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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers 376th Heavy Bombardment Group (1942-1945)- Nov. 12th, 2003 ^
| Captain Jack Preble
Posted on 11/12/2003 12:00:15 AM PST by SAMWolf
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Then came the most daring and outstanding mission of all time, the historic low-level bombing attack against the oil refineries at Ploesti, Roumania, on August 1, 1943. For 14 months, or since June 12, 1942, Ploesti had been untouched by warfare. Not only was this attack to be famous on account of its daring and audacious low-level approach, it was also to signal the re-opening gun of The Battle of Ploesti which was only to end a year later with the loss of 276 bombers and 2,200 airmen missing. Historians in years to come will elaborate more fully on this historic attack, and the attacks that followed. Just as the 376th had been cited by the President of The United States for its efforts in North Africa, so was it again to be cited for the devastating bombing attack of Sunday, August 1, 1943.

A B-24D over the oil refinery in Ploesti, Romania on August 1, 1943. Of the 177 planes taking part in the low level raid, 55 failed to return, and over 500 crewmen were killed.
This low-level attack was planned for a Sunday afternoon when the pleasure-loving populace of Roumania would relax their guard and be indulging in pastimes other than war. The flight across Roumania "on the deck" towards Ploesti had its amusing moments. One crew reported passing over a small river where many young men and girls were lolling on the sand after an enjoyable swim. What particularly attracted the attention of the men of the 376th was that these parties were as entirely naked as a jay-bird. Others were engaged in an interesting and highly pleasureable biological act. Imagine, if you can, being caught yourself in this dilemma! Suddenly, out of nowhere, came the first of the thundering herd of eager bombers directly headed for them, or so it seemed. Never before in all history had the curtain been run down on shorter acts as the lovers scattered themselves like covey's of quail and either rolled into the bushes, or dived into the river, to escape the terrible pre-historic monsters overhead.

Liberators over the Ploesti oil refinery on May 31, 1944.
In one field a farmer was spreading manure from a farm wagon drawn by two horses when the bombers swept over the tree tops behind him. He and the horses gave one terrified look. Then, the peasant's pitchfork went one way and he headed, full speed, for the shelter of the woods. The horses, being unable to decide which way to run together, decided to part company and go their separate ways, also at full speed, with the wreck of the wagon bumping and trailing behind.
One Liberator came home with cornstalks wedged in the engine cowling, while parts of some black and white bird were found in another. It was either a chicken or magpie with the odds being in favor of chicken. Other Liberators came home with hay and small tree branches and leaves decorating the cowling. Many of the Liberators didn't come home that night.
After Ploesti came the bombing attacks on ball-bearing and aircraft factories in Germany and Austria. The mission to Weiner-Neustadt, Austria, on Aug. 13, 1943, was, perhaps, the longest mission carried out from the base at Benghazi.
The war progressing favorably to a point where it was believed the 376th should again move forward, about the middle of September this movement was started. The new base was near Enfidaville, in southern Tunisia, at the base of a range of purple and gold mountains. One of the things most distinctly remembered about this new base was the hunting of chukkar partridges, the beautiful sunsets reflected on the mountains, and another of those terrible, desert cloudbursts.
Operations carried on from Enfidaville took the group again to Weiner-Noustadt, and other targets in that vicinity. As Colonel Compton was still commanding the group, several more requests were made of him to again use his famous low-level, skip-bombing, hit-and-run tactics against several railroad bridges and viaducts along the east coast of Italy. One in particular was the mission of October 19, 1943. The following is a newspaper account of that daring affair:
"Early today, echoing the thunderous blast of exploding 2000-lb bombs aimed at four enemy-held bridges, came Colonel K.K. Compton's terse radio message back to his home air base: All bridges busted beautifully!
Many times in the past have Colonial Compton's Liberandos been called upon to perform skillful, hazardous and hair-raising jobs. This morning's raid, carried out 'on the deck', or just skimming the crest of the waves, was no exception.
