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Church MilitantTV: Catholic Voter Quandary
Church Militant TV ^ | August 24, 2012 | Michael Voris

Posted on 08/25/2012 12:30:50 PM PDT by sayuncledave

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While on my way to teach this morning, I listened to this, realized it needed to be posted here. I've been a lesser of two evils guys a number of times, have to say I think this idea has merit. I've posted the script, but if you wish to see the video, follow the posted link. Apologies for the formatting, or lack thereof.
1 posted on 08/25/2012 12:30:54 PM PDT by sayuncledave
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To: sayuncledave

There are NO “moral conservatives” in the Democratic Party. It’s like talking about the “good Nazis” or the “good Khmer Rouge.”

On November 6th, the only moral vote is for the least bad candidate who can win—Romney. As Michael Voris says, any other vote is a vote for Obama.

I am all in favor of having a choice that is better than Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Bush, etc. But once the primaries are over, that possibility is foreclosed, and voting for the lesser of two evils IS the only moral vote.

Descending into moral rot SLOWER is better than descending into moral rot FASTER. The only place where people have a third alternative is in heaven.

2 posted on 08/25/2012 12:48:41 PM PDT by Arthur McGowan (In Edward Kennedy's America, federal funding of brothels is a right, not a privilege.)
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To: Arthur McGowan

Speaking of which, why have Catholics always been so intertwined with the Demoncrat party?

3 posted on 08/25/2012 12:55:23 PM PDT by Derp Mountain (ship the liberals all back to Massachusetts and secede it from the union)
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To: sayuncledave

Voris is an extraordinarily admirable man. For some reason not all of the Catholics like him, but he is the best member of his species. He even makes a person like me, a bible thumping baptist, feel tempted to convert whenever I hear him stand up for his principles. (Of course, then I remember that their dogmas are incompatible with the bible.) He reminds me of Bishop Fulton Sheen.

4 posted on 08/25/2012 1:02:13 PM PDT by RaisingCain
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To: Arthur McGowan

The differences between Romney and Obama center primarily around the chin and complexion. I cannot think of a more vile, lying and degenerate duo than Obozo and Mittens.

5 posted on 08/25/2012 1:04:10 PM PDT by RaisingCain
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To: Derp Mountain; Impy; fieldmarshaldj; Clintonfatigued; sickoflibs; AuH2ORepublican; Clemenza
>> Catholics always been so intertwined with the Demoncrat party? <<

Catholics are right in the middle of the spectrum and vote about 50%-50% for each party, and usually choose the popular vote winner (Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc.) in every presidential election... yet I keep hearing people saying Catholics "have always been a reliable Democrat voting bloc" and are "wholly intertwined with the Demoncrat party"

Jews are usually extremely liberal on the issues, and give at least 70-80% of their votes to the Democrats in every election, reliably voting for the Democrat Presidential candidate in every Presidential election over the last 70+ years... but I keep hearing people say the Jewish vote is "in play" and "winnable for the Republicans"

Am I the only one who finds this analysis of religious voting patterns bizarre? If we analyzed geography this way, we'd list Vermont as a "swing state" and Ohio as "totally owed by the Democrats"

6 posted on 08/25/2012 1:38:37 PM PDT by BillyBoy (Impeach Obama? Yes We Can!)
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To: BillyBoy

The real problem is in the Catholic leadership. Many Bishops, Priests, Nuns, or even official organizations, tend to endorse leftist social gospel, something Voris also has condemned and discussed. Voris did a program on it called “Soros’ Catholics” or some such thing. You’ll find it under his CIA (Catholic investigative agency) episodes.

7 posted on 08/25/2012 1:54:56 PM PDT by RaisingCain
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To: sayuncledave

Mr. Voris is famous for advocating monarchy. Now he wants his own electoral party? Make up your mind!

8 posted on 08/25/2012 2:00:15 PM PDT by iowamark
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To: Derp Mountain

“.....why have Catholics always been so interwined with the Democrat party?”

Not my extended Catholic family of Americans of Italian ancestry.

Most of us have been life-long Republicans. My late uncle, who lived on Long Island, New York, was an official of the Republican party on Long Island many years ago.

Most of my present day Massachusetts relatives, Catholics, are conservatives, any they have lived in Massachusetts their entire lives. Same goes for my New York area relatives.

My first cousin, Catholic and an elementary school teacher on Long Island, told me this in an e-mail message last Christmas while mentioning Obama....she said “I want him and his vacationing family GONE!”

