The problem isn’t the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) but rather the following Novus Ordo “Masses”, rife with paganism, sensuality, bizarre behaviors, etc:
1.) Drag Queen sings Ave Maria during “Mass for Victims of LGBT-Phobia” with “Cardinal” Da Rocha
In the description box there:
This took place on May 21, 2021, and was part of a “Mass for all LGBT people” presided over by “Cardinal” Sergio da Rocha, the Novus Ordo Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil...”
2.) Scantily Clad Girl Dancing in the Altar with the Priest
3.) The priest does a Novus Ordo chicken dance while a poor tambourine gets beaten to death by someone else:
Oh Happy Day 2021 Easter
4.) Liturgical Abuse
5.) Check out 3:13 in this:
Liturgical abuses
6.) Novus Ordo vs. Tridentine Mass: Which Mass has been more abused?
7.) Traditional Latin Mass is not allowed in parishes, but Aztec dance is ok.
And there’s a whole lot more of this on YT from decade to decade and ongoing to now. But where have the Vatican II popes been at in denouncing these things? If you stand with Sacred Scripture and Tradition and don’t agree with everyone doing whatever they want, then Francis says you’re “rigid” or “clerical” but if you agree with anything goes then Francis says you’re “loving” and “pastoral.”
There are so many conservative-minded Novus Ordo adherents who act as if they have fidelity to the church (which has always taught that abortion is murder) and yet they say nothing to those in the pews when those who are openly against this church stance step foward to receive the Eucharistic host; according to a 2018 Pew Research Poll, 51% of Novus Ordo adherents, compared to TLM adherents, are pro-choice on abortion. Where is Francis at showing he loves the unborn and Sacred Scripture and Tradition?
Dinardo preempted the Cupcake, by almost four months.
Implementation of Traditionis Custodes within the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston September 1, 2021