widow
Feast of St. Grimbald.
Feast of St. Kilian.

Religious History
1663 Following restoration of the English monarchy, a new charter was issued to theAmerican colony of Rhode Island. It guaranteed religious freedom regardless of 'differencesin opinion in matters of religion.'
1741 Influencing the start of New England's 'Great Awakening,' colonial Americantheologian Jonathan Edwards preached his classic sermon, 'Sinners in the Hands of an AngryGod,' at Enfield, CT.
1792 Birth of Lowell Mason, Presbyterian pioneer of congregational singing. He composedover 1,000 hymn tunes, including BETHANY ('Nearer, My God, To Thee'), DENNIS ('Blest Be theTie That Binds'), and HAMBURG ('When I Survey the Wondrous Cross').
1948 The Moscow Conference convened to celebrate the 500th anniversary of theindependence of the Russian Orthodox Church from control of the Eastern OrthodoxPatriarchate of Constantinople.
1959 Meeting in Oberlin, OH, the Congregational Christian and the Evangelical andReformed churches adopted a united statement of faith. (The two groups merged to form theUnited Church of Christ in 1961.)

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Thought for the day :
"Books - the best antidote against the marsh-gas of boredom and vacuity."

Things To Do If You Ever Became An Evil Overlord...
If an enemy you have just killed has a younger sibling or offspring anywhere, FIND THEM AND KILL THEM IMMEDIATELY instead of waiting for them to grow up harboring feelings of vengeance towards you in your old age

The World's Shortest Books...
Amelia Earharts guide to the pacific ocean

Dumb Laws...
Baltimore Maryland:
It's illegal to take a lion to the movies.

Top Ten Things That sound Dirty In Golf..But Aren't...
5. Mind if I join your threesome?

14 posted on 07/08/2004 5:45:57 AM PDT by Valin (Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.)
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; Professional Engineer; Darksheare; Matthew Paul; All

Good morning everyone.

15 posted on 07/08/2004 5:54:05 AM PDT by Soaring Feather
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To: snippy_about_it; bentfeather; Samwise
Good morning ladies. Flag-o-gram.

16 posted on 07/08/2004 6:12:12 AM PDT by Professional Engineer (They have better hair. I'm changing my vote!!)
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To: alfa6
did you know that Heinlein gets credit for the waterbed.

And many other things including the "Heads-Up" display currently found in most modern military aircraft.*

* Described in detail in 1959's "Starship Troopers."

17 posted on 07/08/2004 6:26:22 AM PDT by CholeraJoe (Airpower - Iron on target at any price)
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To: snippy_about_it

How morale and training can alter a faltering offensive.

18 posted on 07/08/2004 7:33:03 AM PDT by Darksheare (Magic 8 ball sez: EEEK! I'm in the shower!)
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To: Aeronaut

Morning Aeronaut.

19 posted on 07/08/2004 7:39:51 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Sign here please:_______________________Thanks)
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To: quietolong

Thanks for the book recommendation, quietolong.

Tarawa was a costly learning experience for the Marines and the Navy.

20 posted on 07/08/2004 7:43:20 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Sign here please:_______________________Thanks)
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