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The FReeper Foxhole Profiles the History of Women Marines - April 04, 2004
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Posted on 04/03/2004 9:13:34 PM PST by snippy_about_it

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60 Years of Service - Women in the Corps

'Free a man to fight!' This was the call for women to serve in the Marine Corps Reserve during two world wars. Feb. 13, 2003, marks the 60th anniversary of the Marine Corps Women's Reserve. Although 305 women served in the Marine Corps Reserve during World War I, all were separated from service by June 30, 1919 after the war ended. It wasn't until Feb. 13, 1943, that Gen. Thomas Holcomb, the 17th Commandant of the Marine Corps, announced the formation of the Marine Corps Women's Reserve.

In 1917, countless young men volunteered for the Armed Forces, and for the first time in U.S. history, the labor potential of women became important. Pioneers like Pvt. Opha Mae Johnson, the first woman to enlist in the Marine Corps Reserve Aug. 13, 1918, paved the way for women in the Marine Corps today. During World War I, most of these women Marines, referred to as Marinettes, freed male Marines from clerical billets at Headquarters Marine Corps, enabling them to fight in France. Others filled jobs at recruiting stations across the country. Although women still didn't have the right to vote, they were willing and able to serve their country.

Twenty-five years later, the country was embroiled in another world war and women again answered the call to serve. More than 22,000 officer and enlisted women joined the Corps during World War II as part of the Women's Reserve. Women Marines in this war performed more than 200 military assignments. In addition to clerical work, they also filled positions as parachute riggers, mechanics, radio operators, mapmakers, and welders. By June 1944, women reservists made up 85 percent of the enlisted personnel on duty at Headquarters Marine Corps and almost two-thirds of the personnel manning all major posts and stations in the United States and Hawaii. At the war's end, Gen. Alexander A. Vandegrift, 18th Commandant of the Marine Corps, credited these women with "putting the 6th Marine Division in the field."

Following Japan's surrender, demobilization of the Women's Reserve proceeded rapidly, with only 1,000 remaining in the reserve by July 1946. Then Congress passed the Women's Armed Services Integration Act, which authorized the acceptance of women into the regular component of the Marine Corps and other Armed Services.

For the first time in history, the Women's Reserve was mobilized in August 1950 for the Korean War, reaching peak strength of 2,787 active-duty women Marines. Again, they stepped into stateside jobs and freed male Marines for combat duty. By the height of the Vietnam War, about 2,700 hundred active-duty women Marines served stateside and overseas. During this period, the Marine Corps began opening career-type formal training programs to women officers and advanced technical training to enlisted women. It was also during the 1970s that women Marines were assigned to Fleet Marine Force units for the first time. By 1975, women could be assigned to all occupational fields except infantry, artillery, armor and pilot/air crew.

Complete with trenchcoat and pack Marine Cpl. Barbara Berry of Fresno, Cal., surveys her new station, where she will serve for two years. She arrived Sunday with 164 other women marines.

The 1990s saw additional changes and increased responsibilities for women in the Marine Corps, including flying combat aircraft. Approximately 1,000 women Marines were deployed to Southwest Asia for Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in 1990-1991. Women have served in every rank from private to lieutenant general.

Milestones for women in the Marine Corps include:

Col. Margerat A. Brewer's appointment to brigadier general in 1978 made her the Corps' first woman general officer. Col. Gail M. Reals was the first woman to be selected by a board of general officers for advancement to the rank of brigadier genera in 1985. Brig. Gen. Carol A. Mutter became the first woman to assume command of a Fleet Marine Force unit at the flag level when she assumed command of the 3rd Force Service Support Group in Okinawa in 1992. 2nd Lt. Sarah Deal became the first woman Marine selected for Naval aviation training in 1993. In 1994, Brig. Gen Mutter became the first woman major general in the Corps and the senior woman on active duty in the Armed Forces. Lt. Gen. Mutter made history again when she became the first woman Marine to wear three stars in 1996.

Today, women serve in 93 percent of all occupational fields and 62 percent of all billets. Women constitute 6.2 percent of the Corps end strength and are an integral part of the Marine Corps. This, the 60th anniversary of continuous active service of women in the Marine Corps, is a significant part of the Corps' history and today's female Marines carry on that heritage.

