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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers The Battle of White Plains (10/26/1776) - June 10th, 2004 ^

Posted on 06/10/2004 12:00:49 AM PDT by SAMWolf

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October 28th is officially listed as the opening day of the Battle of White Plains. Bugles and drums called to battle the thousands of British and Hessians in camps and bivouacs throughout the Scarsdale area. Caleb Secor, standing on his property, observed Howe's forces marching through Scarsdale's roads and byways preceded by an enforced labor battalion made up of prisoner and local patriots who cleared the roads, removed the fences and built bridges as the British advanced. All roads were military highways mixing the last of the autumnal hues with the bright British redcoats and the Hessian blues. It was the last day of Indian summer and the pageantry must have been something to behold!

Howe's battle plan called for a pincer movement in attacking Chatterton Hill (within one mile of Scarsdale). One arm of the pincer was led by Lt. Gen. DeHeister who commandered the Hessians moving westward down Mamaroneck Road to Post Road fanning out through Scarsdale - mainly in Greenacres, and into parts of Fox Meadow, possibly as far as Olmstead Road. Fenimore Road, no more than a cowpath leading towards Hartsdale/Greenburgh, was the direction the Hessians were taking.

Washington directed Maj. Gen. Joseph Spencer and 2,500 troops to block the Hessians from approaching Chatterton Hill. The colonials moved across the Bronx River and engaged the Hessians throwing them back with their musket volleys using all of Greenacres as a battlefield.

The tide of battle changed abruptly as the Hessians' Col. Ralle and his mounted dragons rode onto the fields of Greenacres, and together with the superior number of their fellow Hessians routed the continentals who broke and ran to the other side of the Bronx River with the Hessians in hot pursuit at the ford (1/4 mile from Scarsdale) and taking refuge behind the defense fortification at Chatterton Hill. So went the first day of the battle of White Plains.

The casualties in Scarsdale were 22 killed, 24 wounded and 1 missing. Mementos from the battle have been found in Greenacrcs from time to time.

Captain Alexander Hamilton, the commander of the American New York Colony Artillery Company on Chatterton's Hill

The British eventually pushed the colonials off of Chatterton Hill but paid a price in doing so. After the redcoats were thrown back following a couple of uphill charges, Col. Ralle and his calvary, once again, came onto the scene and carried the day for the Biritsh.

Howe's procrastination and the heavy rains that subsequently fell turned what might have been a big British victory into a defeat of sorts. On November 4th, Howe inexplicably turned his forces south to move onto a 2,000 man continental detachment holding Ft. Washington.

A picture of where the British crossed the Bronx River, from Charles Coffin's The Boys of '76, which was published in 1876.

Washington's army once again escaped intact heading north, eventually across the Hudson River, and subsequently scored pivotal victories at Princeton and Trenton (New Jersey) where Col. Ralle was killed with many of his fellow Hessians who met the same fate or were taken prisoner.

Thus was Washington to avenge the opening day battle in Scarsdale where Col. Ralle and the Hessians carried the day!

1 posted on 06/10/2004 12:00:50 AM PDT by SAMWolf
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To: snippy_about_it; PhilDragoo; Johnny Gage; Victoria Delsoul; The Mayor; Darksheare; Valin; ...
General Washington's
Battle Engagements in 1776
A Map of the Progress of His Majesty's Armies in New York
Printed in 1777
Showing George Washington's Defeats In 1776

This original map was printed in 1777 in England during the Revolutionary War. Appearing in Gentleman's magazine, it measures 8" by 12 1/2". It is in excellent condition and represents a rare artifact from the War of Independence.

This map is historically significant because it depicts England's greatest successes during the campaign of 1776. In particular, it highlights the battles of Long Island and White Plains.

Plan of the battle at White Plains of 1776 annotated by Washington.
(CHS, Archives and Manuscripts, George Washington Collection)

The map is also unusual in that it shows battle losses by America's greatest military commander, George Washington. Various places on the map are imprinted with such captions as: "Gen. Howe Landed Aug. 22"....."Provincials defeated Aug. 27"......"Retreat of the Rebels"...."Provincials drowned here" (near the Red Hook area of Brooklyn).

