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To: Quix; Alamo-Girl; Amityschild; AngieGal; AnimalLover; Ann de IL; aposiopetic; aragorn; auggy; ...

Perhaps worth a check:

An ATS thread on looming market crash probabilities . . .

690 posted on 08/30/2010 9:16:20 PM PDT by Quix (C THE PLAN of the Bosses:
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To: Alamo-Girl; betty boop; Mad Dawg; Amityschild; AngieGal; AnimalLover; Ann de IL; aposiopetic; ...


Report: Israel Plans to Strike in Syria

by Elad Benari

The Alrai daily newspaper in Kuwait reported on Saturday that Israel is planning to attack Hizbullah weapons storage and production facilities in Syria. According to unnamed Western sources who were quoted in the report, the IDF has strengthened its troop presence in the Golan Heights and Galilee panhandle. European sources told the paper that Israel had sent unmanned aerial vehicles over Syria and Lebanon, which they see as a sign that a military operation in the area is in the works.

In September of 2007, Israel attacked and destroyed a nuclear reactor in Syria. The site of the bombing was an installation meant to produce plutonium, and was partially funded by North Korea. The CIA had said that Israel bombed the reactor before it attained its planned capacity to manufacture plutonium for nuclear weapons.

Syria did not respond to the 2007 Israeli attack. However, Alrai also cited sources who said that this time Syria would respond forcefully and quickly should it be attacked by Israel. The paper reported that the Syrian Army has deployed anti-aircraft missiles along the Israeli border and in other key strategic areas in the country, and is ready to respond to an attack.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese army claimed on Friday that Israel has begun to use hot air balloons above Lebanon’s skies. The balloons, said the Lebanese army, are equipped with camera and transmission capabilities.

Arab media reported that these hot air balloons had been spotted on Thursday over Baalbek, the villages of Nahla and Younin and the east Lebanon mountain ridge.  The Lebanese army said in a statement that Israel’s use of these balloons is “a new violation of Lebanese sovereignty.”

The reports regarding Syria and Lebanon come during a relatively tense time. On August 3, Lebanese soldiers opened fire on IDF soldiers while they were carrying out routine maintenance near the Israeli border with Lebanon. Lt.-Col. (res.) Dov Harari was killed during the exchange of fire.The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), who conducted an investigation into the incident, said that the attack by the Lebanese soldiers was unprovoked by the IDF. UNIFIL said that although Lebanon has claimed that the Israeli soldiers had crossed the border into Lebanese territory, evidence found that the IDF troops had remained on the Israeli side of the international “blue line” border set by the United Nations.



Beware of Maitreya and Share International: One World Religion Planned

Topic started on 21-12-2008 @ 06:11 PM by cosmicpixie

A few threads have been started on ATS on different forums about the same topic - Share International has recently released a press statement declaring the imminent occurence of a "christmas miracle" that heralds the entry of the new world teacher, MAITREYA, onto the world stage.

I was going to post on this subject and it's connecting issues when I had more time. I'm quite ill with a cold at the moment but given this recent turn of events I wanted to get something out and about now, before the so called "miracle " seems planned for the Christmas period. I'll keep things succinct for now, all my research is in a one foot high pile and I don't have time to sift through it to provide direct links so you'll have to google some stuff.

1. Share International (SI for short) is the organization that is the mouthpiece of Maitreya. Benjamin Creme is the mouthpiece for Maitreya.
SI is affiliated with the United Nations "peacekeeping" faction. They used to state this on the flyleaf of their magazine and on their website but no longer do. Google Share Int, UN conection and you'll find a site that has a screenshot of a SI magazine stating this fact. For those of us who understand their is a NWO plan unfolding, you will know the UN is a vehicle for their plans. On that basis alone there is cause for suspicion in my opinion of the SI- UN link.

