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To: wmfights

Children also have not reached the age of accountability and do not understand what the Gospel message is about. I agree that truth from the mouth of babes is accurate.

Children are also very scarred in their thinking and can be some of the most arrogant people around. (Just take a kid’s favorite toy away from them and give it to their fellow kid and watch what happens,...don’t do it, simply encourages them to sin.)

In regards to adding to faith,... we always are to grow in faith, by remaining in fellowship, studying His Word and allowing God the Holy Spirit to grow that faith in us, but you are quite correct, anything added to faith alone in Christ alone by the believer voids the efficacious nature of that faith for use by God the Holy Spirit.

It’s like saying God’s Plan isn’t adequate,...we need to help him out so it will work. That simply leads the believer out of fellowship.

21 posted on 07/18/2011 5:45:32 PM PDT by Cvengr (Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
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To: Cvengr
Children are also very scarred in their thinking and can be some of the most arrogant people around.

Great point. They are mirrors of our depravity. As we age we become more sophisticated in hiding our greed and self-centered thinking and living.

In regards to adding to faith,... we always are to grow in faith, by remaining in fellowship, studying His Word and allowing God the Holy Spirit to grow that faith in us,...

Amen, but I think this is more sanctification. We are maturing and being led by the Holy Spirit. Our desires are changing. The things we find joy in are changing. However, these are all beautiful affects of something that came before. The trigger being the unconditional faith in Jesus Christ.

It’s like saying God’s Plan isn’t adequate,...we need to help him out so it will work. That simply leads the believer out of fellowship.

Where we may, or may not, differ is I think the person caught in this thinking is not yet saved.

23 posted on 07/18/2011 5:59:34 PM PDT by wmfights (If you want change support
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