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More Bad News from the Vatican: Catholics Told Not to Kneel or Receive Communion on the Tongue
Les Femmes ^
| January 22, 2023
| Mary Ann Kreitzer
Posted on 01/23/2023 11:00:58 AM PST by ebb tide
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posted on
01/23/2023 11:00:58 AM PST
ebb tide
To: Al Hitan; Fedora; irishjuggler; Jaded; kalee; markomalley; miele man; Mrs. Don-o; ...
posted on
01/23/2023 11:01:48 AM PST
ebb tide
To: ebb tide
Bend over and take it in the ass now?
To: ebb tide
I stopped listening to this pop a long time ago.
posted on
01/23/2023 11:04:59 AM PST
The Louiswu
(- .-. ..- -- .--. / ..--- ----- ..--- ....-)
To: ebb tide
Imagine this: Someone celebrating the traditional Latin Rite, kneeling to accept communion on the tongue from a priest, and holding to traditional views on life and marriage is now called a...
posted on
01/23/2023 11:06:40 AM PST
(There is nothing feminine about feminism. )
To: MeganC
And we wonder why there are less and less people showing up to Catholic Mass. The church is half full on Sunday.
Maybe this is all part of the plan to turn people away from God and the church of St Peter.
To: MeganC
Haha. Luther says “Mission Accomplished”. WHat?
posted on
01/23/2023 11:24:26 AM PST
To: ebb tide
Being Catholic must be very confusing. Lots of rules kinda like the Sanhedrin of old...
posted on
01/23/2023 11:27:24 AM PST
(I have faith Malachi is right!!! Any day now...)
To: ebb tide
The “Vatican Rag” by Tom Lehrer.
posted on
01/23/2023 11:27:32 AM PST
(The REAL Great Reset will be when Jesus returns. )
To: MeganC
Imagine Catholics not knowing for centuries that the "traditional Latin mass" was defined at the Council of Trent in the mid 16th century as a response to the Protestant Reformation. Mass done before that had many local variations (pre-Tridentine mass).
As soon as a coin in the coffer rings the soul from purgatory springs.
posted on
01/23/2023 11:31:37 AM PST
Tell It Right
(1st Thessalonians 5:21 -- Put everything to the test, hold fast to that which is true.)
To: woodbutcher1963; Al Hitan; Fedora; irishjuggler; Jaded; kalee; markomalley; miele man; ...
posted on
01/23/2023 11:31:46 AM PST
ebb tide
To: Mathews
posted on
01/23/2023 11:33:00 AM PST
(The rumor has not been confirmed until the FBI officially denies it.)
To: Mathews
I guess the Ten Commandments are ten too many for you. Right?
posted on
01/23/2023 11:33:43 AM PST
ebb tide
To: ebb tide
The Lord Himself, when he shared the Last Supper with His Apostles was celebrating Passover as Jews would. There is no description of their celebration of Passover being changed so that the Apostles would kneel in order to receive Communion on the tongue.
When the Lord said, "Do this in memory of me.", he didn't say "and add kneeling and receiving on the tongue."
To: ebb tide
The Jesuit takeover is almost complete.
To: T.B. Yoits
Yeah, right. As if you there to witness the Last Supper.
P.S. They were all priests who were present.
posted on
01/23/2023 11:36:46 AM PST
ebb tide
To: Tell It Right
I am not a Catholic but one of the more moving and beautiful experiences I ever had was hearing a Latin service for a Christmas Eve one year. I love the small church experience I have on Sundays but there is an undeniable spiritual awesomeness in hearing the priest singing, the choir singing, and hearing the organ echoing in a beautiful stone cathedral.
To take that away from the Catholics who connect to God through it is to me a kind of violation.
posted on
01/23/2023 11:41:03 AM PST
(There is nothing feminine about feminism. )
To: ebb tide
just die already... there i said it again
posted on
01/23/2023 11:42:58 AM PST
(there is no fall back position, there's no rally point, there is no LZ... we're on our own. #FJB)
To: ebb tide
Kiss my pre-concilior ass, Dope Francis.
To: Tell It Right
Imagine Catholics not knowing for centuries that the "traditional Latin mass" was defined at the Council of Trent in the mid 16th century as a response to the Protestant Reformation. All Trent did was codify and standardize the practice which had existed, almost unchanged, at Rome since the 5th century.
Mass done before that had many local variations (pre-Tridentine mass).
True, not all of which were abrogated by Trent. But if you compare, e.g., the Sarum Rite with the Tridentine, you'll find that they are very similar, with a few extra prayers, extra rituals, and extra rubrics in the Sarum rite.
posted on
01/23/2023 11:49:42 AM PST
(Everything is a grace, everything is the direct effect of our Father's love - Little Flower)
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