Briefed to destroy these four bridges, vital links in the only railroad on the east coast of Italy, and the destruction of which would cut off reinforcements to the hard-pressed enemy, the Liberandos struck at dawn.
Sweeping in from the sea in a surprise attack they skidded their huge bombs into the piers and abutments of four separate bridges, some spanning miniature 'Grand Canyons', and swept out to sea again to escape the awful upheaval that followed. From this operation all our planes returned safely."
On the 17th of November, 1943, the 376th took to the air again. This time it was headed to Italy for a long stay. The combat personnel, as well as the important ground personnel were all flown to southern Italy where their new air base was to be set up. It was during this movement by air that occurred a most laughable and memorable incident. Laughable, yet it had all the possibilities of a disaster save for Lady Luck.
It was this: Two B-24's took off, one shortly after the other, for the hop across Sicily to the new base. The navigator of the second B-24 had no navigational aids other than a map, so he was told by the pilot of the leading bomber, "Just follow us.' Follow they did, until over Sicily they experienced dense cloud cover and each became separated. The first B-24 proceeded on course while the second one took this most in-opportune time to have trouble with the radio compass and almost everything else and became lost...utterly lost. It was rapidly getting dark. The plane was heavily loaded with kitchen stoves, pots, pans, kettles, and all the 515th Squadron's contingent of Mexican-American cooks and helpers. Imagine their consternation when enemy anti-aircraft guns opened fire on them. They high-tailed it for some other less hostile area. Their next alarm was when two ME-109's came out of the dusk with all their guns winking and blazing at the lost Lib. On board was a crew chief who sprang into action at this new threat to their welfare and succeeded in driving off the ME-109's in short order. After flying aimlessly around for sev- hours they eventually got in contact with a friendly ground radio station and were guided in to the new air base where their Odyssey of the Clouds was related to bug-eyed skeptics.

This Liberator lost its outer wing panel when it was hit by the body of an airman falling from another Liberator during the Ploesti mission.
The above true story never before appeared in print, and to protect the reputation of the navigator, his name will not be divulged here. Just call him "Sam". The details of this story are familiar to many of the old "desert rats" still in the group. They still relate this story with great gusto.
On January 8, 1944, the 376th welcomed its new commanding officer, Colonel Theodore Q. Graff. A few years more mature than Colonel Compton, still he had that exhuberance of youth about him, combined with a quiet dignity, that endeared him to all. He was the type of man the 376th had been accustomed to, and wanted. First of all they wanted a leader, a combat pilot willing to lead them on any of their "rough" assignments. They also wanted a confidant; a "tough" but "fair" boss; a "brass hat" without too great a show of brass. They got all these qualities in Colonel Graff. Lucky, indeed, has been the 376th in getting the "cream of the crop" for its commanding officers.
In January 1944, the 376th reverted to the close ground-air support tactics developed and conducted a year or more before in the Western Desert. Almost the entire month of January was spent in an extensive training program in preparation of the coming Spring offensive when these tactics would be used.
posted on
11/12/2003 12:00:16 AM PST
To: snippy_about_it; PhilDragoo; Johnny Gage; Victoria Delsoul; Darksheare; Valin; bentfeather; radu; ..
Then began the missions to the Anzio beachhead where German troop concentrations and gun positions were blasted. Subsequently, one mission was flown against bloody Cassino-on the day when more than 3,000 Allied aircraft participated in an attack against this mountain monastery stronghold.
It was during the many missions flown against enemy positions and troop concentrations that one of the bravest acts of self-sacrifice in the history of the 376th occurred. On May 23, 1944, a mission was sent out to bomb enemy troops and supplies at Frascati, Italy. The anti-aircraft fire was both accurate and intense. Aircraft 85, piloted by Bob Gallagher, received a direct hit underneath the waist windows which traveled upwards and exploded. The entire top of the bomber was blown out from the radio antenna to aft of the waist windows. Two life rafts and several parachutes were blown out by the explosion and several of his men were wounded. Other serious damage was rendered to the bomber. Here was a choice no man should have to face. Should the unwounded men, and the men with parachutes, bail out and save their own lives while the wounded, and men who had lost their chutes in the blast, remain and go down with the stricken ship?
