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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers the Civil War Diary of Bingham Findley Junkin - Dec. 3rd, 2003 ^
| Bingham F. Junkin
Posted on 12/03/2003 12:02:21 AM PST by SAMWolf
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The Battle of the Wilderness - Day 1
Thursday, May 5
Arose, took breakfast, commenced a letter to Mary [Mary Samantha Duff (1829-1921), B.F. Junkin's wife] but had to march. Crossed the Rapidan. Are now lying just across it. Hear some canonading on the front - noon. Our brigade was sent out on picket at night.

The Wilderness
Friday, May 6
Did a good deal of marching. Made one reconnaissance through thick wood. Scared the rebs but did not hurt them. Were then marched back to the rear and lay there in the woods till 4 o'clock; then the rebs made a charge on our lines in front of us
[manned by General Hancock's II Corps]. The first line withstood the charge a short time and then broke and came rushing back over our breastworks, saying for us to run but we had no notion of that; so we gave them a few rounds and then rushed forward to the front line of our works which our men had deserted and drove the Rebs back clean and clear. Without doubt our brigade saved the day at that point. Through the goodness of God I was spared for which I feel thankful.
Saturday, May 7
Moved a short distance to the right and remained in the woods as a reserve, but there was no attack made on our part of the lines. Slept on our arms again.

Harper's Weekly
A wounded soldier is carried from the field at the Battle of the Wilderness.
Sunday, May 8
Sabbath. Started about three in the morning. Kept moving along steady in the direction of Fredericksburg. _____ in the pine wood. About three o'clock in the afternoon passed through the Chancellorsville battle ground. Had a good sermon in the evening.
The Battle of Spotsylvania - Day I
Monday, May 9
Started about three in the morning. Marched several different directions, I suppose 10 miles in all. Formed line of battle about 2 o'clock. Again slept on our arms but were not disturbed. Had a good sleep which we needed very much.
Tuesday, May 10
Arose at three and had our coffee by daylight. Are still lying in our rifle pits (noon). Were oredered to advance about one hour before sundown. Advanced during the night about one-and-one-half miles and had a breast work thrown up by daybreak.
Wednesday, May 11
Lay in our ditches till about three o'clock. Then retreated across the Ny Branch of the Mattaponi river. Returned to our pits a little after dark and was on guard a part of the night. It rained and we had to sleep on our arms again.

