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To: Alamo-Girl; Amityschild; AngieGal; AnimalLover; Ann de IL; aposiopetic; aragorn; auggy; ...

He seems to have some good points . . .

I suspect he’s MUCH more right than wrong.

It resonates with me that God will have a Bride that is OVERCOMING etc.

687 posted on 08/29/2010 4:01:15 PM PDT by Quix (C THE PLAN of the Bosses:
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To: ALASKA; ActionNewsBill; A knight without armor; albertp; aragorn; areafiftyone; aruanan; ...
There's another REPORT ON THE VATICAN TIE-IN at the bottom. And the photos and the rest of the doc are available at the link. Here's some more interesting narrative from:

The following is from the above link with the slider just above half way down.

Second secret underground entrance exposed
By Mary Joyce


Sky ships and military helicopters have been observed over a second secret entrance to the underground world of government/military Black Operations in Western North Carolina. This one is located beneath a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) facility on a mountaintop in the Hendersonville area. We’ve dubbed the site “FAAT” because it’s so much more than an FAA facility.

From the air, FAAT looks like an abandoned nuclear silo, but don’t be fooled says Rebecca who lives near the facility. As if to confirm this, FAAT is “bleached out” on a Google satellite map of the area. Details clearly aren’t clear, while the adjacent map segment is “unbleached.”

We found all this intriguing, so two of us from the Sky Ship website met with Rebecca at her home on Sunday, June 27, 2010. It was an adventure just getting there. She lives at the end of a steep, narrow, gravel road with multiple hairpin curves. The road ends abruptly at the FAAT gate, but it’s another 30-minute hike to the actual site.

Helicopters over FAAT

“There are two distinct things that happened up here that are very odd,” says Rebecca. “One was in 1969 or 1970. It was night and there were helicopters flying up at the top of the mountain. They would hover over the mountaintop and drop earthmoving equipment. They had floodlights up there and worked all night long. The shape of the mountaintop changed overnight.

“The next morning, my husband and I hiked up to the site,” she continues. “It was like walking on a fresh grave. It was like they’d dug something up, taken it out, put something else in and covered it up. I don’t have a clue what it was. It was covered with sod.”

Explosion at FAAT

“The other very strange thing that happened up there was about five years ago,” says Rebecca. “I was up here alone and heard and felt an explosion inside the mountain. It shook the entire house and the mountain. At the time, I wasn’t sure if it was an earthquake or an explosion.”

She soon knew it had been an explosion when she saw an unmarked 18-wheeler being escorted by two unmarked white pick-up trucks, one in front and one behind, and a person walking beside the 18-wheeler.

“There was something huge on the trailer that was covered with a tarp,” she says. “They all went up the mountain and stayed up there all day. Late that afternoon, the three vehicles went back down the mountain with something on the trailer covered with a tarp. I was under the assumption they’d replaced whatever had blown up.”

Tire tracks disappear into wall

As if to emphasize this part of Rebecca’s story, a white Jeep Cherokee with a governmental seal on its door went by her home very, very slowly. It turned around at the end of the road and slowly went by her house again. We all shared a knowing chuckle and Rebecca continued.

“Back in the sixties, there was a vehicle that would come up every morning with three people in it,” says Rebecca. “The same vehicle would leave that night with three different people in it. They seemed to do three day shifts at the top of the mountain.

“There are a number of structures up there,” she adds. “I once managed to peak into one. I could see tire tracks go into a wall, so obviously something happened there - maybe an elevator behind the wall.”

Sky Ships over FAAT

“Most of sky ships I’ve seen here were round with a circular top and bottom -- very much like that one,” Rebecca says while pointing to Devon Heenan’s sky ship photo.

“Now I did see one at the bottom of the mountain by the side of a dirt road that was small,” she continues. “My husband stopped the car and we looked at it for probably two minutes. It was circular, like a big metal ball. It was about two feet across and had antennas sticking out from the top going in all directions. Some had little things on the ends and some didn’t. It was raised about eight inches to a foot off the ground on four wiry little legs. There were rows of lights going around the ball. If it had an equator, then there was a row of lights above and another row below that. The lights would move around the ball. I think it was remotely controlled because it was so small.