Today's Educational Sources and suggestions for further reading:
1 posted on 04/03/2004 9:13:35 PM PST by snippy_about_it
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To: All
Colonel Ruth Cheney Streeter, the first Director of the United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve, died 30 September 1990 in Morristown, New Jersey. She earned the Legion of Merit for "outstanding services" during World War II and served from the time the Women's Reserve was activated on 13 February 1943, until 7 December 1945, when she resigned her commission. The colonel was awarded the Legion of Merit on 4 February 1946. The accompanying citation states in part: "Exercising judgment, initiative and ability, Colonel Streeter rendered distinctive service in directing the planning and organization of the Women's Reserve of the Marine Corps and skillfully integrating women into the basic structure of the Corps, carefully selected, trained and properly assigned them as replacements for men in shore establishments."

Born 2 October 1895 at Brookline, Massachusetts, Colonel Streeter attended schools abroad and graduated from Bryn Mawr College at Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, in 1918. During the depression years following 1930, she worked in public health and welfare, unemployment relief and old-age assistance in her home state of New Jersey. She was one-time President of the Welfare Board in Morris County, New Jersey. She also served as a member of the New Jersey State Relief Council, New Jersey Commission of Inter-State Cooperation, and New Jersey Board of Children's Guardians.

Long interested in aviation, the colonel completed a course in aeronautics at New York University and served as adjutant of Group 221, Civil Air Patrol. She learned to fly in 1940 and in 1941 became the only woman member of the Committee on Aviation of the New Jersey Defense Council. The same year she also acted as chairman of the Citizen's Committee for Army and Navy, Inc., for Fort Dix, New Jersey. She received her commercial pilot's license in April 1942.

Colonel Streeter was the first woman to hold the rank of major in the Marine Corps. She was appointed to that rank on 29 January 1943. She was promoted to lieutenant colonel on 22 November 1943, and to the rank of colonel 1 February 1944.

When Colonel Streeter left the Marine Corps in December, 1945, General A.A. Vandegrift then Commandant of the Marine Corps, wrote her a commendatory letter, which is quoted in part:

"…It is with deep regret that I contemplate your leaving, and I cannot let the occasion pass without conveying to you some expression of my admiration and appreciation of your outstanding service as Director of the Marine Corps Women's Reserve from its inception in January 1943 until the present time.

"Over that period, the Marine Corps Women's Reserve grew in size to a maximum strength of 831 officers and 17,714 enlisted. It set a standard of excellence which, in my opinion, could not have been excelled and would be difficult to equal."

Colonel Streeter is joint donor with her mother of the Cheney Award, given annually to some member of the United States Air Force for "acts of valor or extreme fortitude or self-sacrifice." The award commemorates the memory of Lieutenant William H. Cheney, the colonel's brother, who was killed in an aviation accident in World War II.

In addition to the Legion of Merit, Colonel Streeter's medals include the American Campaign Medal and the World War II Victory Medal.

2 posted on 04/03/2004 9:14:04 PM PST by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: All

Veterans for Constitution Restoration is a non-profit, non-partisan educational and grassroots activist organization.

Tribute to a Generation - The memorial will be dedicated on Saturday, May 29, 2004.

Actively seeking volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families.

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The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul

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3 posted on 04/03/2004 9:14:56 PM PST by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: Don W; Poundstone; Wumpus Hunter; StayAt HomeMother; Ragtime Cowgirl; bulldogs; baltodog; ...

FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!

Good Sunday Morning Everyone

If you would like added to our ping list let us know.

4 posted on 04/03/2004 9:15:59 PM PST by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; LadyX
Hi, Sam and Snippy!

Hope you don't mind I've pinged LadyX to today's thread since it's about women Marines

I think she would enjoy reading this as she is a Marine (retired)

Hey, Maggie!

Come on over!

5 posted on 04/03/2004 9:19:48 PM PST by Pippin (Each day is a gift from God. ---That's why it's called the PRESENT!)
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To: MudPuppy
6 posted on 04/03/2004 9:22:51 PM PST by Coleus (Roe v. Wade and Endangered Species Act both passed in 1973, Murder Babies/save trees, birds, algae)
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To: All

Donate Here By Secure Server

7 posted on 04/03/2004 9:28:46 PM PST by Support Free Republic (If Woody had gone straight to the police, this would never have happened!)
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To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; radu; Colonel_Flagg; All

Good morning everyone in The FOXHOLE.