The "Bloody Angle" took place at a strategic crossroads that controlled the shortest route to Richmond. General Lee's Confederate troops built a complex series of trenches and embankments to protect their position. On May 12, 1864, General Grant's Union troops attacked throughout the rainy, foggy day, and on into utter darkness. Twenty hours of unrelenting vicious combat resulted in one square mile of ground strewn with 12,000 casualties.
Thursday, May 12
Had coffee and started off for the line of battle. Kept up a skirmished fight through the woods during which Joseph was wounded
[the Reverend Joseph Buchanan Junkin was Bingham's brother, and also Union Chaplin of the 100 PVI, Company E] and Paree killed. About 2 o'clock we were ordered to make a charge through the woods, but we were soon on a rifle pit and were forced to fall back with heavy loss to out regiment. Company E lost in wounded and killed 22 during the day. Killed: Paree,
[Pvt.] Stewart Hunt,
[Pvt.] James S. Gill,
[Pvt.] Milton C. Campbell,
[and] [Pvt.] W, H. Rodgers. Wounded: Sergeant
[James D.] McKune, Sgt. John W. Bentley,
[Sgt.] George Maxwell, Corp. Samuel Moore, David H. Stevenson, Privates Rounds, Daniel Shaner, ______, ______, James J. Book, John S. Barber, Abraham & Alexander Hannah, William H. Brown, P. Cook, John H. Martin
[and] Tomkin. We fell back a short distance and lay on our arms all night. Had our skirmishes and ordered not to sleep for fear of a surprise. Rained on us all day and night.
Friday, May 13
Threw up our entrenchments and again had to put in a sleepless night. Are still holding our position. Have to keep a sharp lookout day and night.
Saturday, May 14
Still laying in the woods in our pits and still sleep on our arms, what little sleep we get, and that is but little.
Sunday, May 15
Sabbath generally quiet along the line except some picket firing. We have been in here five days, raining most of the time, more or less, but notwithstanding the exposure and danger to which we are exposed, "The Lord has been very gracious to me in preserving my health and sparing my life."
Monday, May 16
Nothing of note occured. We still hold our pits and keep out our skirmishers. I did hear that Joseph had died of his wound, but am not certain of the truth of it yet.
Tuesday, May 17
Lay on the watch as usual. Nothing occured along the line worthy of note. Met with Hugh Means in the evening, who informed me that a Mr. Dickson told him that Joseph had died. How true "that in the midst of life we are in death."
Wednesday, May 18
I got permission to go back to the hospital this morning provided all was quiet to learn any particulars I could of Joseph, but our men made an attack on the right early this morning and was continued more or less all day on different parts of the line. Shells flew over us quite briskly at times and we were expecting an attack so I could not leave. Perhaps I may go back tomorrow. Things are quiet now along the line except some firing along the skirmish line.
Thursday, May 19
Started before daylight and changed our position some three miles to the left and made some advance and commenced to throw up rifle pits. Received a letter from sister Mary
[Mary E. (Junkin) Poppino] dated April 28 and one for Joseph from Mary and Josephine (Mary Josephine Baker Junkin (1821-1871), Joseph's wife. Wrote to her of Joseph's death.
Friday, May 20
Still lying in our entrenchments. Had an opportunity of sending a letter out. Wrote to Father and Mother and sister Mary in the morning. In the afternoon I got a pass and went back to the hospitals of our corps. Found them all together but could learn nothing more of Joseph or any of his things. Only learned that Chaplain Jones of the 20th Michigan had charge of the burial of the dead the day Joseph should have been buried. Did not see him as he had gone to Fredericksburg. Got back and ate my supper and was sent out to the front picket line to remain 24 hours.