“When I started to open the car door to get out and investigate closer, my husband reached across, closed the door and said, ‘We’re out of here!’ When we returned from town it was gone."

The following is just below the just above section:

[I decided not to post that section. Feel free to see it at the link]

The following is at the link but below the one I omitted mentioned above. It can be found with the slider about 3/4 of the way down:

Contactee breaks lifelong silence

EDITOR’S NOTE: Ever since childhood when she watched Sky Ships clean up nuclear spills that threatened her entire town, Eljay has been in direct contact with her “Star-born Protectors.” She’s now in her middle sixties and living near the Smoky Mountain National Park. We interviewed her on December 12, 2009 after she decided to go public for the first time with a few of her powerful experiences. This is the longest article we’ve posted, six segments, but it’s packed with thought-provoking information.

Sky Ships clean up nuclear spills

When I was a child in the 1950s, my dad had a very high security position with an enrichment plant that mixed together uranium and other chemicals or minerals for nuclear warheads. We couldn’t talk about his job even at home.

All the years he worked there, we had to go to meetings with the families of all the employees and we were always warned not to discuss things -- and they meant it because we saw perfectly healthy people have mysterious heart attacks and come home vegetables if they spoke out.

When they were doing something at the plant they didn’t want the public to know about, they would throw out a thick fog over the plant. It was thicker than fog. If you were on the road around the plant, you couldn’t see past the windshield of the car.

Many times the plant had toxic spills. When that happened, the creeks and rivers would have a green glow maybe six feet or more above the water. That’s when we would see a sky ship come in, hover above the water and, like a big vacuum, suck the green stuff off the water.

The sky ships that came to clean up the toxic spills each looked like a dome with a ring-like plate on the bottom. They were a dark charcoal color and huge – about the size of a large Greyhound Bus. If you put your hand out at arm’s length, you could not have covered the ship – that’s how close we would see them.

The sky ships were always around and cleaning up messes. They were there to protect the people. Around the world, even today, if there’s a big nuclear spill, they’re there to clean it up.

Balsam Mountain’s secret underground facility

There’s stuff going on within and around the Balsam Mountain Ridge that could be detrimental to the wellbeing of those living in Western North Carolina and beyond. The shadow government has a coffer there that goes six stories down into the ground. Survival supplies and equipment are stored there as well as stuff that could be harmful to the general population – and even wipe it out. They also have electromagnetic equipment that can be used to destroy human memories.
Because of all this, the Star-born ships are in the area to keep any of this from happening. To confuse matters, there also are man-made ships and ships piloted by the renegade aliens that the shadow government uses to manipulate human reactions and behavior.

Many individuals with high energy vibrations and wisdom from the future are drawn to Western North Carolina and other significant locations around the world to uplift the vibration of an area and counteract the negativity generated by the shadow government.

Why does the U.S. government resist disclosure?

We had two presidents who were approached by the Star-borns and given scientific information from the future about how to use energy from the Earth without destroying the Earth. The two chose to use the technology for war instead of for helping Earth. That’s when our renegade Star-born scientists started interacting. They deliberately began working with the shadow government which wants to keep U.S. citizens under an illusionary blanket of fear.

There should not be any fear. Our Star-born Brothers are not going to destroy this Earth nor allow humans to destroy it. If we continue to believe the fearful rhetoric about what’s out there in the universe, we will destroy ourselves but not the planet because Earth is part of something bigger than any of us can imagine.

Over the years, the Star-born messages have said in various ways to stop being so afraid about why they’re here and to stop listening to the shadow government which strives to keep people constantly in fear of something.

After decades of constant protection from my Star-born Protectors, I absolutely know they’re watching over us and will help us in any way we allow them to do. But if we put up blocks, they can’t help us get through this time of transition on the Earth.

When I was involved with a website with scientists from all around the world, it was clear they knew all this, but U.S. scientists weren’t allowed to discuss it publicly even though scientists in other countries are allowed to do so.

“Star-born Protectors” heal Marine

My husband was a Marine and he always was being sent to Vietnam to train the troops. Because of exposure to Agent Orange, he got a bleeding fungus on his hands and shoulders where the chemical interacted with the metal in his gun.