The following are facts that can be searched on the search facility of Share International's website (stuff in brackets are my own opinions)

2. Maitreya is an Ascended Master (Fallen Angels -rebellious alien gods - Igigi - Watchers....all names for the same characters)

3. Maitreya is the embodiment of all religious figures rolled into one and is the returned "messiah" awaited by all major religions

4. He comes to usher in a new world "religion" based on the concept of god-is-within.( Much like Christ taught in the apocryphal texts )

5. He will work closely with the UN , supports a one world government, speaks of the future peaceful world being essentially socialist and anticipates old religions eventually falling apart

6. Maitreya has made many "prophecies" that "came true" (probably not hard when being fed the info directly from the NWO controllers ). The last prophecy to be fulfilled prior to maitreya's emergence was/is the global economic collapse. SI's site talks of a "large star" being visible the world over, a "sign" of Maitreya's emergence. This "star" Creme stated would actually be a huge UFO that would look like a star. This comment isn't in the press release but is on the website if you go through all the results for UFO's

7. Creme suggests the Maitreya's emergence will build up gradually. People will hear wonderful words from inspired individuals and will "know" it is the Maitreya they are watching on TV or listening to, even though he will appear differently each time . Eventually the people of the world will call for a world address and so then "the day of declaration" will take place...this is expected to occur 21-12-2012 according to Creme. It will involve simultaneous link up of all TV and radio networks across the globe in an event being billed as the most historic in human history. We will not hear him speak, we will "telepathically" hear his messages "beamed" into our minds ...
A few months after this declaration, Jesus , another ascended master, returns. Lots of other ascended masters will also appear on earth to "help" us.

7. SI talks ALOT about UFOs and "space brothers". According to SI , the UN will be making disclosure to the world in 2013. Shortly after that...probably a few years later when the world is "ready", the "space brothers" will publicly land across the globe. They will be helping the human race to repair the world in various ways . (Maitreya seems to be some sort of "bridge" between the aliens and humans).

Some thoughts of my own....

- Those of us aware of a NWO plan may realize part of the plan is for a global "religion" or "philosophy". Maitreya is the head of this new movement.

- I believe an extraterrestrial presence has been on earth for millenia. I believe we are their creation and that they have always viewed themselves as our "masters". Ancient texts the globe over describe their rule on Earth, the conflicts within their own race and between them and their creations. I believe most religious figures of the past were planted by them. That we have umpteen different spiritual thought systems segregating mankind from one another spiritually and psychologically instead of unifying the species suggests a "divide to conquer" warlike strategy for control.

- Most major religions (their creation in my mind) await the return of their respective "saviours". This would be Maitreya. If you follow the concept of world religions being instigated by the extraterrestrial "gods" then you see how this Maitreya IS the "second coming". There is no antichrist before him and no "real" messiah after him. He is simply the final plant in a long line of plants.

- Tens of millions will nevertheless consider him some anti christ and resist him. Could religious wars be fought over him even ? Certainly there would be pockets of civil unrest after the 2012 declaration...the NWO will expect this . It will put their camps to good use.

- What about when the space brother "visitors" arrive. Whether they are the real deal or human pilots masquerading as aliens in back engineered craft, surely the SWHTF as a large % of the human race will not trust them, try to rebel against them, cause unrest, etc etc. Remember the plot line of "V" ? There was a "conspiracy" against the "benign" visitors...I'm sure the NWO will engineer one on such a scale that it will give them "justification" for mandatory microchipping of the masses under the guise of needing to protect the new peaceful alliance ....clever.

- Personally I think the visitors are the creator "gods" returning to their creation. We will by then be more controlled, less unruly so easier to rule. They will work towards total mind control - likely easy peasy once the chips are in.

Rebellion against the Maitreya/visitors = good foundation for reducing the popluation. War = lots of dead, those that refuse the chip= internment camps /death.

The NWO are the puppeteers of the masses....the coming visitors puppeteers the elite. Call me nuts if you like but this is how I see it and if I'm right then is the species s[censored]?

posted on 30/8/2010 @ 18:55
Evacuation time running out for NY city
I posted this as a response on another thread but thought it was in the wrong area. Excuse me if it still is.

The MSM is covering Hurricane earl and have not raised any alarms. I would say that they don't want to cause a panic which I understand. The projected path shows it could hit NYC on friday. That 3 1/2 days from now. I would think that they might be a little concerned about this. Are they going to wait until thursday to see if its going to come close? You cannot evacuate NYC even if you started now. It just seems funny that this isn't mentioned. It makes sense to me and if I have thought of this then I guarantee someone who does this for a living has. The links below show some alarming scenarios.

Heres a link that allows you to see the effect of the rise in sea level for an area. You can see the areas that are flooded would be cut off from an evacuation. The front island that are cut off would be a total loss.



