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ND Scandal and Pope John Paul II's forgotten Prayer
Vatican: Encyclical Evangelium Vitae | March 25, 1995 | Pope John Paul II

Posted on 05/15/2009 12:21:24 PM PDT by topher

O Mary Bright Dawn of the New World

O Mary!
Bright dawn of the new world,
Mother of the living,
to you do we entrust the cause of life:

Look down, O Mother,
upon the vast numbers
of babies not allowed to be born,
of the poor whose lives are made difficult,
of men and women
who are victims of brutal violence,
of the elderly and the sick killed
by indifference or out of misguided mercy.

Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of life
with honesty and love
to the people of our time.

Obtain for them the grace to accept
That Gospel as a gift ever new,
the joy of celebrating it with gratitude throughout
their lives
and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely,
In order to build, together with all people of good will,
the civilization of truth and love,
to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life.

Pope John Paul II, March 25, 1995
From the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae
On the occasion of the Feast of the Annunication

TOPICS: Catholic
KEYWORDS: catholic; evangeliumvitae; frjenkins; johnpaulii; jpii; ndscandal; notredame; notredamescandal; prayer
I call this the "forgotten prayer", as I do not see it used by any pro-life organizations...

Certainly, if people were to recite this at Notre Dame and elsewhere, maybe abortion, and other issues of the Culture of Death would not be as bad -- in my opinion...

1 posted on 05/15/2009 12:21:24 PM PDT by topher
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To: topher
At the Cross, Mary weeps for her Son.
In today's world, Mary weeps for all the aborted children.

2 posted on 05/15/2009 4:43:56 PM PDT by Salvation ( †With God all things are possible.†)
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To: All
Pray the Rosary. 
Pray without ceasing.

3 posted on 05/15/2009 4:44:43 PM PDT by Salvation ( †With God all things are possible.†)
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To: topher; Salvation
This prayer is at the end of Evangelium Vitae -- just before the footnotes (Pope John Paul II had 142 footnotes in this Encyclical).

A link to the Encyclical and this prayer:

Evangelium Vitae: Issued by Pope John Paul II on March 25, 1995 --

4 posted on 05/15/2009 7:58:52 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher
The prayer in French:

O Marie, Aurore du Monde Nouveau!

O Marie,
aurore du monde nouveau,
Mère des vivants,
nous te confions la cause de la vie:
regarde, ô Mère, le nombre immense
des enfants que l'on empêche de naître,
des pauvres pour qui la vie est rendue difficile,
des hommes et des femmes
victimes d'une violence inhumaine,
des vieillards et des malades tués
par l'indifférence
ou par une pitié fallacieuse.
Fais que ceux qui croient en ton Fils
sachent annoncer aux hommes de notre temps
avec fermeté et avec amour
l'Evangile de la vie.
Obtiens-leur la grâce de l'accueillir
comme un don toujours nouveau,
la joie de le célébrer avec reconnaissance
dans toute leur existence
et le courage d'en témoigner
avec une ténacité active, afin de construire,
avec tous les hommes de bonne volonté,
la civilisation de la vérité et de l'amour,
à la louange et à la gloire de Dieu
Créateur qui aime la vie.

Link to French version of Evangelium Vitae is:

Evangelium Vitae in French

5 posted on 05/15/2009 8:11:00 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher
Prayer in Spanish:

Oh María, Aurora del Mundo Nuevo!

Oh María,
aurora del mundo nuevo,
Madre de los vivientes,
a Ti confiamos la causa de la vida:
mira, Madre, el número inmenso
de niños a quienes se impide nacer,
de pobres a quienes se hace difícil vivir, de hombres y mujeres víctimas
de violencia inhumana,
de ancianos y enfermos muertos
a causa de la indiferencia
o de una presunta piedad.
Haz que quienes creen en tu Hijo
sepan anunciar con firmeza y amor
a los hombres de nuestro tiempo
el Evangelio de la vida.
Alcánzales la gracia de acogerlo
como don siempre nuevo,
la alegría de celebrarlo con gratitud
durante toda su existencia
y la valentía de testimoniarlo
con solícita constancia, para construir,
junto con todos los hombres de buena voluntad,
la civilización de la verdad y del amor,
para alabanza y gloria de Dios Creador
y amante de la vida.