We worked with the Veterans Administration and the doctors for several years and nothing was healing. So I finally asked for help from my Star-born Protectors. After that, my husband’s condition started clearing up. First the bleeding stopped, then the fungus began receding and finally disappeared completely. To this day, he doesn’t have any trace of it.

Alien implants – good or bad?

I had an apparent alien implant that dislodged one day and moved into the lock of my jaw. It was like a good-sized pea and caused a lot of pain. Knowing what I know, I didn’t want to have surgery in any of our hospitals. Instead, I put my finger on the “pea” and told my Star-born Protectors that if it were theirs to please get it out of the lock of my jaw. If it wasn’t theirs, I requested that they remove it.

The next morning I was at the table and my husband looked over and said, “You’ve got a drop of blood right in front of your ear. What’s going on?” He didn’t know I had asked for help the night before. When I went to the mirror, I saw a line and a drop of blood right at the end of it. The “pea” was gone. The pain was gone.

The shadow government has been interested in me since my childhood -- ever since communication started between me and my Star-born Protectors. According to my Protectors, the shadow government and our renegade scientists were responsible for putting the implant into me as a tracking device. The Star-borns, who are good guys, don’t use such implants. They can tune into us simply by following our energy vibrations.

I should add that some of the grey aliens are robotic humanoid creatures that renegade human scientists have created. The shadow government uses them to generate fear in order to manipulate the masses.

If anyone is abducted or has a fearful experience with aliens, remember you have the right to say “NO.” Tell them to stop and remove themselves from your presence. Call in help from the Creator or the Star-born Protectors. You do not have to have a bad experience.

Star-borns assist with baby’s birth

The doctors and nurses weren’t the only ones in the delivery room. Four Star-born Protectors were there, too. My mom and I both saw them. They were in their energy form – four separate forms. Each one looked like heat rising up from a hot highway.

They communicated telepathically throughout the entire labor assuring me everything was going to be all right and directing me how to breathe. Whenever someone came into the room, they would rise up to the ceiling.

They were with me before that, though. Back at home I had been awakened when a terrible racket hit the roof above my room. That’s when I realized my water had broken, but there was absolutely no pain – not then nor at anytime during the birth.

On the way to the hospital, which was a 30-40 minute drive, there was a protector ship that cruised beside us the whole way. Both my mom and I saw it. She was with me because my husband was in Vietnam.

As soon as the delivery was over, the Star-born Protectors telepathically told me to wake up and get the poison out of me – telling me to throw up. I kept telling the nurse, “I’m going to be sick.” Her response was “Just go back to sleep; you shouldn’t be awake anyway.”

I couldn’t move; I had no control over my body. Then I felt the Star-borns roll me over on my side and then green stuff shot out of my mouth. I was suspicious of what I’d been given especially since my Star-borns were so anxious to get it out of me.

I had a perfectly normal baby but I can’t help but think he is part Star-born. There were times as a child he would ask me “How do I know what I know?” I also remember a night when he was eight-years-old and a light beam came through the roof and into his bedroom. When I asked if he was alright, he said “I think it’s for me.” As a very young man he developed computer technology systems that hadn’t ever been done before.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Vatican held a conference on “Astrobiology” November 6-10, 2009 which focused on the origin of life on Earth and life beyond our planet. Here are excerpts from the Vatican’s news release before the conference started. This is the English translation provided by the Vatican. Watch for future statements by the Vatican on extraterrestrial life.

Why the Vatican is involved in Astrobiology?

JOSE FUNES, SJ: On the occasion of the International Year of Astronomy the Pontifical Academy of Sciences has organized a Study Week on Astrobiology.

This is a quite appropriate topic for the Academy which has a multi-disciplinary membership, since it is a field which combines research in many disciplines, principally: astronomy, cosmology, biology, chemistry, geology and physics. This is not the first time that such a topic is subject of interest in the Vatican. In 2005 the Vatican Observatory conducted a Summer School on this topic and brought together as a faculty some of the most important researchers in this field.

Although Astrobiology is an emerging field, and still a developing subject, the questions of life’s origins and of whether life exists elsewhere in the universe are very suitable and deserve serious consideration. These questions offer many philosophical and theological implications, however the meeting will be focused on the scientific perspective. . . .