8 posted on 04/03/2004 9:42:19 PM PST by Soaring Feather (~The Dragon Flies' Lair~ Poetry and Prose~)
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To: Pippin
Hi Pippin. I was hoping we'd get a visit from LadyX.
9 posted on 04/03/2004 10:39:53 PM PST by SAMWolf (Please God! Not ANOTHER learning experience!)
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To: Coleus
Evening Coleus.
10 posted on 04/03/2004 10:40:33 PM PST by SAMWolf (Please God! Not ANOTHER learning experience!)
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To: bentfeather
Hi Feather

11 posted on 04/03/2004 10:41:56 PM PST by SAMWolf (Please God! Not ANOTHER learning experience!)
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To: SAMWolf
Hi Sam, WOO HOO I love the feather, thank you.
12 posted on 04/03/2004 10:47:43 PM PST by Soaring Feather (~The Dragon Flies' Lair~ Poetry and Prose~)
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To: snippy_about_it
Good morning Snippy.
13 posted on 04/04/2004 1:10:47 AM PST by Aeronaut (How many liberals does it take to change a light bulb? None - they like being in the dark.)
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To: snippy_about_it
Good morning, Snippy and everyone at the Foxhole.

Well, as Whitney Houston would say. "Didn't we almost have it all?" It was great run for OSU. Congrats to UConn and Ga. Tech and good luck to both teams in the NCAA Championship Monday Night.

14 posted on 04/04/2004 3:06:22 AM PDT by E.G.C.
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To: snippy_about_it
What? Women Marines? You've got to be kidding.

I've known some good ones.


15 posted on 04/04/2004 4:21:50 AM PDT by WhiskeyPapa (Virtue is the uncontested prize.)
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To: snippy_about_it
On This Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on April 04:
0188 Caracalla [Marcus Aureiius Antoniius] Roman emperor (211-17)
1648 Grinling Gibbons sculptor/woodcarver
1696 Giovanni Battista Tiepoldo painter
1786 John Franklin British explorer (Arctic)
1792 Thaddeus Stevens US Radical Republican congressional leader (Representative-R)
1802 Dorothea Dix US, aroused interest in treatment of mental inmates
1809 Benjamin Pierce US mathematician/astronomer
1814 John Blair Smith Todd Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1872
1817 John Wilson Sprague Brevet Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1893
1820 Charles Devens Jr Major General, Brevet (Union volunteers), died in 1891
1821 Linus Yale US, portrait painter/inventor (Yale cylinder lock)
1823 Karl Wilhelm Siemens inventor (laid undersea cables)
1823 Robert Byington Mitchell Brigadier General (Union volunteers)
1826 Zénobe Théophile Gramme inventor (electric motor)
1831 Edward Cary Walthall Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1898
1870 George A Smith Salt Lake City UT, 8th president of Mormon church
1875 Samuel S Hinds Brooklyn NY, actor (The Bribe, The Egg and I, The Great Alaskan Mystery)
1881 Charles Funk Ohio, Encylopediest (Funk & Wagnalls)
1884 Isoroku Yamamoto Admiral/supreme commander of Japanese fleet
1888 Tris Speaker baseball great, hit 792 doubles (record)
1906 Bea Benaderet New York NY, actress (Kate-Petticoat Junction)
1906 John Cameron Swayze Wichita KS, newscaster (Timex, Hindenberg)
1908 Ernestine Gilbreth Carey author (Cheaper by the Dozen)
1913 Frances Langford Lakeland FL, singer (Armed Forces Hour, Star Time)
1915 Muddy Waters [McKinley Morganfield], Blues legend(Hoochie Coochie Man, Mannish Boy)
1922 Elmer Bernstein New York NY, movie music composer (Robot Monster)
1924 Gil Hodges baseball player/manager (Brooklyn Dodgers, New York Mets)
1924 Eva Marie Saint Newark NJ, actress (Sandpiper, Loving, Exodus)
1926 Cloris Leachman Des Moines IA, actress (Phyllis, High Anxiety)
1927 Bob Stump (Representative-Republican-AZ, 1977- )
1928 Maya Angelou [Marguerite Johnson] St Louis MO, poet (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings)/actress (Nyo-Roots)
1932 Anthony Perkins New York NY, actor (Psycho, Fear Strikes Out, Pretty Poison)
1933 Robin Phillips English multi-millionaire manufacturer (hand-dryer)
1938 A Bartlett Giamatti Boston MA, president of Yale/baseball commish (1989)
1938 Michael Parks Corona CA, actor (Then Came Bronson)
1939 Hugh Masekela Wilbank South Africa, trumpeter (I Am Not Afraid)
1940 Vladimir Timofeyevich Isakov Russia, cosmonaut
1941 Major Lance US boxer/dancer/singer (Hey Little Girl)
1942 Kitty Kelley author (Unauthorized Biography of Frank Sinatra)
1946 Craig T Nelson Spokane WA, actor (Chief Jack Mannion-The District, Hayden Fox-Coach, Poltergeist)
1948 Luke Halpin Astoria NY, actor (Sandy Ricks-Flipper)
1948 Berry Oakley Chicago IL, rocker (Allman Brothers-Ramblin' Man)
1951 Steve Gatlin Olney TX, country singer (Gatlin Brothers-Broken Lady)
1958 John Wesley Jones Lawton OK, 4X100 meter relayer (Olympics-gold-1976)
1965 Robert Downey Jr New York NY, comedian/actor (Larry Paul-Ally McBeal, Saturday Night Live, Less than Zero, Back to School)
1976 Alicia Silverstone San Francisco CA, actress (Clueless)

