To: sayuncledave
I will begin on my 60th birthday coming up in the next week. My siblings gave me the 4 volume set for my 59th, but these words from our Holy Father make it clear how crucial it is that we make the attempt. Good for you Uncle Dave on your faithfulness with Prime & Compline.
With the skies darkening, chaos coming to the cities of the world, including ours, we so much need to prepare, watch, wait. Prayer is the oil in our lamps as we await the coming of the Bridegroom, and what greater prayer this side of Holy Mass than the prayer of the Church.
2 posted on
11/16/2011 10:28:47 AM PST by
To: jobim
Well said, Jobim, and congratulations on the impending birthday. I think that’s a wonderful time to start.
4 posted on
11/16/2011 10:30:41 AM PST by
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