Great Britain placed General William Howe in charge of the greatest army England ever sent overseas, forces superior to any the Americans could put in the field. In June of 1776 a large British war fleet led by Gen. Howe sailed into New York harbor, the forerunner of an ambitious invasion plan. A month later an army of 10,000 men landed on Staten Island, unopposed by the Americans. All during July and August British reinforcements continued their build-up until Howe was in command of a combined force of 32,000 men, of whom 9000 were German mercenaries.

Chatterton's Hill, from Charles Coffin's "The Boys of '76", which was published in 1876.

During the final days of August in the Battle of Long Island Howe inflicted a crushing defeat on Washington's army. To escape the onslaught, Washington withdrew his colonial forces from Brooklyn Heights to Manhattan. Less than two weeks later he decided to evacuate New York City, rather than be trapped in lower Manhattan. However, before he withdrew from the city Washington prepared fortifications in upper Manhattan and was able to repulse the British army in the Battle of Harlem Heights.

In October in the face of the advancing British forces of Gen. Howe, Washington evacuated his main force from Manhattan Island, leaving behind a garrison at Fort Washington, and marched to White Plains. In the Battle of White Plains the British inflicted heavy casualties on Washington's army, whereupon Washington slipped away westward to North Castle on November 1.

Two weeks later the British forces under Gen. Howe captured the American garrison at Fort Washington, taking more than 2800 prisoners.

After deciding to abandon the New York area, Washington moved his forces across the Hudson River and into New Jersey. Joined by Gen.Greene's troops at Hackensack, they retreated together toward the Delaware River with Gen. Cornwallis at their heels.

A vintage post card, from around 1910, showing the village of White Plains, as seen from Chatterton's Hill, the site of the Battle of White Plains. The British positioned their artillery on the hill in the center of the photo and their artillery barage lasted for about an hour.

Most historians agree that if Gen. Howe had capitalized on his victories over Washington's army, as shown on this historic map, it would have been the turning point in the Revolutionary War. Were it not for Washington's skill as a tactician, his courage and daring against overwhelming odds and the inspiration he gave to his troops, England may well have won the War.

This Battle Map of the Revolutionary War displays all of the key battle sites waged by both sides in 1776. It shows New York City, Staten Island, Long Island and New Jersey.

Additional Sources:

2 posted on 06/10/2004 12:01:38 AM PDT by SAMWolf (I'm as bored as a pacifist's pistol.)
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To: All

The Battle of White Plains
October 26, 1776 New York
New York Campaign

Americans Commanded by Gen. George Washington
Forces Killed Wounded Captured
14,500 28 126  

British Commanded by Gen.William Howe
Forces Killed Wounded Captured
14,000 313* - -
*Killed or Wounded
Conclusion: American Victory

This stamp was another of the sesquicentennial stamps of that era, marking the 150th anniversary of the "Battle" of White Plains. It too was issued to promote a celebration commemorating the anniversary, not the battle itself. There was some disagreement as to whether the Post Office Department could afford to issue this commemorative, an idea which must seem strange today, when many issues are printed solely to generate revenue. Eventually, a compromise was reached in which the size of the stamp was reduced to lower production costs, an idea that was copied on many of the subsequent commemoratives, collectively known today as the "two cent reds".

3 posted on 06/10/2004 12:02:01 AM PDT by SAMWolf (I'm as bored as a pacifist's pistol.)
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To: All

Veterans for Constitution Restoration is a non-profit, non-partisan educational and grassroots activist organization. The primary area of concern to all VetsCoR members is that our national and local educational systems fall short in teaching students and all American citizens the history and underlying principles on which our Constitutional republic-based system of self-government was founded. VetsCoR members are also very concerned that the Federal government long ago over-stepped its limited authority as clearly specified in the United States Constitution, as well as the Founding Fathers' supporting letters, essays, and other public documents.