PROFESSOR JONATHAN LUNINE: Stimulated by new capabilities for scientific exploration on and off the Earth, astrobiology seems to be establishing itself as a distinct scientific endeavor. . . . Nowhere is this more evident than in the work being done on how life formed on the Earth and evolved with the changing environment. . . . How life has responded to this, and what the implications might be for Earth-like planets around other stars with somewhat different histories, cuts across all the disciplines of astrobiology from astronomy, to planetary and geological sciences, to biology.

PROFESSOR CHRIS IMPEY: Four hundred years ago, Galileo Galilei turned his telescope to the heavens and forever changed the way we view ourselves in relation to the universe. . . . In the past 15 years, technological breakthroughs have led to the discovery of over 400 planets beyond the Solar System. . . . It is plausibly estimated that there are hundreds of millions of habitable locations in the Milky Way, which is just one of billions of galaxies in the universe. . . .

But there is a palpable expectation that the universe harbors life and there is hope that the first discovery is only a few years away. . . .
If biology is not unique to the Earth, or life elsewhere differs bio-chemically from our version, or we ever make contact with an intelligent species in the vastness of space, the implications for our self-image will be profound. It is appropriate that a meeting on this frontier topic is hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. . . .

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a small but very important part of an extensive letter to President Barack Obama. It was written on January 23, 2009 by Dr. Steven Greer, Director and Founder of the Disclosure Project. The following portion of his letter warns about a hoaxed alien threat. We would like to thank Marilyn Brannon for bringing this to our attention. We are responsible for the boldfacing and underlining.

Excerpts of letter warning President Obama of an alien hoax
We are also morally obliged to warn you of an existing highly secretive plan to use advanced technologies to hoax an 'alien attack' on Earth. There exists within the direct control of this Majestic group assets capable of launching such a false flag operation and virtually every person on Earth, as well as most leaders, would be deceived by it. Components of this operation have been tested on the public over the past 50 years and include, but are not limited to:
Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) - these are advanced anti-gravity aircraft that have been fully operational since at least the late 1950s to early 1960s. Many so-called UFO reports by civilians and military personnel are of such ARVs. They constitute an unacknowledged or 'black' Air Force and these ARVs are capable of extraordinary speed, maneuverability and lift/hover. By 2009, these technologies had gone through many generations of refinement and, if deployed, could easily hoax or simulate an Extraterrestrial Vehicle (ETV). (Note that a UFO is a nonspecific term and could be either an ARV or an ETV.)
Programmed Life Forms (PLFs) - these are well-crafted alien-appearing creatures that, while completely manmade, often deceive unknowing people as 'aliens'. The stagecraft, genetics and other sciences associated with these creatures are beyond the scope of this brief, but are very well developed. I have personally been briefed by multiple independent corroborating sources regarding the development and deployment of PLFs. These creatures, used in conjunction with ARVs, have convincingly launched the pop culture fervor over 'alien abductions'. Victims of such paramilitary human-controlled abductions genuinely believe that they have been abducted by 'aliens' and often have physical stigmata and 'implants' to prove it. These implants are also manmade and we have information about the laboratory and corporation making these items. (See attached documents)
Chemical, optical and electromagnetic systems to assist with creating an alteration in awareness are components of the 'stagecraft' used to hoax an 'alien' event.
The vast majority of information in the public domain on the UFO subject is, therefore, carefully orchestrated disinformation designed to prepare the populace, as well as our leaders, for a non-existent 'alien threat'. The psychological warfare implications of this were described in the 1950s in CIA documents and are further elucidated by other documents and testimony. No less a figure than Wernher Von Braun warned of this cosmic deception.
The objective of such a false flag operation is the creation of an enemy in space that would unite the world behind a global military power against such an 'alien threat'. President Reagan and other leaders have been targeted with such disinformation, which is designed to secure their silence or cooperation with the agenda of secrecy and space weaponization. The President needs to be careful to avoid being similarly deceived.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This letter appeared in the September 2009 issue of the MUFON UFO Journal. MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) is the country’s most recognized UFO investigative organization. The last paragraph is about UFO activity in North Carolina’s southwestern mountains.

Letter to MUFON UFO Journal

Dear Editor,

One can’t help but be impressed with the rapid growth of sighting reports worldwide. With each issue of our Journal, it is becoming more and more apparent.

