Great find Salvation! I will visit these sites and send my son to take a look. Less than a year til he leaves for seminary now, and the paperwork process has begun.
It is daunting and exhausting in its volume, as well as a day and a half psych exam, meetings with the bishop and a full medical exam. He has to write an autobiography, answer countless questionnaires, and this is just the first step. Any or all of his answers could disqualify or delay his entry. Please pray for us, and let the Catholic group know that we need their prayers, now more than ever.
It doesn’t take a village to raise a child, but it takes an army to battle evil! Thanks for all your pings and God Bless you in your ministry here!
Thanks for the details. I don’t think a lot of Catholics, let alone the general public are aware of the strenuous preparation for entering the seminary. The day and a half psych examination would daunt anyone!
Prayers for your son!