Anyone who knew Bob Gallagher and his co-pilot, Hollis Fuller, or any of the crew, would know there was no doubt in anyone's mind what they would do. Give up? Sacrifice the wounded men? Every man for himself? No! Not those boys of the 376th. They were going to try and bring the damaged plane to the nearest friendly field with every soul aboard or die in the attempt. And those men died! Every one of them!
Despite the terrible damage inflicted to their bomber, Bob piloted it out to sea and rid himself of his load of bombs and then headed his crippled aircraft for Naples. All went well until within sight of the airfield at Naples, when suddenly, the crippled bomber went out of control and crashed to the ground. The frayed controls could hold no longer. No survivors was there to tell of those terrible hours in the air. Radio facilities had been blasted out of Gallagher's bomber when it was hit. No one knows the heroic acts that occurred aboard the stricken ship. What went on up there in the air between these doomed men and their God...God alone knows. Our story is based on eye-witness reports of other pilots who tried to escort Bob and his heroic "One for all and all for one" crew safely to a friendly base. Bob Gallagher, the little, happy-go-lucky, smiling Irishman received a posthumos award of The Distinguished Service Cross. His crew received posthumous awards of The Silver Star for gallantry in action.
It was dogged, determined, heroic acts like Gallagher's, and Fuller's, and later on, Frank Christiansen's (The Terrible Swede), who also won the D.S.C. for his unfailing courage and undaunted spirit in combat, that helps make up the traditions, the history, devotion, and the jealous affection for the honor of the group we have. More D.S.C.'s have been won by men of the 376th than any other group in the 15th Air Force. And more Silver Stars, Distinguished Flying Crosses, Legion of Merits, and Bronze Star Medals also, if the truth were know. Not all the heroic acts that make up the historic traditions of the 376th were performed by airmen, or in the air. The ground personnel have their share of Soldier's Medals gained by saving another's life at the risk of their own.
Throughout the year, oil installations, ball-bearing and aircraft factories, engine and tank factories, airdromes, harbor installations, railway lines, yards and bridges, troop concentrations and other strategic targets were blasted in Germany, Austria, Hungary, France, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Greece, Roumania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia. All these and many more were on the 376th intensive bombing program.
The group gave air support to the Russian Armies both in Roumania, and southeastern Poland when it led the entire 15th Air Force in the attack on the Bucharest railyards. The group participated in the invasion of southern France when coastal batteries, barbed-wire, pill-boxes, mine fields, fortifications and other strongholds were neutralized before the waves of infantry, engineers and artillery swarmed ashore.
For the outstanding and highly successful mission on June 16, 1944, when the entire set-up of tanks, oil refineries, distillation and cracking plants at Bratislava, Czechoslovakia were utterly destroyed, the 376th won its third citation as a Distinguished Unit.
Other oil targets were hit repeatedly to prevent any great German recuperation of these industries. The vitally important Breener Pass railway lines, tunnels and bridges in north Italy, as well as supply depots, were bombed in the closing months of the year of 1944. Rail installations and bridges were attacked in Hungary and Yugoslavia repeatedly in order to check the flow of vital supplies to the German fronts. Troop movements were attacked also. On Nov. 8, Colonel Graff led a successful mission to destroy troop concentrations at Prijepolje, Yugoslavia. Just as a sample of precision bombing dealt out to other targets, this day the 376th dropped every bomb directly within a 1000 feet circle and scored a 100% record. How this perfect record affected the enemy troops concentrated in that 1000 foot area is no military secret for they are long past caring.