9 posted on 08/25/2012 2:22:53 PM PDT by july4thfreedomfoundation (If people don't have to show an ID to vote, why do they have to show one to purchase a firearm?.)
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To: RaisingCain

Yep. Voris is great on social and moral issues affecting our nation and the world at large. However, his staunch anti-Protestantism prevents a PCA(Presbyterian Church in America) layman such as myself from complete agreement with him.

10 posted on 08/25/2012 2:36:17 PM PDT by ReformationFan
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To: sayuncledave

There shouldn’t be a quandary. If Catholic voters can’t bring themselves to vote for Mormon Romney, then they should vote for Catholic Ryan. But not voting is a vote for obama. Voting third party has the same effect.

11 posted on 08/25/2012 2:44:00 PM PDT by redhead (Guns don't kill people...Planned Parenthood kills people.)
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To: redhead
With Ryan on the Ticket, Spotlight Focuses on the Catholic Church
Does Ryan have a “Catholic problem”?
Paul Ryan Urges Catholics to Act Before Religious Freedoms Erode
Wisconsin bishop praises Paul Ryan, discusses intrinsic evils, prudential judgments

Paul Ryan urges Catholics to act before religious freedoms erode
Dolan: Ryan Is a ‘Great Public Servant’ (great insight into Ryan's views)
Paul Ryan’s Bishop Defends Him Amid Attacks on His Application of Church Teaching
Paul Ryan, Catholic Who Looks to Church's Social Teaching, Tapped as Romney Running Mate
The other Ryan: the candidate’s wife, Janna
Paul Ryan, Joe Biden, and Liberal False Equivalence
Ryan as VP Pick Continues Election Year Focus on Catholicism
Paul Ryan Faces Left-Wing Religious Attack
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Holiness (Paul Ryan)
Paul Ryan: Midwesterner, Catholic, intellectual

12 posted on 08/25/2012 2:48:42 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: ReformationFan

Though there is nothing inherently wrong with that. It would be weird if a Catholic, or a Baptist, or a whatever, didn’t stand for what they believe in. I have serious issues with Catholicism which I would never surrender for the sake of being liked.

13 posted on 08/25/2012 7:21:15 PM PDT by RaisingCain
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To: sayuncledave; windcliff; stylecouncilor

I’ve watched a few of these Church Militant TV issues and find myself agreeing more than not. So I’m bumping this one.

14 posted on 08/25/2012 7:43:02 PM PDT by onedoug
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To: Derp Mountain
Speaking of which, why have Catholics always been so intertwined with the Demoncrat party?

Much of this happened because of the treatment of immigrants from Europe, especially Ireland and Italy in the late 19th century. The Democrat Party bosses inthe big cities saw huge opportunities in creating new voters, so they helped these folks get jobs, find places to live, and made sure they got to the polls. These immigrants looked at the two parties, saw the Democrats helping them with the problems in their lives, and then the Republicans who were rich people and business owners, making life difficult for them, and the die was cast.

15 posted on 08/25/2012 9:59:40 PM PDT by SuziQ
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To: Derp Mountain

Catholic immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries faced extremely hostile opposition from the Republicans and the overall establishment. You may wish to view the editorial cartoons of that era for evidence. Thomas Nast comes to mind as a particularly antiCatholic cartoonist. Google is your friend when you wish to view his contribution to American culture.

16 posted on 08/25/2012 10:57:58 PM PDT by MarkBsnr (I would not believe in the Gospel, if the authority of the Catholic Church did not move me to do so.)
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To: sayuncledave; Arthur McGowan; Derp Mountain; RaisingCain; BillyBoy; iowamark; ...
Imagine what would happen if all the moral conservatives from both the republican and democratic parties .. not just supporters, but leaders as well, elected office holders, movers and shakers, the influence leaders who are sick of the status quo, but have resigned themselves to it, imagine if immediately after this election .. in preparation for the next .. said, “that’s it. Nothing ever really changes. A new party is needed where men and women from within the current party establishments leave the old game and start an entirely new one? What would be the possibilities?

Every non-Catholic political conservative needs to know that Michael Voris sees them as a "cancer to be eliminated" and sees democracy as "an experiment doomed to failure". Two years ago, almost to the week, Voris revealed his real desire for America (and stunningly, some FReepers actually applauded it). The August 12, 2010 "RealCatholic TV" YouTube-hosted video that was the subject of the FR thread Catholic Government [Michael Voris video] has since been pulled, but copies exist elsewhere. So that there is no mistaking the message, I took the time to transcribe the entire video. Here's the complete text for the Michael Voris/RealCatholicTV video episode titled "Catholic Government", dated August 12, 2010:

Hello everyone, and welcome to "The Vortex", where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed. I'm Michael Voris.

There's an inherent problem with democracy. Actually, it's definitional. It's this: everyone gets to vote. That's right, EVERYONE gets to vote.