Actively seeking volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families.

Iraq Homecoming Tips

~ Thanks to our Veterans still serving, at home and abroad. ~ Freepmail to Ragtime Cowgirl | 2/09/04 | FRiend in the USAF

PDN members and fans. We hope you will consider this simple act of patriotism worth passing on or taking up as a project in your own back yard. In summary:

Who They Are: Operation: Stitches Of Love was started by the Mothers of two United States Marines stationed in Iraq.

What They Are Doing: We are gathering 12.5"x12.5" quilt squares from across the country and assembling the largest quilt ever produced. When completed we will take the quilt from state to state and gather even more squares.

Why They Are Doing This: We are building this quilt to rally support for the Coalition Forces in Iraq and to show the service members that they are not forgotten. We want the world to know Nothing will ever break the stitches that bind us together as a country.

Ideas to start a local project:

Obtain enough Red, White and Blue material (cloth) for a 12.5 x 12.5 quilt square.
If you have someone in your family that sews, make it a weekend project and invite neighbors to join you.

Consider this tribute as a project for your civic group, scouts, church or townhall group.

Locate an elementary school with an after school program in your neighborhood or locate an after school program in your neighborhood not attached to a school and ask if you could volunteer one or two afternoons and create some squares with the kids.

Invite some VFW posts to share your project in honor of their post.

Send us for digital photos of in progress and finished project for various websites, and the media.

PDN is making this appeal in support of Operation: Stitches Of Love
Media Contact: Deborah Johns (916) 716-2749
Volunteers & Alternate Media: PDN (916) 448-1636

Your friends at PDN


The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul

Click on Hagar for
"The FReeper Foxhole Compiled List of Daily Threads"

4 posted on 06/10/2004 12:02:20 AM PDT by SAMWolf (I'm as bored as a pacifist's pistol.)
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To: Americanwolf; CarolinaScout; Tax-chick; Don W; Poundstone; Wumpus Hunter; StayAt HomeMother; ...

FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!

Good Thursday Morning Everyone.

If you would like to be added to our ping list, let us know.

5 posted on 06/10/2004 12:39:05 AM PDT by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: SAMWolf
Howe's procrastination...

I think one of the things I've learned from the Foxhole is that procrastination in war is a bad thing. We've read about it time and again and the problems it has caused commanders.

Interesting read. Thanks Sam.

P.S. I see Virginia's Charles Lee was there, quite natural-lee. ;-)

6 posted on 06/10/2004 12:55:25 AM PDT by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: snippy_about_it
Good morning Snippy.

7 posted on 06/10/2004 1:29:46 AM PDT by Aeronaut (Prayer does not equip us for greater works -- prayer is the greater work.)
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To: snippy_about_it

Good morning, Snippy and everyone at the Freeper foxhole.

8 posted on 06/10/2004 3:04:06 AM PDT by E.G.C.
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; All
God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you . . . may have an abundance for every good work. —2 Corinthians 9:8

God uses us to do His work
If we will just obey;
He freely gives His love and power
To serve Him every day.

God's call to a task includes His strength to complete it.

9 posted on 06/10/2004 4:35:32 AM PDT by The Mayor (A true friend will put a finger on your faults without rubbing them in.)
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To: snippy_about_it

Good morning, everyone ... looking forward to reading this later.

