Posted on 09/11/2019 3:06:01 PM PDT by ebb tide
Because kissing up to powerful officials is the very essence of Christianity.
Obey and take the mark or you won’t be able to buy or sell. It’s that simple says Francis.
Bring the second-string pope back.
He should worry about obeying God.
He should be made to resign as pope.
His dogma is not my dogma.
Who died and elected this guy pope?
Does he imagine that the UN is part of the government or duly constituted civil authority? Need I ask where he pulled that revelation from?
Trump should pull our ambassador to the Vatican. What ridiculous mumbo jumbo.
I miss John Paul II and I am not a Catholic.
I was in a South American country not long ago...this country had invited the UN to assist with bringing terrorists back into society.
I mentioned to a friend that UN troops would be killed on site in the US...
And how much does the Vatican fork over for the annual support of the U.N.?
I do believe he is insane....wrapped in a world of fantasy.
What is it going to take to “Come out of the whore of Babylon”? Everyday it’s made more and more clear. You are doomed. And you don’t have to be. PLEASE read 2 Corinthians, Chapter 2.
“our duty is to obey when international organizations make statements”
What constitutes an “international organization”? If I form a club with some buddies from Europe and Asia and make a statement, is it Francis’ duty to obey it? Hmm.
Obey the UN!?
We must dispatch the UN. It serves no Earthly good.
If the UN orders the Catholic Church to allow abortion, must the Vatican obey?
Commie globalist plant. . . bite it, Francis. . . I think he is evil to the bone
No! Not ever!
Whatever happened to the days of the Pope forcing the Holy Roman Emperor to stand barefoot in the snow for three days in repentance?
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