In my community, people – when finding out that I am a MUFON investigator and researcher – are approaching me as never before and telling me of their sightings – in some cases more than one. Most of them act surprised when I tell them that their seeing a UFO is no longer unusual. Of course these are the best reports, as they are not sharing their story with any attempt to make things up. Often they act sheepish in telling me, even knowing they will not be frowned upon. Along with craft sightings, I am also having more and more persons taking pictures that have orbs in them. A lady the other day asked me what these “strange circles” were on one of her pictures. She had taken a rapid series of pictures at night of her family with a mountain in the background. It had not been raining. Of the four photos, only one had these circles. I told her they may be orbs, and that I would like to see that picture. She responded, “and what are orbs?” No fakery here!

Here in southwestern North Carolina near and around the town of Cashiers there have been a number of spectacular sightings and communications from the craft repeatedly appearing in that vicinity. This can be found on the extensive website If our membership has not yet visited that website, they need to. Mentioned there is also an accounting of the massive sized craft identifying itself as the Blue Moon, and its messages to us.

Donald Cooper
MUFON Investigator and Researcher
Spruce Pine, NC

Russian newspaper PRAVDA article
October 18, 2009

U.S. Scientist says scores of UFOs fly around the Sun

Shortly after Hurricane Katrina caused terrible havoc to the Gulf Coast in August 2005, U.S. meteorologist Scott Stevens declared that the natural catastrophe had been generated by Russian scientists. This time around, he accused NASA of concealing data relayed to Earth by SOHO, an orbital solar telescope.

SOHO is a joint project by NASA and the European Space Agency. It is currently at a distance of 1.5 million kilometers away from Earth. The orbital telescope takes pictures of the solar flares and prominences as well as comets that fly past the Sun.

Several thousand photographs have been already taken. Some are posted on the NASA website. However, a larger part of them are still unprocessed by specialists due to an immense amount of data coming from SOHO. This is hardly surprising since researchers still have not had time to study thousands of photographs of the Moon, Mars and Venus taken by the U.S. and Soviet probes.

Rumors about UFOs being photographed by SOHO have been circulating for a long while. NASA would not comment on those rumors or blame irregularities during the transmission of digital images to Earth.

Scott Steven maintains he has analyzed all photographs available in the SOHO archives. He claims to have found several perfectly identical objects on the photographs taken during a number of years. Therefore, the researcher says, it would be only logical to point out that UFOs would have never been the objects of the same size and form if stardust or residual solar plasma had really caused those “irregularities.”

“I am confident that UFOs are flying in the vicinity of our star,” says Stevens. “I am talking about a fleet of UFOs operating near the Sun. I believe that both NASA and the U.S. government are aware of the existence of a certain civilization whose spacecraft are capable of resisting extremely high temperatures. The powers that be are simply afraid to admit the fact. They haven’t yet decided on the tactics,” says Stevens.

Another Stevens’ theory has to do with extraterrestrial activity involving UFOs near the Sun. According to the theory, UFOs are usually photographed by SOHO prior to large solar flares caused by some experiments conducted by aliens. *

* The article goes on to quote Russian scientists who disagree with this theory and say the solar flare maximums and minimums are due to a 100-year cycle of the Sun that is apart from the well-known 11-year cycle.



Grandmother Tells About Mysterious Cherokee Lights
By Mary Joyce

For years she’s collected wisdom stories directly from the elders of many tribes. Now, like those elders, she sometimes is mocked for her beliefs. Consequently, she only agreed to talk to me about the mysterious “Cherokee Lights” on January 31, 2009 if I referred to her simply as “Grandmother.”

“I haven’t always lived in North Carolina,” Grandmother explained, “so I didn’t see the Cherokee Lights until the early 1990s. Nine of us went up to Thomas Knob overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway one Saturday evening in late May. It’s a place where many people have seen the Lights. We waited and waited. It got to be 8 o’clock, 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock and nothing happened.

“Finally we started singing. Well, we hadn’t been singing more than five minutes when we saw some small lights across the valley that made us think of fireflies. The patterns of the lights were erratic, but then they started to get closer and bigger. Then they just disappeared.

“Next we looked directly down into the valley and saw baseball-size lights that were about a football field away from us. There were seven and they just started moving up toward us. Of course our singing kind of got raggedy and faded away when that happened. As our singing faded so did the Lights.