On February 1, 1945, another milestone in the long and gallant career of the 376th was set up when Colonel Graff led the unit on its 400th combat mission. It was also the Colonel's last sortie against the enemy before being eligible to return to the United States for reassignment. The group felt his loss very keenely as he had been responsible for building up his group to a high state of efficiency.
On 22 February, 1945, Colonel Robert H. Warren assumed command of the 376th Bomb Group. Colonel Warren comes to the 376th, not as a stranger, but as an old friend, as he commanded the 515th Squadron for several months early in 1944. He is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, and won his pilot's wings at Maxwell Field in March 1941. Col. Warren, like his predecessors, is a strict and most fair officer; a 'brass hat' without ostentacious display of brass.
He has stated he will make no change in the policies of the 376th, but will ever strive to uphold and maintain the same high standards; standards and achievements which have given the 376th its glory, its history, its traditions and its honors.

One of the most famous photos of the war, this Liberator took a direct flak hit to a wing while taking part in the crew's 15th mission in support of the 8th army. Only one crew member survived
As this short history goes to press the enemy has been defeated on every front and now fights with his back to the wall in Germany, parts of Hungary and Austria, and northern Italy in the Po River valley. The 376th has advanced a long ways, from Egypt, Libya, Tunisia to Italy. It has aided in the liberation of those countries as well as Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, Roumania, Albania, France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Sicily and more than half of Italy. Three times it has been cited as a Distinguished Unit, and has been awarded 9 campaign, or battle stars, and is now expecting the 10th. Veterans of the 376th who joined the group in Palestine or Egypt and are still with the group are authorized to wear these nine campaign stars. They are as follows:
- EGYPTIAN*LIBYAN: For those who were with the group up to and including February 12, 1943.
- TUNISIAN: November 8, 1942, to May 13, 1943
- SICILIAN: May 14, 1943 to August 17, 1943.
- PLOESTI: August 1, 1943. Only men associated with the group at this time may wear the star for 'The Battle of Ploesti'.
- NAPLES*FOGGIA: September 9, 1943 to January 21, 1944.
- SOUTHERN FRANCE: August 15, 1944 to September 14, 1944.
- ROME*ARNO: January 22, 1944 to (date still open).
- NORMANDY: June 6, 1944 to July 21, 1944 (Strategic support).
- AIR OFFENSIVE OVER EUROPE: July 4, 1942 to June 5, 1944.
The Liberando shield insignia of the 376th Bomb Group, although still unofficial, is yet the unanimous choice of all personnel. The winged Sphinx is symbolic of the Middle East where the group commenced operations. It is depicted in yellow. The blue background of the shield is for the blue of the Air Force as well as for the intense blue of the African sky at night. The terra-cotta red beneath the Sphinx is for the red soil of the Western Desert around Gambut, Solluch, and Benghazi. LIBERANDOS are members of the 376th Bombardment Group. The bomb is self-explanatory. The circle, pyramid, diamond, and the square on the bomb represent the four squadrons that make up the 376th Bomb Group.
During its career, the 376th has been a unit in three different Air Forces. First the Ninth Air Force, then the 12th Air Force, and at the present time, the 15th Air Force.

A B-24J trails smoke as it flies through heavy flak over Vienna
It is not generally known that the 376th has, within the group, as Air Force all its own. This air force is The Yugoslav Air Force, operated by Yugoslav nationals trained in the United States. They made their debut in November 1943 in four B-24 Liberator bombers presented to them by President Roosevelt at Bolling Field on their completion of a year's training in America. Teaming up with the 376th, the Yugoslav's returned, on November 16th, to bomb hangars, administration buildings and parked aircraft at Eleusis Airdrome, northwest of Athens, Greece. It was from Eleusis that these same Yugoslav airmen escaped in their own planes when Axis troops over-ran Greece in the Spring of 1941. After receiving the Liberators from President Roosevelt, the Yugoslavs ferried them to Cairo, where King Peter officially accepted them on behalf of the Yugoslav exile government. They have fought honorably, bravely and have a distinguished war record. Never have they been called upon to fight against, or attack targets, in their own country. Their losses, for such a small air force, have been extremely heavy. Today only one Liberator remains of the four originally presented to them. The others have been lost in combat against the enemy.
