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Father Charles Fiore on
The Devil's Final Battle
Catholic Family News ^
| 6/12/03
| Father Charles Fiore
Posted on 06/13/2003 7:25:56 PM PDT by Land of the Irish
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To: Aloysius; Dajjal; Domestic Church; dsc; ELS; FBDinNJ; Francisco; frozen section; ...
To: Land of the Irish
Heresy reigns, and sacrilegious blasphemies are written and spoken daily. Pray the Holy Ghost strikes dumb those adorned in white and red who dare mock the Sacred Traditions of His Church.
To: Land of the Irish
I missed the passing of Fr. Fiore. He did not benefit from the horrifc martyrdom and ritual murder of his dear friend Fr. Kunz, so we must pray for his soul, and commend it to the prayers of Fr. Kunz and the rest of the Saints in heaven. Requiem aeternam done eis Domine.
To: Land of the Irish
posted on
06/14/2003 12:50:39 AM PDT
(“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6)
To: Land of the Irish
**The 1961 Vatican directive to bishops and religious superiors not to admit homosexuals to seminaries and houses of formation -- and not to ordain them (since reiterated 4 times) -- was largely ignored, planting the seeds of the (mostly homosexual) sex abuse harvest that blossomed in the 1970s, '80s and '90s.**
This one statement is so very telling!
posted on
06/14/2003 5:05:24 AM PDT
(†With God all things are possible.†)
To: Land of the Irish
Fr. Fiore bump
posted on
06/14/2003 5:10:38 AM PDT
To: Land of the Irish; fatima
**Clearly, the "auto-demolition" of the Church (Paul VI) will continue until Cardinal Sodano's falsification of the Third Fatima Secret (May 13, 2000) and Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Bertone's "explanation" (June 26, 2000) are rejected, by revealing verbatim what Our Lady said -- exactly as Sister Lucy wrote it down at Her command. Why won't they let us read the words of Our Mother?**
posted on
06/14/2003 5:10:59 AM PDT
(†With God all things are possible.†)
To: Land of the Irish
Please pray for the leaders of the Catholic Church that they may allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
posted on
06/14/2003 5:38:09 AM PDT
(†With God all things are possible.†)
To: Salvation
Prayer Bump
posted on
06/14/2003 6:50:09 AM PDT
Domestic Church
(AMDG...echoes of Antonio Gramsci in the Vatican)
To: Land of the Irish
Has anyone here read this book?
To: Hermann the Cherusker
"He did not benefit from the horrifc martyrdom and ritual murder of his dear friend Fr. Kunz"
I have only heard vague rumours about the death of this priest - do you know the story behind it?
To: Tantumergo
Fr. Alfred Kunz was ritually murdered, and the crime has never been solved, undoubtedly because of its nature and because of who he was.
He was found in a pool of his own blood, his throat slit ear to ear like a pig, with various animals also sacrificed around him.
Fr. Kunz was a pre-Vatican II Pastor, so he maintained his stewardship of his Church for many years without having to suffer through endless transfers (had more priests stuck to their guns circa 1969, we need not have suffered through the Novus Ordo - they didn't have to allow it, and they could not be forcibly transferred without cause). He was also a recalictrant who said the Latin Mass at his Church, rather than the Novus Ordo. And he was involved in invesitgating satantic pedophilia in the Church.
To: Hermann the Cherusker
Was Fr. Kunz in the Chicago area? Was Bernadin rumored to have been involved in his death?
To: Canticle_of_Deborah
Bernardin died in '96. Fr. Kunz died in '98. But that doesn't rule out the possibility that a Bernardin associate had Fr. Kunz murdered.
What a state the Church has come to when we can accuse bishops of ordering hits on faithful priests and such as accusation shocks no one!
posted on
06/14/2003 6:44:58 PM PDT
(Keeper of the Schismatic Orc Ping List. Freepmail me if you want on or off it.)
To: Canticle_of_Deborah
Fr. Kunz was from Wisconsin, between Milwaukee and Madison, not far from me.
posted on
06/14/2003 8:10:01 PM PDT
(The Truth shall set you free.)
To: Aloysius; Dajjal; Domestic Church; dsc; ELS; FBDinNJ; Francisco; frozen section; ...
To: Loyalist
What a state the Church has come to when we can accuse bishops of ordering hits on faithful priests and such as accusation shocks no one! Unless you have solid evidence that a bishop did order a "hit" on this priest, maybe you ought to refrain from making the accusation.
I hint that the Vatican knew all about the clerical abuse scandal, and I'm castigated unmercifully; you link (with no foundation) a dead Cardinal to the murder of a priest, and you'll likely get "amens" for it.
FR has always been a haven for conspiracies, so this is no surprise to me.
posted on
06/14/2003 9:06:14 PM PDT
To: Land of the Irish
Not many traditional Dominicans left. St. Pius V and St. Catherine must be saddened. BTW, few get to hear the Dominican version of the canonized Mass as St. Pius once said.
One of our closest friends is a traditional Third Order Dominican who has served both versions for over 70 years. Tough customers, those old Dominicans, tough and pious.
posted on
06/15/2003 6:07:17 AM PDT
(Dominus vobiscum)
To: Land of the Irish
What's with the image you posted in #17?
posted on
06/16/2003 9:52:20 AM PDT
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