Topic started on 29-8-2010 @ 08:25 AM by bwinwright

War with Iran and WWIII are next

It is now Sunday, August 29, 2010. According to Dr. Michel Chossudovsky and about a thousand other experts, the United States will be declaring war against Iran sometime in the very near future. Why? A war with Iran is necessary to launch WWIII. Hell, a war with Iran has been a crucial part of the Evil Empire’s plan for many years.

The plan? Of course. The Empire of the City has been planning WWIII for perhaps 100 years or longer and conquering Iran has always been an essential part of their
Imperialistic Agenda. Folks like Zbigniew Brzezinski have been praying for and drooling over this wicked scenario for years.

It is all so easy for them. The Empire of the City will stage another 9/11 like false flag operation, blame it on Iraq of course, and use the O’Reilly’s, Limbaugh’s, Hannity’s, and Beck’s in their media to sell this evil war to the horribly ignorant masses.

Ideally, both Russia and China will enter the war on Iraq’s side and all Hell will break loose. The Empire of the City’s Brzezinski will then have a massive orgasm. His long time dream of starting WWIII will be realized.

Why launch WWIII? Because WWIII serves to accomplish so many objectives for the Evil Empire, most important of which is the establishment of a one world government.
After the smoke clears and several billion dead bodies are incinerated and disposed of, the remaining global population will willingly allow the Evil Empire to do whatever they want.

Ladies and Gentlemen, WWIII will occur and nobody can stop it. It has been in the planning stages for at least the past 100 years. The Evil Empire of the City States, led by the Jesuit General in Vatican City and the Rothschild led Central Bankers in the City of London, will use their U.S. and Israeli Military and Intelligence operations, along with their Project Omega forces, to do all the dirty work.



Topic started on 20-1-2010 @ 04:47 PM by AshleyD



Hello, Everyone. In my opinion, the 'New World Order' agenda is indeed very real and is possibly one of most documented and admitted conspiracies. The information contained in this thread is an effort to provide evidence of such an agenda although it is not comprehensive as there is truly mountains of evidence to support a NWO conspiracy.

In this thread we'll examine:
1). Globalist Political Organizations.
2). Global Economic Organizations.
3). Admission Quotes Referencing a NWO.
4). Lesser Organizations Striving For a One World Government.




The Trilateral Commission is a private organization, established to foster closer cooperation among the United States, Europe and Japan. It was founded in July 1973 at the initiative of David Rockefeller, who was Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations at that time... The John Birch Society believes that the Trilateral Commission is dedicated to the formation of one world government.

Before we get into this organization, let's take a look at the startling admission by its founder, David Rockefeller, from his book Memoirs:

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. (1, 2)

Contrast the above with some of the information on the official FAQ PAGE where they claim they are not intending to create a one world government. Although, on that same page they admit to working towards a 'global framework.' I believe this to be misleading. Although it is true we are unaware of any proposals to technically create a literal one world government by dissolving individual sovereign governments, they do, in fact (and admittedly so), strive for a unification process of world governments and sectors.

Evidence is shown to confirm this double-speak in a speech by Gordon Smith at the 2001 TC meeting, reproduced on the official TC website in his speech GLOBALIZATION & GOVERNANCE. He, too, mentions they don't seek to technically create a one world government but a new world order.

The end result is not satisfactory. There is a need for greater inclusion, a sharing in the benefits of globalization, and better means of managing what economists call global public goods—and “bads”—which cut across a number of institutions....

Let me now turn to the changing roles of states, the traditional locus of authority and accountability for governance. The reality of major global challenges that can only be met through intensive international cooperation is a major change affecting the efficacy of individual states....

But it does not follow the state is going away—far from it. What is needed is for the state to learn how to share power...

On a related and disturbing note, many members of the Trilateral Commission hold offices and positions of power in American politics, media, education, and economics. See: LIST.

Members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission dominate key positions in America's government, military, industries, media outlets and educational foundations and institutions. The following is a partial list of current CFR members and the positions of influence they hold in society. The CFR's membership is limited to 3,000, and there are only 325 Trilateral Commission members.



The United Nations Organization (UNO) or simply United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and the achieving of world peace. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions. There are currently 192 member states, including nearly every sovereign state in the world.




691 posted on 08/30/2010 9:47:17 PM PDT by Quix (C THE PLAN of the Bosses:
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