Additional Sources:
posted on
11/12/2003 12:01:11 AM PST
To: All
The Fifteenth Air Force
In the 18 months of existence the 15th Air Force,operating principally from the complex of airfields in southern Italy, destroyed all gasoline production within its range in southern Europe; knocked out all the major aircraft factories in its sphere; and destroyed 6,282 enemy aircraft in the air and on the ground.
The 15th crippled the enemy's transportation system over half of once-occupied Europe with repeated fighter and bomber attacks. On occasion it helped disperse enemy counter attacks and spearheaded the advances of our own armies.
The 15th dropped 303,842 tons of bombs on enemy targets in 12 countries of Europe, including military installations in eight capital cities. Its combat personnel made 148,955 heavy bomber sorties and 87,732 fighter sorties against the enemy.
It lost 3,364 aircraft and 21,671 personnel killed, wounded, missing and taken prisoner -- 20,430 bomber crewmen and 1,187 fighter pilots.
The 15th fought four broad campaigns: against enemy oil, enemy air force, enemy communications, and enemy ground forces. Most vital of the 15th's oil targets was the Ploesti complex of refineries, which contributed about 30% of the entire Axis oil supply and an equal amount of gasoline. Ploesti was protected by 150 first class fighters and 250 heavy flak guns when the 15th, with the cooperation of the RAF 205th Group of night bombers, began a series of attacks against it on April 5. The campaign continued until Aupust 19. 15th and RAF bombers flew 5287 sorties, dropping 12,870 tons of bombs. The cost was 237 heavies (15 of them RAF), 10 P-38 dive bombers and 39 escorting fighters. More than 2,200 American Airmen were lost. But results were good. At the end of the campaign the refineries were reduced to only 10% of their normal rate of activity and during the entire period from April to August the average production rate was reduced by 60%.
The 15th followed up the Ploesti attacks by dropping 10,000 tons of bombs in attacks on three synthetic oil plants in Silesia and one in Poland, reducing their combined production by February of 1945 to 20% of what it was in June of 1944.
By devastating attacks on Weiner Neustadt and Regenshurg, two of the three main enemy fighter manufacturing complexes, the 15th helped materially in the attainment of European air supremacy. By May 1944, estimated actual production stood at 250 aircraft a month within range of the 15th against a contemplated production of 650 aircraft per month.
Throught the counter-air force and oil campaigns, the 15th was also attacking enemy communications and transportation systems far behind the front lines, disrupting supply movements from industrial centers over an 8OO mile radius from the ItaIian airfields.
The 15th also supplied Allied Army cooperation bombing targets at Salerno, Anzio, and Cassino in the Rome campaign. On April 15, 1945 the 15th put up a record smashing 93% of its available aircraft to soften up the approaches to Bologna in one of the final missions of the Italian campaign.
A unique sidelight of the 15th's operations has been the rescue and repatriation of air crews shot down in enemy territory. No other air force has undertaken escape operations in so many countries. The 15th has returned 5650 personnel by air, surface vessel and on foot through enemy lines. In more than 300 planned "reunion" operations, men have been brought back safely from Tunisia, Italy, France,Switzerland, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Austria and Germany.