Deaths which occurred on April 04:
0397 Ambrosius Governor of Liguria/bishop of Milan (374-97)/saint, dies
0896 Formosus Pope (891-96), dies
1284 Alfonso X "El Sabio" King of Castilië/León (1252-84), dies at 62
1406 Robert III King of Scotland (1390-1406), dies
1617 John Napier Scottish mathematician/inventor (logarithms), dies
1774 Oliver Goldsmith Irish poet (She Stoops to Conquer), dies at 17
1841 William Henry Harrison becomes 1st US President to die in office, at 68
1900 Edward VII King, assassinated
1929 Karl Friedrich Benz automobile engineer (Mercedes), dies at 84
1931 Andre Michelin CEO (Michelin Tires), dies
1939 Ghazi I King of Iraq (19??-39), dies in car accident
1963 Jason Robards Sr actor (Acapulco), dies at 70
1968 Reverend Martin Luther King Jr civil rights leader, assassinated in Memphis at 39
1972 Adam Clayton Powell Jr (Representative-Democrat-NY), dies at 63
1979 Edgar Buchanan actor (Uncle Joe-Petticoat Junction), dies at 77
1979 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto former Pakistani President, hanged in Pakistan at 51
1983 Gloria Swanson actress, dies of a heart ailment at 84
1987 C[atherine] L[ucille] Moore author (Judgment Night), dies at 76
1991 John Heinz (Senator-Republican-PA), dies in a plane crash, dies at 52
1992 Samuel Reshevsky Polish-born chess grandmaster, dies at 80
1993 Alfred Mosher Butts US architect/game maker (Scrabble), dies at 93
1996 Frederick Denison Maurice Hocking pathologist, dies at 97



POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.

On this day...
0896 Formosus ends his reign as Catholic Pope
1081 Alexius I Comnenus occupies Byzantine throne
1460 University of Basle in Swizerland forms
1541 Ignatius of Loyola becomes 1st superior-General of the Jesuits
1581 Francis Drake completes circumnavigation of the world and is knighted
1655 Battle at Postage Farina, Tunis English fleet beats Barbarian pirates
1660 English King Charles II ends Declaration of Breda (freedom of religion)
1687 English King James II orders his Declaration of Indulgence read in church