Wounded soldiers under trees, Marye's Heights, Fredericksburg. After the Battle of Spotsylvania, 1864.
Saturday, May 21
Was relieved about three o'clock and returned to the line. Received a letter from Lydia and one for Joseph from sister Mary. Took early supper and started on to _____. Marched all night and until about 11 o'clock, and then rested a short time to take breakfast. Then marched on and stopped about 4 o'clock. Had our meeting on the 22nd and rested until the morning of the 23rd. I did justice to the sleeping having been on picket line the night of the 21st and then marched the night of the 22nd.
Monday, May 23
Moved out about 8 A.M. Still bearing toward Richmond but marched on a very crooked road, going during the day to almost every point on the compass. Got within hearing of very heavy cannonading, our musketry firing, it being on the North Anna river, branch of the Paumunkey. Crossed the Polecat river just after dinner. Slept on the hill this side of the North Anna.
Tuesday, May 24
Lay still awhile and then made a short move, remained on North Anna hill until near dark, rained at supper, then waded across the river and lay on the bank till morning. There was heavy cannonading over our heads all day at intervals.
Wednesday, May 25
Were sent out on the front skirmish line. Shot at and was shot at by the Rebs but by the infinite mercy of God my life was spared, altho the bullets frequently came near me, but in God alone is our help to be found.
Thursday, May 26
Received a letter from home and one from Mother. Wrote to sister Mary and to Samantha. Made several moves in the woods. Met with the 10th R.P. Saw Gerome _____ and W. Patton. Recrossed the river about dark and went up to another fording and took our position as a son guard of the 5 ____.
Friday, May 27
Remained in our pits untill 11 o'clock and left in the direction of the White House. Marched until 12 o'clock. Was sent out on picket.
Saturday, May 28
Came in off picket. Got my coffee, lay around awhile and started on the march keeping down the Pamunkey on the left bank some distance from the river. Marched all night and crossed the river at daybreak.
Sunday, May 29
Sabbath - After crossing the river, resting and getting our coffee, we moved forward about two miles. A large portion of the army are lying here. Met Will McClellan while moving in the evening. I visited Cooper's battery - saw Capt. and George McGinnis. We got sleeping all night, the first undisturbed night's rest we have had since the night of the 3rd, and have frequently lost all night. It is trying on men, but all seem to be in good heart.
Monday, May 30
We marched about 5 miles and are about six miles across the Pamunkey and within 12 miles of Richmond and our army is still advancing very slowly. I trust that God will still enable us to advance until the enemy is vanquished and peace be restored to our country. May he guide us.
Tuesday, May 31
We remained in our pits all day. There was considerable skirmishing but no engagement. I paid a short visit to the 155 R V. but did not see Mr. Mateer. He had gone back to the R.V. hospital but I made my acquaintance with Lieut. Allen of Co. H.
Wednesday, June 1
Still in our pits. Wrote to Lydia. Just finishing it as Mr. Mateer and Lieut. Allen came stepping along. I was very glad to see him. In the evening the Rebs made an attack on our left and a heavy ______ line was thrown on our front but they were repulsed. Lieut. Gilfillen of Co. F was killed and Golon of Co. E slightly wounded. I picked up part of a bible that was printed in 1813. It is complete as far as _____.
posted on
12/03/2003 12:02:22 AM PST
To: snippy_about_it; PhilDragoo; Johnny Gage; Victoria Delsoul; Darksheare; Valin; bentfeather; radu; ..
The Battle of Cold Harbor
Thursday, June 2
Lay in our pits till about three o'clock. We're the rear guard. Had gone but about one-and-one-half miles when we were attacked by the Rebs and a pretty sharp time of it for about two hours when we retired to the rear of another line of battle but not before we had checked the Rebs. Just before we were attacked there was a very heavy rain. Co. E had 7 wounded, F. Brest, Lieu. James Offutt,
[Lieut.] William H. Corbin, O. McGee, Benoni McConnel, James A. McCommon, Wilson E. Reed, none thought to be dangerous. Capt. Oliver and Sergeant Oliver of Co. ___ were both wounded, thought not dangerous.
Friday, June 3
Made a short move at 3 o'clock in the morning and threw up rifle pits. There was heavy fighting both on right and left of us but we had no engagement. We were shelled some. One came through our pit right over our Capt.'s shoulder. I was sitting right next to him. It did not burst and therefore did no harm, only covered us pretty well with dirt. The Lord alone can protect and preserve life and may he enable us all to be thankful for his care over us.

"Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864," from The Soldier in our Civil War. New York, 1890
Saturday, June 4
We lay in our pits until about 6 o'clock when we moved about one-and-one-half miles toward the front. I received another letter for Joseph from his family. I wrote a few lines and returned three that I had received. Commenced raining in the evening and rained all night.
Sunday, June 5
Continued to rain awhile but quit about 10 o'clock and was a very pleasant day. So far as we were concerned it was quiet as could be expected until 5 o'clock. We moved about 1 mile and threw up pits. Worked until about 12 o'clock. Just after dark the Rebs made a desperate charge on the line of the 5th and 18th Corps but were repulsed, with what loss I have not heard. Was generally quiet the rest of the night. I wrote a letter home.
Monday, June 6
Pleasant day. Washed both my shirts and socks. A few shell and grape came over our regiment and scared some butchers off that were back in the woods a short distance. The beeves were just skinned ready, so our Corps, some 2 or 3 of each company made for the beef, so we got an extra ration of meat. The butchers soon came back but their beeves had taken legs and gone. I took my post on picket at 6 o'clock for a 24 hour term.
Tuesday, June 7
A very pleasant day. Remained on picket till 5 o'clock. Nothing of note transpired on our part of the line. We hear no news from the other parts that is reliable. Can't say what is going on.