376th Bomb Group - GROUP FIRSTS
- 1st Heavy Bomb Group to be based on European Continent
- Oldest Bomb Group operating overseas
- 1st Bomb Group to bomb European Continent
- 1st Bomb Group over Ploesti, High Altitude 6/12/42
- 1st USAAF Bombers to hit Italian Fleet, 6/15/42
- 1st over Naples, 12/4/42
- 1st Rome Raid, 7/19/43
- 1st over Ploesti Low Level, 8/1/43
- 1st over Wiener- Neustadt, 8/13/43
posted on
11/12/2003 12:01:35 AM PST
To: All
posted on
11/12/2003 12:01:54 AM PST
To: All
Bugles Across America
Bugles Across America, NFP was founded in 2000 by Tom Day, when Congress passed legislation stating Veterans had a right to at least 2 uniformed military people to fold the flag and play taps on a CD player. Bugles Across America was begun to take this a step further, and in recognition of the service these Veterans provided their country, we felt that every Veteran deserved a live rendition of taps played by a live Bugler. To this end, we are actively seeking volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families
Our Organization now has 1500 bugler volunteers located in all 50 states and growing number overseas. Since the Department of Veterans Affairs is expecting more than 1/2 million veterans to pass every year for the next 7 years, Bugles Across America is ALWAYS recruiting new volunteers.
Bugler Volunteers can be male or female. They can play a traditional bugle with no valves, or they can perform the ceremony on a Trumpet, Cornet, Flugelhorn, or a 1, 2 or 3 valved bugle. The bugler can be of any age as long as they can play the 24 notes of Taps with an ease and style that will do honor to both the Veterans, their families, and the burial detail performing the service.
Thanks quietolong
posted on
11/12/2003 12:02:15 AM PST
To: SAMWolf; snippy_about_it; bentfeather; Darksheare; Johnny Gage; Light Speed; Samwise; All
Good morning all at the Foxhole!! Howdy troops and veterans.
THANK YOU for serving the USA !

BRRRRRR! Anyone who knows me is aware that I will NOT EEEEEEVEN get on a plane.....and reading about what these people did has given me the heebie-jeebies! LOL!
And I never heard of skip-bombing! The things we learn here in the Foxhole. Absolutely cool!
posted on
11/12/2003 12:27:40 AM PST
(May God watch over our troops and keep them safe)
To: carton253; Matthew Paul; mark502inf; Skylight; The Mayor; Prof Engineer; PsyOp; Samwise; ...
.......FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
.......Good Wednesday Morning Everyone!
If you would like added to our ping list let us know.
posted on
11/12/2003 3:05:43 AM PST
(Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
To: radu
Good morning radu.
posted on
11/12/2003 3:14:41 AM PST
(Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
To: snippy_about_it
Good morning, Snippy and everyone at the Freeper Foxhole.
Microsoft released their monthly set of critical updates for Windows yesterday. If you run Windows be sure to download those updates.
Also, be sure to download the latest anti-virus information from your anti-virsu software.
posted on
11/12/2003 3:28:43 AM PST
To: E.G.C.
Good morning EGC. Thanks for the notice. I'm going to do that now, reboot and head off to work! We have high wind warnings for tonight as a cold front comes through. Our high tomorrow will only be in the mid 30's. Boo-hoo.
posted on
11/12/2003 3:41:59 AM PST
(Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
To: snippy_about_it
Little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray. Matthew 19:13
Every child needs a praying parent.
posted on
11/12/2003 4:39:19 AM PST
The Mayor
(Through prayer, finite man draws upon the power of the infinite God.)
To: SAMWolf

Today's classic warship, USS New Hampshire (BB-25)
Connecticut class battleship
displacement. 16,000 t.
length. 456'4"
beam. 76'10"
draft. 24'6"
speed. 18 k.
complement. 850
armament. 4 12", 8 8", 12 7", 20 3", 2 1-pdrs., 4 21" tt.
The USS New Hampshire (BB-25) was laid down 1 May 1905 by New York Shipbuilding Corp., Camden, N.J.; launched 30 June 1906; sponsored by Miss Hazel E. McLane, daughter of Governor John McLane of New Hampshire; and commissioned 19 March 1908, Capt. Cameron M. Winslow in command.