Link to Spanish version of Evangelium Vitae:

Spanish version of Evangelium Vitae --

6 posted on 05/15/2009 8:22:20 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher
Italian version:

O Maria, Aurora del Mondo Nuovo!

O Maria,
aurora del mondo nuovo,
Madre dei viventi,
affidiamo a Te la causa della vita:
guarda, o Madre, al numero sconfinato
di bimbi cui viene impedito di nascere,
di poveri cui è reso difficile vivere,
di uomini e donne vittime di disumana violenza,
di anziani e malati uccisi dall'indifferenza
o da una presunta pietà.
Fà che quanti credono nel tuo Figlio
sappiano annunciare con franchezza e amore
agli uomini del nostro tempo
il Vangelo della vita.
Ottieni loro la grazia di accoglierlo
come dono sempre nuovo,
la gioia di celebrarlo con gratitudine
in tutta la loro esistenza
e il coraggio di testimoniarlo
con tenacia operosa, per costruire,
insieme con tutti gli uomini di buona volontà,
la civiltà della verità e dell'amore
a lode e gloria di Dio creatore e amante della vita.

Italian Version of Evangelium Vitae:

7 posted on 05/15/2009 8:29:04 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher
Portuguese Version of Prayer:

Ó Maria, Aurora do Mundo Novo!

Ó Maria,
aurora do mundo novo,
Mãe dos viventes,
confiamo-Vos a causa da vida:
olhai, Mãe,
para o número sem fim
de crianças a quem é impedido nascer,
de pobres para quem se torna difícil viver,
de homens e mulheres
vítimas de inumana violência,
de idosos e doentes assassinados
pela indiferença
ou por uma presunta compaixão.
Fazei com que todos aqueles que crêem
no vosso Filho
saibam anunciar com desassombro e amor
aos homens do nosso tempo
o Evangelho da vida.
Alcançai-lhes a graça de o acolher
como um dom sempre novo,
a alegria de o celebrar com gratidão
em toda a sua existência,
e a coragem para o testemunhar
com laboriosa tenacidade,
para construírem,
juntamente com todos os homens
de boa vontade,
a civilização da verdade e do amor,
para louvor e glória de Deus Criador
e amante da vida.

Link to Evangelium Vitae in Portuguese:

Evangelium Vitae in Portuguese --

The prayer is on a separate webpage:

Evangelium Vitae Prayer/Conclusion --

8 posted on 05/15/2009 8:40:55 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher

Eu gosto muito o portugues.

9 posted on 05/15/2009 8:44:52 PM PDT by aruanan
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To: topher
Prayer in German:

O Maria, Morgenröte der Neuen Welt

O Maria,
Morgenröte der neuen Welt,
Mutter der Lebendigen,
Dir vertrauen wir die Sache des Lebens an:
o Mutter, blicke auf die grenzenlose Zahl
von Kindern, denen verwehrt wird, geboren zu werden,
von Armen, die es schwer haben zu leben,
von Männern und Frauen,
die Opfer unmenschlicher Gewalt wurden,
von Alten und Kranken,
die aus Gleichgültigkeit
oder angeblichem Mitleid getötet wurden.
Bewirke, daß alle,
die an deinen Sohn glauben,
den Menschen unserer Zeit
mit Freimut und Liebe
das Evangelium vom Leben verkünden können.
Vermittle ihnen die Gnade, es anzunehmen
als je neues Geschenk
die Freude, es über ihr ganzes Dasein hinweg
in Dankbarkeit zu feiern,
und den Mut, es mit mühseliger Ausdauer
zu bezeugen,
um zusammen mit allen Menschen
guten Willens
die Zivilisation der Wahrheit und der Liebe
zu errichten,
zum Lob und zur Herrlichkeit Gottes,
des Schöpfers und Freundes des Lebens.

Link to Index of Evangelium Vitae in German:

Index of Evangelium Vitae in German --

Link to Conclusion/Prayer of Evangelium Vitae in German:

Conclusion of Evangelium Vitae and prayer in German --

10 posted on 05/15/2009 8:49:59 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: aruanan
I speak/understand very little of the Romance languages...