“According to Old Ones” she explained, “The Lights are not coming from out there but are from here. We believe the Cherokee Lights at Thomas Knob are spirits that have dropped the robe or have left the body.

“It’s important that people know the Cherokee Lights are not anything new,” Grandmother added. “The elderly residents at the Tsali Care Center in Cherokee and some of their visitors have told me about seeing The Lights and even recall their grandparents talking about The Lights.

“You’ve got to figure that people in their 80s would have been born in the 1920s and their grandparents would have been born 40, 50 or 60 years before that. That means people in Cherokee were seeing The Lights in the 1800s before real roads and cars were in the area.

“Before they built the Blue Ridge Parkway,” Grandmother said, “the Cherokees would go up to the ridge from Big Cove after sprout time began to search for ramps and healing herbs. That might explain why so many of the Lights have been seen in early spring.

“There was one particularly strong story that a Tsali resident told me,” Grandmother continued. “She was at least in her 70s. She told me that when she was a girl a group of young people drove up to look for The Lights. At first they saw only pin pricks of light across the valley but then they came closer and closer. She said they were balls of soft light that didn’t have hard edges. She said The Lights didn’t move in straight lines but in different patterns.

“The elderly woman said one girl got out of the car and just stood there as the lights came toward her. One ball of light, as big as a basketball, came right up next to her. At that point the girl freaked out, jumped back into the car and they quickly drove down the mountain.”

Almost as a footnote, Grandmother added “You don’t just walk in and shove a microphone in front of elderly residents at Tsali Care Center. They only opened up with me because I visited someone there daily for several years. One old grandmother once told me ‘until you can get close enough to me to feel my breath and smell my body, I’m not going to talk to you.’ There has to be respect, trust and an energy connection before they will share their stories.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: You can read another testimony about the Cherokee Lights in the Sky Ship Testimony section. It’s from David Pannell and was received at this website on October 12, 2008.


Mary Joyce is a former newspaper writer, columnist and editor who has worked for The Oakland Press in suburban Detroit and The Orlando Sentinel in Orlando, Florida.

[and lower down at the link]"

Three Generations See UFOs Over Cashiers
By Mary Joyce

Eight-year-old Devon Heenan, along with her mother and grandmother, saw three Sky Ships (UFOs) over the old Raggedy Ann shop on Norton Road in Cashiers, NC on July 5, 2008.

"We've all been looking up in the sky a lot," says Devon's mother, Glynis Heenan, "since I first saw three Sky Ships from our porch on June 28.

"At least one of us has seen them nearly every night since then," says Grace Heenan, Devon's grandmother. "But this is the first time we've all seen them at the same time."

"We started our search at Whiteside," says Glynis, "because many of the Sky Ships we've seen from our home appear to be over that mountain. We drove on Highway 64 and pulled off at a place where we could get a good view of the mountain, but we didn't stay there long because the mosquitoes were awful. Then, just as we were leaving that spot, we looked up and there was a Sky Ship right above us."

"That's the only one we saw there," says Grace, "but we followed it north on Norton Road."

"As we came past the old Raggedy Ann shop," says Glynis "we pulled off the road and then we saw three Sky Ships. They were rainbow colored, much larger than any star, and seemed to be coming toward us from the south, or from the Whiteside area. This was the first time my eight-year-old daughter actually saw one and she was excited to finally see what I'd been talking about all week.

"Then there were some cars behind us," Glynis continues, "so we drove on toward Laurel Knob. After turning there, we pulled off the road next to an open field with a clear view of the sky. We turned all the lights off and poked our heads out the sunroof."

"Again we saw three Sky Ships" says Grace.

"At this third stop," says Glynis, "one Sky Ship was east of us, another straight above us and the third was due west. Basically, they were in a straight line. Then the clouds came and we went home."

"We got home about 10:30 P.M. after scouting for Sky Ships for about an hour," says Grace.


Mary Joyce is a former newspaper writer, columnist and editor who has worked for The Oakland Press in suburban Detroit and The Orlando Sentinel in Orlando, Florida.


688 posted on 08/29/2010 7:26:40 PM PDT by Quix (C THE PLAN of the Bosses:
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