10 posted on 06/10/2004 4:42:39 AM PDT by Tax-chick ("You shall call on your gods, and I will call on the LORD. The God who answers with fire is God.")
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To: SAMWolf

On This Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on June 10:
1637 Jacques Marquette, jesuit/missionary founder (Chicago)
1706 John Dollond owner of 1st patent for achromatic lens
1735 John Morgan American physician-in-chief of Continental Army
1836 Yamaoka Tesshu Japanese swordsman, master of kendo
1895 Immanuel Velikovsky writer (Worlds in Collision)
1904 Frederick Loewe composer/partner of Learner
1910 Howlin' Wolf [Chester Arthur Burnett], Blues Genius (Evil, Big City Blues)
1911 Ralph Kirkpatrick Leominster Mass, harpsichordist
1913 Wilbur J Cohen 1st employee of Social Security System
1914 Saul Bellow author (Mr Sammler's Planet)
1921 Prince Philip Mountbatten Greece, Duke of Edinburgh, Mr Elizabeth II
1922 Judy Garland [Frances Gumm],Grand Rapids Mn., actress/singer (Wizard of Oz)
1923 Earl Hamner Jr Schuyler Va, TV narrator (The Waltons)
1923 Robert Maxwell [Jan Hoch], Czech, billionaire/CEO (NY Daily News)
1925 Nat Hentoff columnist/novelist (Village Voice, The Cold Society)
1928 Maurice Sendak NYC, author/illustrator (Where The Wild Things Are)
1929 James McDivitt Chicago, Brig Gen USAF/astronaut (Gemini 4, Apollo 9)
1933 F Lee Bailey Waltham Mass, attorney (Sam Shepard case)
1941 Shirley Alston Passaic NJ, singer (Shirelles-Soldier Boy)
1943 Jeff Greenfield NYC, media commentator/idiot (Firing Line, Nightline)
1945 Ron Glass Evansville Ind, actor (Ron-Barney Miller, New Odd Couple)
1946 Matthew Fisher England, keyboardist (Procal Harum-Conquistador)
1951 Dan Fouts NFL QB (San Diego Chargers)
1973 David Friedman LA Calif, actor (Jason-Little House on the Prairie)
1982 Tara Lipinski, Philadelphia Pa, figure skater

Deaths which occurred on June 10:
1190 Frederik I van Hohenstaufen "Barbarossa", German King, dies
1580 Lu¡s Vaz de Camoes Portugal's national poet, dies
1839 Nathaniel Pryor sgt of Lewis & Clark Expedition, dies
1903 King Alexander I & Queen Dragia of Serbia are assassinated
1924 Giacomo Matteotti Italian socialist deputy, assassinated by fascists
1941 Marcus Garvey dies at 52 in London England
1946 Jack Johnson 1st black heavyweight champion, dies in car accident
1971 Michael Rennie actor (Day the Earth Stood Still), dies at 61
1981 Russell "Lucky" Hayden actor (Judge Roy Bean), dies at 68
1982 Rainer Werner Fassbinder film-maker, dies of drug overdose at 36
1985 George Chandler actor (Lassie), dies of Alzheimer's disease at 87
1988 Louis L'Amour western writer, dies at 80 of cancer
2000 Syrian President Assad died from a heart attack at age 69. (hip hip hooray)



POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.

