Posted on 01/31/2021 9:03:03 PM PST by Its All Over Except ...
Back in Jesus’ day, Frankie would have been the one trying to out-do Judas.
Well, after reading that, I can certainly understand why His Popedness would be confused.
I’m out of here. Looking for a new church till this guy is long gone?
Ecumenical Counsels, the Magisterium, Sacred Tradition, or the solemn teachings of supreme pontiffs are binding to the faithful:
“But when either the Roman Pontiff or the Body of Bishops together with him defines a judgment, they pronounce it in accordance with Revelation itself, which all are obliged to abide by and be in conformity with, that is, the Revelation which as written or orally handed down is transmitted in its entirety through the legitimate succession of bishops and especially in care of the Roman Pontiff himself, and which under the guiding light of the Spirit of truth is religiously preserved and faithfully expounded in the Church.”
In accordance with, in conformity with, in its entirety...
How do Francis and Vat 2 meet these standards?
Francis may be the definition of a *faux pope*. His declarations that I have read are NOT of historical or biblical doctrine, nor of G_D’s truth. He is (in my admittedly flawed eyes) an apostate in the chair of Peter.
There have been many other false habitants of that office, and I am certain they have, are, and will pay the price for their...errors in judgement.
I am not one to judge Francis, though I follow the directives of the Church BEFORE his ascension to the seat he currently claims to occupy.
Pray for guidance in these trying times.
Good link. Thanks.
And I forgot right at the start to give you a hat tip for the quote from Francis.
Sorry about that.
God bless, brother.
He is eerily similar (in his refusal to rebuke the pagan, idolatrous Pachamama devotees he invited onto sacred ground) to Honorius I who coddled monothelites and monothelitism by failing to rebuke them and was subsequently anathematized.
I’m sorry to hear that. We need true and faithful Catholics to remain in the Church.
Does this mean I don’t have to eat fish on Fridays?
(sorry, not trying to mock Catholicism, just trying to be funny)
That is the question: is he merely misguided, or is he trying to mislead the faithful, like some others have done.
What IS his purpose? I am so befuddled as to why he is doing what he is doing. What is his end? Surely he cannot believe that he can corrupt ALL of us? Or is his purpose simply to deliver those of us he can mislead?
I sometimes feel a wavering in my faith because of him. Jesus lead us from this abyss!
This is the key to faith in this triybl3ed time:
The legitimate, ongoing magesterium is “... In accordance with Revelation itself, which all are obliged to abide by and be in conformity with, that is, the Revelation which as written or orally handed down is transmitted in its entirety through the legitimate succession of bishops...”
Is Francis’ teaching in accordance with and conform to the Revelation handed down from the Sacred Scripture until now?
And was he ever or is he now a legitimate bishop or a Pope Honorius Jr who, who instead of coddling or enabling monothelites as Pope Honorius I did, coddles and enables Pachamama idolaters whom he invited onto sacred ground?
I’m not Catholic and I eat fish on Fridays. So, it’s okay.
Put no faith in a man or a denomination. Put your trust in Jesus alone. Only Jesus is worthy of our adoration and faith because He alone is sinless and able to save us from our sins. His blood paid the price.
Stay strong in your faith!
Matthew 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The sentiment you expressed is understandable, but the course of action you’ve chosen, that is, leaping from the Barque of Peter, the Ark of Salvation, is erroneous and potentially quite disastrous.
Just sayin’.
Don’t go traditional they put up their own traditions in front of being God’s servant in Him, the world knows nothing at all..
Every Pope since Vatican Two has been illegitimate for not overturning it.
Bergoglio presumes more than Rome which has presumed to infallibly declare she is and will be perpetually infallible whenever she speaks in accordance with her infallibly defined (scope and subject-based) formula, which renders her declaration that she is infallible, to be infallible, as well as all else she accordingly declares.
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