I have attended Spanish and Portuguese Masses... Very few French Masses... I have probably attended more Vietnamese Masses, and all of them (though I don't understand the language) was very wonderful...

11 posted on 05/15/2009 8:57:47 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher
The prayer in Polish (Pope John Paul's native language):

O Maryjo, Jutrzenko Nowego Świata

O Maryjo,
jutrzenko nowego świata,
Matko żyjących,
Tobie zawierzamy sprawę życia:
spójrz, o Matko, na niezliczone rzesze
dzieci, którym nie pozwala się przyjść na świat,
ubogich, którzy zmagają się z trudnościami życia,
mężczyzn i kobiet — ofiary nieludzkiej przemocy,
starców i chorych zabitych przez obojętność
albo fałszywą litość.
Spraw, aby wszyscy wierzący w Twojego Syna
potrafili otwarcie i z miłością głosić
ludziom naszej epoki
Ewangelię życia.
Wyjednaj im łaskę przyjęcia jej
jako zawsze nowego daru,
radość wysławiania jej z wdzięcznością
w całym życiu
oraz odwagę czynnego i wytrwałego
świadczenia o niej,
aby mogli budować,
wraz z wszystkimi ludźmi dobrej woli,
cywilizację prawdy i miłości
na cześć i chwałę Boga Stwórcy,
który miłuje życie.

Link to Index of Evangelium Vitae in Polish:

Index of Evangelium Vitae in Polish --

Link to Prayer/Conclusion of Evangelium Vitae in Polish:

Prayer/Conclusion in Polish --

12 posted on 05/15/2009 9:07:27 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher
Finally, Link to Evangelium Vitae in Latin and the prayer in Latin:

O Maria, Orbis Novi diluculum!

O Maria,
orbis novi diluculum,
Mater viventium,
causam omnem tibimet vitae commendamus:
multitudinem, Mater, respice innumeram
infantium quibus interdicitur ne nascantur,
pauperum quibus vivere ipsum redditur asperum,
mulierum et virorum quibus inhumana crudelitas infligitur,
senum atque aegrotantium quibus indifferens animus
mortem attulit pietasve fucata.
Credentes tuum in Filium effice
ut Evangelium vitae
candide sciant amanterque
nostrae aetatis hominibus nuntiare.
Ipsis gratiam impetrato
ut veluti novum usque donum illud amplexentur,
laetitiam vero ut memori mente
in vitae suae perpetuitate id venerentur,
pariter constantiam
ut actuosa idem tenacitate testificentur
unde universis cum bonae voluntatis hominibus
civilem veritatis amorisque cultum exstruere possint,
ad Dei vitae Conditoris et amatoris laudem atque gloriam.

Link to Evangelium Vitae in Latin. Prayer is at Conclusion before footnotes...

Evangelium Vitae in Latin --

13 posted on 05/15/2009 9:16:45 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher
O Mary Bright Dawn of the New World!

O Mary!
Bright dawn of the new world,
Mother of the living,
to you do we entrust the cause of life:

Look down, O Mother,
upon the vast numbers
of babies not allowed to be born,
of the poor whose lives are made difficult,
of men and women
who are victims of brutal violence,
of the elderly and the sick killed
by indifference or out of misguided mercy.

Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of life
with honesty and love
to the people of our time.

Obtain for them the grace to accept
That Gospel as a gift ever new,
the joy of celebrating it with gratitude throughout their lives
and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely,
In order to build, together with all people of good will,
the civilization of truth and love,
to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life.

Pope John Paul II, March 25, 1995
From the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae
On the occasion of the Feast of the Annunication

14 posted on 05/16/2009 9:22:02 AM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher
Contacting Radio Veritas Asia -- about getting other copies of the prayer...
15 posted on 05/17/2009 2:15:09 PM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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To: topher
Apparently a "google search" of resulted in only "Evangelium Vitae" being posted, not this prayer as a prayer...

I need to make people aware of this prayer!

16 posted on 05/19/2009 11:00:46 AM PDT by topher (Let us return to old-fashioned morality - morality that has stood the test of time...)
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