Consider for a moment: the informed get to vote, those who have studied the candidates and issues, and consider the impact not only on themselves but the society at large. But in addition to the informed, the ignorant get to vote as well, those who have studied nothing and don't care about anything except themselves and their own narrow interests.

Imagine the scene: two voters, walking into voting booths side-by-side. One casts a vote with an eye to improving society at large, by rolling back abortion, defending traditional marriage, or reducing government's ability to crush families with heavy taxation, etc. Such a voter casts his vote with an eye to the common good - the authentic common good, what's best for the culture as a whole. Right next to his is a voter who doesn't give a hoot about society at large. All he cares about is his own selfish interests: insuring abortion stays legal so he can have sex with no consequences, or have his decision to have sex with another man celebrated as a right. Such a voter exhibits little else than an adolescent preoccupation with self-absorption. Imagine, he actually gets to vote! What a country! What a system! And it is a system that will end in self-destruction.

The nature of man is to be self-absorbed. That is because our nature is fallen. It no longer looks at God. Rather, it looks into a mirror. In fact, it stares into the mirror, totally absorbed, and can think of little else. This is why, if we're going to insist on a system where we're going to elect leaders - if we're going to insist on that system - only virtuous people should be allowed to vote. Ruthless men and women who, knowing human nature very well, and thereby the means to control and manipulate it, hold great influence over the selfish masses. They connive and scheme their way to power by appealing to the most base level of human ignorance, namely, to a false sense of liberty. They class everything in terms of "rights": a "right" to marry your homosexual sex partner, a "right" to kill your child, a "right" to have others in society pay for your lack of effort, your desire for contraception, food, housing, medical services, education, clothes - anything that can be imagined. Such societal parasites will cast their votes in such a way that will only hasten the destruction of a nation. It's like a cancer destroying its host. It enjoys ravaging the body, until the body is dead.

The cancer must be eliminated, and the only way to prevent a democracy from committing suicide is to limit the vote to faithful Catholics. Only a true Catholic nation in fact will survive, can survive, because only truly Catholic people will be the ones looking at God & not staring in the mirror. When they cast their their votes, they cast them with an eye to what God desires, not fallen human nature. But as the body politic continues to be ravaged by the cancer of ignorant self-centered voters, it becomes more and more clear that a national euthanasia is occurring.

But in truth, this is really the way the whole idea of democracy is little less than an experiment doomed to failure from the outset. Eventually, the evil in the heart of man overtakes him, when he dismisses God. No, the only way to run a country is by benevolent dictatorship. A Catholic monarch, who protects his people from themselves, and bestows on them what they need, not necessarily what they want, who protects their rights as human beings. It was this political system that caused Europe to emerge from the morass of marauding barbarians and create Western Civilization. A noble Catholic monarch advances the common good while loving and caring for his people. If you think about it, this is exactly how the universe is governed, isn't it? "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven."

God bless you, I'm Michael Voris.

17 posted on 08/26/2012 9:52:10 AM PDT by Alex Murphy (
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To: Alex Murphy

You know, the funny thing here is that you’ve posted this in response to an article that espouses either truly moral republican candidates or a third party which truly espouses moral stances conservatism demands. Does this mean that you, Alex, are in fact against standing against abortion, so-called gay “marriage”, et al? No? In that case, perhaps the diatribe belongs in a more appropriate spot, doesn’t it?

18 posted on 08/26/2012 10:41:59 AM PDT by sayuncledave (et Verbum caro factum est (And the Word was made flesh))
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To: sayuncledave
Does this mean that you, Alex, are in fact against standing against abortion, so-called gay “marriage”, et al? No? In that case, perhaps the diatribe belongs in a more appropriate spot, doesn’t it?

Do you agree with Voris that non-Catholic political conservatives should lose the right to vote, that non-Catholic political conservatives are a "cancer to be eliminated"? Do you agree with Voris that our constitutional republic is "an experiment doomed to failure"?

Do you agree with Voris, and favor an America ruled by a Catholic monarchy?

19 posted on 08/26/2012 10:51:28 AM PDT by Alex Murphy
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To: Alex Murphy

To agree on this site, dedicated to Constitutional liberty as it is, runs the risk of being banned as some outspoken monarchists indeed have been.

To disagree is to disavow an apparent core tenet of their belief.

So, expect no answer to your questions, Alex Murphy. I’ve not gotten one since that monarchist guy in Texas got canned, I forget his screen name but he developed an odd fixation on trains much like Willie Green, shortly before departing.

20 posted on 08/26/2012 11:02:32 AM PDT by RegulatorCountry
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