On this day...
1610 1st Dutch settlers arrive (from NJ), to colonize Manhattan Island
1639 1st American log cabin at Fort Christina (Wilmington Delaware)
1682 Tornado in Connecticut uproots a 3' diameter oak tree
1720 Mrs Clements of England markets 1st paste-style mustard
1752 Ben Franklin's kite is struck by lightning-what a shock!
1760 NY passes 1st effective law regulating practice of medicine
1772 Burning of the Gaspee British revenue cutter by Rhode Islanders
1776 Continental Congress appoints a committee to write a Decl of Ind
1801 Tripoli declares war on US for refusing tribute
1809 1st US steamboat to a make an ocean voyage leaves NY for Phila
1846 Robert Thomson obtains an English patent on a rubber tire
1848 1st telegraph link between NYC & Chicago
1854 Georg F.B. Reiman proposes that space is curved
1863 Battle of Brice's Crossroads, Miss; Forrest w/3500 defeats 8000 Feds
1865 Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde" 1st performance Munchen Germany
1869 Agnes arrives in New Orleans with 1st ever shipment of frozen beef
1880 Charlie Jones becomes 1st to hit 2 HRs in 1 inning
1892 Wilbert Robinson of Balt Orioles sets record of 7 for 7 in 9 inning game
1898 US Marines land in Cuba, during Spanish-American War
1899 Improved Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks forms in Cincinnati
1902 Patent for window envelope granted to H.F. Callahan
1905 1st forest fire lookout tower placed in operation, Greenville, Me
1908 1st flying club, Aeronautical Society of NY, opens
1916 Great Arab Revolt begin
1924 1st political convention broadcast on radio-Republicans at Cleveland
1926 Phillies Russ Wrightstone hits for the cycle
1932 1st demonstration of artificial lightning Pittsfield Mass
1935 Dr Robert Smith & William Wilson of Akron form Alcoholics Anonymous
1940 Italy declares war on France & Britain during WW II
1942 Massacre at Lidice (Czechoslovakia) Gestapo kills 173
1943 FDR becomes 1st US pres to visit a foreign country during wartime
1943 FDR signs withholding tax bill into law (this is W-2 Day!)
1944 Joe Nuxhall at 15 becomes youngest ML baseball player
1946 Italian Republic established
1955 1st separation of virus into component parts reported
1956 16th modern Olympiad equestrian events open in Stockholm
1957 Harold MacMillan becomes British PM
1957 John Diefenbacker (C) elected PM of Canada
1959 Rocky Colovito hits 4 HRs in 1 game
1964 Southern filibuster on civil rights bill ends; cloture invoked
1965 A R Klemola discovers asteroid #2370 van Altena
1966 Beatles "Paperback Writer" is released in the UK
1967 Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq & Egypt end "6-Day War"
1972 Hank Aaron's grandslammer (14) ties him for NL lead with Gil Hodges & moves him ahead of Willie Mays as the #2 HR hitter (649)
1973 NASA launches Radio Astronomy Explorer 49 into lunar orbit
1975 Rockefeller panel reports on 300,000 illegal CIA files on Americans
1977 Apple Computer ships its 1st Apple II
1977 James Earl Ray (Martin Luther King's killer) escapes from prison
1979 Balt Orioles pull their 8th triple play (5-4-3 vs Cleve)

1979 Pope John Paul II visits Poland

1981 Pete Rose ties Stan Musial's NL record of 3,630 hits
1982 Israeli troops reach outskirts of Beirut
1984 US missile shot down an incoming missile in space for 1st time
1985 Claus von Bulow acquitted on charges he tried to murder his wife
1985 Coca Cola announces they'd bring back their 99-year-old formula
1986 A Bartlett Giamatti becomes president of baseball's NL
1988 Greatest number of participants (31,678) on a bicycle tour (London)
1990 Rap group 2 Live crew members arrested in Fla for obscenity
1991 Mother of All Parades-NYC welcomes desert storm troops
1996 Anthony Marceca confirmed to Congress that he ran FBI background checks from the White House, using a list of White House pass holders that included many officials from the previous administration. Marceca says he looked for derogatory information and gave it to his boss, Craig Livingstone.
1996 Intel releases 200 mhz pentium chip

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

Argentina : Affirmation of Argentina's Rights over the Malvinas
Azores : Camoes Day (1580)
Cape Verde, Maderia : National Day (1580)
Portugal : Day of Portugal (1580)
Massachusett : Children's Day (Sunday)
Shelby, Mich : National Asparagus Festival(Thursday)
Great Britain : Queen's official birthday (National Day)(Saturday)
National Humor Week (Day 5)
National Fragrance Week (Day 5)
National Bathroom Reading Week (Day 4)
National Forest System Month

Religious Observances
RC-Vatican City : Sacred Heart Day (moveable feast)
Ang : Commemoration of Ephrem of Edessa, Syria, deacon
old RC : Commemoration of St Margaret, Queen of Scotland, widow
RC : Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Body & Blood of Christ)