1818 Congress decided US flag is 13 red & white stripes & 20 stars

1850 City of Los Angeles incorporated
1862 Battle of Yorktown begins
1862 US begins Peninsular Campaign aimed at capturing Richmond
1864 Skirmish at Elkin's Ford (Little Missouri River), Arkansas
1865 Lee's army arrives at Amelia Courthouse
1887 Susanna Medora Salter elected 1st US woman mayor (Argonia KS)
1896 Announcement of Gold in the Yukon
1900 Assassination attempt on prince of Wales/king Edward VII
1900 British garrison of Reddersberg surrenders to Boer General De Wet
1902 Cecil Rhodes scholarship fund established with $10 million
1905 Earthquake in Kangra India, kills 370,000
1911 Hugh Chalmers, automaker, suggests idea of baseball MVP
1912 Army fires on striking mine workers at Lena-gold fields Siberia
1914 "The Perils of Pauline" shown for 1st time in Los Angeles CA
1916 US Senate agrees (82-6) to participate in WWI
1918 Battle of Somme ends
1918 Food riot in Amsterdam
1920 Arabs attack Jews in Jerusalem
1922 WAAB (Baton Rouge LA) becomes 1st US radio station with "W" calls
1929 1st AAU Greco-Roman wrestling championships held
1932 Vitamin C 1st isolated, C C King, University of Pittsburgh
1933 US Dirigible Akron crashes off coast of New Jersey, 73 die
1939 Faisal II ascends to throne of Iraq
1941 German troops conquer Banghazi
1944 De Gaulle forms new regime in exile, with communists
1945 Hungary liberated from Nazi occupation (National Liberation Day)
1945 US forces liberated the Nazi death camp Ohrdruf in Germany
1947 Largest group of sunspots on record
1947 UN's International Civil Aviation Organization established
1948 84-year-old Connie Mack challenges 78-year-old Clark Griffith to a race from home to 1st base; it ends in a tie
1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) treaty signed (Washington DC)
1949 Israel & Jordan sign armistice agreement
1958 1st march against nuclear weapons (Aldermaston England)
1960 Project Ozma begins at Green Bank radio astronomy center
1960 32nd Academy Awards - "Ben-Hur", Charlton Heston & Simone Signoret win
1964 Beatles' "Can't Buy Me Love", single goes #1 & stays #1 for 5 weeks
1968 Apollo 6 launched atop Saturn V; unmanned
1969 Dr Denton Cooley implants 1st temporary artificial heart
1972 1st electric power plant fueled by garbage begins operating
1974 Hank Aaron ties Babe Ruth's home-run record by hitting his 714th
1975 USAF transport carrying orphans from Saigon crashes killing 155
1981 Henry Cisneros becomes 1st Mexican-American mayor (San Antonio)
1984 Winston Smith in Orwell's "1984" begins his secret diary
1988 Eddie Hill becomes 1st to drag race a ¼ mile in under 5 seconds
1989 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's last NBA game in Seattle
1990 Security law violator Ivan Boesky is released from federal custody
1992 Jury deliberations begin in the Noriega case
1992 Sali Berisha becomes president/Alexander Meksi premier of Albania
1994 Largest Opening Day crowd at Yankee Stadium, 56,706
1994 Netscape Communications founded as Mosaic Communications
2001 Hideo Nomo became the fourth pitcher in major league history to throw a no-hitter in both leagues with Boston's 3-to-0 victory over Baltimore. (Nomo, who threw a no-hitter for Los Angeles in 1996, joined Cy Young, Jim Bunning and Nolan Ryan as the only pitchers with no-hitters in both leagues.)

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

Hungary : Liberation Day (1945)
Senegal : National Day (1960)
Switzerland : Glarius Festival (1388) (Thursday)
Massachusetts : Student Government Day (Friday)
US : Ballroom Dancing Day
US : National Laugh Week (Day 4)
US : National Reading a Road Map Week Begins

Religious Observances
Christian : Holy Week Begins
Anglican : Commemoration of St Ambrose
Christian : Feast of St Agathopus & Theodulus
Christian : Feast of St Benedict, the black
Christian : Feast of St Plato & St Tigernach
Roman Catholic : Commemoration of St Isidore, abp of Seville, confessor/doctor (optional)
Christian : Palm Sunday

Religious History
1507 Future German reformer Martin Luther, at age 21, was ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic church.
1541 Spanish ecclesiastic reformer and mystic Ignatius Loyola, 50, was elected the first General of the Jesuit Order, which he had helped establish the previous year.
1687 James II issued a Declaration of Indulgence allowing full liberty of worship in England. The document allowed peaceable meetings of nonconformists and forgave all penalties for ecclesiastical offenses.
1944 German Holocaust victim Anne Frank, 14, wrote in her diary: 'I want to go on living even after my death! And therefore I am grateful to God for giving me this gift...of expressing all that is in me.'
1965 German theologian Jurgen Moltmann revealed in a letter to Karl Barth: 'Polemics always makes one a little one-sided.'

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Thought for the day :
"A hot dog at the ball park is better than steak at the Ritz."

New Words for 2004...
PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE: The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.

New State Slogans...
Washington: Help! We're Overrun By Nerds And Slackers!

Male Language Patterns...
"Honey, we don't need material things to prove our love," REALLY MEANS,
"I forgot our anniversary again."

Female Language Patterns...
NO, pizza's fine. REALLY MEANS,
you cheap slob!
16 posted on 04/04/2004 7:49:13 AM PDT by Valin (Hating people is like burning down your house to kill a rat)
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To: snippy_about_it
I certainly hope you gals aren't celebrating women in frontline combat service.

17 posted on 04/04/2004 8:32:24 AM PDT by William Terrell (Individuals can exist without government but government can't exist without individuals.)
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To: Aeronaut
Good Morning Aeronaut. Snippy should be getting her Internet access today.
18 posted on 04/04/2004 8:48:43 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Please God! Not ANOTHER learning experience!)
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To: E.G.C.
Morning E.G.C.
19 posted on 04/04/2004 8:49:13 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Please God! Not ANOTHER learning experience!)
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To: WhiskeyPapa
Good Morning WhiskeyPapa.
20 posted on 04/04/2004 8:49:45 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Please God! Not ANOTHER learning experience!)
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