After fitting out at New York, New Hampshire carried a Marine Expeditionary Regiment to Colon, Panama, 20-26 June 1908, then made ceremonial visits to Quebec, Portsmouth, New York, and Bridgeport. Overhaul at New York and Caribbean exercises were followed by participation in the Naval Review by President Theodore Roosevelt in Hampton Roads 22 February 1909, welcoming home the "Great White Fleet." Through the next year and a half she exercised along the east coast and in the Caribbean. In late 1910, after her appearance had been altered by the installation of a pair of "cage" masts, she departed Hampton Roads 1 November 1910 with the Second Battleship Division for Cherbourg, France and Weymouth, England. Leaving England 30 December, she returned to the Caribbean until arriving in Norfolk 10 March 1911 to prepare for a second European cruise which took her to Scandinavian, Russian and German ports. The squadron returned to New England waters 13 July.

New Hampshire trained Naval Academy midshipmen off New England in the next two summers, and patrolled off strife-torn Hispaniola in December 1912. From 14 June 1913 until 29 December, she similarly protected American interests along the Mexican coast, to which she returned 15 April 1914 to support the occupation of Vera Cruz. New Hampshire sailed north 21 June, was overhauled at Norfolk, and exercised along the east coast and in the Caribbean until returning to Vera Cruz in August 1915.
Arriving Norfolk 30 September 1915, New Hampshire operated in Northern waters until 2 December 1916, when she sailed for Santo Domingo, where her commanding officer took part in the government of the revolt-torn country. She returned to Norfolk in February 1917 for overhaul, where she lay when the United States entered World War I. For the next year and a half she trained gunners and engineers in northern coastal waters, and on 15 September began the first of two convoy escort missions, guarding transports from New York to a rendezvous point off the French coast. On 24 December she sailed on the first of four voyages bringing veterans home from France to east coast ports. This duty completed 22 June 1919, she was overhauled at Philadelphia, then 5 June 1920 sailed with Academy midshipmen embarked for a cruise through the Panama Canal to Hawaii and west coast ports. She returned to Philadelphia 11 September.
New Hampshire served as flagship for the special naval force in Haitian waters from 18 October to 12 January 1921, and on 25 January sailed with the remains of Swedish Minister Wilhelm Ekengren for Stockholm arriving 14 February. She called also at Kiel and Gravesend before returning to Philadelphia 24 March. There she decommissioned 21 May 1921. She was sold for scrapping 1 November 1923 in accordance with the Washington Treaty for the Limitation of Naval Armaments.
Big Guns in Action!
posted on
11/12/2003 4:42:15 AM PST
To: SAMWolf
Captain Jack Preble sure was a colorful writer. LOL. Beyond that this group sure accomplished amazing feats. I enjoyed reading about the "skip bombing". Very daring missions these crew took with their low flying Liberators!
Thanks SAM.
posted on
11/12/2003 5:44:16 AM PST
(Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
To: The Mayor
Good morning Mayor.
posted on
11/12/2003 5:44:43 AM PST
(Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
To: aomagrat
Good morning aomagrat. Nice close up of the New Hampshire underway and of her big guns in action.
posted on
11/12/2003 5:50:41 AM PST
(Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf
Good morning everyone!!
To: bentfeather
Good morning feather.
posted on
11/12/2003 6:24:02 AM PST
(Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
To: snippy_about_it
Mornin Snippy
posted on
11/12/2003 6:25:01 AM PST
The Mayor
(Through prayer, finite man draws upon the power of the infinite God.)
To: SAMWolf
OK, I guess the B24 is a real plance. Even though it has three wheels, it does have 4 round engines.
posted on
11/12/2003 6:36:33 AM PST
Prof Engineer
(This is NOT the government the Founders intended. ~ Golden Corral supports troops and veterans)
To: snippy_about_it
posted on
11/12/2003 6:36:38 AM PST
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