Religious History
1692 Bridget Bishop became the first person hanged for witchcraft, during the ordeal known to history as the 'Salem Witch Trials.' In all, 20 people died before theological jurisprudence was restored in this isolated Puritan community in Massachusetts.
1850 The American Bible Union was founded, organized by church leaders who had broken from the American and Foreign Bible Society.
1854 Eventually to become the first African- American Roman Catholic bishop, James Augustine Healy, 24, was ordained a priest in Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris.
1925 The United Church of Canada was formed, uniting both the Methodist and Presbyterian denominations of Canada. The merger also took in 3,000 independent Canadian Congregational churches.
1983 The Presbyterian Church (USA) was formed in Atlanta, through a reunification of the United Presbyterian Church (UPCUSA) and the Southern Presbyterian Church (PCUS).

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Thought for the day :
"I do not dislike the French from the vulgar antipathy between neighbouring nations, but for their insolent and unfounded airs of superiority."

Things To Do If You Ever Became An Evil Overlord...
Have your noble half-brother whose throne you usurped killed, not kept anonymously imprisoned in a forgotten cell of your dungeon.

Why did the Chicken cross the Road...
Katherine McKinnon:
Because, in this patriarchial state, for the last four centuries, men have applied their principles of justice in determining how chickens should be cared for, their language has demeaned the identity of the chicken, their technonogy and trucks have decided how and where chickens will be distributed, their science has become the basis for what chickens eat, their sense of humor has provided the framework for this joke, their art and film have given us our perception of chicken life, their lust for flesh has has made the chicken the most consumned animal in the US, and their legal system has left the chicken with no other recourse.

Dumb Laws...
No pig may be addressed as Napoleon by its owner.
(Insult to the pig)

A Cowboy's Guide to Life...
When you give a personal lesson in meanness to a critter or to a person, don't be surprised if they learn their lesson.

11 posted on 06/10/2004 5:37:12 AM PDT by Valin ("Well..there you go again" R. Reagan)
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To: snippy_about_it; bentfeather; Samwise
Good morning ladies. Flag-o-gram.

12 posted on 06/10/2004 5:50:07 AM PDT by Professional Engineer (The Battle Hymn of the Republic is NOT an anti-slavery song.)
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To: Valin
When you give a personal lesson in meanness to a critter or to a person, don't be surprised if they learn their lesson.

Boy, ain't that the truth!

13 posted on 06/10/2004 5:51:14 AM PDT by HiJinx (Go with courage, go with honor, go in God's good Grace. Come home when it's time. We'll be here.)
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To: Professional Engineer

And it's STILL morning in America!

14 posted on 06/10/2004 5:54:27 AM PDT by Valin ("Well..there you go again" R. Reagan)
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To: SAMWolf; snippy_about_it

Good morning, all!

Revolutionary Bump!

15 posted on 06/10/2004 5:54:36 AM PDT by HiJinx (Go with courage, go with honor, go in God's good Grace. Come home when it's time. We'll be here.)
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To: Professional Engineer; SAMWolf; snippy_about_it

Happy Trails, Gipper!

16 posted on 06/10/2004 6:23:29 AM PDT by CholeraJoe ("Feed me, Seymour. Feed me all night long." "Sure Audrey.")
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To: SAMWolf; Professional Engineer; snippy_about_it; All

Good morning everyone.

17 posted on 06/10/2004 6:37:04 AM PDT by Soaring Feather (~The Dragon Flies' Lair~ Poetry and Prose~)
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To: Professional Engineer

G' morning PE. Neat Flag-o-gram this morning.

18 posted on 06/10/2004 6:47:24 AM PDT by Soaring Feather (~The Dragon Flies' Lair~ Poetry and Prose~)
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To: snippy_about_it
P.S. I see Virginia's Charles Lee was there, quite natural-lee. ;-)

LOL! Certain-lee!

19 posted on 06/10/2004 7:27:23 AM PDT by SAMWolf (I'm as bored as a pacifist's pistol.)
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To: Aeronaut

Morning Aeronaut.

20 posted on 06/10/2004 7:27:40 AM PDT by SAMWolf (I'm as bored as a pacifist's pistol.)
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