Petersburg - Union Soldier on Duty
Wednesday, June 8
Pleasant day. At 4 o'clock in the evening our bridge was taken out of the front picket line. Were placed in squads. Most of the boys in our company would fall asleep part of the time, but the Capt., orderly Sergeant, and I kept our eyes open all night.
Thursday, June 9
Pleasant day. Remained on picket duty all day and kept watch intil 12 o'clock that night. Then lay down to sleep. I also received a letter from sister Mary. No one I think can appreciate the reception of letters as the soldier can and how it cheers him.
Friday, June 10
Pleasant day. Was relieved of picket about 5 o'clock. Fell back _____ as reserve. Mr. Mateer made a short visit.
Saturday, June 11
Started to visit the 155th but on the way learned that they had moved. Came back and wrote home and to sister Mary.
Sunday, June 12
A very pleasant day. Had preaching. Spent the day as quietly as could be expected. Had orders to move at 6 o'clock but did not start until about dark. We started and got to the White House about daylight of the 13th, the distance 12 miles.
Monday, June 13
Pleasant day. Remained near the White House until after dinner and then started across the country to the James River. Nothing of particular interest occured. Stopped at 10 P.M.
Tuesday, June 14
Continued the march, crossed the Chickahominy and camped near the James.
Wednesday, June 15
Lay in camp until 10 o'clock, then started. Crossed the James river, marched until 10. Stopped for coffee. Marched on and about sundown took a position in the rear _____ lines near Petersburg. Threw up rifle pits.
Friday, June 17
Advanced and lay in pits till 4 o'clock and the 9th Corps prepared for a charge. Our regiment was to act as skirmishers for our division. We advanced, then fell back when we discovered the enemies position. We were soon ordered again to advance. Again we did - a short distance we were to fall down and the lines of battle to pass over us. Just after they passed I was wounded. The fire of the Rebs was terrible. I figured our men could not drive them, but they did but with heavy loss.

June 13, 1865
Came to the division hospital for the purpose of getting a discharge if possible.
Additional Sources:
posted on
12/03/2003 12:03:01 AM PST
(Do it today. Tomorrow it will be illegal.)
To: All
Bingham Findley Junkin suffered a gunshot in the right thigh, shattering the hip bone. He was confined in a field hospital for about two days, then sent to City Point and from there to David's Keland. As soon as he was able to travel, he was sent home on furlough and subsequently to the Gilbert Street Hospital in Philadelphia. He was sent home again to vote in the 1864 Presidential election. On this journey, he caught cold in the wound and was prostrated and confined to his bed and house most of the winter of 1864-65. He once again reported to Gilbert Street Hospital on March 1, 1865. After Lee's surrender, Bingham was sent to rejoin his regiment marching from City Point , 14 miles beyond Petersburg and returned with it to Tennalytown. This marching so irritated his wound that he was again sent to Carver Hospital, Washington, D.C. He was honorably discharged on the 8th of July, 1865.
Rivers crossed: Potomac, Rappahannock, Raidon, Ny, Polecat, Mattaponi, North Anne, Pomonkey, and Chickahominy.
Bingham Findley Junkin died on May 15, 1911, aged 78 years, 5 months, 3 days.
posted on
12/03/2003 12:03:19 AM PST
(Do it today. Tomorrow it will be illegal.)
To: All

Veterans for Constitution Restoration is a non-profit, non-partisan educational and grassroots activist organization. The primary area of concern to all VetsCoR members is that our national and local educational systems fall short in teaching students and all American citizens the history and underlying principles on which our Constitutional republic-based system of self-government was founded. VetsCoR members are also very concerned that the Federal government long ago over-stepped its limited authority as clearly specified in the United States Constitution, as well as the Founding Fathers' supporting letters, essays, and other public documents.
Tribute to a Generation - The memorial will be dedicated on Saturday, May 29, 2004.

Actively seeking volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families.
posted on
12/03/2003 12:03:47 AM PST
(Do it today. Tomorrow it will be illegal.)
To: carton253; Matthew Paul; mark502inf; Skylight; The Mayor; Prof Engineer; PsyOp; Samwise; ...

FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!

Good Wednesday Morning Everyone
If you would like added to our ping list let us know.
posted on
12/03/2003 12:14:34 AM PST
(Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
To: SAMWolf

Keep the fire burning, I'm on my way!
posted on
12/03/2003 12:25:34 AM PST
(Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
To: snippy_about_it
Good Morning Snippy. :-)
posted on
12/03/2003 12:29:22 AM PST
(Do it today. Tomorrow it will be illegal.)
To: snippy_about_it
I'm smoking now! Got my cable internet hooked up today.
I just read a book called "The Eye of the Storm" by Robert Knox Sneden. He was a mapmaker in the 40th New York. Eventually he was attached to Corps that his regiment was in. He fought in the Peninsular Campaign and then went to D.C. for a while, coming back after Gettysburg. Then he was captured by Mosbey's Raiders and spent the rest of the war as a POW in Richmond and then at Andersonsville.
He had training in architecture, which was how he became a mapmaker. The book is his diary and includes many of his own illustrations. It was very interesting.
To: SAMWolf; snippy_about_it; bentfeather; Darksheare; Johnny Gage; Light Speed; Samwise
Good morning all at the Foxhole!! 
Howdy troops and veterans!
THANK YOU for serving the USA!

posted on
12/03/2003 3:03:10 AM PST
(May God watch over our troops and keep them safe)
To: snippy_about_it
Good morning, Snippy and everyone at the Freeper Foxhole.
Folks, be sure to update your antivirus software and get the very latest critical updates for your computer. This is the day Norton usually updates their list of virus definitions.
posted on
12/03/2003 3:07:14 AM PST
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; All
The kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared. Titus 3:4
Kindness is treating others the way God treats you.
posted on
12/03/2003 4:32:46 AM PST
The Mayor
(Through prayer, finite man draws upon the power of the infinite God.)
To: snippy_about_it
posted on
12/03/2003 4:51:24 AM PST
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; radu; Darksheare; All

Good morning everyone in The FOXHOLE!
To: bentfeather; snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; radu
I'm in, finally.
posted on
12/03/2003 5:48:02 AM PST
(Ignore the wombats, they're a diversion! My 3 million psychotic chinchilla army is the real threat!)
To: snippy_about_it
Mornin' Snippy,,Mornin' Sam!
A good read.
I think the diary's of the men, both North and South who did the fighting, are interesting to read. A first hand point of view gives you something books about the war cannot.
posted on
12/03/2003 5:48:19 AM PST
(In Dixie Land I'll take my stand to live and die in Dixie)
To: Darksheare
Oh good, some of the crew is in!!
To: radu; snippy_about_it; Darksheare
Good morning radu!
My goodness you flew by early this a.m. !! Must be just before you enter the cave!! LOL
Did you pass snippy on the way in, she was on her way out!
Glad you stopped around .
Got my cable internet hooked up today. I am jealous. :^)Maybe some day I can upgrade. Let's see...the munchkin graduates from high school in 6 years, then there's 4 years of college....Yep, some day I can upgrade--if they have Internet access in the home.
I am having a terrible time accessing my Comments page. Plus I can't seem to Page Up or Page Down anymore on Free Republic. Is it just me?
posted on
12/03/2003 7:06:43 AM PST
(There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil.)
To: SAMWolf
Morning, SAM!
The thing that strikes me the most about this diary is that most of it is so mundane.
posted on
12/03/2003 7:11:26 AM PST
(There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil.)
To: bentfeather; radu; snippy_about_it
I, at this moment, am avoiding the sunlight myself.
Some of us are in, and bouncing about as well.
You SURE snippy's going WEST?
Just had something STREAK by and trail a sonic boom behind.
(I guess I should apologise for my coffee right now, right?)
posted on
12/03/2003 7:18:47 AM PST
(Ignore the wombats, they're a diversion! My 3 million psychotic chinchilla army is the real threat!)
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